Top 10 Best Divi Plugins for Divi Wordpress Theme by Elegant Themes

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hey everybody its Josh here in this video we're gonna go over my top 10 Divi plugins I did a video recently over viewing my top 10 free WordPress plugins and someone asked if I would do a similar video all geared around Divi specific plugins so that's what this video is gonna be all about now wanted to preface this by saying I wanted to be really intentional about how I went about this video because I have a lot of friends and colleagues in the Divi community and I didn't want it to seem like I'm playing favorites here you're gonna notice that a lot of these plugins are within the same companies and the same authors but these are just the plugins that I use most in my business with the majority of my Divi website designs and ones that are trusted and then I would highly recommend to you having said that I know that there are a ton of plugins out there there's a lot of great Divi plugins that I'm sure I don't use or I'm not even aware of to this point so this post is just over viewing the ones that I use I trust and I would recommend to you for your business so just have that in mind I'm not playing favorites here these are just the ones that I use and trust and recommend last thing I wanted to say real quick before we dive into is that a lot of these are affiliate links so if you're interested in one of these plugins be sure to use my link if you end up purchasing it I'll get a kickback that helps me and my family out it also helps allow me to have more time to be able to put more free content out there for you so with all that said let's go ahead and dive right into my top recommended Divi plugins the first plug-in I'm gonna highlight is Divi overlays if you've been in the Divi community for any amount of time you've probably heard of this you probably already have it but this is the best way to create any sort of pop up on your Divi website so if you wanted to have a button or any element click and then you pop up maybe a contact form or a video Divi overlays is the way to go this is brought to you by Tim striper and Divi life and it's a plugin that I've used for several years now and it's just awesome here's an example on a site where I used it to where would this request inspection button I didn't want to just have this go to the contact page I wanted it to bring up a contact form so people could quickly fill out the request inspection form so you'll notice all you do is click this up comes the form they can fill it out and then they can get an inspection well let's you check out the demo page for this but literally it's awesome any element that you want to make a pop you can sew this button right here is gonna pop up a video and what's great about this is it uses the Divi builder so you can create a layout or page basically and make that and overlay so it's great you can pop up again contact forms videos Maps anything that you would want to be a pop up on your Divi site so highly recommend Divi overlays it's really affordable one thing I'll say about Tim and Divi life's plugins is that they're all very lightweight and very user friendly so they're easy to use and they played nicely with all the other tools I have on my Divi toolbox so Divi overlays is definitely one I recommend checking out ok the next plug-in I'm gonna feature is Divi bars this is also by Divi life and this is a newer one and it's awesome it's one of my favorite new Divi plugins it's a way to create a bar on the top of your website that can link to anything you could put a promotion up there you could put a featured product a countdown anything you want to put as kind of a bar on the top of your website that people can exit out of this is the way to go you'll see this on elegant themes to where they have the bar up top and you can learn more I have it on my website here that talks about my new course that way people can click this the reason I love Divi bars as well as I don't like pop-ups at all so I avoid putting them on any one of my sites so for example with my site I wanted people to know about my course but I don't want to hit them over the head with it this way they can see it if they're interested they can learn more or they can just exit out of it there's a lot of features that this comes with so I'll let you check out the demo page and the product page for more information but Tim and Divya life give you a lot of examples that you can use it also comes with a bunch of pre-made layouts so you can just put one in there you can adjust the colors and again you can put anything up there that you want it's all created with the Divi Builder so super handy and it's one of the main plugins that I use on all my sites and I'll say this about Divi bars to my clients love it they love seeing a little bar up top that has their featured product or service so I would highly recommend Divi bars for your Divi toolbox moving forward all right let's move on the third Divi plug-in I'm going to recommend you check out is image intense this is an incredible solution for you if you have an image that you want to make more engaging and that you want to make kind of a call to action I've been using this for a couple of years now and I absolutely love it I use it across most of my sites so let me show you a couple examples with this site here we have a section where they have kind of a one-two-three description of how this product works so what I wanted to do was instead of just using a plain image I wanted to give it a little more information and make it a little more engaging so with image intents you can put the plot the module in there and then you can add titles more information and then you'll notice when you hover over it it comes with a nice little hover effect image intense is great it works with the visual builder and the most recent version I think they're on the third version has a bunch of call-to-action settings so for here's another example to where we have these services here and I just wanted to make this more engaging so you'll notice when you scroll over these they're gonna turn into color and they're gonna have a sweet little call-to-action button here so image intense is the way to go about this it's awesome super affordable again it works with the visual builder I've used this for a long time I love it my clients love it it's definitely gonna be a handy tool for your Divi toolbox moving forward okay number four is Divi icon party by Divi space so one of the biggest questions I see all around the Divi Facebook groups and the Divi community is how do I add more icons to Divi by default it only comes with Facebook Twitter and a couple of others but more often than not you're gonna want to be able to add Instagram Pinterest and a bunch of other icons there's a few ways to do it manually but with Divi icon party it's all set up for you so I'll have you check out the demo page