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and you certainly be looking to do that again here today question isn't really raised question is how much it's time to min race 100,000 so he's very anything's up a bit he's found the five six of spades so is he hoping to see a flop here Joel no I think it's he's just making it just a raisin in position and mixing it up a little bit rather than moving all in every hand confusing as opponents a little bit Oh so we go again I was gonna make the call Jack seven of Spades will say you go Poconos the first way to speak to nine three with to space so both players have flopped a flush draw trick it doesn't want to see a spade on the turn here 80,000 80,000 so Sam's bed 80,000 connections back on Eagle Eagle Eagle could quite easily check-raise here with his Pedro he's taking the safe option he's just calling so we'll see the turn card is the four of spades Wow our what a card that has made Sam Trickett a straight flush he is absolutely unbeatable in this hand an eagle cougar knife is got a jack high flush so he'll think that he's unbeatable both players will think they've got the best hand this will be very very interesting to watch this is what we call a caller Johnno all the chips are going into the middle Sam has the absolute nuts he's got the best hand possible Eagles gonna call 100% so Sam's bit out it's been a hundred sixty thousand behind a check from Eagle so many girls trying to trap him here thinking that he's got the best hand a little does he know that Sam is unbeatable mullein call joined it oh my god holy n'cole Sam said as a drawing dead and shows you the straight flush no mercy Sam straight away all sinners [Laughter] [Music] Jesus Christ my life I think Sam's been now eagle what went through your head when he saw Sam turn over that straight gosh yes he only has six high flush and I have a joke oh but no it was a cooler like nothing anybody can do baby sure the family we can merge over a million like Megan was playing all in my mind you wanna did blind one hand that's what we could know is Tobias Ranka Meyer who's basically on 21 or 22 big blinds okay Tony's been doing a lot of moving in and Tobias open for 30 to turn that might be a penalty I think one they said there's no warning right since 2008 we were all worn at the same time I don't need a floor I mean it's yeah and it's not really have anything to feel like it's sort of about the Joker name was penalized it's like yesterday for one and so it's my help keep me out of trouble post with Nicole and to Tony G decided just flan here so I'm just gonna vote early miss ahead cuz I acted out of turn yeah let's have that he does have the flesh draw red a rotten flesh drop run a reddish stroke now Tommy's picked up the nut flush draw and Tobias has picked up a straight and a flush draw actually a straight flush draw playing this slow no I mean this is this is really the sickest ab if you can get away from this awesome I'm gonna put you on a nine I think that with nine it's easy is how easy was that so the big line is out which means youngish lipless on the button lines are in easy be blamed to steal where's the ant their rooms with an audio system take advantage welcome the cops with lines at 8016 running down to two fold it all the way around then it gets out of the way that you want sort of sound there Jeff Kimber piece up the paint it could be in a good spot here to think the lines and the antis mr. the big guy missing raises it up makes it three point five see one out of a Yanis on the bottom would have raised up anyway well it looks like he's gonna meet tricky me Ricky on the button between deuce nobody's ready to about a thousand and a call from Jeff oh what a flop what a flop UTV you really don't get tricky with Queen deuce and you flop the world behind him Jeff has got the reeds or for the nut flush it's only honest no then Jeff's checked Yanis has flopped the flush can't be thinking he's putting himself in any danger there was a small bet and a call from Jeff as the board doesn't really make any difference - Jeff's think he'd probably check again which it is when Yanis the probably barrel he raised on the button between deuce Jeff calling preflop and then the flop gets everybody involves just probably not thinking he's got a Ford isn't part of the mine Evan s Jeff's got the reading good he's got the right dog for short so good of the redraw when you only see Kelly zombunny we thought he will do so he calls Oh Jeff gets there with they're not flush but good thing yeah nice yeah nice just gets there oh my word one on this is carnage the straight flush against the not flush Jeff keeps it relatively small he might be poor control it it could be check raising in this situation you know any honest is it the straight flush not too short either guy it worried about the paired board can't think Jeff ports Yannick sanyasis might put him on a smaller pair when he rear is pre and threes of threes or fives but they decided to check with a not flush this is bet I'm all-in with a not flush and yeah I'm snapping you off with the straight flush what a hand one hand Jeff kept it relatively small by a check calling all the way down and didn't go broke I think on a on a on an unpaired board there I think Jeff probably goes broke but Walden for him for not going abroad well yeah nice getting tricky with Queen deuce and just gain there [Music] so ten players at this feature table still including Jennifer Harman who was absent from last year's main event she was undergoing a kidney transplant successful we're happy to say she's got pocket queens and raises to 200 Cory Zeidman from Coral Gables Florida made a stud final table last year nine eight of diamonds call action on Brady Davis in his first World Series of Poker he's 34 years old from Illinois you cannot get up from a table here long without tripping over an Internet guy in a Red Sox cap three two-hour flop now the flop Tim Jack Queen Harvin with