Why Most Self-Taught Developers Never Land The Job

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maybe this event in your life is the defining moment where you actually start taking charge of things in your life it just comes in the form of transitioning into Tech what's up everybody it's Travis here from travisdom media for the past couple of weeks I've been trying to encourage you guys in your self-taught software Journey from thinking outside the box about your career to getting it certifications to help boost your credibility and today I want to talk about something else that I think you all need to hear and it's that many of you won't land the job not that you can't or you don't have the ability but it's the fact that you'll give up and I used to think this was because people didn't put in the time to learn the code or get good at coding or they get distracted along the way and the learning takes years and they just give it up and while that's true of many I've realized that the real reason mini won't succeed comes later after you've put in all the work which is a shame because you've come this far and here's how it goes you spend months getting good at coding you put in the work you put in the time build the projects learn the algorithms but then comes the phase where you have to prove yourself self and that's where you're going to give up because you don't believe that you can do it that you can convince anyone to take a chance on you you're afraid to step out and do something this uncomfortable many of you haven't had to get out of your comfort zone before and do things that you wouldn't have dreamed yourself doing previously like sitting in front of a panel of mid to senior developers as you work through coding challenges that still frightens me to this day or talking up to a CTO in an interview on why you're the best developer for this position and those are big steps and it's scary and many of you will give up at this point you'll go back to your old construction job or your restaurant job or wherever you previously felt comfortable but I'm here to tell you to do something uncomfortable with your life Remember That Seinfeld episode where George decides he's going to start doing everything opposite than he did previously so he gets up the courage and he walks up to that lady and he's like hi I'm George I'm bald I'm 34 and I live with my parents and the lady goes hi I'm so-and-so and he starts doing everything opposite instead of the same money mundane things that he does every single day and things start going great for him well you need to do something like that to land the job you have to realize that you've always taken the easy Road or the easy jobs and you're gonna have to do the opposite it's easy to go work at Domino's or Walmart but you want to move past that you're going to have to Value the work that you put in the skill set that you've created and you're going to have to start seeing yourself as a huge asset to any employer and you're going to have to start doing things that you would never have dreamed of doing before and that's got to be the new trajectory in your life until you land the job but as soon as you end this video many of you are going to forget this advice and you're gonna quit anyways so let me leave you with five practical things today to think about five tactics to help you out and be sure to stick around for number five as I think is the most important number one downplay the job listings think about this if you want the best players for a basketball team you don't lower the rim down to four feet to see who can dunk it everyone can dunk it instead you raise it to 10 feet and see who and dunk in that scenario only a few can dunk it but the catch is you don't need to dunk to play basketball it's just a plus likewise companies aren't going to lowball their job listings they probably can't afford a senior developer but hey why not list out everything and see what we can get which means they're not expecting you to know all of those things they're trying to get the best bang for the buck so for you downplay it take it more as a I can prove that I can learn any of this quickly mentality and apply anyways if the company ends up calling you then they think something special about you go there and prove it if you don't know all of that stuff tell them how quick you can learn it how eager you are at learning it show them how you think and I don't care what anyone says it's a numbers game up front with enough resumes sent out you will fit in somewhere later you can get more precise with the particulars all right number two start working on your coding problems out loud because you're gonna have to start talking the lingo and you need to practice these words coming off of your tongue you're gonna have to talk out loud as you work through these coding interviews at least that's what they like you to do so you should do it so as you're practicing as you're building out like AWS architecture for example or coding a new feature talk the concepts out loud so you can get used to the terminology so you're building out some networking and AWS talk about it now I'm going to add a VPC and I want to use this subnet range and I want to add an internet gateway get those words in your vocabulary it'll help you feel more confident in your interviews and it'll make it easier to talk with technical people and speaking of interviews it really helps in this time period to be sharp in your thinking and to get some practice with computer science fundamentals and conceptual thinking as you're prepping for these events especially since we're all self-taught right well today's sponsor brilliant can help you out with this brilliant.org is a great way to learn Math logic and computer science interactively brilliant has thousands of lessons from foundational and advanced math to AI data science programming Python and more with new lessons added monthly even today I work through a computational problem solving lesson on interfaces which is a difficult concept for a lot of new programmers it's a fun interactive way to learn and their Hands-On approach is an engaging way to master the key Concepts behind today's technology which is critical to staying ahead it can help fill gaps in your technical capabilities for us you and me it can boost our analytical thinking skills and make us better problem solvers in essence it can help us learn to think better to try everything brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org Travis media the link will also be down in the description also the first 200 of you will get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription now back to the program number three know who you're talking to these are real people with real problems that's CTO that you're talking with you probably had a fight with his wife this morning his kids are probably out of control he's got stuff on his mind but there you are sitting in front of him thinking he's super successful he's got his life together he's living the dream but he's a real person just like you and if you keep this in mind it makes it more of a human to Human in conversation that you're having not you and this guy up on a pedestal or this lady up on a pedestal when you go in that interview you're talking with another human being keep that in mind the whole time really what's the worst that can happen number four don't take anything personally during this process you'll get ghosted you'll get no callbacks you'll get cut in the last round you'll feel embarrassed in addition you'll have this one interview where you think the job is perfect and you have to land that one you got to do what it takes to get this one job and you put everything you have into it and then you don't get it and you get down and out don't do that don't take anything personally there are many many more perfect jobs out there and number five is listen closely here if not then when time is ticking you've come this far you've put in all this work time to get radical about your life maybe this event in your life is the defining moment where you actually start taking charge of things in your life it just comes in the form of transitioning into Tech think of your why your family your financial situation it all hinges on you acting boldly and pursuing things that are outside of your comfort zone Now's the Time to take that leap if you found all of this helpful today give it a thumbs up consider subscribing if you haven't and I'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Travis Media
Views: 151,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self-taught developers, self taught developers, developer confidence, landing the developer job, programmer landing the first job, how to learn to code, travis media, landing a coding job, landing your first coding job, self taught programmer, developers imposter syndrome
Id: _fI-b32KxX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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