Top 5 Divi Plugins for the Divi Theme | Divi Essentials

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in today's video i'm going to take you through five incredible plugins made specifically for divi that are meant to extend what divi can do so we're going to link up each one of those plugins below they'll be time stamped and that way it'll make it easier for you to jump around and find the ones that you haven't been exposed to if you're familiar with some of them on the list so without further ado we're going to jump into the very first one on this list which is divi overlays and divi overlays is made by our good friends at divi life specifically tim streifler divi overlays is cool because divi does not come with built-in overlays or modals or any of that stuff built into it natively so what divi overlays does is it brings you a whole nother level of functionality you can see here there's abilities to do pop-ups and anything can be included inside of these pop-ups i mean anything anything that you can put inside of the divi builder so the way this works is it gives you a whole nother section inside the back into wordpress it adds this divi overlays and you go in it gives you the power of the visual builder to put anything you want you can click in the menu and we'll take you through the demo site and show you some examples but you can click on a button and it can pop up you can trigger this overlay there's a lot of things so you you see a few of these things here we can watch the promo video you see here this is a divi overlay it's got a few things here it's really cool you can close it shrinks it back down it looks amazing right if you've got different pop-up types so we'll come down here you can do an email pop it pop up look how how pretty and seamless that is promotional sales pop up boom looks great login forms you have a membership site you've got that here video pop-ups like we just saw a welcome mat this is pretty funny like welcome sign up do your thing it fades in it fades out card abandonment wait don't go you know these kind of things external web pages if you need to link another page you can do that as well contact forms so rather than having a full contact page you want something where you can click a contact button and your site pops up with this again it's completely built around what you want it to look like and then this content and info pop up so you can even have it scroll so there's so many things think about this for a restaurant website you click on the menu boom it pops up it's right there and we've got some some great testimonials a good friend of ours josh hall over at in transit studios and josh josh is a great guy great teacher and makes a lot of great content we'll actually link up his his youtube channel here as well and his uh and his podcast so there's a few more things you can do time time delays so time trigger delays is going to take us into a site and this time trigger boom there you go you're on the page for a certain amount of time triggers the overlay and there's a lot of them scroll base you get a certain amount down the page it triggers the overlay manual clicks text links as well here so you know trigger let's see if we can find these so buttons trigger with a divi button or any of those so trigger from a button two boom got it let's trigger from text text link boom trigger all these things an image trigger pretty cool how they've got it set up it works extremely well and this is what i think just a completely versatile it's only limited by your imagination and what you can do in the divi builder and that kind of puts the bow on number one on divi overlays the second one we're going to go to is page builder everywhere now this this is a very unique plugin and it does include some short codes and it allows you to do a lot of cool things so as it says here turn the page builder into a website builder now we know we've got the website builder with divi with the theme builder specifically but what this allows you to do is drop designs inside of different modules so for me i think of i think of annual versus monthly and a payment you can create two tables and you can drop a layout inside of another tabs module so you can have a full-on layout inside of tabs it also works for e-commerce you can do reviews and descriptions and do a completely customized layout so it's huge the inserter button the the logic behind this do you want to display this now different item tiles different and it can be based on anything they really did a nice job here and you can see inside of this post this allows you to use although i know there's there's a divi block that can be used for gutenberg if you're using the old school post editor you can absolutely use page builder everywhere to do that as well you can just drop your divi layout right inside of your post and this is some different ways you can use it i mean main area in the footer in the header you you have this nice really nice ui in the widget it's really simple you pick your your widget the the different layout you want to do save it to a library item pick your widget and pick your layout and it's it's really awesome so it empowers you to use divi in more places and more ways and watch we'll jump in and i'll show you kind of how it works so these are these are a lot of different videos and uh believe this is miss sarah oates she's awesome she does some some really really really good tutorials and you can see here like they've got a ton of different support materials so you can add newsletter call to action on every blog post you can install like it'll show you how to install it add layouts to a different slider that's really cool footer layouts and a lot of things that have been adopted by the divi builder and as a whole but this does still allow you to take it to a whole nother level so you're gonna you're gonna