Top 5 Dirt Bike Accessories Under $100

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hey everyone this is chase of Rocky Mountain atv/mc today I want to share with you the first five items I would buy for a dirt bike new or used if I had $100 alright everyone welcome back for another top five in this video today kind of want to switch things up a little bit so I want to share with you guys the first five items I would buy for dirt bike with its brand new or used given $100 now I'm not saying you have $100 to buy all the things we're gonna talk about I'm talking you're gonna buy one item that's right around $100 mark I'm gonna start with the first thing I would buy and we'll just kind of move down the list from there but the way this whole video came about is we were just having a discussion at work one day and we were kind of discussing what we would buy as riders and so we thought you know what let's make it a video get the conversation started so I want to hear what you guys think comment below you know do you like the list that I have what would you change what would you buy if you had a hundred bucks to your name so take that hard-earned cash go to Rocky Mount ATM c-calm and get the things we're talking about so first item I'm gonna talk about is handlebars now if you have a handlebar on your bike that you're already happy with you like the bend you like the feel of it no need to get a new handlebar it's gonna come down to rider preference but for me anytime I hop on a new bike or use typically the first thing that I like to change to give me more comfort and just kind of have that home feeling on a bike is a set of bars so experiment different handlebars ride your friends bikes kind of see what different bends feel like and there might be one that you haven't tried yet that you really like and that'll kind of help you decide if you need to get new handlebars or not but the ones that I like that I have right now these are the ODI podium flight bars so with these I use the McGrath Ben I'm a shorter rider about five foot seven so I like a low bar not a lot of back sweeps so pretty flat low so again just try different bands ride your buddy's bike that's gonna help you out and then when it comes to bars as well grips if you're gonna get new bars always have a set of grips that's gonna make you feel comfortable that you're gonna like with your hands it's a lot of different grips out there we even have a buyer's guide where we talk about the different options I've got the emic v2 pros here second edition nice soft compound if you've never used the lock-on grip I like them a lot just because of how easy they install and remove no fire no safety glue so first item I would buy if I had 100 bucks set of bars and grips the second item I would buy after I've got my handle bars is the one-piece handlebar mount from ride engineering I've used this on all the bikes that I have had it's one of my favorite accessories and what's so great about it is that the top piece of the clamp is one single piece it's billet aluminum super high quality it's lightweight as well but what I love about it it has a lot more torsional rigidity so if you go down whether it's a tip over or a crash your bars are not gonna twist nearly as much so still tweak just a little bit but it's not where you get up and your handlebars are so sideways that you can't even ride the bike anymore so especially in a race situation where you're trying to save as much time if you do go down I love having that one-piece bar mount just for that reason we go down not gonna twist your bars as much so that's a second item I would buy there right about a hundred bucks is the one-piece handlebar mount from ride Engineering third item I would buy tires now let's be real here you're not gonna get a front and a rear tire for under a hundred bucks unless you can find an amazing closeout deal but tires are important that's what's contacting the ground that's what's good what's going to give you confidence as a rider help you get that traction if you have a brand new bike probably don't need to worry about it but if there's a tire that you just love you got to have it on your bike then yeah go get that tire but what I always recommend is look at the condition of your tires and really just kind of replace which one needs to be replaced the most now for me personally when it comes to front and rear tires I'll usually go through two maybe three rear tires before I swap out of front but that doesn't mean you want to neglect your front tire I'm a front-end steering guy I like to have a lot of confidence in my front tire that's gonna bite when I'm leaning the bike over so I'm picky about front tires right now I've got the Pirelli MX 32 s I've been really happy with these so just kind of look at your tires decide which one needs to be replaced the most that's going to give you more confidence as a rider another tip is you know select tires that cater to the type of terrain that you're going to be riding in if you're a motocross rider obviously you going to go to the motocross tire but I see a lot of guys who are out riding trails or maybe desert that just have a you know an intermediate motocross tire but might be better off with maybe a more trail specific tire a hybrid tire or if you're writing desert you know there's a lot of tires that are more cater toward desert so look at your tire condition decide if they do