Solo Leveling: Arise TIER LIST!!!

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hey guys welcome back to solo leveling arise in today's video we've got a bit of a treat in this video we are doing the hunter te list in this one but we do have a fantastic guest on with pain blade now if you're into this game definitely go over and check out this man's channel uh he has been sweating super hard in this game for basically ever since the Canadian launch he has got the biggest roster I've seen of videos for this game and if there's anything you want to know I believe am I correct you're going to be streaming at the launch of the game as well is that correct I am I am absolutely that's correct he'll be streaming so if you want to go catch him streaming he will be doing that I will not be streaming the launch personally my internet sucks and we got star rail stuff it's too busy but go show this man some love he's got all the knowledge for the game he's sweated through a Pay to Win account a full freet to-play account he has got a ton of knowledge and that's why we've got him here to go ahead and discuss this teer list also before we go any further I have to give a massive shout out to prideinn uh for putting this T list on their website I'll leave a link to it in the description um anel is a great bloke worked with him since probably Nik and he does a great job of managing this site and also to geku to finalize the the credits who also helped out on this one and he is doing coverage of solo leveling so go show geku some love if you played Black Clover you definitely know who geku is and the final thing before we get into it we are going to do for New Game hype we're going to do a $100 giveaway in this video just be subscribed leave a comment you'll go into the draw I'll announce the winner about a week away in a community post and that is everything pain blade that was a long ass inro how you doing man I'm good bro thank you for having me you know those kind of intros are the best kind of intros cuz you pretty much covered every single thing so thank you first off for having us on here Vulcan I'm super excited bro nothing like a global launch day especially for a hype game like this I'm happy you're covering my man and I'm happy to be on here so I'm super psyched let's get this going definitely yeah and dude like I'm just super excited for this game because dude the rrolling process is just mint and I cannot wait I've got seven devices at home installed with a game ready to roll it's going to fun now we are actually recording this like 3 hours before uh the global release so this is Super Fresh now when we look at this tier list we're just going to go through talk about our own experiences with these characters and stuff like that um and basically give you guys as much insight as we can but just keep in mind I'll let you explain what you found out in the game that they have then later acknowledged as a bug in the game which could be something big that will change this so I'll let you take it away and what you found yeah sure so first off shout out to gek on this one he and I talked a lot about tier list so this is going to be very close to resembling the tier list that I made as well too so I'm I'm really happy it looks as accurate as it does they're going to be a couple multiple changes here due to exactly what you mentioned that massive bug so what we did when I did my testing is we found that uh crit damage overall as a stat was turned off so in the game essentially just to make it simple simplified everybody has a 50% base crit damage stat the moment you add more to that stat it doesn't work it just stops at 50% so you can go to 180% it never worked so I did multiple testing I have videos to show that and there's a video out there called crit damage doesn't work you can watch that if you want to see the proof uh and then the moment we put that video on net marble acknowledged that it doesn't work with their PR terminology and admitted it doesn't work so as of today that hopefully will be fixed and we'll see a massive change in the amount of damage every unit does except for one which is going to be Choy Jong in because he doesn't crit yeah so this tier list may see a little bit of an alteration most likely a lot of an alteration to be honest uh so we will definitely give you guys a fresh look now with that in mind plus like you said a future update with the actual numbers yeah cuz like for my playthrough I got Choy I actually got one dupe of Choy on my free to play and the dude just felt ridiculous compared to anything else and it really makes sense why he was so crazy when the others weren't benefiting from crit and his passive is that he can't crit but he just gets extra raw damage so it kind of makes sense so he is probably the one who's going to be the Biggest Loser once all these irons also massive find by you that's like a Hu that's a huge gotcha moment for them like what the Yeah Yeah shout out shout out to a lot of the folks that figure that one out with me as well too because we were a lot of us were testing and you know we have the platform vul you and I we can show people so shout out to the community for coming together on this one um some folks reached out to me and I did my own testing and we all came to the same conclusion so this was definitely a collaborative effort and I'm honestly I'm happy that net marble acknowledged it as quick as they did not