Meet MAT 2: Take your first steps in Substance Painter

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[Music] [Applause] in this video we are going to take a look at a few techniques and workflows for texturing and rendering the meat mat sample project I will be running through this at a quicker pace so if you're new to substance painter we would love to have you participate in the contest but I would suggest you first take a look at substance Academy and a few of our beginner level tutorials before you get started so here you can see that I have the meat mat sample project loaded here in substance painter so if I come over here to file you can choose to open a sample and here I'll just discard this and let's just choose meat mat and I'll click open and this will just reopen that project and this is the updated meat mat sample project that I want to use for the meat mat contest now I want to bring to your attention the version of substance painter here you see I'm using 2019 3.1 you want to make sure if you're using this sample project that you're using at least twenty 19.3 or higher because in those versions we've updated that sample project and again this is the one you want to use for the contest now if you are using an older version of substance painter that's that's perfectly fine if you check the contest FAQ there we detail that you can use the FBX and we provide the link for you to download this meat mat FBX so with that said let's just jump in and start with some texturing so I'm gonna jump over here to my smart materials and I'm gonna choose a smart material I'm going to use this here called machine metal and I can just drag and drop that here to one of the texture sets I can also hold down the ctrl key and then left click drag and drop and this places me in an ID mode so here you can see that I could actually drag and drop this to a specific ID in my case though I think I'm just going to apply it straight to the head texture set material applied here in the layer stack we have this layer group if I expand it we can see all of the layers that make up this particular smart material and of course I can go in and change any of this content now what I'd like to do at this stage is paint some additional hard surface detail so what I'm going to do so we can more clearly see what's happening is just disabled this layer group and I'm gonna jump down to this standard layer this layer was already created in the layer stack for me so I'm just gonna name this detail and then I can jump over to my brushes let's see let's go to our brushes I'm gonna make sure I'm on this basic hard brush and then I'm gonna jump over to hard surfaces and here we have a lot of these hard surface normal Maps that I can use to create various detail so I'm gonna set up my brush so here I'll just use my context menu right click and I'm gonna come over to the material and I just want to work on the normal channel so a quick shortcut here is to hold down the Alt key left click on the normal channel to disable all of the other channels and here I can just simply come in and just apply one of these hard surface Maps so in my case I want to use this vent 27 so it's this one here I can just left click and drag and drop that here and then I can come into the actual surface and just start to paint some strokes or stamp down this particular hard surface detail and this is what I get now in the 3d view now one of the things you'll notice is that the brush tip this particular hard surface map fits perfectly within the tip of the brush but there can be cases where this the hard surface map gets cut off so for example if I hit the right mouse button to open up my context menu I'm gonna take this event 29 and then here you'll see that the actual corners are being cut off by the tip of the brush and I definitely don't want this so what you can do in cases like this let's go back to that context menu right-click come over to the alpha and you can actually just disable the Alpha by clicking this close button so now you'll notice that it I can see the full extent of this hard surface map left click and I get the correct result alright so let me just set undo a few times once more I'm gonna set up my brush let me come over to my material and like I said I want to use this event 27 all right so now I'm ready to get to painting some of this detail what I'd like to do is enable some symmetry and I can do that here at the top of the menu bar I'm going to enable my symmetry option here and what I'm gonna do is actually paint with radial symmetry so if I come over to the symmetry options we have mirror symmetry we have radial symmetry here we have this angle span so I'm going to set this to 360 and then I have this count now you'll also notice that so I can visually see what I'm doing I have this show access enabled and that gives me this origin point here and I also have at the top of the toolbar the manipulator is visible this allows me to grab this y-axis handle and position this origin point where I would like the origin to be for this radial symmetry and here you can see that I get these preview dots that that let me visualize the count so for example if I come in and just left-click we now are able to paint with radial symmetry alright so now that we have that set up what I'm gonna do is just come over here to this edge I'm gonna hold down the control key and use my left mouse button up and down to simply rotate the brush substance painters automatically recomputing these vector normals so we're going to get the correct result then I'm gonna hold down the control key right mouse button left to right to scale my brush I'm gonna scale this up a little bit and then I'll just left-click to stamp this down and so now I've used my radial symmetry to add some detail here so I think I'll do the same thing on the inside of this face as well here I'm just rotating and positioning scaling and rotating the brush to get this into the correct location and then here I'll just left-click to stamp this down alright so this is the detail that I wanted to add for my head texture set now I'll come up here to the top of the menu and just disable my radial symmetry I'm not going to be needing that any longer alright so now that I have this detail