TOP 5 A.I Art Products To Sell On Etsy In May 2023 (Midjourney)

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do you guys know this Tale mirror mirror on the wall which at Cai design sells if at all well maybe it's an actual tail but this is the topic of today's video we're gonna cover what HCA designs you can sell now in May June summer in general we're gonna go over specific designs that I found doing some product research these are the designs I personally started selling myself and if you watch me earlier you know that I'm participating in a 30 day challenge where I try to list at least two listing every day during the month of may I share my progress with my YouTube members and the people in my Discord so today is kind of like a sneak peek of some of the designs that I sell and I'm gonna give you the prompts that you can use it yourself I'm gonna show you the instructions how to use these prompts on my journey and if you stick to the end I'm gonna give you a little surprise without the further Ado let's start the video and the combination of today's prompts that I prepare for you are a mix of seasonal products and when I say seasonal I mean items related to Summer and also Mother's Day and stuff like that because Etsy is big on seasonality and I can for sure tell you that this is 100 True For example last month I was selling a lot of Easter related items and they were selling like hot cakes this month these items don't sell that well but you know what sells very well right now flowers any images with flowers do very well especially like summertime flowers they do amazing so if you're working with the images on it you gotta keep in mind that seasonality is a big factor but you also want to keep an eye on products like this this is something that's becoming trendy it's not a big Trend yet but I can see a huge potential in it because this is the first one of this kind with the cats that look are painting and stained glass and this is like the only listing that I've seen that looks like this on Etsy so my personal strategy is to keep a mix of seasonal and things like that there are new Innovative and they have a proven track of sales so what we're gonna do now is we will try to recreate this okay but here's the thing we're not going to copy exactly what this person is doing we just try to like recreate the style of this okay I'm gonna show you the prompt that allows you to do it I actually experimented with a bunch of prompts and I was finally able to crack this down but I'm gonna show you the prompt that will allow you to create this images that you can later on sell yourself and if you're interested I actually share a list of monthly prompts that I find like this one my YouTube members so if you join my YouTube membership you also going to have access to more prompts that you can use but in today's video we're gonna go over five okay and this is one of them so stainless glass cat okay so what I'm looking here is I wanna see if there's any interest in this product okay and again this is like the only one I was able to find so this is a unique product because there's only one of them and I have this tool called everb which allow me to give me some more insights into this product so if I click on product analytics I can see a little bit more data about it as you can see this listing is two months old and there's 23 favorites okay so this is not the best uh like indicator because there are no cells okay but here's the thing this is something that I recently learned sometimes mid Journey doesn't count all the sales doesn't show you all the cells there's a delay okay this this is something that I'm learning right now but this listing has 23 favorites okay so this is what caught my attention because this is a good indicator this that this product might have some potential and I also notice that this product is heavily promoted I see ads for it all the time so Etsy wants me to see it and that's probably a good sign that this listing has a potential so this is why I decided to keep this one on my list because a it's Unique Bic ads for it all the time and three even though every B is not showing me any sales but I learned recently that they don't always show you sales and there's always a delay I think this still has a potential and this is why I decided you know what I'm gonna try to sell myself so again this is more experimental problem because again we don't have a proven track of sales but I'm going to show you other prompts that do have a track of Salesforce so don't worry about that okay so as you can see I'm on Mid Journey now and these are the experiments I started with okay so usually what I do I just try to break it down by using keywords I don't use any software I don't use any other fancy tools that you know allow you to kind of recreate this I just use the keywords and the style this image is presenting so stainless glass cat that's the style and the object is cat so I usually just try to start with that and this is what I did I started with the keywords I can see stained glass Cat close up face fantasy story book fairy tale so I'm just trying to manually describe what this image is and by you know process of trial and error I try to figure out the actual prompt so the first one was okay the second one was not exactly what I was looking for a third one we still not there yet fourth one still kind of work in progress and then we got to this one I think this one is really cool it's not exactly the same thing but it's looking very very well and very cool and that's the point I'm not trying to exactly copy one to one but I'm trying to create something similar I feel like this this could work this this prompt