How To Load/Unload A Dirt Bike

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hey everyone this is chase at Rocky Mountain atv/mc and today we're going to show you how to load and unloaded their bike [Music] all right yes today we're gonna show you how to load a dirt bike now it's kind of ironic loading the dirt bike should probably be the easiest thing that you do before you go out and ride but it can also be one of the most dangerous things that you do if you google it if you look on YouTube there is no shortage of compilation of dirtbike fails of riders trying to load and unload their dirt bikes so there is a technique to it and today what we're going to go through is actually just show you some of our favorite ways that we like to load a dirt bike to help give you guys some good tips now just remember though that everyone is gonna have their own method there's a lot of things I can kind of dictate how you're gonna load a dirt bike how tall you are if you're on a slope that you know the height of your truck but today we're gonna go through and show you different methods so regardless of your situation there's gonna be a method in here that's gonna be right for you to help you know how to do it so the first thing you want to consider is truck setup now what we recommend is either a flat or a slightly downhill surface now the reason for the slightly downhill is when you're pushing the bike getting that momentum to go up the ramp it's gonna give you a little bit more momentum and also what's nice is once you get it into the back of the truck the bikes just gonna easily roll towards the front so when you're tying it down the bike doesn't want to roll backwards on you now for shorter riders or maybe you have a taller truck and you want to get your tailgate lower to the ground and make a little bit easier what you can do is you can back up to a little hill so that when you lower the tailgate it's closer to the ground I've even seen riders including myself who actually use a small ditch if there's one close by and use that so you back into the ditch lower the tailgate you're closer to the ground so before you load it just consider your truck setup so let's talk about ramp setup now there's a lot of different ramps that we sell at Rocky Mountain you've got your single skinnier ramps we have ramps that fold out that are super wide I've even seen riders use two skinny ramps but regardless of what ramp you're using very important what we recommend is to use a tie-down or a rope whatever you have available to secure your ramp to your truck you can tie it to the hitch it's your axle doesn't really matter but that's going to prevent your your ramp from sliding off the bed of your truck we talked about those dirtbike fail videos a lot of those can be avoided if the rider just takes a few seconds to secure the ramp to the truck now if you have a really wide ramp well it's pretty plain and simple you're just gonna walk your bike up the ramp and use the ramp to lock up but the most common way that you're going to see most riders loading their bike is you're using a single ramp and they're using either a stay or maybe a cooler whatever you have that's tall enough and then sturdy enough that you can step up into your bed so we're gonna show you first using a stand method with a single ramp now when it comes your position of the stand kind of some guidelines that I like to give is I will have my stand about a foot off the back of my tailgate and then about a foot to the side of my ramp that for me is kind of the sweet spot and that's gonna be different for everybody you don't have to put it there but it's a pretty good starting area so get your ramp set up get your stand where it needs to be and then right before you start to load always a good idea make sure that your tie-downs are in your truck ready to go so when you get the bike in there those are easy to reach alright so now let's show you how to load your bike now before I do this I'll just get it out there the easiest safest way is just to have a buddy help you out if you have a buddy helping you you don't even need to stand or a stepping stool you can just push the bike in to him in the back of the truck or vice versa and that's going to be the easiest safest way but before you load the ramp or load the bike what you want to do is you want to have good momentum so make sure get far enough back from your truck that you have plenty of room to get a good running start and you want to make it one fluid motion so as you're pushing the bike as soon as your front tire contacts the ramp you want to be looking at your stand whatever going to use as a step and you wanted to step onto that and then your next steps gonna be into the truck that's the best way to just have a nice one fluid motion now in some situations if you have say a really wide ramp with those pretty self-explanatory you're just gonna walk the bike up and into the truck but with the wide ramp or single sometimes you get all the way up or real close and you run out of that momentum so if you ever get in that situation what you can do just grab the front brake right away and then you can reach back with your hand grab the knobs on your tire and actually just help rotate the tire and that way you don't have to muscle the bike in that's going to help just make it a little bit easier to get the bike the rest the way in now one little tip we have is after you load your bike if you're just loading one bike in your truck put your bike on the left side don't put on the right side because if you put on the right side well as a driver if you look to over to your right to check your blind spot you're gonna see a fender and a tire so if you put your bike on the left side that's gonna clear up your blind spot just gonna make a little bit safer for driving now another tip that we have for you guys it's gonna make it a little bit easier to load your bike and we only recommend this for riders that are comfortable doing it and you can do with any ramp setup but it's probably gonna be easy to see if you have a wide ramp or two singles but what I see a lot of ride doing is that instead of using the runnings method that we just showed you what you can do is start your bike put it in first gear and just let the bike idle as you're walking up the ramp and just that little bit of extra momentum from the bikes engine well honestly do most of the work for you so it just makes it a little bit easier than running the bike up the ramp so the next method we want to show you is if you have a ramp a skinny ramp or single but you don't have a stand or you don't have a buddy to help you out now a quick little disclaimer with this method it's much easier if you're a taller rider or if you have a truck that's pretty low to the ground so from the example I'm five foot seven we've got this Ford Ranger which is already pretty low I run out or reach if I try and do it this method so just keep that in mind if you're taller rider and you're comfortable doing it this way more power to you so what you're gonna do is real simple you're gonna wheel the bike up to the ramp you're gonna push it up the ramp as high as you can get while still being able to grab your front brake then once you get to that point you're gonna put the bike in gear that's gonna prevent it from going back down the ramp at that point you're gonna turn the bars grab it with your hand you're gonna just use that to support yourself as you climb into the bed of the truck now once you get to the bed of the truck you got a couple options if you have a bike with East Start you can fire the bike up and honestly just ride it into the bed if you don't have a knee start put the bike back in neutral or just pull in your clutch lever and just continue pushing