ESSENTIAL Skills For Sung Jinwoo & Hunters! | Solo Leveling: ARISE

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don't waste your skill Scrolls these are the best skills that you want to upgrade first let's talk about it what's good YouTube no here coming with you today with a Sanu and Hunter skill guide so in this video I'm going to teach you guys basically the skills you prioritize as you're leveling up for Sanu and the hunter I have time stamps as well so you can skip either forward or backward and know which place is where without further Ado let's get straight into it make sure you like And subscribe turn on post notifications so you can know each and every time we go live all right so starting with the boy Sun as you can see I have a bunch of skills here and actually let me just go to the skills section and we'll be able to look at it so guys guys guys first thing I have to say if you did not become the monarch of Shadows you do not want to upgrade this first skill so his first ultimate not his first skill his first ultimate so his first ultimate is Darkness obliteration you're going to get that basically by the first two job changes I believe and this one is doing 3,000 damage of his attack so you end up getting truth mutilate and I think they're even adding another one so you definitely definitely definitely at least don't want to upgrade this I can see you upgrading the truth mutilate especially in the beginning because you just want to do as much damage as possible when it comes to that that is fine but do not upgrade this one and with this one I already have it upgraded all the way to level four up until it needs the red skill scroll so what's the difference we'll talk about that as well but next thing you want to upgrade or prioritize upgrading and this is going to be in order of importance Shadow step guys if you're not Shadow stepping in this game you probably are losing a lot I'm not going to lie because Shadow step is one of the best skills in the game it decreases the enemy's defense by 60% for 15 seconds there is no other debuff that is stronger than this currently and you get to do it every 15 seconds there's a 15sec cool down and the last 15 seconds as well so make sure you guys are Shadow stepping honestly if you're not Shadow stpp I might have a combat guide coming out very very soon for my PC players and maybe my mobile players can also read into that a little bit but Shadow sub is very very important we're going to upgrade that all the way to level four as well now with the collapse and death honestly I don't really prioritize these too much because these are qte skills I don't rely on the QT too much I feel like this is more so a wave kind of enemy thing but you can obviously upgrade these I wouldn't upgrade these too far maybe level three if so now let's talk about his basic skills we talked about the QT and the ultimate now let's talk about his Basics now when it comes to his Basics you need to be mindful these top six skills are the weaker of the skills these bottom five skills are going to be the strongest of the skills now we're on the feet to play right armor break you do not get this until you're level 55 now if you're lucky like me and you craft enough runes and you actually get armor break we got it twice here we got the decimation and the iceberg version so that's very very but your setup will be looking something like this so you should have vital strike mutilate duts dance and the commander touch so what's the most important out of these starting off I think the Commander's touch should go priority Above the Rest of these why because with the Commander's touch that'll help you out with wave bosses and things of that sort now black hole is probably one of the best runes you want to go for in this category some other good runes I am a personal fan of which one is it absorption is pretty good finisher third best and then Liberation would probably be the last best so and we can preview these two as well or no liberation's actually pretty good as well but once I started getting black hole honestly this is the best room that you have as you can see many many many YouTubers use these for speeduns and things like that just to gather all the bosses together and damage them all at once so it's definitely one of the best runes as far as leveling up you want to level it up as far as possible and real quick I guess we can explain the plus twos when he have multiple skills unlocked that's going to add another level to that skill so what do I mean by that as you can see here we have the commander touch it's level six but in the parenthesis it says 4 + two so it's actually level four but it's getting the plus two because I have two runes unlocked for it if I had two more basic runes unlocked for it that would be another plus two so it say 4 + 4 and it would say level eight now this changes because let's say I have an epic Rune and I don't have any epic runes unfortunately but the Epic Rune gives a plus two boost so let's say I had an epic black hole Commander touch Rune it would say plus seven now so four plus three and then so on so forth and then that's for every epic r that gives plus two instead of plus one so it's a lot of math but once you guys have the runes you'll definitely see what I'm talking about I'm getting the Epic N Dance soon so instead of 4+ 1 is going to be 4 plus 2 soon and everybody gets that for free at day seven so just be mindful of that but while we're talking about it that dance probably wants to be the next skill that you want to upgrade this is going to do your heavy break now you don't want to upgrade this too far cuz like I said you're going to eventually get armor break