right here could work I used to play with different version of mid-journey so I tried with 5.1 but for this particular problem it seems like the V4 the version 4 is working the best then we got this one this one was again 5.1 so as you can see the older version the four is more um the colors are more bright and stronger and with the v5.1 the colors are not as strong as the the other one so the final version that I really liked is this prompt right here it's the V4 staining glass orange cat fantasy storybook fairy tale watercolor and blackening style and it created this type of images okay and then the word orange you can replay it with any color of the cat you want I just put orange as an example but that's the one version of the prom and then the second version is slightly different the difference is that we have that white background at the end so instead of having these black backgrounds right you can see right here right like you can see in the corners either the white background that way it will create something similar to this okay something that looks more like this so right now we have the prompt working so let's see what is the end result and these are the end results and as you can see not all of them are great like I would not use this one I would not use this one maybe I would use this one I would use this one for sure I think this one is the best so when you work with this prompt make sure that you pick the best options because you not always get the best results as you can see here we got a better results maybe not mentioning the white background is better you can always remove background in tools like canva or photoshop but this is this is relatively close to this okay another product that I really like is this floor patterns okay as I said earlier flower image tends to sell very well during the summer time I think this is just like the vibe of the summer you know people use the flowers to you know put on decoration wrapping paper and stuff like that this is definitely used for wrapping paper so people print this out and then you know they just put it as a wrapping paper just like I said but yeah this is really cool out here here's an example so this is actually really beautiful if you can put this up on a notebook or the bag or something like that it looks really pretty it's a really cool design you can definitely create this in my journey it has 18 add to cards which means it's a really good sign so this is a more popular product it's more popular in the first one I showed you again the first one I think it has a huge potential just depends on um like how you implement it in your Etsy strategy but this one this one has a stronger indication of more potential especially now so it has seven cells it's only one month old again there might be actually even more sales because again ever be it's a little bit delayed with their data so a lot of potential it's brand new and it's relatively easy to recreate and make Journey so as you can see here's my first attempt of recreating this prompt I actually use mid Journey 5.1 to try to recreate it and we got something pretty close to it as you can see it's it's relatively close to it it's not exactly the same thing but it's relatively close you could potentially try to sell even this design and this is a problem elegant vintage flower pattern oil painted this is very crucial that you mentioned it's all appended because the style roses you can replace the word roses with any flower you want and then I added scrapbook paper just to add a little bit more context for the texture however this is not the final problem the final prompt that I went with is this one elegant vintage flower pattern oil painting roses scrapbook paper unlighted dark background high contrast beautiful colors this is the one I actually like the most as you can see has the dark background just like this one has okay okay this one I would definitely not use this one but those three I think are fine and this is using the version 5.1 of mint Journey so it's newest one you can probably try even V4 I feel like it could work with V4 again V4 is very good with like watercolors tab the version 5 and higher seems to be better with more realistic stuff but this is pretty good and by the way if you got it this far I'm just gonna tell you that you're gonna have a link for these prompts in the description of this video this is the surprise I meant to have for you at the end of this video I was supposed to reveal this at the end of this video this is why I wanted to watch but if you got it so far I'm gonna tell you this right now but please still watch it because there are some instructions that it's better to explain what I'm talking to instead of you know reading the instructions because there are instructions included in the in the document that I shared the prompts with you so let's go ahead to prompt number three pump number three is a little bit more Universal it's not really a seasonal product but it just has a crazy amount of sales as you can see 20 add to cards and if we look at the product analytics the sales are actually insane on this one okay we got 1716 cells but this is a pretty old listing it's 83 months older okay so it's been here for a while but like it's super easy to recreate okay this is a very simple prompt that you can recreate the mid journey and you can definitely sell this yourself this is a more an evergreen product so as you can see we have a proven data that shows us yeah this thing sells some people could argue that this might be too hard to sell since this is a very old listing it has so many cells and it's probably getting a lot of sales already because it's probably dominating