I Tried the EASIEST AI Side Hustle of 2023 (NOT Digital Downloads)

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this video claims that an Etsy Shop made over three hundred thousand dollars selling digital download patterns but it's not what you think you're like to believe that the best AI side hustle in 2023 can make huge profits quickly but after looking into the shop they started in 2012 two years before AI could produce this art since then they've averaged just under thirty thousand dollars a year it made me realize that many of these videos going viral twist the facts to ride Trends while it's great for getting views if you've tried to build a successful business you need honest advice I was able to earn 170 000 my first year at online retail what worked while building that business can be multiplied using AI but when you're first starting out every sale matters and the ability to build momentum can depend on whether you choose digital products or print on demand there's a lot of hype around digital products right now because they are pure profit the margins look great and the ongoing Time and Labor is non-existent because of this some shops only sell digital patterns on the surface this sounds amazing but when when you dig in these shops usually generate less Revenue overall sell at a far lower price point Than Physical goods and as a result even with higher margins they end up profiting much less recently I released a series of YouTube shorts and Instagram reels about the opportunities in this industry while researching I discovered an Etsy store that was raking at over 350 000 annually selling generic cell phone cases with printed artwork one of their best selling cell phone cases earned two thousand dollars on 105 sales compare that to Old Market who only made 306 dollars from 136 Floral Pattern sales if you're just getting started patterns and digital downloads are attractive because once they're finished there's no hard costs or ongoing labor the downside is that once you voluntarily sell your design it becomes fair game for other people to resell your artwork or to use it to make finished products that get sold on the same platforms to drive that point home one of the most profitable strategies on Etsy is to purchase best-selling digital downloads then mock them up on print on demand products hundreds of stores use this strategy because it outsources the cost of creativity and generates impressive annual revenues once you realize that if you can create a design that sells you can create a product using that design to get sales for the same amount of time that's far more money that you could be earning rather than giving it away so let's talk about how to come up with those designs I created my very first piece of art using mid-journing and captured the entire process to give you a genuine beginner's point of view I'm new to this technology so I wanted to find out if it was possible to get marketable results with mid-journey without experience once my design was complete I applied it to an actual product and listed it for sale in my Etsy store coming up with great High conversion rate designs and ideas is usually the limiting factor with mid Journey V5 you have an endless well of creativity that really can generate income for your business as long as you know how to ask for it the easiest way to get started is by providing specific keywords as part of your prompt this steers mid-journing towards the look and style that you're going for each time you submit a prompt mid-journey generates four versions and gives you buttons to either refine further or taken a completely new Direction think of mid-journey as a talented artist that just keeps delivering excellent drafts but your job is to figure out what to ask for and how to ask for it I offer you a choice small changes to the prompt and fine-tuning the settings can create wildly different results when I first experimented with mid-journey V4 I used the prompt repeating pattern Botanical block paper magical old money and then fed the same prompt to V5 look at how strikingly different the results were one of the most effective ways to leverage mid-journey's capabilities is by taking inspiration from etsy's best sellers to find what people want to buy Best Sellers tend to share a specific aesthetic if you can use AI to adapt to a design aesthetic to a variety of products you can stick to a winning formula and capture more of that market rather than having to reinvent the wheel when it comes to generating designs I relied on a powerful Trio mid-journey AI Discord and Photoshop to start creating with mid-journey AI you'll be prompted to join their Discord server Discord is completely free but if you plan to sell your designs you'll need to upgrade to a paid version of mid-journey AI for commercial rights to the images you generate I began on mid-journey V4 use using the earlier mention prompt repeating pattern Botanical wallpaper magical old money I chose this because I knew the Botanical and the Vintage artwork were popular thanks to my prior research on Etsy bestsellers and my own experience with my businesses where I put that research into practice mid Journey released a new version V5 so I wanted to check the difference and the artwork turned out with the same prompt I typed in forward slash settings and chose V5 retyping The Prompt I added dash dash tile afterwards to let my journey know I wanted a repeating digital pattern so I decided to upscale the second version that mid-journey generated the neutral appearance in the color scheme really caught my eye by clicking on YouTube I initiated the upscale process just a quick note U stands for upscale while V represents creating a different version of the same image if you click the circular arrows it regenerates everything giving you a fresh start once the second version was upskilled I found myself drawn to the fourth design so I went ahead and upskilled version four examining the designs I was in impressed by the overall spacing and the arrangement of the artwork next I brought the image into Photoshop and converted it into a smart object to enhance the size Clarity and ratio without losing any detail one thing to note is that images generated by my journey can sometimes be small limiting their usability to smaller things like playing cards by converting the image into a smart object and leveraging printify's tools we can unlock a world of possibilities for selling products in Photoshop I created a square canvas measuring 11.17 by 11.17 inches after adjusting the image I saved the file to a PNG ensuring that the entire Square was covered now with your seamless pattern ready head over to printify and select a product to Showcase your design on like a throw blanket upload your image and click on the toggle that says create pattern this repeating pattern concept works perfectly for phone cases too instead of stretching the image simply choose create pattern and watches Your Design transforms into a borderless masterpiece if we didn't fully cover the canvas in Photoshop it would look like this by following these steps you can take any design from mid-journey and upscale it to make money I hope this video brings Clarity and confidence to understanding how to utilize mid-journey AI for your business in all honesty if this video gets enough likes I'll create another one
Channel: Brands & Empires
Views: 268,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mid journey ai art, Passive income logo, Make money chatgpt, Ai generated logos, Digital products, Midjourney logos, Etsy digital products, Midjourney logo, Etsy digital download, Ai digital download, Ai logo design, Sell logos online, Chat gpt, Mid journey, Midjourney, Chatgpt, Ai, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney V5, making money with ai, make money chat gpt, money with ai, make money using midjourney, make money print on demand, midjourney print on demand
Id: JOkqgONai8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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