Stop Eating PLANT-BASED Foods...Eat THIS Instead

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walk around any grocery store the last few years and you'll see the words plant-based everywhere and plant-based on the surface is a good thing we should be eating more fruits and vegetables and not so much processed food but I would argue the word plant-based has been perverted into something that is incredibly processed and bad for us because yes vegetables are good but when you're turning plant-based items into hot dogs hamburgers ground meat and meatballs there's actually no plants in them now when you look at the ingredients it's nothing but processed oils and fake ingredients and those aren't plants and those aren't good for you and actually those are bad for the environment which is one of the main reasons people eat plant-based in the first place so let's walk around the grocery store and show you why I think plant-based can be a very bad thing before we do I do want you to check out using my promo link down below Thrive Market has a lot of good plant-based stuff but the reason why I love Thrive is yes they're a seven year supporter of my channel but pretty much anything you can buy in any grocery store is on Thrive Market but it's cheaper when you use my link down below you save 30 off your first order you get a free gift and it's 30 days risk free and your box comes straight to your door I'll put a list of all my favorite survive market items in the description box so check it out all right let's talking more shopping let's walk around welcome to the meat alternative section of the frozen food department in here is where plant-based can really go wrong in my opinion so let's pick up something like this let's say you want meatballs but your plant-based you're going to look at Classic Jack meatball so Jack meaning Jackfruit which is a good plant actually but I can promise you it's not just Jackfruit let's see here so jackfruit's the first ingredient but the binder is soy flour the oil is coconut but then it's canola oil then there's natural flavors you oftentimes find soy in these kind of products and I'll tell you why in a second we have got plant-based fish Burgers here chicken patties let's go to something that's really popular here people love this brand garden is very popular you can find it at many many grocery stores these are crispy chicken tenders look lovely in the photo but what is it made of here enriched wheat flour is the main main ingredient but here's the problem boom soy protein isolate and canola oil followed by a ton of other unsavory ingredients but Soy once again is it non-GMO yes at least it's non-GMO but you'll oftentimes find all of these imitation products here made of soy and here's the funny thing a lot of people eat plant-based because I think it's better for the environment soy is a mono crop soy and corn are the biggest monocrops in this country that we grow the problem is mono crops like that are really really bad for the soil and the biodiversity of the soil so if you're doing that and using a lot of soy it's actually bad for the environment and it's bad for you because Sony is usually GM Outlets not it's still high in omega-6s which is very inflammatory you don't want it in your body so soy is actually bad for you and bad for the environment so it's a lose-lose if you want something like that okay veggie burgers are where you want you shouldn't be taking plants and try to make them into fish burgers and chicken cutlets because that's just perverting it a veggie burger the problem is a lot of veggie burgers at least this is real veggies they still have credit oil like what does this one have here there expeller pressed canola oil and that's a doctor which is surprising to me something like this is a perfect veggie burger no Bowl now all veggies no processed oil if you want a burger that's what you want you want it made of plants you don't want a made of soy and canola oil and unsavory ingredients probably the best veggie burger I've ever had in my life was in Los Angeles of course at a place in Venice Beach called Cafe Gratitude oh my goodness they're veggie cheeseburger is to die for and actually I'll be in La next month March for the Expo West healthy food convention in Anaheim so if you're at the show come by and say hi and I think I might have to stop at Cafe Gratitude and get a veggie burger not one of these soy Burgers the danger Will Robinson danger in here are some really twisted Franken foods that are called plant-based and let me just be clear I have no problem with organic tofu if you want to turn that into a stir fry or Jackfruit or seitan things like that you can turn into real dishes my main issue is with these Foods right here when you start to turn it into Chicken Breast Burgers sausages things like that because let's just be honest this is a plant-based chicken breast if I slide this over a little bit there we go look at that does that look appetizing to you I know it's plant-based but that just looks like something's wrong with it and people might read plant-based chicken breasts no artificial flavors non-GMO I think it's good to go but when you look at the ingredients here you see if I can see it here I got to wear my glasses one of these days it's chickpea flour is the main ingredient so flour is the main ingredient coconut oil is okay but we also have canola oil and then look what it says here methyl cellulose sodium alginate carabin gum xanthan gum and the natural flavor I print this is not a plant-based chicken patty this is basically a plant-based oily starchy Patty when you have ingredients like sodium alginate carobin gum methyl cellulose these are just binders Binding Together the processed inflammatory canola oil with chickpea flour this is not how you do plant-based I can argue there's no real plants in here at all and then people love their Beyond Burgers first of all it's seven dollars for eight ounces so that means it's essentially fourteen dollars a pound for plant-based