just going to take you some time some grinding some days and honestly when it comes to breaking in this game there's too many break Hunters too many tanks that can help you out when it comes to Breaking so you don't need to upgrade this too far as you can see I have this at level four and honestly I'm going to say level four a lot because level four is really going to be your sweet spot when it comes to leveling these skills up because that's right before it takes the player skill scroll too and with this I don't think you get this too early on in the early game honestly we just hit the Vulcan chapters and we haven't been getting too much of now after the commander touch and the death's dance you want to upgrade the mutilate so when it comes to mutilate this is honestly another one of the great skills that you want to consider upgrading as you can see here I have the Phantom mutilate on which I probably think is one of the best runes in the game possibly but there's also this stroke of lightning one I haven't had the chance to get this one because I'm just unlucky when it comes to that on both accounts but there's a 20% chance the hunter will ignore 100% of the target's defense honestly all these runes aren't bad though we got the cold storm that freezes the target for 2 seconds the frostbite deals damage equal to 30% of the user attack every 3 seconds we have a lot of good rooms for Muay guys definitely definitely you want to invest in this one it wouldn't take priority over the commander touch unless you need a lot of DPS so that's where you want to upgrade this a few more times maybe you could do it to level six five whatever the case may be and then last but not least we have B strike now I have this one on on point honestly I'm waiting to get honen though because Honan is probably another one of those better ones as you can see here at the level three stage it's doing 600% of goo's attack and then the damage dealt to bosses and Elite monsters increases by 45% so that's pretty crazy but I'm not I'm not terribly out of luck with this on point because it gives us a shield every time I use this skill so it can kind of work like a double it sword we're going to face Vulcan next free play stream and it's water affected so this honestly is probably going to be one of the runes I bring to the game along with the water armor break and I can talk about this if you guys are lucky enough to get this before level 55 then go ahead and upgrade this you want to upgrade this above pretty much any other one of these these skills cuz I'm not going to lie this is probably one of the craziest skills in the game especially if you get the decimation one I kind of I Ran this in a few battlefield of Trials so even with bosses that didn't even have break gauges because a 1000% of G's attack isn't crazy now the cool down of 20 seconds isn't favorable but there's so many things about this skill that is just insane guys when the skill is used it increases the critical hit damage by 30% for 5 seconds so it's pretty fire guys if you can get your hands on Armor break before you reach level 55 even after you reach level 55 you definitely want to upgrade this well enough so honestly where I would Target this is probably before it needs the monop power extract so maybe that's level eight or whatever the case may be but yeah these are the skills you want to upgrade and these top six will kind of be on a need basis depending on the runes that you might have you might get these leveled up anyway because you're going to non-stop going to be crafting runes guys you're never going to stop crafting runes if you're not crafting runes you're not doing it right right because you need more runes you need more dupes because the more runes you have eventually you'll start unlocking dupes and then that will lead you to getting epic run so what do I mean here if we go here by the way this is where you want to go you want to go to Fusion each time you have 100 Rune fragments and how you want to get these there's a few ways to get these you can play a red gate in the gate section you can go to your inventory to skill room well here right and that's just dupes that that's in my inventory you can go to Celebration coin exchange and basically you can trade your commemorative coins either one of these and then get a few runes as you can see here we can buy about 10 so I can actually craft the Rune right now if I really wanted to we might as well for video purposes and education purposes or you can go to bonus and in bonus we should see it somewhere here so that's the Pay to Win side of things but we're very freet toplay friendly so anytime you have over 100 then you can go ahead and click fuse and then a super success rate of 2% is pretty nice looks like we got a commander touch so nice so not a d and now as you can see we unlocked a new Rune so that leveled up our commander touch from level six to level seven so if we go to the skills page this is what I mean so my commander touch was just level six it said 4 + 2 now it's 4 + 3 because we unlocked another Rune in this category so these runes are going to stay locked and the only way to unlock them is to keep on Crafting guys but let's say you keep getting dupes of the same runes basically here's where you want to uh take care of that now here uh when you want a few skill runes basically with this one you can end up getting an epic Rune there's a 35% chance of get it but it works kind of like enhancements where you can break or be unsuccessful and when you're unsuccessful basically this draw point will get a plus one so when you're Fusion is successful your bonus rate will increase you'll gain one or more Fusion points when your