How “Overemployed” Programmers Are Earning Multiple FULL TIME Salaries

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with all those student loans and skyrocketing house prices even if you have a hundred thousand salary it doesn't feel like enough to ever make it after all your technically low income nsf where you have your programming job so you've been working from home and over time you got very efficient at doing your job on one hand you could work harder but what's the point you can't really get a promotion for two more years so what you end up doing is mostly browsing reddit and playing video games after you finish your work for the day which only takes you a few hours that is until you stumble upon a website called turns out there's a massive group of people mostly programmers working multiple jobs at the same time with some working up to five jobs at once earning over a million dollars a year so yes i had two full-time remote six-figure positions at the same time they didn't know about each other and it completely changed my life this overemployed says is the real door to financial freedom freeing yourself from layoffs and office politics improving your mental health and even looking forward to that day where you get fired and you get a severance package but why are these people mostly programmers well it's not just because a lot of programming jobs were remote even before coped but you also get uniquely good compensation and programming environments especially agile ones they're results oriented meaning you don't have to clock in and clock out as long as you get your work done so we're gonna dive into the dark arts of being over employed how people are pulling this off with a five-step plan and pushing the limits of what's possible with up to five jobs by the end you'll be able to decide if this is a justifiable symptom of a broken system or you'll have the moral high ground to judge these reprehensible individuals this is how to become over employed just eight percent of tech workers are feeling confident in their job and 92 are insecure said the ceo of the company blind and more than 32 000 people have been laid off from the tech industry this year according to techcrunch companies are looking out for their own survival and the casualty is often people's livelihood and no one is going to do that for you as the individual so to take things into your own hands and become financially free you decide to become overemployed here's a five-step plan to do that now to be clear i don't endorse doing this or think it's ethical and we're gonna come full circle by the end step one is overcoming the barriers both practical and ethical carl johnson on quora wrote i don't understand how it'd be possible to have two jobs he points out that what if your two companies schedule a conflicting meeting well overemployed's got your back because they have a cheat sheet of meeting excuses how to reschedule and even how to join two at the same time one of the excuses rated very effective is saying you're putting down your head to work more it can even work in your favor and get your reputation as someone who doesn't like to waste time as for joining two meetings at once well one technique is to wear a headphone in each ear and then mute microphones back and forth when you for example hear your name other workers have gotten more creative and used virtual assistants who send them a message when they need to reply in one chat or the other skeptics also say can you really keep up the facade of working four hours a day when everyone else is working eight well you have to be okay with being below average at one of your jobs and the very real possibility of getting fired at any time but for a lot of companies a low productivity engineer given the difficulty to find one is better than having no engineer at all but we'll come back to that okay let's move on to step two because not every job is going to be good for overemployment in fact some companies are going to find out very quickly and those are the ones you want to avoid anytime you get a red flag of micromanagement that's when you want to back off and maybe not go for that one the consensus is contractor jobs are better because they pay you higher cash and usually equity is not going to pay for a period of time so if you do end up getting fired you want to get as much as possible up front now here's where it gets interesting even if you're a medium or senior skill level you want to go for jobs that are punching below your weights and the reason is people want to think you're less skilled than you actually are so you can be more productive with less time it's very tempting to go for two extremely high paying jobs but it's better to have two or even three jobs that pay slightly less because when you add them together you're still going to make more salary in other words adding two junior positions together is going to be higher than one senior position you can join and the expectations are going to be lower so you can work below your maximum output from day one interestingly when getting that second job some fall into it by chance an anonymous software engineer told the economic times that he was interviewing for jobs and got two different remote offers so instead of turning one down he just said hey let's give this a try and he's been working for two non-conflicting silicon valley companies ever since but the thought of termination does keep him up at night now for step 3 the legal implications according to richard greenberg new york city employment lawyer working two jobs is not illegal by default well at least it's not criminal that is unless you sign an nda and end up sharing code or if you sign a non-compete and you work for two competing companies this same attorney also said you would have to be pretty dumb to get caught so but realistically the worst that's probably gonna happen is you get fired which is the next step which is creating a risk reward trade-off in your head in other words thinking what is the worst is gonna happen so i got caught i tried to work two full-time jobs at the same time uh and they found out yes people do get caught but sometimes can even frame it as a positive according to jerome cookier on quora there's so many companies out there you can just burn bridges and cut ties even if the worst case scenario happens it's most interesting here to return that guy who is earning 1.3 million a year with more than five jobs what he said is you just have to be super confident and protect your time then if you do get caught you just don't have to care at all you never stop interviewing you can go into each job expecting to get fired then the ones that really don't notice if you don't do work those are the ones you'll be left with at the end just keep it moving now while this guy seems extremely naturally stress tolerant not all of us are so step number five is dealing with the stress on an ongoing basis and this one's not going to be so positive so you might want to turn off the video now if you're thinking of doing this seriously one temple university student had a bitter experience saying please don't try this you will fail as i tried working two jobs remotely and despite being in different time zones the stand-up meetings that is the daily meetings were at the same time needless to say it raised my anxiety levels and made me look like a fool now i quit one of the jobs and i feel much better because the day you could get caught could be any day but imagine this what if your company found out and they actually didn't care or what if you told them so for the past six or seven months my manager knew that i was working full-time for another company and still let me keep my job working for him a youtuber random tech thought said just inform your employer stress is gonna eat you alive if you don't and they might need you enough where it would be okay i mean think about how many people a manager has to interview to hire someone and they also have to pay for those jobs a recruiter is probably getting paid and maybe even a recruitment agency too and keep in mind most people in the company don't want to do more work just like you but if we think too long down that thread it can bring us to a sobering realization that people on the other side of this raw deal are people too and chances are your engineering manager was at one point just like you and is not an evil corporate overlord engineering manager chris hanson hired a new programmer and noticed he was acting strange missing meetings without excuses he soon found out this person had not left a previous job so how did this manager play this situation well he was extremely angry but he didn't actually say anything because in his words it would have been like cutting his own arm off better to have someone than no one and you got to feel bad for this engineering manager or any product managers too because if you get one or more of these people on your team while your projects are not going to get completed not to mention the most innovative companies of our time things that improve our life like airbnb while they didn't get to where they were by having a lot of people who were just trying not to get fired there could also be a situation where the other programmers on your team have to pick up your slack and the resentment is definitely going to grow over time if they're pulling more weight than you are especially on the same salary while the overemployed movement is definitely an interesting case study the reasons for it affecting the people around you affecting a company who's giving you a shot and is trusting you to deliver more value than they're paying you as well as not just living your life trying to squeeze out value but creating a body of work and career that you can look back on and be proud of now that could be important to you too or this could all be overshadowed by the fact that getting to financial freedom can lead you to the life you actually want to be living even if you got to step on some toes on the way so what do you think is it justified or not let me know your reasons and a comment i'm sure there will be some arguments down there and i hope you enjoy this peek into the world of the overemployed i'll see you next time for more tech stories
Channel: Aaron Jack
Views: 1,298,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: growth hacking, venture capitalsts, programming, software engineer, software engineering, tech company, working multiple remote jobs, working multiple jobs, multiple jobs, full-time programmer, multiple remote jobs, programmer, software salaries, programmer job, working multiple fulltime jobs, jobs as a programmer, overemployed tips, being overemployed, multiemployed, tips for overemployment, freelance overemployed, overemployment tips, become overemployed, over employed
Id: oR-mzzIsHVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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