What I Eat in a Day to stay SLIM & STRONG at 64 (AND lower cholesterol without meds)

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we are taking a break from makeup and skincare I am coming to you from my kitchen because today I'm going to share what I eat in a date to stay slim at age 64 although I have never been significantly overweight I did go through several years probably close to 10 years between the ages of 45 and 55 where I carried an extra 10 sometimes an extra 15 lbs of menopausal weight by focusing on eating for health and energy I gradually managed to shed those pounds without any dieting and I've been able to maintain a healthy 140 l pounds on my 58 frame for pretty close to the past 10 years I don't follow a specific diet I not vegetarian I am not carnivore I don't count calories or carbs I do try to eat mostly plant-based and aim to include a variety of protein plants and healthy fats throughout the day of course I try to minimize sugar but I do indulge in dark chocolate on a pretty regular basis as far as beverages I love my black coffee in the morning but throughout the day it's mostly water or mineral water or unsweetened tea I do enjoy an occasional beer or a glass of wine everything in moderation as far as exercise well I do exercise moderately I take a walk most days I'm going to the Y A few times a week to do weights a little bit of yog but I've also gone through periods of time where I really wasn't exercising very much and my weight has seemed to stay the same whether I'm exercising or not so I do think that maintaining my weight is mostly due to what I eat so if you are excited to see what I eat in the day to maintain a healthy weight at age 64 please remember to throw this video a thumbs up now I am very busy as most of us are and truth be told I'm really not the best cook so it has to be as fast and easy as it is nutritious and healthy and of course I don't eat the same thing every day but my food choice is remain pretty consistent lots of leafy greens beans nuts organic whenever possible I do take supplements I will link my supplement video as well as my previous what I eat in the day videos in the description box below I will also list some additional snack and meal ideas as well as some my favorite nutritional books in the description box below lots and lots of information in the description box below and please please share your tips and tricks so we can all learn from each other and usual disclaimer although I am a retired registered nurse and I've always had an interest in the science of nutrition I am not a dietitian I am not a doctor I am not giving medical advice it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before before making any major dietary changes before we get into the kitchen just a little story about my cholesterol which is also a testament to the power of food as medicine several years ago my cholesterol started to gradually creep up when it hit 230 I was really bummed out because I always considered myself a healthy eater but I do know I have a genetic predisposition to elevated cholesterol so I started doing a little research and I was very intrigued by oatmeal the soluble fiber in oatmeal is said to reduce the absorption of cholesterol oatmeal is also antioxidant it helps to stabilize blood sugar and it is a Prebiotic food that can help promote healthy gut bacteria that all sounded great to me so I added oatmeal to my diet most days sometimes as a hot cereal sometimes as overnight oats in yogurt with berries the following year my cholesterol went down a whopping 30 points which of course made me very happy and it continued to Trend down the year after that unfortunately at my last visit my cholesterol was up just a tad so I am recommitting to oatmeal so of course Today's Breakfast is oatmeal which is also a wonderful cozy comfort food these cold winter mornings ingredients include of course oatmeal I like to D up the oatmeal with some apple for sweetness flax and walnuts for omegas and protein as well as a yummy nutty texture Greek yogurt and a bit of maple syrup now steel cut oats are probably best but quick oats are just so well fast and easy add an entire chopped Apple some walnuts and cook it up for just a couple of minutes I usually make a double batch and save leftovers to heat up the following day super fast fast and easy organic quick oats takes just a couple of minutes and in just a couple of minutes oatmeal is done serving it up and then I like to add some ground flax and some more walnuts because I love walnuts add a little bit of organic Greek yogurt and just a touch of maple syrup for sweetness this this is super yummy it reminds me a little of apple crisp it gives me energy and keeps me full for quite a while that's breakfast lunch is almost embarrassingly fast and easy a couple of chicken BRS humanely raised no antibiotics hormones or nitrates these are precooked so it takes just a few minutes to Brown them a bit and heat them through add a bit of probiotic Rich sauerkraut which is also high in antioxidants and fi fiber and in just a couple of minutes we have a fast easy high protein probiotic