need to be replaced and if you're gonna get a new tire on there maybe try and pick a tie that's gonna be more suited for the typewriter that you do most often but that's my third item is tires fourth item on my list skid plate I don't care if it's motocross or off-road I think it's always worth investing in good protection for your bike I've seen rocks get kicked up in damage cases you know I've seen guys go riding off-road trails whatever might be without a skid plate they dig up their frame pretty bad or they I've even seen holes get put in cases so it's always a good idea to have a skid plate on there just to offer some protection for your bike right now I've got the a chair boots off-road skid plate I like it for motocross especially because it's plastic it's lightweight it's not loud what's cool about this skid plate is actually comes with an extension for a linkage guard so if you're doing more trails off-road riding you want protection for your linkage that will come included but as far as skid plates go there's a lot of different options out there you can do plastic which is what most motocross guys are gonna run or carbon fiber there's also aluminum which is probably gonna be a little bit more heavy-duty for your real aggressive off-road riding ultimate it's going to come down to you what you prefer but that's the fourth item I would get is a skid plate fifth and final item I would buy if I had $100 foot pegs now nowadays you know stock bikes when it comes to foot pegs they're actually pretty good some of your newer bikes are even coming with oversized foot pegs already but foot pegs like any item on your bike they do start to wear down you know the cleats start to get rounded off a little bit and for me I like to have as much that stuck to the bike feeling as possible I really like to feel like I got a lot of grip on my pegs so look at the condition of your foot pegs and if they're pretty rounded off or maybe you're looking to upgrade to an oversized foot peg there's a lot of great options out there the one that I'm running this is the tusk billet aluminum foot peg these are lightweight they're oversized they offer a lot of traction I like that the cleats on these are replaceable I've actually replaced the ones I have right now twice already so they do start to round off you can just put any ones on there and the price point on these they're super inexpensive well under $100 so for me personally that'll be my fifth and final item it's get some oversized foot pegs on there something's gonna offer a little bit more traction you may have now that's just going to give you more confidence as a rider those are my top five handlebars and grips now I go with that one-piece Mountain coming from rod engineering third items gonna be tires fourth skid plate get some protection on there my fifth and final is gonna be foot pegs now I do have a bonus tip for you because I'm sure a lot of you out there probably thinking yeah levers would be on your list you can do a clutch or brake lever you can get breakaways but to get the both together it's gonna be hard to find a good combo for less than 100 bucks so if you want to save your money and not quite get levers yet here's my tip for you you'll notice on my bike I have my levers push really far in on the handlebars there's a couple reasons that I do that the first is that the farther out that I can grab my clutch lever the more leverage that I'm getting towards the end so it makes a clutch pull actually easier so it's a great tip if you get arm pump move your clutch lever in that's gonna again just give them more leverage but also what's nice about that is having those farther in on the handlebar prevent you from bending or breaking your levers if you have a crash or tip over I've had trust me plenty of tip over since I've gotten this bike these are the original levers I have yet to bend or break one and I credit that because I do move them so far in on the handlebars those are my top five hope you guys like them I want to hear the conversation what do you guys think that I get her right what would you get if you just had a hundred dollars to buy one part and then move on from there but also what if you only had 50 bucks what would you buy with fifty dollars or less because we actually want to do a video on that as well do you guys like this top 5 get subscribe to our YouTube channel we're constant release and awesome videos like this of all riding technique videos buyers guides product spotlight videos so hit that notification button that will keep you up to date to pick up all the parts accessories that you need for your bike ATV UTV whatever it is click on the link or head over to Rocky Mountain atv/mc comm orders over 75 bucks ship free I'm chase will stay on the trails [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 366,600
Rating: 4.9266405 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, motorcycle, rocky mountain atv, dirt bike accessories under 100, cheap dirt bike accessories, top 5 dirt bike accessories, tusk recon hybrid tire, best dirt bike accessories, dirt bike upgrades under 100, dirt bike mods under 100, best motocross accessories under 100, off road motorcycle parts, dirt bike parts, mx parts motocross, best motocross parts, dirt bike upgrades, budget dirt bike parts
Id: 8_fMCt8UJsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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