9 Etsy Shop Ideas That Can Make More Than Your Job

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starting nancy's shop two years ago was one of the best things i've ever done in my life not only did i make some good money doing it and learn about business along the way starting it and reaching small milestones and small successes along the way gave me the confidence to do other things in life like starting this youtube channel but after talking to some of you guys in the comments section and on instagram i've learned that one of the biggest things holding you back is that you don't even know where to start and i can really relate because a lot of you guys might be young and even if you're not some of you just might not have had the chance to try a lot of things yet and that's okay for someone like me and i'm sure this is true for some of you guys out there too i've always had a problem finding exactly what i like to do in life it never hurts to see what other people are doing just to get ideas and inspiration on things that you might like to try too so what i did was spend a night browsing etsy and i came up with a list of niches and store ideas that i think would be really successful if you started them today i tried my best to include a wide variety of different niches so they're not all the same and i'll be going through each one and giving them a rating on the startup costs skills required to start and passiveness since you all know how much i love passive income to be honest i low-key don't even want to share this list because as i was browsing etsy and putting this list together i was coming across ideas that i thought were really good and i was thinking maybe i should start these shops up for myself but for now i decided not to give up on my sticker shop yet and i'll be sharing these ideas with you so let's get started so the first idea is 3d printed cookie cutters for this niche i'm going to be showing you guys an example shop called the cookery.ca as of today they have almost 62 000 sales with an estimated average price of around six dollars which equals 371 and 850 dollars and as you can see they started in 2018 so they earned this revenue over four years so for startup class i'm going to give this a 4 out of 5 stars i feel like 3d printing has become more accessible over the last few years and the price to get started has really come down doing some quick research online i found that you can get a startup 3d printer for as little as two to four hundred dollars i found the food safe material that you would need for these cookie cutters range between 20 to 25 dollars for a kilogram which i'm assuming would last you for a while since cookie cutters themselves don't use that much material i'm sure they can get this cost down too if you're buying in bulk from a different supplier so let's overestimate a little bit and say it would cost three to five hundred dollars to get started personally for me five hundred dollars isn't that much to spend on a business that has the potential to make you hundreds of thousands but this cost in comparison to the others on the list is quite high which is the reason for the 4 out of 5 stars for skills required i'm going to give this a 3.5 out of 5 just because there's so many things you have to learn first you need to learn these machines which can sometimes be complicated but you also have to learn how to do the 3d modeling and designing in a 3d environment which i don't really have experience with but i would assume that it's not the easiest thing to learn these things might take you weeks or even months to get good at so it's not something that you can start up right away for passiveness i'm going to give this a 3 out of 5 stars just because once you've learned it and you've designed your designs the machine is doing the work right like after you design it you can set up the machine and let it run and print the cookie cutters that you need so it's not fully passive because you do have to run the machines and pack up the orders and ship them but it's not as bad as having to work on each order one by one as they come in the next shop idea is resume templates so for this one i have an example shop called co resume they've made 25 000 sales with an average price of around 10.65 which equals around 269 thousand dollars they started in 2020 so they've earned this in less than two years so for startup costs i'm gonna rate this a one out of five stars because it really doesn't cost anything to get started i'm going to be assuming that most of you guys have a computer or a laptop you can work with but even if you don't you could always go to your public library and part on one of the computers that they have there it really doesn't take any extra software to make these templates people are using microsoft word pages and even google sheets because that's completely free for skills required i'm going to give this a 1.5 out of 5 stars obviously people are paying for this so the products that you see getting sold isn't something that just anybody can do themselves but i really think that learning this basic office software is something that's really easy to do all you really need to do is to look up some tutorials and maybe read some help articles and i'm sure you can learn how to make some compelling resume templates in about a day or two for passiveness i'm going to be giving this a full 5 out of 5 stars just because it's a digital product digital products are the holy grail of passive income because once you make it once and a customer buys it they can download the product for themselves without any input from yourself there's nothing to pack and there's nothing to ship you really only have to do some basic customer service but all these shops have customer service so you really can't get around that some of you guys might be looking at this niche and going wow low startup costs low skills required and max passiveness that's the perfect business but you have to remember when startup costs and skills required is low that means that the barrier to entry for this particular niche is low as well that usually means competition in a niche like this is very high most of the time to be successful in a niche like this you're going to have to find a way to really stand out from the competition and it might not be the easiest thing to do the next shop idea is bridesmaid and groomsman boxes the example for this niche is a shop called aaron's home and gifts they've had 77 000 sales with an average price of around 25 dollars which equals 1.9 million dollars and as you can see they started in 2020 so they did this in