happy they haven't fixed it but we're hoping to see that fixed today because from a business perspective if CH doesn't get crit damage she's useless so let's because cha is one who is not on this list because we haven't had her we can't play with her we can't play her on a list my guess would be if you're doing a global launch with a hype character like CH she's going to be s+ to that would be my assumption uh like you don't make a character that's that hype on launch a bad character who is your first launch Banner but she is going to be crit Bas so like you said hopefully she the system works so that she does have her time to shine but let's go through totally everyone else first of all MH now I I'll let you kick it off uh you tell us what you think about Min uh cuz I have my thoughts B him as well sure okay so Min bongu is going to be a character that definitely belongs where he is so this is a perfect status for him now the reason a lot of people don't understand how to use Min is they Place him as a Healer first rather than what he's actually there for which is a buffer and debuffer he's the ultimate buffer and debuffer and what makes him so good is not the healing so what he does when you use him as a support for uh San Junu is he will do a a debuff called punishment when he comes in which will last for 20 to 30 seconds and it lets you hit the opponent for 15% more damage the entire duration of that debuff now when you use him as a hunter on the other hand with his ultimate he re he increases everyone's crit rate he increases everyone's damage output for by I think it's 12 to 20% depending on the a level and then also he also gives you his crit damage uh stat after 40% so let's say you have 180% anything after the 40% mark you get as a crit damage rossat for the rest of your team so he's actually built to be the ultimate DPS buffer yeah not to mention he's the perfect unit for cha because at his A1 level he gives everybody on the team 8% crit rate but gives light units 12% crit rate so he's actually built to be with her so people use him unfortunately in the correct way as a Healer he's not a Healer he is meant to be the ultimate buffer so anytime you see any whale or a freetop playay player kill the time battles he's always on that team so this is a perfect standing for him as an s+ character yeah and just for uh those who don't know coming new into the game obviously with fresh release when he talks about a levels he's talking about ascensions which is your dupes but just keep in mind with this game the way the standard Banner has a wish list and the amount of standard Banner sum summons you get getting a dupe into these characters is not as hard as you see in some other games so the the dup the dupe levels are actually important ones and a lot of characters have a really decent first dup which is a huge thing so just just so you can when you compare it to other games just know that this game is a bit different in the summon income and the fact that you have a rate up on the standard Banner which allows you to Target these things a lot better obviously RNG is still a thing but the other thing with him is once again like you mentioned with crit not working properly he his stocks just go up further once that gets fixed and that could be why some people were seeing him as not as great of the buffing aspect because the just the the feel when you just test that stuff when you don't know something's not working it just doesn't feel as strong as some of the other debuff units so the other thing is the healing is clutch it's just because I I didn't get him and it kind of forced me to really really play Dodgers which without him it does kind of make you feel like you do learn to play the game a bit better because you don't have that safety net but it is a super nice safety net because it's not one of those games where you're going to be doing a ton like people will do no damage runs but often you've got so many ads in the fights that you're just going to be taking some chip damage any anyway and that healing is just and you'll see healing numbers in this game feel like look super low when you look at the numbers on the skills but that's because it's more meant to heal the chip damage instead of like fully heal someone because you're meant to avoid the bulk of the damage but chip damage sometimes can't be avoided so that's the way I look at that and yeah he's just an absolutely fantastic unit now yeah and not to mention one other thing I did mention S V is he also gives power gauge increase which is your Ultimate Bar increase so I forgot to mention that so he literally does everything as a buffer so yeah absolutely and your your total right about the healing it's all about chip damage cuz you swap in and out so much in this game that it will save your ass many times Y and then for for bake now or B dude I suck at names in this game I've read the man I watched the I still suck so bad but the Beast version just something to note uh we want to go too in depth into him and Choy because their banners have left they don't go onto the standard Banner so they will be back in the future so we'll just go a brief rundown on those two because it's not going to be really applicable to the global launch plays well so just a just one quick little thing for Beck he still exists for seven more days actually so he will be going hand in hand with cha you can actually still summon for him for