Top 5 Beginner Motocross Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

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hey everyone chase here from Rocky Mountain atv/mc and today we want to share with you five mistakes that beginning motocross riders make and how to correct them alright everyone we've all been that one point or another beginner rider maybe you're still a beginner rider you're learning to ride motocross and right now you're just trying to develop the techniques and the habits that are gonna give you good form but even your top riders out there they have riding coaches so it just goes you to show that it doesn't matter how much how long you been riding how good you think you are you can always learn and always kind of refine the skills that you've been taught and make yourself a better rider I think you should always be striving every time you go a ride focus on your fundamentals your techniques and always just be trying to improve on the bike now for me you know I've been riding for years and so I've learned a lot of things over the years but I still need reminders and I'm still learning every time I go out and ride new tips and new techniques to help me make me a better rider so today in this video I just want to share with you you know five common mistakes that beginner riders make when it comes to technique we're going to show you those give you great examples and then we'll just show you the proper technique that way you can take these you can practice these when you're out riding and that's going to create good habits to make you a better rider in the future alright everyone so tip number one the first common mistake that we see with beginner riders is they sit too much now I will admit when you're a beginner rider it is way more comfortable and less intimidating than standing to sit down on the bike but as you get faster here's the problem when you're sitting down you're going faster every time you hit a bump that bumps going to go through the bike and then into the riders body and at that point you need the bike to be able to work underneath you and do its job use a suspension but if your body's reacting every time the bike hits a bump it's going to be really hard to control the bike underneath you and also every time you hit those bumps if that shocks going in your body it's gonna do some wear and tear on your body over time so it's actually going to make you even more tired and sore in the long run so when it comes to a bike important as you're riding as you're getting more comfortable you want to start standing up as much as you can now in certain situations if you're in a long straightaway or something that's relatively flat it's totally okay to sit down but when you start getting a bomb and you're doing that more refere adding you want to be in a standing position in here is why as I stand up now my legs are actually working as a secondary suspension for the motorcycle so this way the bike can work underneath me it can move back and forward and I can use my knees to control the bike but if I'm sitting down the bikes controlling me so that's my first tip is it's okay to sit in some situations but try and practice as much as possible to get comfortable standing because when you watch your top level riders these guys stand probably 90 percent of the time so that's tip number one is try not to sit too much alright everyone so tip number two is now that you've learned that you need to stand up as much as possible let's talk about the correct technique in that standing position so a common mistake that I see a lot of riders make when they're standing is they stand too straight up and down and the problem with that is if you're standing too straight up and down when you accelerate that bike wants to go out in front of you and next thing you know you're hanging off the back and you're fighting just to hold on so here's the correct technique in the standing position you want to have your hips out so you want to bend at the hip stick your butt out there you want to make sure your back is nice and flat and then your elbow position your elbow position you want to be about about 45 degree angle with your elbows that's going to give you a nice wide base that's going to give you good stability and then when we talk about chest and head position this is important you want to make sure that your chest is over your handlebars we've all watched the pros ride especially in a whoop section you can see a lot of times their head is right over their number plate and it does not move as they go through those whoops because they're in that correct position and by doing that allows the bike to do all the work underneath them while they stay steady so chest over the handlebars what I always say is a good rule of thumb if you can see the numbers on your number plate that means you're in a good attack position on the bike so proper technique there and then as you work your way down past the hips from your knees all the way down to your ankles you want to be squeezing that bike as much as possible okay by squeezing the bike you're gonna help control it so it doesn't want to go side-to-side every time you go bowlegged you're gonna completely lose control the motorcycle and that's the first step to hitting the ground so keep your knees in nice and tight you want to keep your toes pointed and the reason I say that is because you stand up straight and you point your toes out try to touch your knees together you probably can't do it point your toes in makes it much easier you can easily touch your knees together so toes pointed in so this is the correct body position again when you're standing but now feet are crucial so it leaves it's a tip number three which is the correct feet position on the foot peg all right so now that you're standing up you've got the correct body position that good attack position let's talk about feet position on the foot pegs common mistake that beginner riders make and even some of your top riders again you got to refresh yourself is they have their feet too far forward on the foot pegs in other words the foot peg is more on the arch of their foot you want your feet and those foot pegs to be on the balls now the reason for that that's going to help you keep your toes pointed in but also you can see by having my balls of my feet on the foot peg I am adding suspension to the motorcycle so that's allowing the bike to work and it's allowing me to kind of move with the bike when you're on the the arches of your feet well you can't do that you can't flex your ankles nearly as much and so that way what happens is when your bike hits a bump are you going through save some whoops well you're gonna feel that a lot more so it's very important you want your balls of your feet to be on your foot pegs remember again can't reiterate this enough toes point it in you are squeezing as much as you can and a good idea to know if you do have the correct feet position because you want to be looking down on your feet while you're riding look at the souls of your boots if you have where on the arch of your foot probably means you're standing on the arch is too much