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what's up everyone and welcome back to top five central today we're looking at the top five kids that got caught stealing part two anyways if you hate people who steal make sure to drop a like on the video right now also if you could steal anything in the world and it'd be totally fine what would you steal and why let me know in the comments below but with that said let's get right into the video number five Adam Sayla is a youtuber who's known for making controversial prank and social experiment videos from the time he got kicked off a Delta Airlines flight to the time he made a video about abusing a dog as a social experiment he's never far from a bit of drama however on July 18th and 2016 Adam Sayla wasn't the center of the drama a kid on his video was so to give a bit of explanation after a fun day out rollerblading and exploring an abandoned Zoo he comes across a bunch of kids for some reason the kids asked Adam to follow them to the zoo but that's when one of the kids ran up to him and asked him if he could use Adams phone to call his mom now I know what you're thinking they're just a bunch of kids what's the worst that could happen well I'm sure Adam thought that too but as soon as he handed his phone over the kids tried to run away now fortunately for Adam he managed to grab the kids shirt before he could get away with his phone and he went on to give the kid a bit of a lecture now when I find kind of respectable though is that he doesn't take the kids to the cops which is probably something I would have done but he actually sends the kid back to his friends I mean getting stuff like that on your record could seriously hurt your career so if you ever think about stealing just don't okay holy the lizard is the laser you see it hi guys I'm scary ish really scary ish this is like I abandoned zoo and I don't think I think these human beings are animals because this kid kept like begging me like calm calm I'm like what the heck you know usually they should be scared right I'm scared is that I'm so scared animals like that you me to call your mom you sure yeah why trying to do phones is that good to see phones it's not funny huh you're gonna take it to the police so you let me take it to your mom which one huh don't steal phones I'm okay okay that's not good go back to you front those kids literally try to rob my phone yeah a little 8 in 11 you try to rob my freaking number four so I'm not sure what the kid in this video tried to steal but his mom didn't seem too worried so it probably wasn't anything serious either way an attempt to make her son understand that stealing is bad she doesn't one thing that would make any kid mortified she pretends to call the cops so in the video the six-year-old kid is obviously pretty upset and tries to convince his mom not to call the police he says that he won't steal anymore and his mom has to trust him but his mom's obviously pulling a pretty mean prank on her son so he learns his lesson to never steal again even funnier though there's even a part where the kid takes his mom phone so she can't call the cops but he does eventually hand the phone back over so yeah she goes through with it and acts like she's on the phone with the police and claims that the kid has learned his lesson which he obviously agrees with now she ends the conversation by saying that they'll see if he ever steals again I think he probably never will they may take you [Music] hello yeah yeah police yeah you remember I college really until you buy Jordan still in yeah we're at harps right now you coming up here together I think he learned his lesson though did you learn your lesson Jordan are you gonna still again look at me are you sure you promise he's not gonna steal again we're gonna see if he does I have to call you back okay number three okay so some kids don't really understand the concept of stealing things and they don't know what'll happen to you after you steal that was basically the case with this six-year-old who stole something pretty small from the local Dollar General and got caught now before the video starts the kid and her mom actually left the store when the mom realized her kid had something she hadn't paid for so they went all the way back so the kid could be taught a valuable lesson about stealing anyways it starts off with their mom walking up to the store manager and explaining that her daughter stole something so the manager asks why the kid apparently didn't know which is a pretty understandable answer when your kids the manager goes on to explain that when someone steals from her she calls the police and presses charges no matter how old they are which means the kid might end up going to jail she then goes on to explain how records work and how the fact that you stole would sit with her forever I mean at that point the kid looks like she's gonna cry at any moment so it's safe to say the key will probably never steal something again especially not a simple pack of cards but you still get a lot a lot of trouble okay are you gonna do this again I don't want you doing anywhere okay anytime you think about taking something I want you to think about the conversation that we're having right now okay and think about how when if you want something really bad it's not worth going to jail okay foodies got a packet cards and she thought they were crayons so what I told her is that we were gonna come back here and give this to you so you give back the merchandise that you stole and what do you say no you say I'm sorry you apologize for what you did because if you are a big girl you would be getting the police called on you right now I don't ever want to see you steal anything ever again do you understand thank you number two the YouTube user David was driving down the street one day and he came across a very strange sight a kid standing on a part of the sidewalk in the middle the road with a giant pink sign hanging from his neck the sign explained how the kid literally stole and wrecked his parents car to impress his friend and now standing there with a sign was his punishment so yeah obviously David approaches the kid and reads out the sign and then notices that the kids brother was across the other side of the road holding an identical sign so then he has to kid what happened and he simply responds that he wrecked his parents brand-new Mercedes apparently throughout the day that could have been through quite a lot with people honking their horns at him laughing at him and telling him that he need to make better choices now I kind of think that's probably the whole point of his punishment and is exactly what his parents were hoping would happen as far as the punishment goes do you guys think this is a fair punishment or just a bit over-the-top let me know in the comments below okay this is gentleman out here I had to stop and ask hey how's it going man how you doing man my name is Davis oh I was just coming out here because I saw this sign and I had to get it on video for a reason America let me just see it real quick I stole and wrecked my parents car to impress my friends this is my punishment oh my goodness are you serious is that your brother over there too close another sign okay I got to ask you something what happened actually you took the car and trying to have fun what kind of car was it it was a Mercedes you know I mean so all this applies to everybody so I just want to tell you ma'am hey I commend you being angry man I commend your parents man Saint mili a ting but hey man you're gonna do you're gonna do right but you can do right it's gonna be a lesson learned man hi brother number one so if you don't know already which I really hope you do if someone steals they're going to jail that's honestly just the rules adults live by it but things are a little bit different for kids when they still be usually won't go to prison it will likely get told off or scared by their parents so they won't do it again the point is the kids don't know that it's all the way to make them see the consequences of their actions and so yeah and this video little dance solo flashlight and it's grandma found out and she really wasn't happy about it at all so just like the majority of other videos we've showcased she goes on to tell Dan that he's going to jail because he was stealing and immediately he burst into tears and says that he doesn't want to go to jail honestly out of all the kids on this list Dan has the most extreme reaction to the possibility of going to jail because by halfway through the video he's basically throwing a full-blown Pantera I'm screaming as loud as he can now eventually his grandma manages to get him to calm down enough to convince him to go back to the store return the flashlight and apologize for taking it without paying for it and by the end of the video it's safe to say with that much crying after being told he's gonna have to go to jail you probably won't even say the word steal out loud ever again jail you will steal it what happens if you still okay were you taking the flashlight off the store do we pay for it okay what does that call okay when you sit yeah but the jail has to be your new home for a while are you ever going to steal anything again are you sure okay well you need to get out the car and go back in there and tell the police tell the people you are sorry because you was walking out this door with the flashlight you understand let's go and there's a video on the top five kids who got caught stealing part two if you enjoyed the video please feel free to leave a like down below and subscribe so you see whenever I upload a video also if you ever want top 5 or top 10 idea feel free to zerk shimmy handy form in the description is mitt it with that said thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 5,817,547
Rating: 4.703094 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 5 kids caught stealing, top 5 kids caught stealing on camera, top 5 kids that got caught stealing, top 5 kids who stole, top 5 kids that stole from stores, kids caught stealing, kid caught stealing, kids caught stealing on camera, kids caught red handed stealing, new, video, viral
Id: k61GpUZkhcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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