the next seven days Oh I thought on their notice they said the banner was ending I didn't check the time properly no so that that's his that's his event his event is ending for his weapon but his actual Banner will stick around apparently that's what they're saying because there still seven days left on that Banner so we may still see him we wait and see yeah and obviously pay will do videos I'll do videos talking about the comparison of the two once they come out cuz we can't we can't say which one's better to pull for when we don't know what CH does I'm still going to go for CH will be better based on Just Launch hype but we'll wait and see but yeah okay give me a rundown on him because I pulled in my free to play played with him a bit uh but my mates account who I've been testing like a bunch of like higher level characters he didn't pull for him so I'm curious to see what you think because he seems like one of those characters with a highish skill cap because you want to keep him low HP without dying to maximize his damage however he doesn't really have any supportive function so he feels like a raw DPS unit with a decent skill cap which to me leaves him prone to being power CT but I'm curious to hear your thoughts so actually a couple couple that's a very good point the power the the skill level for him is actually much higher than most other units because of that reason he doesn't have a life steal and his HP just drops drastically so the main thing to note about him that we when I did seven hours of testing live with with the community with him we found two things number one because of the the the damage crit damage removal option or the stat we found that he was the second best DPS next to Choy but it wasn't a big margin of a huge like of a big margin so there were about four or five different enemy bars once they activate crit damage I can comfortably say he's going to be the top DPS in the game now what makes him very unique is he has the the the biggest bleed percentage of any unit out there so Kang right below him if you look down the dark unit we'll talk about him shortly he has a 6% bleed Max HP Beck has a 1% bleed so that's an extra 4% bleed over everybody else um so when we start getting to higher end content where bosses have 300 400 Bars of HP you're going to see him shine like we're going to see him dominate for that reason alone and he had an issue where his exclusive weapon was removing the bleed did they fix that that's right yeah yeah they fixed that so the next day that was fixed and funny enough that's where people thought the crit damage bug started but it actually wasn't the case crit damage didn't work from day one I went back to look at some old video so yeah he will um I think once they fix the crit damage buff you're going to see him probably be the top DPS in the game because of that bleed when it comes down to bigger bosses and I think that's gonna maintain for him for quite some time I think where Cha's Gonna Shine she's gonna dominate in smaller smaller batches easier bosses and bosses that heal because she takes away healing power so I think Beck is still a very safe unit to summon on but we don't know the full potential yet until that crit damage is fixed plus he looks like a Savage which is just just a plus he does look like a Savage that's right that's right so next on we have a Choy now Choy for me we're not going to spend too long cuz he's not available he will come back he was like the most enjoyable rotational player for me to play personally uh I just loved getting uh using his two abilities getting his Al up it resets his abilities you use his two abilities you swap him in he puts a death break on the enemies uh he's got that death break when he's supporting as well like he just felt like a really good allrounder like I said his damage did feel insane compared to everyone else but we do know about that bug but I still think the amount of support he brings along with the fluidity uh even if his damage drops compared to other units he'd still be a pretty high priority what's your thoughts absolutely totally agree with all that and the the you've covered pretty much everything that he offers as a unit and the beauty you have to remember in this game when we're raiding these Hunters is not just Hunters on their own but also hunters for jinu as well right so because he does offer the defense down he does offer a burn option he has insanely High nuke it's mostly AOE he's still going to be one of the ultimate weapons in this game no pun intended with his actual Alias um so yeah I still think he's going to be S Plus tier I think his stock will drop compared to some other units but it doesn't take away from how good he actually is and not to mention once we do see the level of crit damage increase they may buff him in the future but as he stands right now because we can't compare him to anything else he is still the top DPS in the game with with the bug in hand uh so yeah know I totally agree with that I think he belongs where he is the only other unit that actually has a better support for jinu is actually silver main Beck uh silver main Beck has a 20% attack increase for 20 seconds for jinu which is is insanely powerful uh but choy choy is definitely up there as top tier unit he belongs where he is for sure yep and then Emma I know my mate whose account I've been playing on heavily like Emma was his favorite character uh she tanks