Top 5 Programming Languages in 2022 to Get a Job

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top programming language videos suck they're usually based on opinion or to put a certain language at the top so you buy someone's course my formula though is based on four weighted categories and i've created a groundbreaking math formula to do this with pure data because what programmers love more than subjective rankings material objects and human affection is cold hard data and bear in mind this is the top language to get a job so we're mostly using job data here those categories are full-time jobs on freelance jobs on how many developers use a given language at work which is taken from the stack overflow developer survey of over 10 000 developers worldwide and then finally the trend line is it going up down or flat year over year now if you don't care about methodology and just care about the ranking you can skip ahead but the methodology is honestly interesting because you might be more concerned about one category for example full-time jobs than another so first we get the full-time jobs number from by searching for that language then we sum up all the jobs for every language take the percentage of this language's jobs from the total jobs and then weight that by 0.3 because we have those three other categories there's a few biases built into this indeed number because one job post especially back-end job posts can have multiple languages listed for example a back-end job can say you need either python or java or c-sharp and that same job is going to get counted in all the categories so like i said it's not a perfect model category number two we do pretty much the same thing for upwork as we did for indeed we search for language get the number of jobs and divide it by the total jobs for all languages even if you're not interested in freelancing it's a bit more accurate than indeed because most freelance job posts only have one language listed and it is interesting how big the delta is for some different languages like php which is much more well suited for freelancing but we'll get into that soon and we weight the freelance jobs percentage by 0.3 as well next we look at what languages are actually used at work and we pulled this from the 2022 stack overflow developer survey just released by the way a lot of interesting data in there so the specific answer we're looking for for this one is the language used at work section and if you're full stack you might even use three or four languages at the same time we already have a percentage here so we pull it directly and also weight this category by 0.3 and finally we look at the trends we compare the same stat from 2021 to 2022 and see what the change is if the difference is less than one percent we mark it as flat the trend is one percent down or more meaning one percent less people use it then we mark it as trending down and if it's one percent up or more we mark it as trending up we assign either a 0.25 or 0.5 round flat and training up respectively and then multiply that number by point one and this gives us the complete formula percent of indeed jobs times point three plus percent of upwork jobs times point three percent used at work times point three plus trending up or down times 0.1 okay now i ran the formula for 12 different languages let's run through each one from lowest to highest and i'm not going to be reading out all the stats for you i'll show them on the screen and i'll insert just a bit of commentary alright last place we have ruby which was really popular for web development in the past with the rails framework but it's been trending down year after year after year noteworthy here there's still a lot of jobs on indeed for ruby it's not totally dead but two or three more years we'll see okay next we have the three mobile languages grouped together which is interesting because they're also grouped together in how loved they are but in ascending order we have swift with about five percent kotlin with six and then dart aka flutter with 7.5 now the main difference between these three is swift is for ios kotlin is for android and dart aka flutter is cross platform here's the interesting part if we just looked at the number of jobs swift and kotlin would be far ahead of dart but what pushed dart into the lead was the strong uptrend growth which makes sense because with dart you only have to maintain one code base for both android and ios in terms of jobs on indeed though kotlin had the most and also the most people used it at work according to stack overflow survey almost twice as much as swift which is interesting because that would seem like people are building android and not ios apps anyway if you're set on mobile it seems like any of these would be a fine choice but if you want to catch the upward trend then flutter is the way to go all right next on the list we have rust which has a eight percent score which is still quite low on the list but the interesting part is rust is both the fastest growing on the trend line and the most loved language of all like literally out of all the programming languages if you don't know rust is kind of replacing very low level languages like c and it's also used for solana web 3 programming so i see a lot of people talking about rust because it's really up and coming in absolute terms it's still not that high though it also had the lowest score in terms of freelancing jobs so this is really not the language to learn if you want to freelance hopefully keep an eye on rust and i think it could be a very interesting language to learn for your second third or fourth language once you learn one of the core fundamental ones next on the list we have go or golang it's around 12 percent trend is also going up and this has kind of been a rising language for years now where there is quite a lot of jobs on indeed and it seems like go is going to pass php next year because php's trending down go continues to just go up year over year and next in the ranking at number six we're almost to the top five is php which has 12.29 people have said php is a dying language for years and and to be honest it is really trending that way where there are not that many jobs on indeed for it but if you look at how many people use it at work it's still above 20 and the really surprising part is it's actually number two in terms of the number of freelancing jobs so so many people still need php who are looking for freelancers so that's interesting okay let's move into the top five with number five being c plus plus with 12.83 and we're getting into the ones that have a lot of jobs on indeed this has 80 000 jobs on indeed which is like 20 or 30 times more than rust which is kind of a direct competitor to c plus plus worth noting too that c plus plus is ranked very low for upwork jobs all right number four we have c sharp mostly used for net framework web development game development and it's a very multi-purpose language almost as many jobs as c plus on indeed twice as many freelancing jobs and actually 30 percent of people use it at work which is almost one in three okay now we're in the top three so for number three we have java java's trend is flat one in three people use it at work the only thing that really brought it down is the upwork score is quite low at only five thousand jobs and honestly the only reason it's number three is because the top two languages are just so dominant so let's move into number two which is python which has the most jobs on but just bear in mind what i said earlier about back-end jobs almost always just having python in the job listing python also captures data science and machine learning jobs so it's a very versatile language this is a bit awkward because i recently said beginners should not focus on python at all and i still stand by that but but you know the data does show that there's way way worse things you could be learning it takes the number two spot for amount of people who use it at work almost half of everyone uses it and as crazy as it is the trend is still going up even though it already has above 40 percent so finally we have number one with a score of 40 overall it's javascript guys come on things that pushed it way over the edge were almost 70 of people using it at work chances are you're definitely gonna need javascript in your career so it's just a no-brainer to learn it js also has the most jobs on upwork by three times the second place one we talk about javascript a lot here on the channel for good reason the data completely backs it up and that's pretty much it so before we wrap up i just want to say just because something is highly ranked it doesn't mean you should learn it because languages have different learning curves different quote unquote meta skills you need to learn for example you can't really write python without knowing databases too and also more jobs usually means there's more developers too so it doesn't paint the complete picture of the supply and demand of a given language but with that being said i think these results are pretty good i think this is way better than my ranking last year but let me know what you think do you agree with the ranking is there anything you'd weight more heavily is there any language you personally think is better for getting a job than what we've talked about here with that being said if you like this video subscribe and stick around got morphe on the way talk to you soon [Music] you
Channel: Aaron Jack
Views: 747,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, web development, javascript, react, learn programming, learn to code, coding, software development, become a software developer, software developer, freelancing, freelance developer, coding tutorials
Id: 9U684GbFST4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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