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what's up everyone and welcome back to top five central amusement parks and carnival spend millions of dollars developing crazy rides that thousands of people could go on daily but one thing that really misses the headlines are the smaller homemade ones that people actually build in their own backyards so today we're gonna look at ten of the most insane backyard rides ever made anyways if this video could break ten thousand Mike's I'll mail each and every single one of you a pancake but with that said let's get right into the video number ten so most kids are lucky to have a normal swing set in their house growing up but this well this is on a whole new level I mean this wing goes a full 360 degrees so you can go all the way around the only question is if you're brave enough like there's those seatbelts or harness all you can do is hold on tight but if you're not scared of being completely upside down about as high as a rooftop then that shouldn't be a problem [Music] [Music] [Music] the perfect world number nine tons of people like to brag about having cool grandparents but I don't think anyone has a cooler grandpa than this kid like seriously this guy started building his granddaughter a rollercoaster in his backyard the second he knew she was on the way but that was only the beginning now she has a complete carnival to play on with a roller coaster of Marysville and even a freaking carousel the best part is she lives right next door so she could run around and play anytime she wants with that said I have no idea what he's gonna get her for Christmas because her birthday present so far have been pretty hard to be the rattling of the tracks the whoosh of applause you listen closely what you hear on this ride is love yeah when I was little pop always wanted it but I could never had enough of this Jimmy White made an amusement park in his backyard a ferris wheel a carousel and yes a roller coaster all built from scrap parts and all for his first grandchild Sophia the coaster track is PVC the supports wood and cement I just kind of started let the PVC pipe flow it starts from a second-floor deck and loops the car locked onto the track I kind of seen seen it on TV you know roller coaster there just gravity fed as well I got something hot here I could do it I did it number eight so most carnival rides look super complicated but it turns out if you have a big enough fact yard and some serious determination they're not too difficult to recreate at home I mean this guy managed to recreate a whole spinning carousel with just some spare metal and an old trailer to mount it on like it doesn't go super fast and it's mostly powered by hand but I mean let's be real here it definitely beats just having like an empty one right I made a backyard carnival ride a swing ride for my children it's mounted on a trailer there's five seats well bit up and steel with safety chains to keep them in there good and safe [Music] number seven being obsessed with monorails might not sound like the most exciting hobby in the world but it led to this guy creating something so awesome in his own home like as a kid he would sketch monorail ideas all the time and he even started collecting monorail themed souvenirs when he grew up but after a while that just wasn't enough that's when he finally started working on his own project and ended up with a 300 foot long monorail around his own home circling passes upstairs windows and making his lifelong dream come true [Music] they wait for the back of New York meeting through the trees everything seems to be working well dropping the bottle you'd be attract the homemade monorail successfully completely trip around backyard vocab room this new ride he's already focused on making a bigger and better model number six now what I really like about this story is that this guy had no experience designing or building rollercoasters he just woke up one day and wanted to build something cool now for the rest of us maybe we end up with like the worst slide ever that breaks a day after but this guy built a full-on metal roller coaster and it looks insane like he built the whole thing out of scrap metal he collected it and even though wasn't insane amount of work he even built a smaller one just ten years later for younger people the fact that the big one has a upside-down loop and it's all homemade is so cool well let me know by leaving a comment down below if you'd ride it or chickened out I mean I definitely go on it in a heartbeat but let me know down in the comments he built a backyard roller coaster called the blue flash I bet truck drivers come here and asked me what was in that yard up the road you ready that's a roller coaster [Music] you know there's lots of good engineers that design rollercoasters big coasters not in their backyard you know yeah there we go without any prior experience he collected and then welded scrap metal here we go over to top into a 24 second thrill ride this is the downhill downhill drop I had heard about it the helix basically number five this guy's promotional video might be a little bit goofy but I've got to be honest what he's managed to build looks totally awesome he calls it the gyrotron which is basically a giant human gyroscope that you could easily control I mean yeah it does look a little silly but who doesn't love spinning upside down as fast as you could possibly go even better if you start feeling a little sick or dizzy don't worry because all you have to do if you want to slow things down is just stand up I got to admit this is kind of genius because apparently he rents these things out at parties and events which would definitely spice things up number four now for most kids having a pool in your backyard is already super cool but this family decided to take things one step further how well they added a slide of course but they didn't just drive to the nearest store and pick one up instead they actually built the whole thing themselves and ended up with a huge slide that starts all the way back at their house not just that but it lets you guy there's some serious speed because it's so steep and long making it way better than some little like kiddie slide you could buy a Walmart [Music] alright number three now this coaster may look totally adorable but don't be fooled the speed that kicks out when it's going full throttle is no joke like considering the whole thing was handmade out of steel and wood the sharp turns and mini ramps and includes are super impressive not to mention the drop even better it looks like it's been built around like some sort of climbing frame complete with its own slide so if you ever manage to get sick of the coaster itself the ride doesn't have to end there pretty cool right [Music] number two if the last 360 slide we showed you looked awesome but just a little bit too terrifying don't worry this is probably the perfect backyard ride for you I mean it's still a ride that flips you upside down 30 feet up in the air so it's not exactly relaxing but this one adds feet and hand straps that make it even safer than a trampoline not just that the counter weights that drive the movement can also be adjusted meaning you could use that as like a cute little carnival ride or even as a hardcore workout with that said I can totally see this ride being puke City but hey it doesn't make it any less fun [Music] number one you might think homemade coasters are some sort of like modern fad but let me tell you if they've been around and a lot longer than you might think I mean the termite is one of the most famous backyard rides ever created and people are talking about it way back in 1989 this roller coaster started out small but ended up dropping off the actual roof of the house it was so much fun that he even ended up in National Geographic definitely really cool but I don't know if putting a baby on this thing was a good idea [Music] [Music] there's our video on the top 10 craziest backyards ever made if you enjoyed the video please feel free to leave a like down below and subscribe so you see whenever I upload a video also if you're on top 5 or top San I do feel free to zurka me handy form in the description is submitted with that said thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 4,913,876
Rating: 4.866776 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 5, top 10 homemade rides, top 10 homemade rides you wont believe exist, top 10 homemade waterslides, top 10 homdemade rollercoasters, backyard rides, homemade rides, homemade waterslides, waterslides, water slides, water slide, rollercoasters, roller coasters, rides, fun, family friendly, new, video, viral
Id: jTp39EVTbF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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