she does a really like really face roll AOE type damage is kind of the way and she's just she just feels super easy and safe and to me she's a great one for new players getting into the game because she's fun to play she feels imp F and she's not too complicated so it allows you to play the game and learn core mechanics without getting too um stressed about the play style of something like silver man or something like that yeah yeah perfect summary that's exactly it so if you looked at my ultimate beginners guy the first two units I save to summon on is Emma and S who's next to next to her right there uh so Emma you you said it perfectly she is a face roll unit literally she has a 4C AOE that first off leaves Burns all over the ground so if other ads get summoned they'll instantly die from the burn uh she puts a shield on herself when she does that she does insane amounts of damage not not to men she also activates her core damage with that ultimate or with that AOE so she does crazy basic damage as well to building her gauge up so yeah you're totally right man she does she is the total package and she's a break unit not to mention so she breaks bars as well too so yeah absolutely the friendliest unit in the game for beginners and should be the one that most people should reroll for when it comes down to clearing stages and AOE M mobs so yeah well well put yeah I'd say I'm I'm a sweaty reroller so when I look at rrolling I'm going for a a Char and her ideally or CH and Min those are the kind of combos I'm looking for but I'm I'm way too sweaty on that [ __ ] uh all right you enjoy that four hours man I'm going to love every second all right you take it away with uh jiu dud once again I can't say names but uh you take it away with no that's okay yeah for sure so um so SA or saw and I apologize to all the Koreans you guys corrected me still to this day so it's either saw or SA uh so she is actually going to be one of the most uh important characters on your roster because she's the only SSR water unit that's available at the moment and is literally considered the cus killer and if you don't know what cus is that is a boss you'll be farming endgame to get some of the best gear out there and she's the main DPS not only for that but also for time runs we've been testing her she pretty much dominates in every content so not only does she provides you a shield has unlimited skill abilities because her core attack uh re refreshes her skills not only does she have some of the best dupe options she's also one of the prettiest characters out there and also one of the easiest characters to play so if you're going for rrolling and you're going for top tier she and Emma should be your two main options to go for so she is pivotal for anyone's account so highly recommend going for her yeah definitely and that's just something else I wanted to bring up because we talk about Emma in a damage sense we talk about her in a damage sense ju a lot of the time with the the SRS is a bit different but I find with SSRS doesn't matter what like if they're a tank they're still going to be damage focused because the damage mitigation isn't really a massive portion of it you'll find tanks will either have big damage or they'll have some sort of supportive capability uh when we look at wuin Chu later on like he has the extra movement mechanics which is like a supportive type ability when we look at bake we've got extra defense break which we'll talk at in a sec but they all have either extra damage or extra supportive capabilities cuz a raw tank just doesn't cut it in a game like this where you can avoid most of the damage so I just wanted to make that one clear because we're about to jump into into bake now uh or Beck or whatever his name is on his base form and once again he's another tank but he's also a really solid unit that brings some good supportive capabilities I'll let you take it away with Beck sure for sure and just to real quick on that we are RPG fans so we're all accustomed to the whole tank is meant to take damage not give damage you're absolutely right in this game tanks give a ton of damage and and sa and Beck Going the back now are both two of the best Breakers in the game and that's what a tank represents they break the break bar that's usually what they're meant to do and with him specifically he has a couple unique things about him number one his basic attack actually breaks the bar most other tanks do not have that option number two he's got minus 20 defense down which is the highest raw defense down of any unit out there uh number three all of his moves are insane heavy breaks so he does crazy crazy breaks and not to mention damage on top of that so he comes off of as one of your best supports and one of your uh best defense breaks the only issue with Beck and this is the the biggest issue I have with him is his animations takes too long and he's vulnerable for bosses that have super armor so for example the spider when you're doing your break move when he's up in the air he doesn't come down fast enough the spider can knock him on his ass much of the break bar stays there so I do believe he is a little higher than S I would put him S Plus still for that option because of the defense and the fact that he breaks everything with basic attacks and regular skills um but he is one level below Min I would still put him s+ personally but that's just my take on it I I think s is still