if you want to see more information but I'll just give you a overview of what it entails because you can add more icons to your header your footer and all different areas of your Divi site and if we scroll down here let me just show you what all includes it's gonna have LinkedIn YouTube Pinterest Instagram Skype all these different icons again that are gonna be set in your Divi builder so you can go into your Divi theme options and you can check these on or check these off right here as a show so Divi icon party there's also a very affordable plugin if you want it for a single site or I would recommend going with a lifetime that way you can just have it forever for all of your sites but this is a great handy plug-in for adding icons to your Divi sites number five since we're in this theme of icons is Divi icon Pro now this is a brand new plugin that's really awesome I'm glad I discovered this now because we're using this on a couple sites and it's incredible divvy out of the gate has quite a few icons but this is basically an extension with a ton of new icons for your site this is brought to you by V lover and b3 multimedia and these guys are great I love this plugin because it's super compatible it works with the visual builder and as you see in the details here you have literally twenty four thousand options for icons so it's really really cool and I know it's all filterable too so if you check out the demo page you can see here it's really easy to filter out a lot of times when you have a ton of icons it can be really overwhelming but this way you can add which icons you want and then you can pick and choose so let me just show you what this is going to look like when you check this out because it is really really cool by default you're gonna have all these outlined and really cool vector looking icons that you'll be able to sift through for really any project you can imagine so it's super cool again it's all integrated with the visual builder it's very lightweight too for what this comes with so I would highly recommend this if you're looking to have more icons on your Divi sites typically with these kind of icons if I scroll back down I would create these in Photoshop or with illustrator and then I would have to style the color and everything with this you're gonna have endless options to be able to make these color and really I mean with all these these sets of icons I don't foresee having to do a lot of these custom vector graphics anymore because it's all within this plugin so definitely recommend DVI cons Pro if you're looking for more icons alright number six as we head back over to Divi life is one of my absolute favorite WordPress Divi plugins and that is Divi dashboard welcome this allows you to create a custom dashboard with the Divi Builder for either you or your clients now I love this because a lot of my clients update their websites and this has saved me so much time because I can create a custom dashboard that they see when they log in and you can put anything you want in there you can have videos tutorial you can have a link to like a contact for more support you can have links to other resources it's really great super lightweight super affordable and it's awesome so here's an example of how I use this for a client that has a very robust site and they're doing events and all kinds of stuff you'll see see here that in their dashboard we have a walk-through video and I put an outline here and then we have additional videos that we created as well so we added some new functionality to their website so you're gonna see those videos here and this way because they have multiple people running the site they can just log in all the videos are here there's links and resources at the bottom and this little section here in the dashboard is created with the Divi builder so I love this plug-in I did a featured article on the elegant themes blog last year and I linked to a free plug-in but I didn't realize that this one was out there I found out about it just after that I wish I had featured this because this plug-in has saved me so much time and it's just awesome so if you're looking for a custom dashboard for your Divi WordPress website Divi dashboard is absolutely the way to go okay one last Diffie life plugin I think Tim's gonna love me after this video I use this plugin all the time it's called Divi logo swap and let me show you what this looks like it's a sweet little plugin that allows you to make a logo swap when you scroll down so on this site for magnify you'll see that this logo has a nice little icon here so when you scroll down I wanted a way to make the logo disappear but you just see that icon so with Divi swap plug that in and check this out we scroll down then it just pops up that little icon then you scroll back up then it brings the logo so it's all done with this Divi swap logo plug-in it is a very expensive plugin now I'm just kidding it's only five bucks so there's you know you might as well just pick this up it's awesome it's really you do have to customize it a little bit depending on the size of your logo and everything but it's really easy to set up and as long as you have a logo that's like this that's kind of horizontal and has some sort of icon or really a couple different kind of logos you could put it plug it in there and it's really handy it's a great way to kind of separate your Divi websites from others a lot of my clients love this too when I use this and then they scroll down and inevitably I'll get an email or a call saying I love how my logo changes so again five bucks definitely pick this up it's a great little handy tool for your divvy toolbox all right number eight we're gonna head back over to Superfly and I'm going to show you a plugin that is a little more recent but it's very under the radar I don't think many people know about this plugin and that is called content intent so one of the biggest questions I see in the Divi community is how do I style my blog's how do I make my portfolio or different content sections look better without having to get into a lot of CSS content intense is your answer it's a great little handy plugin again I don't think a lot of people know about it I've been using this on several sites and I love it I use it mainly for styling my blogs so for example on this other site that I showed you previously would they have a nice blog section down here and I'm using this plug-in to make these show up like this to where they just look a little bit different than your average Divi blog now my client didn't upload a featured image here so that's why that's blank but you can see that it has some nice functionality it just takes your blog to the next level if we dive over to the content or to Vidia demo site here feel free to check this out in more detail but this will show you all of the styles and designs that it comes out with out of the box so you can see here it's just a way to make your Divi blog