I'm gonna come back to the machine metal group and I'm just going to enable this and so now you can see that we have our detail and we also have the smart material enabled so if you're using smart materials in your project you can run into a situation like we have here so we have the detail but if i zoom in and take a look well a lot of the generators that are being used in that particular smart material they are not taking these new hard surface details that we painted into consideration and this doesn't look very good so what we need to do is be able to tell these generators that we have this hard surface detail and we can do that by using an anchor system so this is a bit of an advanced technique here in substance painter but I wanted to cover it because if you are using like I said smart materials and different materials this is a situation that you'll run into quite often so let's walk through this and I'll show you how to set this up so we have the detail what I'm gonna do is just simply right click here and I'm going to choose to add an anchor point you can see that the anchor point just takes on the name of the layer and what we want to do is we want to be able to just take this detail layer and add it here to our layer group so let me just expand the layer group and here I'll close this up a bit and then all I'm gonna do is simply just left click and just drag and drop this detail here into my layer group so when I do that you can see that well all of a sudden my detail disappeared and I wanted to showcase that because this again is something that you can run into if you're working with smart materials so what's happening here is just the nature of a layer stack we have some layers are overriding this normal information that we painted so one way to take a look at that is to look at the blending modes for our layers so I know I'm working with normal information so what I would do in this case is come over to my drop down I'm gonna target my normal information and I'm just gonna look at some of these blending modes so if you want your normal map if you want your normal information to combine you'll see that it'll be using this normal detail blending mode so as I look up the layer stack I can see then I have this steel painted worn layer group and sure enough the blending mode is just set to normal it's not going to normal map combined so all I need to do in this particular case is just change the blend mode so here I'll select my blend mode and it's getting cut off a little here in the screen capture but what I'm using is this option called normal map detail so I'll choose this and here you can see that I get all of my detail back alright so what I like to do in this case is just set this drop down back to base color I'm doing that just simply because I prefer to look at the actual color thumbnails in the layer stack alright so now that we have this in place we just go through the process of finding which generators we would like to use with this new normal detail that I created so here I would go through the process of just toggling on and off some of these layers so in my case here if I take a look at this and I have this rust brown I'm gonna toggle this on and off and I can see okay well there's all the rust this is a good indicator of what I would like to use so here I'll take a look at the actual layer mask and sure enough there's this dirt generator here so what I'm gonna do now is I'm just going to right click just so that we can see the menu a little bit more clearly and I'm going to scroll down towards the bottom and here you'll notice that we have this micro normal input so I'm gonna click this button it's gonna open up my mini shelf where I could normally browse for resources but in this case I'm gonna click this tab here for my anchor points and you can see that as I mouse over it starts to highlight that anchor point here in my layer stack you can see that here and this is exactly what I want to do so I'm just gonna left click and choose this anchor point now this feature is very robust that we can link any type of channel information to any layer we want but my case I want to work specifically with just this normal information so for my reference channel I'm gonna choose normal then I'll just scroll up and here we have the section for micro details all I have to do is just simply come in here and just enable it so now you can see that I start to get a little bit of rust here gathering in this occluded area of this hard surface detail that I painted now I have a lot of controls that allow me to change this effect so for example we're talking about occluded areas I can adjust this AO radius so I'm just gonna pull this value up a little bit just to make this overall rust effect a little bit more visible and we can see that here alright great so that takes care of what we wanted to do for this rust Brown now I also have this steel painted warned layer group so if I toggle this on and off this is basically my painted layer that's being removed or kind of scraped away to reveal the metal underneath and I definitely would love to have my hard surface detail take advantage of this mass generator as well so let's take a look at the mass for this layer it's just a simple metal Edgware generator perfect let's left-click on this I'll hit the right mouse button here so that I can just quickly pop up my properties do the same process I'll scroll towards the bottom micro normal let's go to our Anchor Point tab let's choose that same detail reference channel I'm working normale let's make sure I select normal and we'll scroll up and then here is where I can come in and just enable the micro normal option so now when I do this you can see that we're starting to get Edgware for all of these details which is really cool and of course just like before we have the ability to change this effect so for example maybe I want to adjust the curvature intensity and maybe increase this or decrease this a bit I can also again work with that AO radius and so on in my case I think I'll leave it like this this curve intensity and that completely sets up the effect so now what I can do is I can just always come back to this new detail layer and I can paint some new additional details so for example