reasonable for him I I think at Global he would be s+ because Choy is no longer an option and he's even though his death sh isn't as big he's just a more a more higher value character at the moment and because he won't be in the game now B Beck is your like death shred option essentially uh moving on to the next ones uh K I'll let you do K because I honestly have not even play K uh but I did have a lot of experience with Lee Bora and uh lim so I'll let you go on Kang okay so so it's funny with Kang um so when when every every other person put Kang on a tier list they put him at F tier he was the lowest tier and I was the only person that put him at S Plus and everyone's like what the hell do you know that we don't so I showed people some testing beauty of Kang is he is the miniature version of Beck silver main Beck like I said to you guys before when we talked about Beck real quick silver M specifically he has a bleed that's 0.6% on big opponent so when you start doing endgame content his stock value goes up drastically but not only that when you do uh bleed on opponents he also does a debuff on opponents that have bleed that lets you cause 15% more raw damage on that unit for 30 seconds uh and not to mention he has some of the fast skills some of the best ultimates and he he hits like a Mac Truck so a lot of people that tested him in the beginning didn't actually test him they just saw okay you know he his bleed doesn't work on the dragon so they low rated him but he is actually considered one of the if not the top Sr in the game and should not be missed out on if you're looking for a dark unit that does a ton of damage Kang is your man for sure the the one thing I will add in with that um is my caution with stuff like that is when I'm building units especially as free to play if you spend you don't have the resource issue but as free to play resources are super tight leveling more than three of these characters through your progression is going to be tough It's hard um so heavily investing into some of these SRS and then if you pull like a a power sort of quote unquote power creep of them then you're going to be starved on resources that would be my only thing but once again you can't wait forever and eventually you have to build ones and he like you said is a great Sr option for DPS if you haven't got lucky on any of your other pools um and and and not to and not yeah and I not to mention uh to your point like I finished my free to- playay account as a challenge account I finished the entire game with Sr weapons and Sr characters only I didn't touch any SSR so don't undervalue an Sr character even if there's a power creep they will still find Value in multiple teams that you will use later on oh definitely yeah I've I've seen a I think I think saw antho doing it as well with uh with no no SSRS and yeah it's definitely a doable game I would argue it's probably more enjoyable doing it that way because the the CH it's more of a challenge to get through but once again if you're trying to get on leaderboards that's a whole different story um that's a whole different game moving on to Lee Bora now she's one I like she's one that you get from purchasing I think you get her for like $10 I think you got to purchase like a dollar a day for 10 days or some [ __ ] you can get her I actually summoned for her cuz I was afraid to play uh I think she's just a really solid buffing unit with also the extra dark support and I was using uh limb with her which was a kind of nice thing also I had uh um uh dude I [ __ ] my brain's farted but I'm just going to skip that bit but yeah I think she's a really solid buffer the one issue I had with her was she puts this ring down which when you're inside it you get buffed M and I I was using her with limb who is a mobile character so I felt like I was missing out on the Peak Performance of her due to the way her buff is Catered towards that ring now did you have a play around for that or did you have anything else you were doing that I just completely missed yeah so exactly how you're supposed to use her so you put those dark circles down and any any unit that is a dark unit in there benefits and also other units will benefit as well because they it's called The debuff Zone they take away your debuffs as well too so there's a bonus of that not only that but she also does something called charm which is the counterpart to men's punishment where she will cast anything she does and it'll do a 15% debuff on the opponent so you do 15% more damage so she's great as one of the best supports in the game for dark units and let alone in general right the the and and so with with l I had the same problem as you I was too mobile with him and what I would what I learned to do is I'd run around the opponent and put two circles down cuz I think her A1 allows her to do two circles instead of one uh so that was that's a big benefit right hug yeah yeah so that's huge so now you can kind of put put that Mobility aspect to to rest and you have more more room to do that now so absolutely she's she's great now her biggest issue and they've already addressed this is her foxes that's part of her biggest damage she it was bugged a little bit where she was summon two foxes instead of three cuz if you got her to A2 you can summon three foxes which is more damage and not to mention there's still a little bit of an issue which I hope they address the foxes aren't scaled off