5 things you didn’t know about in Substance Painter
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: GarageFarm.NET Academy
Views: 6,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, susbtance painter, substance painter tutorial, 3d tutorial, tutorial, 3d tips and tricks, Blender 3d, Maya, Modo 3d, substance painter help, How to use substance painter, How substance painter, 3d painting, Blender 2.8, substance painter texturing, texturing tutorial, pbr tutorial, pbr, 3d texturing tutorial, pbr beginner tutorial, Adobe substance painter, Adobe, UV tutorial, 3d UV, UV, substance 3d painter, substance 3d designer, top 5, top 5 tips, texturing
Id: bgquP-teXd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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Cheers for this. Loved the tutorial about painting with norm maps and how to use anchor points with ao...I'd totally forgotten this. Also. That resource tip is killer. Cheers.
It is really annoying when a video implies that you don’t know about certain things. Just add the word “probably” to it.
In this video, we'll be discussing a couple of tips and tricks inside Painter that can help speed up your workflow!
These were great tips.