just to showcase this let me find something else that I could work with here I'm gonna right click again to come over to my material tab this is the properties for my brush and I'm gonna try this strap 0 1 so let's just left-click and drag and drop that here actually I think I probably want to enable my radial symmetry in this case it's already set up from the previous operation so now I'm just going to rotate scale position my brush so I'll get something like this and then I'll stamp this detail in and here you can see that once I've set up this anchor point to the generators now I can just freely start to paint and add detail and everything is going to work as expected so that's how you can use the anchor point system if you're using pre-existing smart materials that already have generators created things to watch out for just make sure that when you have the layer group you want to place that detail layer at the very bottom because the layer stack is gonna process from the bottom upwards whenever you're using an anchor point it just needs to be below any of the generators that are referencing it also again make sure that the blend mode for any of the layer groups so here I'll select normal just make sure that blend mode is set to normal map details so that you're able to combine that new normal map detail that you're painting up through your layer stack all right so that's going to take care of this machine metal one of the things I could do in this case is I want to apply this same machine metal to the rest of the texture sets here now I could use my right-click and I could instance this but I do have this detail and I want to be able to change some of the content for the smart material per texture set so I don't want an instance in this case what I'm gonna do is just simply copy and paste the layer stack so here I'll just right-click and I'm going to choose copy layers I can come over to say the body and right-click again and then choose to paste layers again I'm choosing just to paste the layer not as an instance because I want to be able to come in here and make some changes like for example this rust is a bit too intense so this is where I might come over here to this rust Brown come over to the dirt here I'll right-click to quickly get to my properties and here I may adjust that dirt level so I think I want to do something maybe more like this instead and then lastly I'm going to jump over to the base right click once more and then choose paste layers so here you can see that I've gone ahead and painted a few more details just as we did with the head here on the body now I did copy and paste that machine metal which means that there was a detail layer here already and it had the anchor system already set up so all I needed to do was just grab my brush grab a few of these hard surfaces and then I was able to just come in and just paint some of this detail down and it was already all set up for me so now I would also like to show you another technique where we're gonna add a few additional channels so what I'm gonna do is come over here to my texture set settings in this case I am on the body and I want to come over to the channels I'm gonna click this plus button here let me tear this off and I'll click the plus button and I'm going to choose ambient occlusion so now that I have this ambient occlusion channel I can jump over here to my filters and I'm gonna use this horizon based ambient occlusion filter I can just left-click and drag and drop that here to the top of the layer stack now when I take a look at the properties here I'm just hitting right-click again for the channel source I want to set this to my normal because again we've been painting this normal detail so I'm gonna choose normal and then if I play around here with this height depth notice here that I'm now getting some extra ambient occlusion within these areas of the hard surface detail here I'll increase this height death so you can really see what I'm talking about here I'm adjusting this radius and this just helps give us a little bit more kind of surface shading a little bit more dimensionality to this hard surface detail we've been painting so that's a technique that you can use let's jump back over to the head texture set we're going to do the same thing so here I will open up the texture set settings I'm going to click the plus button I'm going to add in a mean occlusion while I'm here I'm also going to come in and add an emissive because I want to work with some emissive maps as well so to just to take us back let's do the same thing let's grab that horizon base name an occlusion filter drag that to our layer stack we are going to set the channel source to normal and then here again I can start to just play around with that height depth to again just kind of make these surface details pop a little bit more alright so now that we have this in place what I want to talk about is how I can start to use some emissive properties here so what I'm gonna do is create a new effect this time I'm going to click this fill layer button so I'm going to create a new fill layer and what I'm gonna do here in this case is I'm going to add a faceplate so let me show you how that would work so first I'm going to set up my material so I'll right-click we'll come over to the material I'm going to set my base color here to a dark value so we'll get something like this I don't want to use full black but I am just setting this to a darker value and for the roughness let's just bring this down to be pretty smooth so we get a nice glossy look now the next thing I want to do here is I am going to kind of overwrite what we have so we're seeing a lot of this normal information and I do want to overwrite that so a way to do that I'm just going to come over to my normal channel and it is set to that normal detail blending mode but in this case like I said I want to overwrite so I'm gonna set this to normal so that is going to remove all of the detail that I have so far I'm also going to override my height information in this case so there's some height information coming through so you can see that height is also set to linear dodge again combining all the height information to my layer stack so to overwrite that with this layer I'm