the market but that just sounds to me like if you are not up to challenge okay because I actually created this myself something similar to it and I'm still getting sales okay I sell these patterns myself it's just a matter of kind of switching things up you see he's selling 100 colors okay but you can sell 200 that's what I'm doing I'm sending 150 colors so just get more dollars or maybe more variations or maybe different variations of glitter like you can still sell this type of stuff you're not trying to copy one to one you're trying to get very similar results but not exactly the same ones okay so here's the prompt for you that I used again use them version 5.1 it actually works pretty well and as you can see I have different variations of it okay the best one that I used is this one because it's the closest thing to this glitter style but you can also use this one and you just replace the collar so instead of saying purple you replace it with red or green or whatever color you want it here's the thing for this one I recommend using the reference image just because if let's say you like this style of glitter and you want to copy exactly that same style it's good to give them a journey the reference image so it knows what to copy otherwise you're gonna get different variations of the glitter as you can see right here I have three different ones sorry four different ones so it's good to give the preference image to a limit amount of different variations okay another one is a little bit bit more seasonal and these are these Brown flowers so this is something that you can definitely replicate in mint journey I think this has potential to work even in Fall because these are very like fallish colors but it's popular even now during the summer or I should say upcoming summer because it's still technically spring so if you look at the data this listing is three months old 46 sales 127 favorites and this listing is on the rise there's more interest for it right now and let me show you the prompt so the prompt I use to recreate something similar again not exactly the same but something similar is this one right here neutral Brown flowers watercolor floral white background applied it okay and these are the images that we got they're very close to whatever we have right here this is using the V4 I tried the version 5.1 but we didn't get as good results as the one that we get from the V4 but this is pretty straightforward you know what to do another item on our lists are these bees and this is perfect for the current time this is more of a seasonal product because bees are associated with spring summer and things like that it's a watercolor product and watercolor is very popular on NLC and if you look at the data this is what we get okay this listing is brand new I only got three cells so far but it has 20 favorites eight people added this to their cart this is something pretty new so it has a potential and this is also brand new store as you can see they only have 221 sales 13 reviews so not a lot but if they're already getting sales on it that means there's a demand for this product and I was able to recreate this and make Journey so the prompt I use for this is this one honeybee on yellow flower watercolor fantasy white background black and white ink and see the results we got we are using version four instead of 5.1 again again watercolor stuff usually the version 4 is the best for this type of images and this is actually she I actually like my version better than what we have on Etsy this is a little bit colorful and stuff like that but I think mine it looks better it's more crisp it's more detail so we actually got better results that this guy has right here okay so if you want add more objects for example you can replace this sentence right here which says on a yellow flower you can replace it with like a Honey Jar so it will say honeybee on a Honey Jar or something like that you can easily replace the objects here you can also change the colors so instead of saying yellow flower you can say orange Honey Jar or something like that but the core of this prompt is right here so good luck selling it and these are all the prompts I prepared for you today and as I mentioned earlier the big surprise is that I have the links for these prompts Down Below in the description of this video you can download them yourself and just copy the text and make Journey you don't have to you know pause the video and try to type in yourself all the problems that we use here don't worry about that you have all the prompts in the description if you want to get the monthly list of prompts sign up for my YouTube memberships every month I share a list of new prompts that I sell on Etsy and if you want to participate in the challenge the 30-day challenge of trying to build the hcis store or Drop Shipping Store whatever Journey trying to hop on there's gonna be a link to the spreadsheet you can track my personal progress but I think that's it for today check out my other videos about HCI to learn more I will see you next time bye
Channel: Patryk Marketer
Views: 25,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, make money online, etsy midjourney, midjourney etsy, sell ai art on etsy, using ai to sell art on etsy, make money online 2023, etsy digital products, selling ai generated art on etsy, how to make money with ai art, how to make money online, digital products to sell online, artificial intelligence, print on demand, selling ai art on etsy midjourney, passive income, alek etsy, alek etsy print on demand, alek etsy ai
Id: -yvr1N0Xj1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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