absolutely level up your game and that's page builder everywhere so the next one is by the same people over at divi space so david blackman corey jenkins just some really some really great people in the space and people who are doing just what i think is an absolutely phenomenal job creating some really cool products and this is divi switch and this used to be um touted as the swiss army knife of divi plug-ins because it gave you so many different options and so much control over so many pieces and we'll show you some of these so you know it says gain control over your website's appearance with 50 plus switches to customize divi so you can remove the main headlight main header underline you can create an app style menu which allow you to shrink it on desktop phone numbers clickable burger text menu so many different options in the header same thing with the footer remove bullet points from the footer you know that's an interesting one that was added not that long ago stop footer floating on empty pages which will basically take the footer and push it down and make it at least attach to the bottom and if your page extends it'll keep pushing it down it's really cool feature something if you have a very short page this comes in handy so replace footer widgets with layout so this this is cool you can put a whole layout inside of a footer widget you got the main content where you can remove the divided line in the sidebar and these are really geared towards using default divi so if you're if you're going and really taking things to the next level inside the theme builder you probably won't use every single one of the switches but what's nice is that you do have the option and then there's some enhancements you can change the break point so where it shrinks and where it changes into being mobile and tablet view i think that's huge change default select page text on the center menu that's cool because it just says select page which looks a little funky to people they're like i don't know what that means you want to change it you can change it to menu you can change it to whatever you want and there's just so many other options here and it takes away the time of coding so i used to use this plug-in on every single one of my sites and i still use it on quite a few depending on the scope of the project sometimes i go completely custom and fix them you know fix it myself and other times i go this route because it's um it's a it's a great plug-in and it's just again really well done and i just love divi switch and divi space i think divi space in that team does a phenomenal job so that kind of that wraps up divi switch we're going to move on to number four which before i had before i jump over into it is is one of those that if you're if you're a developer if you're building websites for clients this is one of those conceptually maybe maybe this isn't the plug-in for you but maybe it is but conceptually what you need to have for every one of your clients is a resource is a way for them to fully understand the website they have the power of what they have and to present value to your clients and that's what this does so we'll jump in here and it's called it's again by divi life our buddy tim streifler and it's the divi dash welcome plugin and we'll click into here and what it allows you to do is to build a layout with the visual builder with the divi builder and then set it as the dashboard so you can have customer support hours you can have a contact form people need to submit any kind of maintenance that needs to be done you can put your blog post in there you can actually push your rss feed there you can do anything literally anything you can put in on the front end of a website you can put into this dashboard and it's powerful because it gives your your people your clients a place to go as soon as they log into the website so a place that they know places they're comfortable going to and it gives them the information they need to find the answers when something isn't right they know how to get to you they know your website they know your process for submitting log or submitting support requests and you can do even more i mean you can continue to go build out different dashboards they've got some some things that come with it by by default they've got some layouts and that's what's really cool about what dv life does is that they do for all of their plugins they provide you with some options for layouts i have personally used the divi dashboard welcome on just about every client site um especially from 2016 17 18 um and even into 2019 i need to get back into putting this on my sites at least in a base form but what i've transitioned to is doing a complete client resources page and even an option for them to log in and and have resources for clients that way so i've kind of gotten away from the divi dashboard welcome but that makes it that does not make it less of a valuable plug-in i think if you're building for sites this is a hell of a plug-in to use to get going and this could become part of your stack well into you know massive agency if you decide to grow it or it's something that will make just bring added benefit to your clients regardless of how long you do this and we're going to jump into the very last one number five and that is divi bars the divi bars is is basically like divi overlays but instead of being full page overlays it's going to be across the very top of your page so right up there you're going to have a bar that can drop down and it's meant to be promotional so if you need to we'll go to the demo site but if you need to share something don't forget to breathe if you need to have a promo bar that pops up that's promoting a product you know you've got that option you saw it waited a little while and then it popped in the buttons jiggling i think those are great things like it's it's super good