going to set this to normal as well so now I'm getting this effect what I'm gonna do here let's just call this faceplate and I need to mask this so I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a below lack mask the mass selected I'm going to choose a paint option and then I'm going to jump over to my brushes so let's come over to brushes and here I'm just going to use the basic hard brush so I'm gonna scale this up so I have a circle that's you know kind of right in the middle of where I want this faceplate to be and then I'm just going to left-click to kind of stamp this down so now you can see what we're getting here is our mask and this isolates the faceplate material that we just created so something else I can do I'm gonna jump over here to the the layer itself let's right-click to go to my properties and I'm going to just scroll down to where I have my height and I'm going to just push this to a little bit of a negative height and here we'll push this down and what we get because that brush had a little bit of a soft edge to it we get a nice little bevel here now the next thing I would like to do would be to add some emissive data to this so here I'm going to create a fill layer on top this one we'll call emissive and in this particular case I just want to work with emissive Channel so I'm gonna right click to get to my properties here I'm going to scroll up to where I have my materials on my channels I'm going to alt left click just on the emissive channel and so here we have this black so let's set this to a value a color value let's I'm gonna try something like kind of kind of an orangish yellow maybe something kind of like this and you can see that what we do have some emissive properties here but we need to mask this so I'm just gonna right click and I'm going to choose to create a black mask now instead of manually creating this what I can do is just come to the mask I had below it I can right click on this and I'm just going to choose copy mask and then I'll come back to the new mask that I just created for the emissive layer right click here and then I can choose to paste into mask and you can see that that creates the paint effect and it copies the mass for me so now what I would like to do is I'm going to build up this mask and I would refer to this as my mask effect stack so here we have this paint let's come over to the add effect and I'm gonna add a fill here and for the fill let's see let me come over to my procedurals and I'm going to find a procedural that I can use here so I'm just kind of scrolling through to see what I have and actually I'm gonna use this waveform this might be pretty cool so here I'm going to right-click go over to the material property you can see that since I'm in a mask it's just a grayscale input and I can left-click and drag and drop this waveform here now you can see in this particular case this waveform fill is overriding what we had for our paint effect well that's no problem because we can actually combine these together to build this final mass by just simply using a blend mode so for the waveform I'm going to come over to my blend modes and I'm just gonna set this to multiply and that basically isolates the waveform into the paint mask that we created in a previous step so now I can start to just play around with the properties for this waveform so I'm gonna right click here and here you can see that I can start to play around with this so I'm gonna come over to the actual noise parameters and I am going to just make a few adjustments here so let's adjust the size max now I can see that I actually I think I want to position this a bit so what I'm gonna do is come over to the UV transforms for this layer and I'm going to play around here with this second slider which is my Y offset so I want to put this kind of right in the middle now I can come back and start to play around with say my balance my size min and Max so I'm getting this my wave number I can increase this so here let's set this to maybe a value of say I don't know let's say 8 and then I can play around with some of these settings like here I have my noise and so on again playing around with just some of these different settings to get what I want so I do want to increase this balance a bit and this is the exact effect that I'm looking for so here we have our face that has this kind of cool emissive waveform rendering inside of it so now that I finished texturing I need to render this for my contest submission and we're gonna do that by using a ray here directly in substance painter so to jump into I Remo Die just simply need to come up here towards the top of the UI and just click this camera button to render an array so I'll click this it's gonna take me to the eye ray rendering mode and eye ray is going to warm up and then it's going to start to render my scene okay so here you can see that my scene is rendering and what I'd like to go over now some settings that you can use for your contest submission so first thing that we need to do is if we come over here to the top you can see that we have this default camera if I drop this down this is going to allow me to view all of the cameras that are that were a part of this FBX file so for the contest there are two camera angles that you have to render for your submission the first one is c1 front and the second one is this c7 now what I'm going to do to start is we can come over to the environment and you can change your environment you can use whichever one you want so for example for the environment map if I click this button opens up the mini shelf and I can choose a different environment to work with so in my case maybe I'll use this one here which is this soft 4 tube and I'm going to select this and you can see that it's going to change the lighting so here I can use the shift key and the right mouse button left to right to rotate the environment so I can change my lighting environment here and you can see array is interactively updating as I do that so I'm just going to set my lighting environment so maybe something like this for now and then what I'm going to do is just scroll down through here to where we have this section called dome and you can see that we have this clear color enabled so if this is turned