but once again there's no nutrient dense plants in here look at this laundry list of ingredients which I can't even read here pea protein is the only real plant in there afterwards it's expeller pressed cruddy processed canola oil followed by natural flavors methyl cellulose as plant-based fibers holding it together then they try to fortify with all these vitamins here this is not how you do plant-based once again there are no plants in here it's pea protein with such processed ingredients that have no nutrition and inflammatory oils why would you put that in your body that's not how you do plant-based I'm sorry I did a recent video about the best plant-based milks on the market and that was an update to a video I did two years ago I'll put a link to that video right here one of my favorite is something they don't have in the grocery stores they have it online or at Thrive Market it's called Kiki milk it's probably the cleanest most nutrient-dense body approved plant-based milk on the market they have original and chocolate and it's on Thrive market now and what's cool they have the 32 ounce size that's new and you can buy one of them you don't have to commit to a whole six-pack like you do if you buy it on their website it is unbelievable I make lattes out of it and then Rose uses it for her cereal real and drinking it it's phenomenal and then if I want a snack this is a plant-based cereal that we love seven Sundays it's cheaper on the Thrive Market also remember Thrive Market has all the stuff you would normally find in a grocery store but it's cheaper by link down below gets you 30 off your first order and the free gift and I'll put a list of all my favorite Thrive market items on there many of which are plant-based and you can grab them let's try that Kiki milk with that cereal on the couch while watching your honor with Brian Cranston which is pretty decent butter is a tricky one because some people eat plant-based butter because they don't do dairy but the problem is every single brand of dairy-free butter has something wrong with it and the marketing should be criminal so something like this Earth Balance has a very wholesome name and it says soy free well that's good but when we see what this is actually made of canola safflower and then there's palm oil too three horrible inflammatory oils that yes are non-GMO but they're about as Cheapo as they get and then if you pick up something like this it says organic here non-GMO but once again what are the oils made of here a vegetable oil blend of palm soybean canola a touch of good extra virgin olive oil then there's the natural flavor to give it the real flavor so why are they doing this because they can't use Dairy but they're choosing to use processed cheap inflammatory oils these oils are cheap so higher profits for them worse for us but these oils are processed to death they're inflammatory they're loaded with something called free radicals which we talked about in yesterday's seed oil video you don't want to put that in your body unfortunately the bad news is no matter what brand you pick up even premium ones like this they all have at least one cruddy oil this one I can't really read it has boom sunflower oil so in this case I can't give you a Bobby approved alternative because nothing's out there this is better for you because it's just one oil kite Hill is just one oil that's bad that's bad for you in there this is an amalgamation of a bunch so plant-based butter is tough but it's also tough on your body because those oils are bad because I'm right here and I want to end this segment on a positive note these guys kite Hill make an amazing plant-based uh cream cheese that's on sale right now the family pack is probably the best deal and this is plant-based done right this is almond based and there's no filler ingredients in there basically it's the same ingredient profile as regular cream cheese they're just using almonds and even regular cream cheese has a couple gums in there like this there's no natural flavors there's no processed oils of course they're sold out of my favorite flavor the garden veggie but this stuff literally is fantastic that one has sugar natural flavors but this stuff is Bobby approved I know I mentioned I had a plant-based Milk review video that I did recently that was updated but this one is relatively new to the market and I think it's getting popular and most plant-based milks are made with almonds or oats or something like that but this one really beef bottles me there's no nuts or grains in here look at the ingredient list it's water followed by a vegetable oil blend of sunflower safflower and canola excuse me gotta move out of the way so it's basically oily water with then gums oils emulsifiers and how much sugar in two grams of sugar I know it's not milk but the question is what is this or is Sebastian Maniscalco would say why would you do that all right my friends that is it my rant is over but let me be clear I have no problem with veganism or plant-based when it's done right eating whole fruits and vegetables and things in their whole form when you start to take plants and convert them into something that is a Franken food and then it doesn't have any plants it's all fake ingredients and oils that is not good plant-based that is not good for you and it's not good for the environment so uh that is it from the grocery store do also check out we love them I promo link down below gets you 30 off your first order and the free gift and I put a list once again of all of my favorites so I market items in the description box but from the grocery store my second home I leave it like I always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 129,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant based, plant based foods, vegan foods, best plant based, best vegan foods, worst vegan foods, vegan fake meat, plant based meats, bobby parrish, flavcity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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