Make $26,520 Per Month With These AI Side Hustles!

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shop on edge six thousand dollars per month and has made three million dollars in total by doing probably one of the simplest AI side hustles I've ever seen in this video I'll show you three of these easy and really profitable side hustle businesses that you can create in minutes with the help of artificial intelligence the first side hustle is incredibly easy let's take this shop for example this shop has made over half a million dollars just from selling planners now the reason this side hustle is really easy is because you're able to use a print-on-demand website such as printify which will take your design and put it on one of their products and what's great is that they even pack their products and ship them to the customer if we look at the planners here on Etsy most of them have some sort of pattern these are incredibly easy to make using text to image AI but here's where one of the main issues comes to play for the past few weeks the most popular text to image artificial intelligence for these businesses has been imagery however recently mid Journey has removed their free plan and therefore people on a budget were not able to use mid Journey for their businesses on my last video we talked about a completely free alternative to Mid Journey Leonardo AI but remember if you have access to Mid Journey feel free to use that instead so here on Leonardo we'll head to the AI image generator select four Images use 1024x1024 enable tiling and then simply minimalistic colorful abstract floral repeating pattern if you're using mid Journey all of these settings would have been inside your prompt the results we get are Practically Perfect for this now you can head on to your print-on-demand website such as printify select the product you'd like and then design it using your pattern and once you've got these and have the mock-ups you're able to then list them on Etsy and start selling the next side hustle business I'll be going over is selling coloring pages selling coloring books has been all over the side hustle part of YouTube however this is completely different and is not as saturated so if you jump on this side hustle right now you have some serious benefits for being early selling coloring pages is another easy side hustle because of how powerful AI has gotten recently this shop has been able to get over 163 thousand dollars purely from selling digital coloring pages and although this agenda works just fine I think that with the help of print-on-demand sites once again you'll be able to make much more to create these coloring pages head on to the text to image AI of your choice for this we'll be using Leonardo but you're once again able to use mid-journey and other AI as well we'll head on to the AI image generator we'll select the dimension we'd like and then type a prompt such as children's animal coloring pages the AI gives us these results and these are great to sell already however you can head to a print-on-demand site such as printify and use their services to maximize your income keep in mind that pin underman's sites such as print to fight tend to take from your Revenue as their services do cost money and printing isn't free but in my opinion with the time you save and the services you get and the fact that with these print-on-demand Services you're able to reach more customers it's definitely worth that really really small portion that they take out of your Revenue to do this head to one of their products and then you can create your designs over there this side hustle is very slightly harder than the rest but once you see the income you'll see that it's incredibly worth it this shop has made over three million dollars by selling wedding invitations and wedding stationeries and trust me it doesn't take much time to create these wedding invitations head on to the AI of your choice once again we'll be using Leonardo but feel free to use mid-journey if you like for this I'll select two designs set their Dimensions to 768 by 1024 but keep in mind you can use the dimensions that you'd like then type a prompt such as minimalist wedding invitation template I got these designs and I was completely happy with them keep in mind some of these designs may have text on them and I'll teach you how to remove them first head to photo P photo p is sort of a free version of Photoshop which is online then use the lasso tool to cut out the text from the template use the content aware fill by going to edit fill and then change the fill type to content aware and then click ok okay now head to camp it's important to use canva and not another image editor such as Adobe Photoshop since you're trying to be more Broad and you're trying to reach as many customers as possible so since canva is free your customers will be using canva to edit the text on your template paste your image into canva and then edit it by adding text using their huge list of phones just keep in mind that your customers will be using this website in order to edit the template that you sell once again I won't show you how to create a template and sell them on Etsy since that will also require its own dedicated video If you guys think that would be helpful let me know in the comments and I'll create that video as well on the other hand if you found this video helpful please let me know in the comments hit like And subscribe to never miss these side hustle businesses and be the first to find them to get the most out of them
Channel: cashr
Views: 54,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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