Fusion is super successful your bonus rate Fusion points will reset and then later later down the line because I still haven't even gotten a legendary run but let's say you get a bunch of Epic Rune dupes then obviously here's where you want to get it and then you have a 25% chance of getting a legendary Rune and this is pretty much what we all want to work to this will be very very gamechanging in the late game and if we want to talk about differences between that we just unlocked the absorption command intercept so you can kind of see the difference here so this one's doing 935 in base and then as you can see these are the Buffs here 7.5 of their MP 7.5 of their power gauge and now let's go back to our skills if we go back to our genu then we can see what this one is doing at the rare category so 815 3% and 3% so guys epic runes legendary runes are going to change your game style now obviously we won't be lucky enough to get legendary runes too too much but when you guys do get it hopefully you guys get what you need now let's talk about the hunters now when it comes to the hunters it's going to be very very interesting but stay with me so I believe I found the perfect way when you want to go about upgrading it I think that you should start off upgrading their ultimate skill their basic skills you can consider their support skills but if you get enough dupes it works kind of like getting room so I get that plus one effect so this one's level five because it's level four plus one and as you can see we have one start on cha here so I kind of don't prioritize upgrading that too much now for cha I did just upgrade pretty much everything got everything up for the events to get her SSR weapon dup so that was pretty nice but let's say I just got an SSR Hunter and I wanted to consider upgrading their skills I believe that some characters have better skills in their qte ultimate some characters have better skills in their basic like G guu she ends up having the water dragon rush and lightning kick these are very very nice skills that you can kind of combo and change back and forth together so these actually matter probably more than for ultimate because you can spam these right so you definitely would want to upgrade these up as much as possible like this kind of does take priority over the ultimate because we're doing 800 we're doing 800 here put that together that's six that's over 1,600 and her ultimate if we upgraded it that high would be 1,700 but we're doing 1,600 basically every 5 Seconds cuz you can you know attack you know spam this go back here go back here go back here go back here and then the basic attacks you definitely want to upgrade that but I would take that into last priority the damage increase isn't too too high like if we got to level four you know this is only 16% more now that will stack over time but honestly I didn't see it being too too important the core attack might be what you want to upgrade though because with the core attack let's say I wanted to get it to level four 42% versus 4.90% does make a difference so if you want my complete complete complete way about going at it and I think this can apply to virtually every Hunter I don't know any SSR Hunter this wouldn't apply to but you want to go their ultimate skill upgrade that to around level four can go to their skill details go to their basic skill both of the basic skills upgrade that as high as possible go to their qte skill upgrade that relatively in the middle between where you have their ultimate and basic skills and then you can go for either the core attack then go to their support skill then go to their basic attack so with that guide basically you're able to you know save your skill scores and how you want to get these is the same way you want to get genu skill score so play a Red Gate go to Celebration Co exchange as we can see here it'll be yeah right here right and then if I wanted to get 15 of these I can get 15 of these as well but just be mindful these are all from draw so they won't be you know just free to get these reset very very little often so the next reset is in 26 days and it's crazy but you can get 15 if that's if that's really what you need and last but not least we have G's weapons so his weapons actually have skills attached to them as well so with this one is actually very simple you want to end up upgrading the third category weapon because this is the weapon that switches so for this one is p to flight for the grimore it's the water spray I'm going to prioritize upgrading those first as high as possible because this does the largest amount of damage and then you want to go from basically right to left so upgrade this as high as possible do the core attacks and then go to the basic attack and this applies really to every SSR weapon you'll get even the SR weapons I pretty much upgraded them the I would upgrade them the exact same way but what do you guys think leave your comments below and while you're at it be sure to leave a like on the video subscribe if you're new turn on post notifications so you can know each and every time we're going live and last but not least join the Discord the no good Mafia link is in the description but until then I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: NoGoodEman
Views: 4,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise tips, level up solo leveling, how to level up solo leveling arise, daily reset solo leveling, solo leveling arise glitch, solo leveling arise gold, solo leveling arise codes, solo leveling arise skills, solo leveling arise skill guide
Id: zwl04CJSwsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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