TOP 5 MUST HAVE UNITS!!! [Solo Leveling: Arise]

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hey guys welcome back to solo leveling rise in today's video I want to go through my top five musthave units for the game units being hunters or jinu weapons are very important ones that you want to definitely have on your wish list and acquire them as fast as you can because they make a lot of things more efficient and the thing I'm prioritizing personally in this uh is progressing into getting your gear farming done through both the EO Encore missions and instance dungeons as you can see here over in the spider I'm already up to difficulty 10 only cleared difficulty 9 but some of these important units that are going to be pivotal for your gear farming progression so the first one we're going to go into is we'll go into jinu weapons and the first one is the grimoire now the grimoire is fantastic for a couple reasons um for the Iron Jaw uh which is the the two wolves that jump in and out one is weak to fire one is weak to water and the grimoire is great for that not only that it is like in my in my personal opinion the best Universal jinu Weapon that can be used with just about anything because the way it works is when you use its ability it freezes the enemies for 4 seconds and any damage that they take during that 4 seconds at the end of it they take an additional 10% of that which might not sound like much but when you combo this with doing a perfect Dodge into a shadow step to put the death shred on any other amplifications you have through Hunters that you summon and then you go straight into uh this and freeze them and then you go and you use jinu's ultimate is the biggest one you get so much additional burst off that uh but on top of that you can use any different combo but it's just a great all round comboing weapon and not just for the comboing but also for the freeze this thing has a massively long range and it is great for controlling enemies interrupting skills and stuff like that often you can dodge an ability uh you can use this to freeze them and it stops the chain of the ability that they were doing in some circumstances which is absolutely fantastic so like I said this one is just a no-brainer fantastic weapon it's not going to be your main damage dealing Jer weapon but it is the one of the best supporting weapons uh that I've seen in a game like this in ages so it's fantastic the next one is going to be the plum sword and this is going to wrap up the gener weapons the next three we look at are going to be Hunters but the plum sword just for its General viability it is a fantastic weapon for just any situation it's got good single Target um capabilities but it's also got good AOE it's got a decent bit of range it's not too close range that you you know you're missing stuff once they're a little bit away from you it's just the most what I would consider consider comfortable weapon in the game and it does have really good dupes if you do get decide to dupe up into it and keep it on your wish list so this one in my opinion is the best damage dealing generic weapon for jinu and it's fantastic even at neutral damage the only time you're not really using this thing is when the enemy resists it uh but besides that it is a fantastic weapon and like I said this is probably the best one to have as your main damage dealing weapon especially as free to play because upgrading these weapons if we for instance we want wanted to upgrade this one just to show you guys uh and it's too expensive I I I got a limit break and everything but upgrading weapons especially to 60 and Beyond from 40 to 80 is ridiculously expensive so having a generic weapon that you can use in most situations is fantastic and then a sub DPS weapon that is more supportive that's just like the best roundabout for me personally for a new player especially if you're free to play and you're struggling on resources so that c covers by first two must have units those ones are going to be the weapons now we get into hunters and the first one is by oh the other thing I forgot to mention I just wanted to touch on this is going to be that with the plum sword it's also Elemental advantage on igis which is fantastic because we're going to want to push our damage in igis to go ahead and get higher rank gear and start farming level 10 as fast as possible so that we can optimize our drops really even getting to nine is going to be fantastic as well so having that weapon once again provided it is fantastic over there now the next one we're going to go into is to Hunters and the first one is going to be Char now if you haven't got Char from her radar banner I highly recommend using summons to get her uh she's a fantastic all round unit she also gets much better at dupe 1 and even better at dupe 3 I went all in on mine you don't have to but she's a fantastic unit at one copy even uh and you do get her weapon free from the event provided you started at Global if you started a bit later you might have to dump more summons into her Banner to get those additional rolls that it provides but you can get her weapon you can get her she is fantastic she is uh just an incredible damage dealing unit and especially once you get her crit numbers is up because this this attack you really want this attack to crit and then you can just start spamming so once you get her crit values up she becomes an absolute Monster uh of just a raw damage dealer in general but then on top of that we have two key things in her General ability which is her supportive skill uh she's going to one help him with crits which works really well with the plum but also we have the stops them from recovering HP and then we have her second skill that she used actively which can be used when you're doing