and a lot of your posts look completely different than the average Divi site so you can check us out and see if there's any good styles that you would want to implement on your site but it's awesome very user friendly very easy to setup works with the visual builder very affordable as well so this is a great way to style your blogs in your Divi website without getting into a lot of custom code alright for number nine we're going to bounce back over to Divi space and I'm going to show you a really handy plugin that's kind of similar to content intents and it's called Divi extras so the Divi extra theme had a lot of posts styling that people really liked so there was different ways to put all of your posts in like a masonry layout blog feeds that look different than the average blog builder tabbed post post carousels and this plug-in brings all that together it brings all the functionality from the Divi extra fee in regards to posts over to your Divi builder for any site so I have this I love it I'll just show you the landing page here because it's really really cool they have this laid out really nicely so you can check this out in detail but it's going to show you all of your options here so they're just modules in the Divi Builder and you're gonna see that your posts can layout completely differently with this plugin it's awesome it's a great way to separate your Divi site from others again it's going to be in the Divi builder it's really really cool and this one is super affordable as well so it's a really nice handy little addition if you want to make your plugins your blog posts look a little different than your average Divi blog posts so it's really cool I'd recommend checking this out again if you want to take your blog post to the next level alright number 10 the final Divi plug-in I'm gonna highlight in this video is a brand new plug-in by superfly called Divi sticky video this is a super sweet little plugin and what it does is it allows a video on your page to stick to the screen while you scroll down you'll see this functionality a lot on sites like CNN and other new sites to where when somebody starts watching a video there they probably immediately scroll down and start reading and then the videos gonna follow them so I use this on a couple pages on my site right now I'm using it on my maintenance plan page in my SEO page and you'll see that I have this video and this is a promo video it's kind of a walkthrough of the plan but most people are gonna scroll down pretty quickly so some people might watch the full video then scroll down but more than likely they're gonna start playing in and scroll down so you'll see here when I scroll down that video is gonna follow them as they read the details now what's really cool about this is you'll see that it stopped right now but even if I go up and play once the video starts playing the clients probably gonna watch you know maybe 30 seconds or so and then they're gonna get antsy and they're gonna scroll down well now that video follows them and you'll notice that I'm I've ideo is is still playing I'm talking there so they can literally walk through each section of this page and I'm kind of walking them through right there so it's a really handy little plugin it's dirt cheap for the functionality it's great I just plugged it in today actually and started using it in it I got it set up in a matter of minutes it's super fast and works with the visual builder so if you have video on your site and you want to make it sticky so that when people scroll down it stays there highly recommend this plugin alright guys well there you go there are my top ten most used and most recommended Divi plugins to this point there's a few more I just wanted to highlight real quick as well that I couldn't fit into the top ten but these are three that I trust and fully recommend for you two one is the page builder Everywhere plug-in by Divi Space this does exactly what it sounds like it allows you to put a Divi layout anywhere in any widget sections or any other section of your WordPress website this is extremely popular and it's great for those sections to where the Divi builder normally can't go with this you can make a layout and you can put that layout anywhere in your Divi website the other one is really popular now because a lot of people want to customize the Divi menu which is notoriously it kind of lacks a lot of options right now but superfly release the MH mmm the mighty header and menu maker plug-in and this is what I would recommend if you don't want to get into a whole bunch of code and you don't want to style everything with CSS if you're looking for a way to make your menus really stand out and to get really custom with them this plug-in is definitely the way to go particularly for those who are not wanting to get into a bunch of CSS and code again this plugins awesome it's a great way to go and the last one I wanted to recommend real quick for those of you who have sites that you want to export and import particularly those of your child theme maker is the Jedi plug-in so Gerry is easy demo import this is by Monterey premier this is a super handy plugin it's very highly rated for folks in the Divi community who want to be able to export their site and then easily import it to a new site so if you have child themes either for your clients or for other people this is a really great plugin and a great way to go so there you go guys there's our my top recommended and best use plugins that again that I use to this point there are a ton out there so if you have some other ones that you would highly recommend feel free to drop them in the comments on youtube or on my site Josh Hall Co again I didn't want to play favorites here these are just the plugins that I use and highly recommend these are all very reputable they all have great support and they're all from great authors as well now one thing I wanted to say is that if you're looking for the best places for all plugins I would recommend checking out a few different sites you can check out Monterey premiere they have a lot of great plugins and child themes you can check out Divi cake Divi cake has a really good growing selection of plugins and child themes and you can also check out elegant marketplace which is the original hub for all child themes plugins and things like that related to Divi so hope this video has helped you out guys you have any questions let me know but again if you're interested in any of these please use one of my links it'll help me get an affiliate kickback so I can help keep on creating more free content and I hope this adds to your Divi toolbox all right cheers guys [Music]
Channel: Josh Hall
Views: 50,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Josh Hall, Divi,, Josh Hall Divi, Elegant Themes Divi, Divi Plugins, Divi Addons
Id: oSs8D13T46E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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