Top Tips in Blender 2.8 You Probably Didn't Know

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I guess any important front-flip nominals here in this video we're gonna go through some of the coolest tips we know in blender which you might not have picked up on the first one is we can reset and any value in blender by hovering over the values the value where it is and then we can hit backspace on the keyboard so if you want to reset anything this works with everything even like not even just transform so if you want to go into render settings you screw this up beyond reason you can just go over this and hit backspace gonna reset any value I use this all the time next up we have copy/paste so if we want to copy something from one for one attribute to another instead of going in and copy and copying and then pasting it we can very easily just hover over the field we want hit ctrl C go to the other field and hit ctrl V so no reason to go in pick copy any hex code or anything this works for other stuff in color as well so if you want to paste or get the metallic value into the specular we can control C over this is just super useful and you can you can do this outside of materials as well we figure it out like if you let's say you had a point five value you wanted to paste that into your render samples or something yeah you can paste that value in it's just like you can paste numbers and in colors between color fields so there's a there's a common theme in blender about this hovering over a field and doing an action without actually clicking on it which is also like it's like a point point five tip well yeah I really love this it makes it so much easier and then we have a nice little tip as well which if you hover over a value and y/n another hover so useful and you hit the minus key now keep in mind this is not - a numpad that's gonna do this it's gonna say let's kind of make them that's gonna make the UI smaller if we hover over and we hit the minus key next to the backspace one and now we can I was going to insert a negative value in front of it so really handy or rather is not going to certain negative value it's going to switch it from negative to positive over a positive to a negative we'll quickly flip something around you can easily do that as well then when you have an awesome selection tip if you want to select let's say every every second poly here we can easily do this we can select one than the other then we hold ctrl shift and then the plus key on the numpad and now we can just hold it down and it's going to select through it this works with all sorts of patterns if you have every third we can do that we can select every four whatever six whatever might be super useful stuff I use this particularly for one too if you want you want extrude some of these ones you can select the mannequin list extrude them out like this we can also select every other in a different way as well so we can select everything then we can go to select and we can use deselect checker that's gonna select it giving like at this checker pattern so if you didn't want to apply your own UV sort of checker to it you can select it here with an extruded and then you you know it's completely useless for you being but I just think it's funny so where would this be handy well let's say you have a situation like like this anyone you want to select every other instead of and then let's say you have this is like a million polish long so you can't just sit here and and hit this and just sit here hover over it for like an hour you can select everything you can go select and then you can deselect or chequered you select and now you have it done in just one command and this works based on the last face you selected I believe so if you select the checker there it gives you a way to control which checker like which checker pattern it it picks in in this case if I want to select the other one I would just say control I to do it but it's also really good to know how to how to make it initially as well then we have a really cool tip you sing a bevel shader we can easily set this up if we wear our shader x' then we add a bevel into this you can just hit shift a search and type the bevel and now you can plug this into the normal slot as well so nothing's happening here and this is because we are using evey for the look to viewport we have to use cycles for this this is a feature which is simply not supported and now you can see that this this object here has got this nice little bevel between it like this so without this it would look like this and with the bevel shader it's going to look really nice like so yeah it's just a good way to you know break any kind of production workflow really if you wanted some cool bevels and you didn't want to merge shapes together so one downside I guess well I'm not a downsize just how it works they have to be in the same object in order for this to work that's the only restriction really so we can add tons more of these and now you can see it just it just blends into each other be aware that if you use this instead of modeling you're going to modeling hell and you're never getting out of it oh this is awful but it's an incredibly powerful technique if you want to cheat something it's kind of like like a meta balls but with any shape you want and aboutus useful probably you can see it's it is quite useful for this for this cube but it's really cool tree is a really culture and then we have setting in the sculpting tools yes this is for people who may have come over from ZBrush and are missing the claybuildup brush the claybuildup brush and among other brushes have a build up feature in them that allows you to just keep sculpting in the same spot and it'll build up over time there's an accumulate setting in blender that lets you do this so by default what happens if we keep sculpting now beautifully with a mouse like this you can see it reaches a certain layer and you can never sculpt out of this layer again like this you have to sculpt another stroke so if you want to just keep building up like for dimension with clay build up and ZBrush now you enable this under just brush settings options and accumulate and now we can just keep on building up and this is going to keep building up until basically you run our resolution like this and because you're sculpting with the mouse you know it's actually the result is pretty impressive Ernest then we have another cool trick as well let's go into look the view so we have we have some nodes here and we want to quickly connect these up let's say we have noise texture you want to put