of her actual stats so they don't have any crit or any crit damage uh that scales off of her they have their own and I'm not sure how it works I think it's like 5% crit rate so that's where she kind of falls off a little bit is and I think that rating is perfect for her right now until they fix those problems then she'll go s+ but you're right she's one of the best buffing debuffing units for dark units and they should always work together and so the reason I think she's on that lower tier is that Min is just a better Universal unit and if you have Min you kind of don't need to invest into her yet like later on for Min maxing maybe she becomes one but like I said resources so tight so if I pull a Min I'm not going to invest into Lee Bor just because you know it's that one role that you've already got filled and you're so limited on resources the next one is dude how do you say this guy's name how do you say it I got no idea uh I think it's uh Li Tim goo I think that's am I saying that correctly the dude is probably the co character in the game up there with silver Beck for me personally really cool just general outfit and he has a bow and I'm a massive fan of bows but this guy is I would I would say he's a high skill cap character when I first got him I thought he sucked because I couldn't play him properly then I learned how to control him and he was absolutely amazing so basically what he has is his Q makes him do a slide and then a shot but you can actually play around with your mouse and keyboard to direction that pretty easily while still not losing control that took me a little bit to figure out how to actually top of e is a Char the thing I love about his e is you can wait until you've got the uh poers shift into another character you can click his e then you can poers shift into another character bring them in and his animation and damage will finish while you're switching so he has these like really nice unique things to his kid that are fantastic and then on top of that his ultimate is honestly one of my favorites in the game when you basically change into like the the Sharpshooter mode and you get like so many basic attacks that benefit with the extra damage and you just basically pump all those out and then you basically shift him away but I I think he was probably the most fun character to play once I figured out how to play him properly and his damage is also really reasonable as well no I totally agree and it's uh it's funny that you said that because this is one of the units that I had a struggle with cuz I didn't understand his kit that well and then I started playing with him and understanding it so exactly what you said you want to use that Mobility skill use it as a as a almost like a Dodge you can't do a perfect Dodge but you can get away from a lot of things and not only that when you do use it you also increase your attack power it's stacking up to three times and then your your basic attack becomes a core attack so you shoot three arrows doing more damage not only that but he also does break damage so he actually breaks opponent's bars too so he's one of the only units that is not a full-on tank that actually does break at the same time and like you said his charge shot is incredible because you can just roll you know bring someone in with a qte while he's doing it and the Damage still goes off and that missile moment is nuts it's eight arrows at 8,000 damage a pop and right now guys keep in mind crit damage does not work so when crit damage goes up those are going to freaking Skyrocket so he is going to be going up now I personally think he deserves an s+ for that dark dark tier list um I think s is a little bit undermining his abilities and what he brings as a Mobility character and overall package but with crit damage not working and I can understand where he's at but I think once we see crit damage like work again you're going to see him back at the top again where he where I think he personally belongs yeah and and the next one is another character I I didn't play with too many of the SRS I was just limited on my building capabilities so I'll let you run through another character whose name I cannot pronounce yeah yeah so we're just going to call her Nam so Nam is actually um one of the best Sr characters out there uh so she's a tank she scales off of HP she does freeze uh pretty much her whole kit is set on freeze she's meant to be your breaker so when you don't have S for the beginning n is going to be your servers killer she's going to be one of the best units you're going to have for killing uh pretty much AOE content and also server so she absolutely is a massive massive DPS tank breaker so you want to definitely use her as an Sr character until you gets s and then you just swap the two out so that's pretty much it she belongs where she is that's a perfect rating for her yep the next one I want to look at is Park she's kind of falling off the edge of the screen here the way I got it set up but she she was my pick when I just got the game read through all the characters she's the one that I thought had the most utility as an Sr unit that I thought would be the most functional so I'm glad that she ended up getting this high ranking because she has such great grouping capabilities along with amplification and generation and I just think she's an absolutely fantastic unit for that and just a and she's one of those ones I feel like she her