less than two years so startup costs for this niche really depends on what you're trying to do some of these shops are selling the boxes themselves which are empty and some of these shops are selling gifts inside the box so it's like a total package thing that you can give to your groomsmen or bridesmaid but for the sake of this video i'm just gonna use the sample shop that i provided just to make things a little easier so it looks like aaron's home and gifts actually sells things inside their box it looks like they include handmade soaps and candles as well as some other small things i did some research and i looked up what it cost to get started in handmade soaps and candles and according to this article it says you need around 200 just for starting materials like live fats and oils and after that you need to spend around 300 on the equipment to put everything together so yeah to be honest that's a little higher than i was expecting but not only do you have to spend money for the things inside the box you have to spend money to make the box really nice too because the box itself is a gift to somebody so i'm going to give the startup cost of 4 out of 5 for this one for skills required i'm going to give this a 3 out of 5 stars i don't have any experience making handmade soaps or candles but from what i've seen this is not something you can learn in a day it's probably going to take weeks or maybe a couple months for passiveness i'm going to give this a one out of five stars just because you have to make everything that goes inside the box one by one and you have to package everything really nicely as well so yeah this isn't really passive you could reduce some of your work by working with partners that can make the candles and the soaps for you but if you do that that's going to eat into your profit margins and you're still going to have to pack them so yeah 1 out of 5 stars next up we have pet portraits the shop i found for this niche is called draw your portrait they have 56 000 sales at an average price of around 40 which equals 2.2 million dollars they started in 2016 which is about six years for this niche i'm going to give startup costs a 1.5 out of 5 stars the art provided here is digital and it really doesn't cost much to make a digital piece of art there was a time where i was really into drawing on my computer and all i really needed to do was to pick up a wacom tablet these are tablets that come with a pen that you can just draw on and they'll transfer the image from your hand onto the computer and nowadays you can get starter ones for really cheap somewhere between 50 to 100 with a business like this once the artwork is complete you can either send the digital file to your customer or if they want a physical print you can work with a print on demand service these services will take your file and print it on whatever you want and send it directly to your customer so it doesn't add to your startup cost at all for skills required for this one i'm going to give this a 4 out of 5 stars though there are probably people out there who are naturally gifted and they're able to learn how to draw something like this in a couple days or maybe a couple weeks for most people i think it's going to take months or even years to get to this level of art so yeah art skills is not really something you can learn in a couple days or so for passiveness if you're selling personalized art where you have to create a new piece for every new customer that you get i'm going to give this a 2 out of 5 stars but if you're painting something once and you're selling it multiple times i'm going to give this a 5 out of 5 stars it really just depends on what kind of shop you have and whether your things are personalized or not but yeah if it was me i would sell the digital print so they can print at home for full passiveness and if they want a physical one i would just work with a print-on-demand service the next niche idea is gender revealed decorations for this one we're going to be looking at a shop called poof there it is reveals you can see here that they've made 260 000 sales and average price at around 8 which equals over 2 million dollars they started in 2016 so they got to this point in less than six years startup cost for this niche i'm going to be giving it a one and a half out of five looking on amazon i can see that gender reveal powder is around 20 to 25 for 10 bags and i'm sure that you can get this for cheaper if you're buying this in bulk from an actual supplier reading the description it looks like they're using plastic or acrylic shells that you can get from a craft store like michael's and after that all you really need is some paint and some markers just to color them up so yeah to get started in this you probably need less than a hundred dollars skills required i'm gonna give this a one out of five because this is something you can learn to do on a youtube video if you just youtube gender revealed baseball you'll see step-by-step instructions on how to make one so this is definitely something you can learn to do in just a day passiveness i'm gonna give this a one out of five just because it's not passive at all for every order that you get you're going to have to hand make them and it doesn't seem very easy to be making these balls one by one so it's not very high on the passiveness but again this doesn't mean that it's a bad business at all this shop made two million dollars in six years doing small things like this one by one and to me that's a really good business moving on we have instagram highlight covers and for this one we have a shop called tin studio digital they have almost 18 000 sales and estimated average price of seven dollars which equals 124 000 they started in 2020 so they made this in less than two years so i was actually shocked when i came across this niche i didn't really think that people would be spending money on instagram highlight covers like these are pictures that go into little circles of your instagram page but yeah this is something that people want and they're willing to pay money for someone to do it for them so this is a valid business for startup costs i'm gonna give this a one out of five since a lot of these graphics are really basic and simple you can totally make this using free software like sigma or canva for skills required i'm gonna give this a two out of five because again these are very simple graphics that people are buying you're not painting the mona lisa here you're making a small circle very simple background with an icon on it this software for graphic design now is really easy to use and really