Top 5 Dirt Bike Accessories Under $20

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if you have 20 bucks burning a hole in your pocket and you're wondering what you can buy with that money well stick around because we're going to share with you our top five items that we would buy for less than 20 [Music] bucks all right everyone thank you for checking in i am chase and today we have a good video for you we want to share with you our top five accessories that we would put on a motorcycle that all cost 20 bucks or less now i'm going to be totally honest with you when we first started talking about this idea i thought it was going to be difficult to come up with a solid list of five items to talk about but after we started talking about it more we started making our list i quickly found out that there's actually several items that i have always had on all my dirt bikes that all cost less than 20 bucks so that's what we want to share with you today now remember if you have an item that you have on your motorcycle that you don't see in our list well tell us what it is what do you think we should have up here in our top five get that conversation started now to start this out first one that we have up here it's using the helo concept lever wraps i just recently started running these on my dirt bike i actually really like these simple concept but it's effective it's a wrap that just goes right over your clutch lever or your brake lever you cut it down to the correct length you put on there you get some hot air on there using a heat gun or even a blow dryer it shrinks down it stays in place and what it does just gives you a little extra grip on your levers so if you feel like your levers get slippery especially if they get wet the helicopter's level wrap will help solve that and i think these kind of look cool too and they're really inexpensive i think they're 10 bucks or less the gila concepts lever wraps the next item is what i consider a must-have i've had these on all my dirt bikes for years it's the cherries footpeg covers if you've ever gone through a rut you drag your foot peg you go to put your foot back on there you notice your foot picks stuck straight up in the air that's because mud packs up underneath your foot peg as you go through there it's a total nightmare because then you gotta go take a screwdriver the pressure washer you got to try and get the mud out of there to avoid that headache and to where your foot peg always goes back to flat after you go through those turns get some of these they slip right over the foot peg they go on in just a few seconds this way mud can't pack underneath the foot peg and it always stays flat must have accessory third item folding shift lever from tusk now there's a there are a lot of bikes now that do come with folding shift levers which is awesome so if you already have if you already have a folding shift lever this will just give you a little facelift for your motorcycle you've got anodized aluminum you can replace the tip when it does wear out which is nice but if you have a bike that doesn't have a folding shift lever you got to get one of these if you do have a crash or a tip over and if you bend your brake pedal that can end your day of riding so with these simple the tip just folds that way much less likely to bend or break if you do have a crash or like i said just something as simple as a tip over fourth item again another item that i've had on all my motorcycles it's these tusk rotating bar clamps what these do is they just replace one of the clamps that you have on your clutch perch or your brake master cylinder and you can see that this clamp or has this plastic insert so now when you put this on you have plastic against the metal of your handlebar versus metal on metal and it allows your brake or your clutch to rotate if you crash now if you already have folding brake levers and shift levers might not need these but for those riders that don't like me this is a must-have accessory because now if i do crash my you know my master cylinder or my clutch can rotate on the handlebar much less likely to bend or break your levers so for me really nice accessory to have i always recommend having these another little tip with these though is that when you're putting these on don't over tighten them you want it tight enough to where you know you can't grab your brake master cylinder or your clutch and sit there and just rotate it with your hands but you want it loose enough that if you did go down it can rotate a little bit so just keep that in mind last item that we have up here is these bar ends from odi these are made from anodized aluminum now for riders that have ever crashed and you've tore your grips i hate it it's a total pet peeve of mine especially on the throttle side because if you damage your throttle tube dirt can get inside there it's not going to work as well you got to replace your grip and your throttle tube so to add some durability to your grips you can get some of these bar ends from odi there's a lot of cool colorways to choose from real simple you just cut off the ends of your grips and then these just slide right into your handlebars you do want to make sure though that some handlebars do have inserts on the ends so just be aware of that but with these they just slide right in the end that way if you do have a crash or even just a tip over you are going to add some protection to the ends of your grips now if you don't want to go with these there are also lock-on grips like i have right now from odi they are over 20 bucks another great option though just because these are they do have a hard plastic insert on the outside a little bit more durable just a standard grip but those are our top five accessories that i would recommend that all cost 20 bucks or less these all really have to do with control so where you're touching the motorcycle the handlebar in the footpath foot peg area so if you have questions or comments about any one of these we want to get those answered so make sure to leave those below and grab these then head over to or you can just click on the link and remember if you like this little top five you want to see more like it get subscribed to rocky mountain youtube channel stay up to date i am chase we'll see on the trails [Music] you
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 45,964
Rating: 4.9613214 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, motocross, rockymountainatv, dirt bike, motorcycle, off road, top 5 dirt bike accessories under 20, dirt bike accessories under $20, best motocross accessories, best dirt bike accessories, dirt bike parts, top 5, dirt bike accessories, under $20, under 20, nihilo concepts, acerbis foot peg covers, tusk folding shift lever, odi aluminum end plug, odi aluminum bar end plugs
Id: SSGHa1HDik8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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