value has Like Anything could happen but I feel like she's got good long-term value as an Sr unit because she's not dependent on damage she just has really good support that I feel like is going to take a while to get uh outscaled by the unit 100% And it's funny you say that cuz the first video I made about her my my actual title was so broken and everybody's like what the hell are you talking about so I actually broke it down and showed kits she is the ultimate power gauge killer like she she'll build your power gauge so fast you won't even know what to do with it so you're absolutely right she's one of the most yeah one Best Utilities out there just to cut in the Synergy I had I was using Choy so her with Troy she groups up so his AOE damage hits everything and then he wants to Al as much as can so that he can reset his cool Downs like they just have great Synergy sorry I I had to cut you off such good syy no no no that's okay that's okay and that was a very good point absolutely she she makes everybody so essentially she makes everybody better around her she's that's her that's her job so I put her actually her and Kang were the two best SS in the game and I've I've been saying this from day one about those two and she highly deserves the praise that she's getting so I'm glad she's up on this tier list where she's at um the only thing to also note a lot of people don't know this that when she does her Circle um wind move that hits targets and G raises the power gauge it it actually stuns Target so like the spider boss for example if you don't want him from going up healing if you do that before he gets super armor the boss is stuck there for 8 to n seconds so you can just bring in your raw DPS while that's happening and just destroy the boss before it even goes off for a heal so a little tip for you guys so she is incredibly good so definitely deserves where she's at yep and then for hang D Dongo uh this dude I I honestly thought like my take when I first got into the game I thought wuin Chu with like three dupes was going to be better than uh him maxed out that was my take I thought he was going to just like combo well we'll talk about him in a sec but this dude he just feels like raw damage and I just I I guess when you look at him compared to all the other SSRS I mean he's on the same power with these but I wouldn't say he's on the same level as Lim or be or Beck I I just don't know how to feel so I want to hear what you think is essentially what I'm saying okay so here is the funny thing about this character so I finally got around to testing him properly he has the highest multiplication or multipliers in the game of any unit we're talking about any unit on that roster right now he destroys them when it comes down to damage so I started using an A1 and A2 version I started testing and he actually ended up being the highest damage dealing unit in the game scaling off defense barely ever dying and his all most of his skills are all charge up skills so he is a Darkhorse unit that everyone has slept on so I'm telling you now when crit damage is back to working again you're probably going to see him as maybe first to second top DPS in the game S Plus tier wind unit for sure and I think a lot of people just assumed from other people's tier list that he wasn't that good when you start doing the testing you see the amount of impact he has he's and not to mention the new chapters Tusk is also a wind uh res wind wind week unit so the newest boss he is in the Korean version the top DPS right now for that boss so dark horse definitely going to be top tier for sure 100% I I love hearing stuff like that that's that's really solid but the one thing I will say is he is pretty much raw damage raw damage raw damage and survivability that's exactly what he is yeah then I want to jump on to wuen because he's our last SSI unit then we'll quickly do a brief Roundup of the lower tier um SRS because like I feel like when you once you've looked at all these units you're going to be able to get a bunch of these and sort out your account uh wein we get him for free from the login event we get him his weapon for free from the login event he's a character that I I really want to Max one out and test it I don't know if you've tested him maxed out cuz it's just reads really cool to me he basically increases your amount of Dodgers and he's all based around dodging and then he has abilities that reset the cool down on other abilities and then reduces cool Downs based on dodging and I thought that whole Snowball Effect I thought he was just going to absolutely face roll once you get him ma duped but he feels really average at low dupes so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on him yeah that and that's exactly it at the end of the day his utility is adding for jinu an extra Dodge or himself he's based off of Dodge exactly it the biggest issue with him is he's a great breaker he's a good damage dealer his his biggest impact that he has is his range his range sucks as a melee DPS everything is very low range everything is hard to even when you qte sometimes he'll come in he'll miss the boss completely I don't know if that's a that's an issue with the game or not but when it comes down to SSR units he's just the most underwhelming unit when it comes down to power and I think that's where most of the problem stem he is a great utility unit but what he lacks is breakability well not break