Hunter battles which then blocks HP recovery and that is so important and she is basically the main reason that I have been able to clear level 9 of The Encore missions uh with where the enemy power is 215 but my personal power is 104 she is the main reason because she just does so much damage now mine also doesn't even have that great of artifacts if we take a look you can see we got some level 45s and some 40s we do not have this one's a level 25 so I don't even have crazy artifacts on her yet and that is what she is able to do because she straight counters what the um what the uh Spider the arachnid does which is go up and heal and she can counter that healing so you don't have to deal all that extra damage again plus she deals massive amount of damage against it and she is honestly amazing and she and that is why I am going to continue farming here because I do have her so well built so I'm pushing Beyond where I should be able to at this stage now moving on from her the next musthave unit is actually one that I don't have and the reason this unit is in here is because she's going to be the best unit for servers now because I don't have her I'm going to once again focus on uh the spider until I can do servers with her but that unit is over here in the Codex unfortunately I don't have her on this account once again uh but over on my mate Nico's account she basically steamrolls servers she gains extra Shields she's a Bruiser type unit that can just deal with him so well and mitigate the damage and when I especially when you have her decently geared she's just feels so safe and easy to play especially on curus and that is going to be her main Niche is going to be cus and dominating cber and the reason um that is so fantastic is because even though we do have other free-to-play uh water units that can be functional against servers you know resources when leveling up different characters especially as free to playay is super scarce so once again I'm in the situation where and I think a lot of people at Global if you don't have her now keep in mind if you are a spender I think after you make 10 purchases you do get a free copy of her but if you're free to play especially at Global launch um you're you're going to be struggling for those resources and if you don't have her that is where I I recommend focusing in on your daily oncore missions over here on the arachnid because most people should have access to be able to get themselves a copy of char and then you can focus in on here farming at higher efficiency and then once you get her you can bounce over and you can go ahead and farm some curus with that now moving on from that we go into my final must have unit and this is I I'm going to say one unit but I'm going to give you guys two options of unit and this is going to be your main buffing unit for me Min is amazing this dude not only increases does damage amplification that the enemies take he does it both as you can see 15% here he does it both as his supportive skill but he also does it through his active skill and this goes up to 15% if he hasn't taken the damage so that's fantastic he's got damage amplification he also has assistance on crit buffing as well uh if we go down here we can get some nice um nice crit Buffs and crit damage Buffs which is fantastic especially if you are using Char on top of that he has healing so he has damage taken for the enemy uh enemies specifically bosses we're looking at he has damage amplification for allies and he has that healing which can sometimes come be in clutch not always needed but can come in clutch now if you don't have him you can always use a character that I used over on my Canadian uh account which is Lee Bor now le Bor in my opinion is not as good a general buffer but she still does have her charm effect which increases the damage taken by 15% by the enemies and then if we go to her supporting skill she also does apply this now it is only 15 seconds as opposed to 20 but it's still very very reasonable she does have the dark ring as as well which can increase dark element damage which once again you have dark synergies for her uh whereas Min has the light synergies but those are more n like I said I prefer Min because he has damage General damage amplification for allies and also he has General damage amplification for the that goes on the enemy so he has the buff and the debuff and healing whereas she has the general debuff for enemies specific buffing um but in general like I said either one of these two and you should be good to go for a support So once again you do have limited spots on your wish list so that is what I focus on once again once I've got the core units that I I've got I am looking for some other subunits obviously she is still the main one that I am looking for I definitely want her as much as possible and I say her because I really can't pronounce her name too well so that is what we're going with and then I'm looking for more luxury units uh with with Choy and Beck they're more luxury units that I'm looking to get whilst also amplifying my damage uh with the plum sword that's what my wish list currently looks like but anyway guys hopefully you guys can get some RNG and get some of these units and start farming some of those oncore missions uh as best as possible but always as always guys thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and I'll look forward to see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Volkin Gacha
Views: 24,740
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Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise summon rates, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise beginners guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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