a set but Zeidman flops a queen nice straight boy that is the prelude to some fireworks usually Davis checks over to Harman who's got a set of Queens and she bets 500 chips on Seidman 2,000 he raises that up to 2,000 with that straight when you're holding the two smallest cards of a straight you want to raise everybody else out because you don't want somebody else to get lucky and get a higher straight on you know he forced Brady Davis out now action on Jen Harman it's 1,500 more to Jen that is a lot at this stage of the tournament she plays it safe and just calls Zeidman with the lead with his straight as we go to the turn the turn is a 10 of diamonds Harman makes a full house and Boylan it's virtually the worst card in the deck that could come out for Zeidman because it gives jennifer harman who checks an almost unbeatable hand and makes Cori think his hand is even better now because of the straight flush draw on top of his made straight 1,000 sided bets a thousand that's just bad luck for Cori Zeidman he flops the straight and then the next card gives him a straight flush draw but if he makes the flush he can't win he can only win it with the straight flush and there's only one card left in the deck that could do that for him get in the driver's seat it's a thousand chip bet to Jen Harman and she's reaching 3000 she raises it to 3,000 and his head shaking time now for Cory Zeidman he doesn't know it but only one card in the deck the seven of diamonds would save them every decision in the main event magnified both have monster hands you lose this hand your date just might be over I think he might have ace king actually hoping it wasn't now I'm hoping something else yeah she had a skank she'd have the higher straight and his flush if he made it then would beat her he can only muck it if he believes that she has the full house already I call he makes the call we're going to the river Jen Harman with a huge advantage and now the river card oh the perfect card for Seidman the seven of diamonds gives him the straight flush and he even checks it again which an amateur would do to make sure he's got it Wow action on Jen Harman who has the full house she makes it 3,000 to put Seidman all-in why is Cori acting as if he's a ghen eyes I guess I could do a lot of sightseeing if I lose this him you can't lose the hint Holland it's over Zeidman takes the pot straight flush I knew you had that hand it was hard to get off oh my gosh I flopped the straight like ace king is the only hand that's gonna be don't put a seven of dinars up there Jennifer's been told she looks like she's in pain when she plays she's got good reason right now takes a lot to beat you in a hand straight flush home good if we're not getting any consolation from Zeidman Harman hurting early at the Maelstrom and knowing that play a lot Patrick potentially bluffing myself I think both players played their hand really well I'll probably would've folded the turn it may sound a little bit weak I'm not just saying it but actually got quads like I just feel like Patrick has something when he leads into them two players they played a lot of hands in heat one there's a funny dynamic coming up between Sivir and Patrick yeah I think tactically glad to get that one over on him because he liked to say anything I think you felt a little bit owned in his last heat so he'll be glad about that one he looked like Scott was bluffing too because he just like snap folded so Patrick I think yes I got the maximum pretty unlucky river as well Scott Vanessa just called here no she's she's up to ten that are very standard raised she's gonna be so disappointed if you don't get actually she deserves action look at all oh he's gonna flick in from the big blind yeah see if you get some action poor elke I've already started to feel sorry for healthy for some reason I feel like he's gonna win a bit for you then you played good and they're gonna reward him yeah I think it's all in basically mean I want to say it's kind of similar to you know the flop that Luke Schwartz had against Tony G yeah hub Luke went for a check raise on the flop L keys led in here what's the idea I quite like the lead here cuz Vanessa would check that quite a bit I would go for a smaller race so he can Jamie's draws like he's obviously good Ross he's gonna jam that but like if he has a hand like Jack nine that is leading or six seven I would like to raise as if Andres balding maybe but I don't think ELQ is likely to leave say with a 10 or an 8 because if he does get Rosie kind aster fold I think he's more likely to check all those hands so in my head I would think that elke would have our hand like 6 7 Jack nine or even Jack Queen Jack Queen you know a lot yeah it just sounds like that that doesn't really want to check call well the sizing of this selfs made at 38 she's got about 180 back is a min raised I really like it if he's been raised like the men raised like can fold our hands like aces kings and queens make it can potentially make a big fall like when you just show he's way too short too tall here we go that's right here we go off to the races and Vanessa is saying look at this I finally get the aces actually a dog yeah yeah yeah beside 200 normally cracks aces I believe it's elcio a word these guys have oh that's a nice card for self change nothing this is so huge because selfs has two points in hand ELQ he's only got three yeah this is a big pot straight flush is that not I think so yeah yes straight what'd you do it just a straight flush yep I said unlock you Vanessa made not did not [Music]
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 1,815,158
Rating: 4.6668906 out of 5
Keywords: poker, straight flush, poker compilation, poker straight flush, best poker hands, poker videos, poker youtube, poker channel, furytv, sick poker hand, rare poker hand, top 5 poker hands
Id: XEe3LCL34Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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