so work on putting your feet on or your the balls of your feet on your foot peg that will put you in the correct position each and every time you're standing up so that's my third tip make sure to get those feet get the balls your feet on your foot peg so the next tip we want to talk about is a pitfall for a lot of beginner riders myself included which is not looking far enough forward when you're riding what I see a lot or beginner riders doing is looking right down over the front fender almost right at the ground in front of them and here's the problem when you're doing this when you're looking straight down in the ground ahead of you everything is coming at you so quickly that it's hard for your brain to process that and you can't anticipate what's coming next so you need to really practice and focus on looking forward so you can see what's coming up gives your brain time to process that so you can react to that now I might seem intimidating at first because if you're on a track or in the section that's pretty rough or in a rut coming up yeah your mind wants you to look right in front of you so what you need to do is you need to look ahead if there's ruts coming up already know what rut you're gonna be going into so you need to plan ahead and then once you get into that rut I know it's kind of hard but you almost want to forget about that and focus what's coming up during that right or at the end of it or even farther ahead so you always want to be looking forward planning your next move and giving yourself time to anticipate what's gonna happen that way you're gonna stay under more control and it's gonna help you just be a better rider in general so that's my fourth tip and just make sure always be looking farther ahead all right so my fifth and final tip is the correct position sitting down and going through a turn this is really important this is something that a lot of riders struggle with and I still struggle with the times and it's a really good reminder but anytime you're coming through a turn left or right hander what I see a lot of riders doing is as they come into a turn they drop their inside elbows so it's the left-hand turn the rider drops her inside elbow and as they start to lean the bike their head will actually follow the bike and lean inside so it doesn't matter which direction you're turning the problem that this causes as your bike starts to lean over if you drop that inside elbow and lean your head well we've been told this from the time we were little your body will always follow where your head go so if you lean well now you're just compounding the lean of the bike and it makes it much easier to fall or tip over or in most cases to save it you got to put your leg on the ground dab your ankle or you got to try and give it more gas to accelerate out so to remedy that and to act as a counterbalance for the bike and have better proper technique anytime you're coming into a turn elbows out like we've already discussed but let's say you're going through a left-hand turn the bike starts to lean over outside elbow up and you want your head basically what I call it to Cam Newton down you want to just stick your right shoulder and your right shoulder on a left turn and left ear left shoulder on a right turn that way as the bike leans you're staying upright on the bike your head is staying upright and your shoulders to your ear and your body's acting more as a counterbalance to the bike that way you can keep your leg out in the rut you're not gonna have to worry about dabbing it you're not trying to accelerate to correct yourself and your much miss much less likely to tip over so just remember as you're going through a turn doesn't matter if it's a flat turn or Retta turn elbows up ear to your shoulder act as a counterbalance and keep your body upright while the bike does the work and goes through the turn alright everyone so those are our top five tips when it comes to beginner motocross riders and helping you have better technique now remember it doesn't matter that you watch this video the most important thing you've got to go out and practice everything that we talked about today so I have a couple drills that I'll share with you that I think will really help you out or a couple tips so first off when it comes to standing what I was told from you know for many years is practice standing bystanding up get in that correct body position squeezing and ride the entire track or wherever it is that you're a tea without sitting down so when you're coming through a turn I know you're your instincts gonna tell you you want to sit down on the bike but stay standing that way you just really reinforce the idea of standing up on the bike and also what you can do is have your friends watch you when you're riding so they can actually see where you're standing on the foot pegs so if you're on the arch on the balls of your feet so you can correct that right away and when it comes to the turning technique what I say go out to an area whether you have a turn track in a field or out a track find one specific turn and just practice just repetitions you don't have to ride the entire track every single time you go out there that's how you get better as you practice sections and you practice certain little drills one at a time and that's just gonna drive home those good techniques that are in a form good habits so find one specific turn find a left turn first go through that turn 10 15 20 times as long as it takes for you to kind of feel what it's like to have that correct form and develop those habits and then go do a right turn and do the exact same thing so I just can't reiterate enough practice makes perfect but remember even the top riders they have their coaches they're always practicing so you're never gonna be perfect but it's always best to always be practicing and reinforcing those drills now if you have some techniques that we didn't really talk about today or maybe some drills that you've done that you think really helped out well a lot of riders would love to hear what those are myself included so make sure comment below if you have any questions about anything we've talked about today ask those we'll get your questions answered if you like this top 5 video well we got a lot of other great technique videos that I can help get you dialed in on the track or in off-road riding so make sure get subscribe to our YouTube channel hit that notification button that way you always stay up to date I'm chase see on the trails [Music] you
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 898,548
Rating: 4.9411645 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, motorcycle, parts, accessories, off road, SxS, rocky mountain atv, dirt bike tips, motocross tips, beginner motocross tips, beginner motocross race, dirt bike tips for beginners, dirt bike techniques, motocross techniques, beginner motocross training, supercross techniques, top 5 tips motorcycle, dirt bike practice tips, dirt bike standing position, dirt bike body position, riding tips dirt bike
Id: hTNlSMI-Zks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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