off you'll actually see the environment map itself but my case I'm going to leave this on and then for the clear color I'm going to switch this to just a really dark background value so something like this this is what I want to use for my render here alright so now that we have that set up you'll also notice here that you have some camera settings we're not going to adjust any of this because like I said we need to use this specific preset either c1 or c7 for the contest submission now the next thing that I can do is I can come over here to my shader settings tab now here is where you can work with the shader settings also we have displacements so we did add displacement to substance painter and if you are wanting to work with say height information in my case I've painted normal but if you were painting height information and you want to use displacement you can do that as well and I Ray will also render that displacement and here's where you can change the tessellation controls as well as the scale for the height placement and this displacement in tessellation settings will link from the real-time 3d view from painter over here to eye ray in my case I'm not actually working with displacement so I'm going to jump back over to my shader settings and what I do want to change though is this emissive intensity so I'm gonna set this to let's say a value of two so I'll hit two and hit enter and here you can see that it starts to update it's like a multiplier of that intensity value which is pretty cool alright so let's now go back over here to my display settings and the last thing I want to do is come over here to my activate post effects so I'm gonna enable these and this is where I can start to add some kind of cool features so for example I might want to add a little bit of vignette so I'll add a little vignette in here on the side and then I also want to add some glare so I'll enable glare I'll take a look at these controls and here I'm going to just start to adjust my luminance and I'm going to decrease the threshold so as I do that now we're starting to get some really nice kind of blooming effect here for that waveform the shape I don't like this filter cross so I'm just gonna set this to the standard bloom so I get this kind of nice horizontal bloom here now I can also jump in to say something like tone mapping so I can enable my tone mapping and here's where I can start to do a little bit of kind of color grading and such so for example if I want to increase like say my exposure so I'm just gonna lift my exposure value here just a bit and again speaking of color grading if I like I can come back over here to this color correction actually and enable this and then here's where I can come in and start to do things like play around with maybe my white balance so maybe I want to you know introduce a little bit of a kind of a cooler tone or a warmer tone I can do that I think in my case I'm just gonna use a cool tone to kind of offset some of this orange yellow glow that I have from the waveform I can play around with some contrast as well as this saturation so I can desaturate or increase the saturation maybe I'll punch that saturation a little bit and one other option that we have if I scroll down here towards the bottom we also have the ability to activate a color profile so if I activate this this gives me the ability to load in a profile which is basically a view Ludd so for example if I try something like say this vintage mode I can get some really cool color grading type effects and you can even create your own color profiles and import those into substance and use those as well if you like so here you'll notice my renderer looks pretty noisy and that's because we need to change our render settings now you'll notice that here at the top the status is says green done it means that it's no longer rendering I raise no longer refining this image the rendering quality is controlled very simply through the samples or the max time so for example the max time in my case was set to 10 seconds so this refined for 10 seconds and then stopped and this is the result that I got so obviously a little too noisy but pretty good when I'm kind of tweaking values so when it's time to do my final render I could switch this to say something like minutes and maybe I'm going to let this render for like one minute and so now you can see that the status is set to rendering I array is now refining this image here now one other thing that I want to bring to your attention is the resolution that you'll need for your contest submission so you'll notice that this override viewport resolution is enabled because I set a specific camera here and the width is set to 1920 by 1080 which is the resolution gate coming from my camera so when you go to do your contest submission you can submit in one of two resolutions 1920 by 1080 or 4k again be sure to check the contest rules to get all the information you need but like I said you can use one of those two resolutions so here you can see that I left this render for a 1 minute and if I deem that this is a glutton of quality I can say okay well yeah this is done let's go with this so I have my resolution set I've rendered the correct camera angle and now I just simply click this save render button and then I choose the format and I save my file I can also choose to upload this to my art station account as well this concludes this walkthrough I want to wish you the best in this contest I hope you had a lot of fun and it's really cool to have everyone come together as a community and participate we can't wait to see what you produce have fun and I'll see you next time
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 50,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance, Substance Painter, Sustance Source, texturing, texture, textures, painting, mapping, 3d art, materials, procedural, generation, Allegorithmic, Library, Material, Authoring, PBR, Physically based rendering, Photogrammetry, Paint, Painter, Sculpt, Games, VFX, ArchViz, Architectural visualization, Automotive, Real-time, Render, meet mat, 3d contest, substance painter tutorial
Id: K4wG7dJ-oeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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