and here's some of the options around it it's perfectly timed triggers for what you're trying to accomplish time delays scroll delays exit intent just like divi overlays top or bottom placement you can stick to the header or you can scroll there's close buttons cookie control you can customize the close button that's over here you know and it's not just for marketing it can be a user design tool so you'll see here and it's pretty easy to see and you click on this it drops down the divi bar and it gives you the restaurants hours of operation or there's contact forms and it's really up to you and this is what i was talking about just a second ago all of these different bars or options that come with your purchase of divi bar so you have templates that were built by built for you by a really solid team they want to bring value they want to provide you value and yeah on top of that you can also grow your email list because it's integrated with all of these so the divi optin module is integrated with all of these different email email marketing clients so i mean you've got everyone all the big ones convertkit mailchimp activecampaign hubspot uh aweber all of them you know constant contact all of these things or things that are platforms that people you know they're really mainstream so it connects with it it makes life easy and for a single site license unlimited divvy bars for 24 for a year that's pretty cheap if you're going to be doing this as a developer all of these i would i would highly recommend doing the lifetime the lifetime plan if you're going to be developing a lot of sites because it's such a great value if you build what five websites using divi bars it pays for the lifetime so if you can put that on a lot of different client websites it's going to pay for itself and so that really that kind of brings this whole thing home that's number five that closes out each one of the five so to recap real quick number one is divvy bars number two is page builder everywhere where you can insert different layouts and modules inside of other modules number three is divi switch the swiss army knife of divi slice and dice get all these different things done like that inside of divi and then number four was divvy dashboard welcome this is 100 client based build a dashboard build some place where they can go to have the resources they need and the way to contact you if something happens to their site number five is divi bars perfect for all things promotional and or as a user experience where you can click on hours and the whole thing slides down and gives you the hours of operation that is the top five now one thing i didn't do and i said i was going to do is divvy mega menu let's go and find divi mega pro so this is another plug-in by my good buddy tim over at divi life and you can see a theme here i really like their program i really like their plugins their products are phenomenal and on top of that they're from people in the industry who i know are committed to not just um the industry not just wordpress not just divi but they're committed to the community which is huge they've been here for years they're going to be here for years they're going to update their products and their products work extremely well so divi mega pro just like divi bars just like divi overlays gives you the power of the divi visual builder and it gives it to you to where you can do these mega menus ex like specifically inside of the visual builder so here's one example contact form you hover over this and it drops down with that mega menu here's another one you know if you wanted to do your blog you could drop down here and it's here's your different options you know we've also got things like this where it's you hover over this and it shows the checkout form for woocommerce very useful very shopify-ish great great user experience and i personally use this one too i mean i've absolutely used this you got this blog where there's some there's some tabs you hover over these and it switches to categories great for a high volume blog again this is another one it's just a bonus i wanted to throw in there just has something for you to hopefully bring you some more value but all the links for all six of these are going to be below you know the game they are affiliate links don't feel obligated to use them but if you do it would help support the channel it'll help give us a little bit of dollars here and there to continue to make this great content at least what we think is great hopefully you think it's great if you think it's great let us know with a like below and if you love these kind of videos if you love what we're doing here on the channel trying to give you as much value in wordpress and business and divi as we possibly can a subscribe would be awesome and if you really really really truly love not only the content but the way i deliver it turn that hit the bell notification turn on notifications that way you're the first person in line when we drop a new video so i cannot tell you how much i appreciate you being here you being subscribed to the channel if this is your first time welcome in i'm super happy to have you here we can't thank you enough i super duper appreciate you and everything that 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Channel: Keegan Lanier
Views: 4,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top divi plugins, must have divi plugins, best divi plugins, divi plugins to use on every website, divi theme, divi plugin review, plugin review, wordpress plugins, wordpress website review, wordpress plugin review, divi plugin, top 5 divi plugins, keegan lanier media, wordpress website, wordpress tutorial, divi tutorial, wordpress development, which plugins should i use, darrel wilson
Id: SaaNk32HgxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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