Rich lunch for my afternoon snack I'm going to make a green smoothie I try every day to have either a large green salad or a green smoothie and since today I am not planning a green salad it is a green smoothie day anyway here are all the ingredients I am using my homegrown broccoli Sprouts I have a video on how to grow your own broccoli Sprouts super super healthy two cups of blueberries organic the Epic protein Sprout Living epic protein protein powder is a fantastic vegan plant-based protein powder it has probiotics and antioxidants and it makes the Smoothie super creamy and delicious I have some spinach some ginger and some lemon so let's put this smoothie together starting with a generous chunk of organic fresh ginger very anti-inflammatory A Nice Slice of lemon with the peeling on all the ingredients are organic lemon peeling is super healthy it has flavonoid and antioxidants and of course my precious broccoli Sprouts like I said these are homegrown I will link a video below where I show exactly how to grow your own broccoli sprouts and then about 8 oz of water and into this I'm going to put two scoops of the protein powder two scoops of the protein powder give that a good Shake I do like to premix my protein powder before putting it in the blender as far as my greens today I'm using baby spinach oftentimes I will use kale or uh Roma lettuce it's really important to rotate your greens and I am very very generous with the greens give that a good blend with my precious Vitamix my very favorite kitchen appliance I use it almost every day pricey for sure but it lasts forever and it does come with a 7-year warranty add a couple of cups of frozen organic blueberries and give it another good blend and in just a couple of minutes we have a super healthy green smoothie one for today and some to store in the refrigerator for tomorrow fast easy delicious super healthy it actually makes me feel like I've had a transfusion of energy and for dinner we have a fast easy delicious black bean chili two cans black beans one large caned crushed tomatoes onion and garlic a couple of yellow zucchini squash one red bell pepper a sweet potato Frozen sweet corn and of course chili powder and ground cumin I will put the recipe in the description box just heat a little olive oil and add one cup of chopped onion and a couple of cloves of crushed garlic and cook on medium heat for a few minutes until translucent one of the things I love about making soups and stews is chopping up the bright colorful veggies the beautiful orange sweet po potatoes the bright yellow zucchini and the shiny red bell pepper truly a rainbow of color adding the chopped sweet potato first as it takes a little longer to cook season with 1 teaspoon ground cumin and 1 tbsp chili powder and add a little bit of Veggie broth and we are going to let that cook for about 5 minutes after about 5 minutes I am going to add the yellow zucchini and the red pepper a little more veggie broth some salt and pepper which I should have done earlier and then I will let that cook for a few minutes then we add the black beans the crushed tomatoes and 1 10 oz bag frozen corn fod mix this together and cook over medium heat stirring occasionally another 10 minutes or until heated through this whole chili only took about 30 minutes start to to finish let's garnish this black bean chili with a little bit of grated cheese some sliced avocado and some tortilla chips and here is dinner fast and easy one pot cozy winter meal loaded with protein fiber antioxidants vitamins and minerals incredibly delici delicious and super super healthy bone appeti I was so busy cooking that I forgot to film an outro so it is early in the morning I am just enjoying my coffee and I thought I would come on here with a couple of quick final thoughts you know when we nourish our body with nutrient-rich superfoods our Cravings seem to disappear I haven't had fast food in forever it just doesn't appeal to me anymore and some of this is an acquired taste for instance smoothies when I first started green smoothies many years ago I used more fruit than greens gradually I increase the greens and decrease the fruit and now I literally crave my green smoothie anyway if you enjoyed this video please remember to throw it a thumbs up and please share your go-to snacks and meals so we can all Inspire each other and with that have yourself a great day a wonderful week and I hope to see you in my next video cheers
Channel: Tamara’s Timeless Beauty
Views: 458,243
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Keywords: how to lower cholesterol, heart health, lowering cholesterol naturally, how to lower cholesterol without drugs, What I Eat in a Day to stay SLIM & STRONG at 64, What I eat in a day to stay healthy at 64, green smoothie recipes, green smoothie for clear skin, Green Smoothie benefits, Black Bean Chili Recipe, Oatmeal Recipe, Oatmeal to lower, oatmeal to lower cholesterol recipe, oatmeal to lower cholesterol, best blender for green smoothies, vitamix blender
Id: UeFecuPl6WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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