abilities he's good for that what he lacks is power and damage when you compare him to the other like for example dong Su yes you get a break unit but you miss out on 1,000% 2,000% more damage right where where when you compare him to somebody like I don't know uh a Beck again good good uh you miss out the defense rep but you get an extra dot so you kind of have to compare and contrast what's more important for you the biggest issue I think around him is the fact that the blessing stones that you eventually unlock give you a lot of the utility he already does like give you an extra Dodge take your coold Downs away Etc so you kind of replace them slowly over time so I think we're going to see a buff for him eventually but he is definitely the worst SSR unit in the game even at the highest level yeah sick and let's go through the rest of them because I feel like with all those units most people are going to be able to build a team out of the stuff we've gone through is there any key notes you want to put on any of these Sr units on why someone might want to build them on their account yeah so the only I'll mention three honorable mentions we'll just call them now for now on so first off J jno is actually the best breaker believe it or not in the game what his his two breaks probably do the most amount of break damage in terms of a bar not not to mention that you actually get an A5 version of him practically for free by doing your challenge mode and when you do get that A5 version he drops a potion on the floor for jinu or other characters and if you pick up that potion it gives you attack up uh it gives you HP up gives you a shield and provides you with uh additional damage and that that that's every time he pops in so he's an under under like valued character which actually deserves more respect so I would say definitely as a free-to-play player focus on him if you don't have a good breaker especially a light breaker um and then also I know everybody hates this guy but hang dongsuk the brother of dongu uh one of the best dark characters almost impossible to kill because every time he does a break or a move he increases his max HP and he does the same thing for jinu as a support plus he does a stun that's there's no without any resistance so a really good character to use as dark character and then the last one is in fact Anna Ruiz on the left she is a great poison unit and uh also can do bind on opponents to get you out of tough situations and if you get her to A5 as a freeo play over time her poison does 100% of her attack damage rather than 30 so you actually increase your value at endgame content quite drastically by doing that so those three I would 100% focus on Kim Chul is a nice option if you want a shielder I just find he doesn't give you enough Mobility he's too slow for a lot of his a lot of his things but he does provide insane survivability so he's also one that you could definitely use if you don't want to use J but those are probably the best ones I would go with yeah once again like comparing him to jino is it's that awward thing is like if you're struggling at the game like no offense meant but if you got skill issues like then he's probably going to be the better one but if you're surviving easy then you'd rather be bringing that extra utility of break as opposed to survivability and that's sort of the way it goes but I think that is pretty much a good Roundup of the te list once again guys is there any other final things you want to you want to mention about uh teer list or anything like that yeah so keep it a lookout the tier list will be updated on my end as well too with the crit damage obviously we spoke about it many times uh the only other thing I would keep in mind is remember that all the testing that we do uh these tier lists are meant to be updated constantly because there's brand new metals that come out brand new units that come out so the only thing I would say with we discussed in the beginning cha will definitely be top tier they're not going to release a unit this hype and not make her one of the best units in the game uh the only other thing I would say is jool Lee and or Joi in the bottom the girl the water girl that the heals her stock value has gone up quite drastically as well too but I'll talk more about that on my tier list a little bit but everyone else uh is good here so great job Vulcan great job geeku good job on this tier list guys it looks pretty solid all sick once again I didn't have anything to do with piecing this together this was all geku you and pride win so massive shout out to you guys once again go show pain blade some love I'll leave his Link in the description dude is absolutely sweating in this game so go go check out his streams uh ask him any questions you want and also go show geku some love as well cuz he's another great bloke in the community doing some amazing things but as always guys that is going to be it for this one thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and we look forward to see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Volkin Gacha
Views: 98,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise beginners guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise best hunters, solo leveling arise hunter tier list, solo leveling arise global tier list
Id: 3HQzxPu7VEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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