accessible and it's really something that you can learn in a few days or maybe a couple weeks for passiveness this is a five out of five because again it's completely digital once the designs are made customers can download them forever and you just have to do the customer service next up we have map prints the example shop for this one is called paper emporium co they've made 40 000 sales with an average price of around twenty dollars which equals eight hundred and six thousand dollars this shop only started last year so props to this shop because eight hundred and six thousand dollars that's a crazy amount to earn in just one year startup cost for this one is a little bit higher because to make graphics like this you're gonna need some more advanced professional software so i'm not sure exactly what software this shop is using but from my experience this is something that requires an adobe photoshop or illustrator so this software isn't free like canva or figma you're gonna need to pay for it but the cost isn't really that high adobe does have monthly subscriptions now so this is not gonna be a huge upfront cost it's something you're gonna have to pay as you go for skills required i'm gonna give this a surprising one out of five stars when i first came across this this looked very complicated to make but i did some googling and there's actually videos that you can watch that will show you exactly how to do this step by step so yeah if you already have the software this is definitely something you can learn to make in just a day and i'm just gonna sidetrack here a little bit and mention how important it is to learn the skill of googling i'm sure that when some of you saw these map prints you thought it was really complicated as well and you would have never imagined it's something that you could actually do too but yeah something that's really helped me in my life is having a learning mindset and staying curious so many times i come across something that seems very complicated and i have the curiosity to google it and you realize that things are more simple than you think and seeing complicated things become simple is really like a mind-blowing moment because it gives you the confidence to try things and leads to the first step to building really amazing things but yeah back to the video for passiveness this gets a 5 out of 5 because it's fully digital and if you want to go physical you can always go print on demand next on the list we have nursery decor for this one we have a shop called bear and rose company they have 71 000 sales with an estimated average price of 40 dollars which comes to 2.8 million dollars they started in 2018 so they got to this point in about four years startup cost for a shop like this is going to be 5 out of 5 because you have to use really expensive machines from browsing their shop it looks like they're using laser cutting machines to cut sheets of wood into the shapes that they want these machines are not really made for consumers they're made for commercial use and the price for these things can range from thousands of dollars to tens of thousands so it's definitely not cheap for skills required i'm gonna give this a three out of five from my experience working with commercial machines they're just not as user-friendly as the ones made for consumers you're going to need how to learn how to use and maintain the machines as well as learning how to design the products in like a vector environment which is going to take some time as well this is probably something that will take a month or two or more to learn so that's the reason for the rating for passiveness i'm gonna give this a three out of five just like with the other shops that use machines to produce the product this is semi-passive once you've created the designs you can then use the machines to duplicate it for you so yeah you have the machines to help you but you still have to design and pack next up we have embroidery kits the example shop for this one is called diy order they have 73 000 sales an average estimated price of 11 which gives them 805 000 of revenue over a three year period startup cost for this one is going to be a one and a half out of five just because you don't really need anything special to get started the materials you need here look like they can be picked up for something like twenty to thirty dollars and again i'm sure you can get this price down if you're buying in bulk from an actual supplier i'm gonna make a guess and say that it probably only takes around a hundred dollars to get started for skills required you're going to need to know how to embroider stuff and i really don't have any experience in doing that but these are kits that you're selling to your customer right for them to do themselves so i can't imagine that it's that difficult so yeah the difficulty probably comes from designing the patterns themselves which again i don't have experience in but i'm gonna give this a two out of five passiveness for something like this is probably around a two and a half out of five because you still have to pack every order and send them out as you get them the passiveness from this comes from the designs for this shop in particular it looks like the designs are digital and the customer has to download and print them out themselves before i go on let's get the obvious thing out of the way these shops are the top shops and their respective niches success like this is not guaranteed nothing in business is guaranteed you can start a shop and spend thousands of dollars and weeks and weeks building it up just to get started and you might not get anything in return for me starting and growing these side businesses have almost become like a hobby for me i actually have fun designing new products and trying to grow my shop i get enjoyment out of it the same way people get it from skiing or golfing so i'm completely okay with getting nothing from my work but with that being said these shops are real and they really did make this amount of money in the time frame that i said so it's definitely possible you just have to take the first step and start so if this video helped you get an idea and you're ready to start right away you might want to check out this video it's a video where i break down the step-by-step process to getting your first 100 sales but that's it for me thanks so much for watching guys i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Tim Koa
Views: 1,160,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xR6XZ1BW-8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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