this into a color ramp you can of course just drag this into the slot or we could do it in a more automatic way which is select the two of them like this and hit the F key F in blender is just generally like a connect thing if you connect me to verts two faces or two shaders so let's just kill this again and now we can we can show this works with all three of them so we've select all three and hit F key and I would just connects it automatically up for us now keep in mind this here connects it based on the default slot so in this case it's going to be the default color it can't read your mind so you know if you want to connect this to you like the roughness for instance you've got to actually drag it in manually but for a lot of a lot of times you want it in the default slot and then select and F and you you're all connected up just working the compositor as well I guess any node basically where you can use this which is pretty cool then we have an awesome modelling tool as well this is the shortest path tool so if you want to select an edge here and then want to have a shortest path to the edge up here I could of course click it and all that but that is for people who have time that's what scrubs that's what I want to do that so we can simply select this edge select this edge and hold and hold ctrl key or clicking and now you can see that we select a range in between it we also have a really cool feature as well which we have still fully enabled which is called an edge tag so now we can tag it in different ways in this case it's set to tag scene so right now it's selecting it's actually tying it what do you see by default is gonna be set to select like this so now we're only selecting what's in between these points in a very common use case for this is actually for tagging it would seems because sometimes you want to do some ghetto UVs and you don't want to select everything perfectly you just want some really quick cuts let's say maybe you see Ramesh something reciever us you just want a quick Uli's select shortest path tag it as a seam and then unwrap it this also works really well when it comes to to Polly's as well we also have another little trick for you as well which is fill region so if we were to click here and click down here and now we select fill region it's going to select the region in between it it's a bit funky when it comes to certain kinds of apology but if we do like this and then we do fill region I can say just fills up this entire region instead of using itself clicking down here though which is another click we can hold on ctrl + shift or clicking so ctrl shift and now we just fill the region by default this is just incredibly useful for all sorts of things and this is honestly one of my favorite features when it comes to select comes a select in the blender it's really powerful stuff then we have some cool curve tools as well so we have we have a curve this regular Bezier curve you can get this by shift a curve and we can just click Bezier we can we can add thickness to this so in if you want to make if you want to make something like a tube or something like that we can just make a Bezier curve we can make sure it's selected we go down here into into the curve properties under geometry we have an option called bevel and depth so if we were now just change the depth of this we now have this really nice tube but our tricks doesn't stop there today our tricks are on fire these exciting curve tracks is exciting so if we will now want Ian to add more thickness to this or let's say we want to add local thickness you want only this point here to be thick we can now select the point it all tests and I can see that it just it just becomes thicker as well you can see that the actual length the actual lines here becomes thicker we can really easily use this to to create this nice taper this is incredibly useful if you want to create like stylized cartoony hair you just very quickly do that if we just right click on it set this to shade flat you can also show you another effect we can also twist this around as well since we have a we actually have a like a direction for each point and not just a point in space we had control T now we can also rotate this around and we can twist it I just love doing this it's it's a lot of fun you can get really funny effects right away yeah maybe if you're doing some kind of weird tentacle or maybe like just tentacles for hair so if you want to convert this beautiful totally not tentacle to to geometry we can hit the space bar we can search for convert and then we have a feature called convert to we'll just click that and we can just set what you want to convert to you really don't have to read anything else here you just have to read the first word which is currently one convert to a curve or you want to convert to a mesh this case you want to convert to a mesh and now we have editable Polys we can actually work with so you want to do something funky or in C we want to do some crazy extrusions here it's pretty we're tentacle you can extrude along normals and now you can see we'll get some some really interesting results here so we really I really love this this curve trick which means you can add thickness to specific points and you can twist it around as well something like this will be quite hard to do weigh them without using curves like modeling this off with regular polygons would be quite painful see ya there you have it our some of our 9 top tips with some extra little tips in there for you we always made it to ten so if you have some more tips for us to show in future videos please let us know in the comments we'd really love to hear small little tips like this like copy pasting values and colors and all these kind of things so if you like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe and turn on notifications by hitting that little bell as well and if you're interested in professional training or 3d assets 2d as its 2d training whatever it is trying to advance your career within the CG visual effects animation industry make sure to pop over to the flippin almost marketplace and grab something from there
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 64,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, foundry, pixologic, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cube brush, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru, cgi, blender 2.8, blender 3d, b3d, Blender tutorial, blender tutorials, learning blender
Id: EO-ikIsVdIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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