the bike in the rest of the way alright so the last scenario for loading your dirt bike is if you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a ramp at all so for this scenario there's a way to do it we're going to show you just keep in mind it's going to be a lot easier if you have a truck that's lower to the ground you know if you have a truck that's pretty tall if you're vertically challenged like myself can be a little bit difficult but the way to do this you definitely don't want a buddy so I've recruited one and it's pretty simple we're gonna walk you through it right now so what we're gonna do we're both gonna come to the front of the bike we're gonna walk it up to the truck we're gonna reach down grab the bottom of the fork we're both gonna lift up and lift it in now once we have it all the way up there josh is going to climb into the truck I'm gonna come to the back I like to use the exhaust to anchor so I'm gonna squat down and there you go so we just loaded the bike without a ramp so you just saw it's you know it can be pretty difficult especially if you have a taller truck so just something to keep in mind but if you find yourself at a ramp get a buddy alright so now that you got your bike loaded up you're ready to tie it down now when it comes to tying down a bike you got a lot of options as far as tie-downs go he got carabiners with hooks you got carabiners hooks soft straps buckles ratchets a lot of different options but the combination the one that we like to use the most is a tie-down that has a carabiner on one end just a standard buckle and then a hook with the soft strap and the reason that we like these so much is the carabiner or whatever you hook it to it keeps it on there doesn't fall off and the soft chap is really nice because it's a lot easier on your handlebars if you don't want to scratch up your handlebars soft shop is the way to go so these ones are from rider cargo inexpensive and this is our go-to now if you have a whole set of tie-downs that don't have a soft strap on them what you can do is pick up these soft strap extensions or excuse me these tie-down extensions from rider cargo and what these essentially do is just act as a soft shop for your tie-down so you just wrap these around your handlebar and then hook it to your tie-down and that's going to prevent you from scratching your bars now another nice item to have is a fork brace now what's so nice about fork brace is they just go between the fender and the front tire and they just allow you to tie down your bike securely without compressing your fork so it's gonna be easier on your fork Springs as well as your fork seals so definitely recommend one of these and lastly after you have your bike in you can see with this truck we've got a long bit so we have no problems getting the tailgate up so if you have a shorter bed especially if you have two bikes you're not be able to get the tailgate up what you can do is take another tie-down and you can actually use that to help secure your items inside the bed but an item that honestly we really like is the modal gate so it's actually just a nylon gate that wraps around the back of your truck essentially just acts as a tailgate for you and that's just gonna hold your items inside the bed now when it comes to tying down your dirtbike there's a lot of different methods for a single bike it's pretty straight forward but when you start to get two bikes and even three bikes there's a lot of different methods that you can choose from so if that's what you're looking to do we have a how-to video called how to secure your dirt bikes where we show you how to load multiple bikes in the bed of a truck as well as a trailer so if you're looking for different techniques for that give that video a watch but once you've got your bike loaded up all you got to do now is get your gas tank your gear back in here get every secure and you're good to go alright so now you got your bike loaded up it's time to unload it so maybe you're at location that you're gonna go riding at or you're getting home now when it comes to unloading your bike there's a couple techniques and it's gonna depend really on the type of ramp setup that you have if you have a wide ramp like we've got right now or maybe two singles you know it's pretty simple you're just gonna walk the bike backwards what we recommend is just using that front brake to just guide the bike down and let it come down slowly it's all about taking your time and being careful now if you have a single ramp in a stand well it that way okay you're gonna walk the bike down slowly and you're just gonna take your foot step on the stand and then like let the bike come down the stand slowly now depending on the side that you're on if you have a single ramp on a stand you can either use your front brake but if you're on the left side of the bike like I always do what you can actually do is put the bike in the gear and then use the clutch to let the bike come down control but honestly guys if you have a single ramp and a stand probably the best way just like we said earlier about loading is have a buddy help you out so you start the bike down the ramp and then your friend takes over by grabbing the brake and then they actually let the bike come down the ramp nice and slow so that's going to be the easiest way if you have a single ramp now the last technique we want to cover for unloading your bike is that situation we talked about earlier where if you don't have a ramp with you now there's a couple ways you can do this but this is the method that we found to be the easiest so what you're going to do you want to do it on the right side you're gonna walk your bike to the back of the truck to the edge of your tailgate hop down use your left arm to support the bike once you're on the ground you're gonna reach up with your right hand and grab your throttle then with your left hand you're gonna reach around grab the swing arm and then start to lean the bike over now as you lean the bike over use your shoulder to support the way to the bike on the exhaust now once you have that support start to just walk the bike backwards out of the truck and assert as soon as the front tire clears you're just gonna let go and let the bike fall to the ground so if you don't have a ramp that's the method that we found easiest to unload your bike alright so there you have it those are our favorite techniques to load and unload your dirt bike so depending on the setup that you have one of these techniques should really help you out but if you have a way that you load your bike or unload it and you didn't see us do it today comment below and let us know what it is if you have any questions write those below we'll help get those answered remember go to Rocky Mount eight to BMC comm so click on the link at the end of this video there you can pick up all the parts accessories you're going to need to get your bike loaded up you guys like this video give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button I am chaser Rocky Mountain and remember it's all about momentum it's all about momentum as much as you can get
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 490,753
Rating: 4.8907871 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, motorcycle, parts, accessories, rocky, mountain, how to load a dirt bike in a truck, how to load a dirt bike in a truck without a ramp, how to load a dirt bike by yourself, unloading a dirt bike, unload a dirt bike, load a dirt bike, load fails, loading dirt bike, how to unload a dirt bike by yourself, how to load a dirt bike in a lifted truck, easy way to load a dirt bike, truck load fails
Id: WqfLltXtkbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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