Top 5 Hidden Substance Painter Tips You Didn't Know

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hey guys heading in working for fit models here in this video we've shown you some real nice tips and tricks in substance painter which you probably didn't know before we get into that though make sure to subscribe and hit the notification button to get notified every time we put out a new video so their first thing we've been looking at is a new feature in painter which is awesome it is the ability to now display real time displacement maps in the viewport how exciting yeah that's pretty exciting it's very exciting find this under the shader settings and now we have a new little tab here called displacement tessellation so we just have a quick height map here this is just a fill layer with a displacement a crunch map plug into it so the first thing we can do is we can change the scale of it so sick what we can see now is you know obviously just taking the polygons which are there and it just displaces them it just takes one point and just moves it out which isn't very impressive where it gets very impressive is we can change the subdivision mode what's the solution mode and count so now we can subdivide this a few times and I can see that this actually changes and actually subdivides it I didn't know you could have decimals in subdivision yourself divided four point one nine times yeah the cool thing is I would get really really nicely subdivided models directly in the viewport this has two modes it has the uniform mode and as I just length which you know it's like yeah it's like I think it so you can define the quality between this and uniform uniforms everything equally yeah I think I think Angela is like the shortest edge yeah yeah so you can see the higher the value it's it's 125 200 two thousand five and out of one so it's probably more adaptive like where it needs more subdivision it'll it'll subdivide I think I think that's how it works inside worse regardless this is pretty cool yeah so now you can actually do fur so regardless of you using IRA or just the viewport this works really well the reason I'm so excited about this is because this gives you a real approximation what it's gonna look like when you're texturing it's so important that stuff is looking the way it actually looks yeah and without this you're just kind of you know trying some stuff out so that's really cool another cool thing which they very recently added is if you want to make a new filler and you only want to have let's say metal enabled what you have to do is you gotta click click click click and then set the metal and it becomes super shiny know what you can do you can simply alt click on the channel you want this is such a nice little time saver and it's a really welcome improvement so you just make another one this is gonna be a roughness now this is only roughness another one this is only color and now digital in the color so you know over the course of a year maybe you save a few minutes but imagine over the course of your entire career that's gonna be you know such a big change and also just because you keep clicking all the time it's this is this was just introduced and it wasn't didn't exist and we did our introduction to painter and we're doing that it was click obviously our introduction to painter is completely outdated now fortunately then another one is if you have different texture sets this is something which I use all the time and you may not know about if you hold ctrl alt right mouse button you can now switch between the texture sets which mean that this list here is kind of useless for the majority of time because you simply gonna do this yeah I see a lot of people actually go all the way up and they have a huge list of things it's really not an issue ctrl alt right mouse button now this is something like not only will it speed everything up I feel like it's also it's just a lot more manageable especially if you have a lot of texture sets even though it's nicely named and everything sometimes it can be a bit hard to find yeah it's like similar to swing to selecting sub tools and see versus all click on it and deserve it the next one is something I discovered quite by accident and that is that the color picker responds to anything in the UI and not just in painter but anything in Windows and let's open up an image so let's say you want to color pick from this picture here from our street wear outfit in substance in Marla's designer so many designers so now you want to color here to be the hair color now you just click the color you pick the color and now picks to glue because whatever color you want the cool thing about this this works with anything in the UI so if you want the nice blueness of the already no Seavers in the background you know whatever it might be you can just pick anything you desire in the entire interface we use this specifically for the hand painting human textures in substance painter where we have a bunch of swatches out here so instead of there's estimating some colors we just have some pre-made swatches click them take them and then you get a minute yeah means that you don't have to like paste in hex values or values whatever it is it just it's just a really nice super handy when you are when you have to source from real-world reference yeah and then the last one we have this is quite a handy one and this kind of makes one of our older turtles a little bit of sleet so one of the features they just added is they added planar projection into the fillers so let's just make this a color and let's drag and drop nice little friendly F logo so if you ever wanted to know how to make a logo I guess I mean I guess you're watching this video already so it's kind of a filament but don't watch the old video where we make a logo because this is it's obviously this is way better so we are now just dragging and dropping our our foot bones logo into our logo slot and then under projection you we now how to new fancy options you have spherical which is quite handy for certain things but where this is handy is planar project this means that we can now use the gizmo to scale up our logo and move it exactly where we wanted to be and there we go now we have our nice little logo right there so what do you get minor you have to disable repeat because we don't want our logo everywhere we don't know what certain places so the cool thing about this is real that we can use or gizmos so we can just move it around and all that we can also just scale it down as well here if you want to you see the fall-off is it's quite smooth here so we can just scale it down or you know we can just disable repeat I was I was into like oh then you could paint a mask so this is so handy because now you kids move it around and it's fully procedural so you know if you change your logo afterwards you can just very quickly do it this is incredibly handy for production because what do you have a lot of times is you have so many graphics going around it let's say you're doing a movie let's say in theory it's what you I joined robots and these giant robots have logos on them and then exciting would change your mind a bus to what logo dress or something happens now you can just very quickly just replace this right away instead of baking it in what we did before is we actually projected the image which is also totally valid approach but the problem with that is that now you are stuck in that logo forever and you gotta you know you can't you can't change it so really we really really like this feature the planar protector feature super cool really like these new enhancements yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of them coming out for painter nowadays and you know they're really optimizing the software so it just gets it gets more and more fun and easier to use every time I think yeah some of my personal favorites of one of these is I mean it's it's such a simple one but this it's linking exactly like displacement mapping that is that is one of the sexy heavy features which takes ages to develop and all but we were actually quite surprised like we tried running it on your laptop and even on a laptop it route it ran pretty promissory note as performances so like right now we're running it on our 980ti and please if you're bored yeah and you know that obviously I think that's gonna be able to well it is gonna be able to run more more heavy stuff but for even for quite complex things you can even run that on that which i think is pretty impressive yeah that's so cool I just won't do it again yeah super cool yeah and you can use this for a bunch of different things like we have a we have a video that we're gonna be producing which is where you can create details you know have clothing from Marvelous Designer and how to detail it in substance painter and originally the plan for was to only include having it as a like a bump map in substance painter but with this feature you know you can you can you can pull in your your maps and you know have height maps for it and then actually have really nice fabric details within painter yeah we read it real like this yeah so yeah these are the five features you probably didn't know in in substance painter if you have any of these cool features yourself and you're screaming at the video now being like I already knew all these but what about this feature tell us and we'll make a video about that as well because we don't know everything we really don't know everything and painter has so many nice little hidden things as well yeah so yeah we really hope you liked this video and if you want to make see more videos like this in the future make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and hit the notification bell as well to get notified every time we put out a new video so thanks for watching you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 53,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, education, foundry, pixologic, nuke, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, flipped normals, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cubebrush, cube brush, gumroad, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru, free tutorial, cgi, cg, computer graphics
Id: 7Ujwd0fgut0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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