Top 30 Most Confrontational Talk Show Moments

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you may have even been Jim ever back there but somewhere along the way Jim you ceased being Jim and you became Chris welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most combative aggressive and shocking talk show clashes in TV history to make the list the incident can't be completely staged and it has to be on a talk show or a program with a similar model I just say that cuz your back is to me and I I I was just talking to a back number 30 Meg Ryan versus Michael Parkinson Parkinson in 2003 Ryan went onto the UK's Parkinson to promote her work in the film In The Cut instead of getting positive publicity and perhaps a boost at the box office she uncomfortably clashed with the host you said once that that acting was not in your nature I did you did say that yes you did say that perceiving the actor was being rude to his other guests Parkinson admonished her throughout as Ryan gave brief responses when he asked her what he should do Ryan told him to quote wrap it up drawing nervous laughter from the audience if you were me what would you do now I just wrap it up afterward the two exchanged a public war of words Ryan called Parkinson a quote nut and he treated her like a quote disapproving dad the host called her a quote unhappy woman in 2021 a couple of years before his passing Parkinson offered a public apology to Ryan number 20 9 running from the question Pierce Morgan live after unsuccessfully winning Delaware's Senator election in 2010 Republican Christino donnal popped up on CNN's Pierce Morgan live in 2011 because I don't think it's relevant it's not a topic that I choose to embrace it's not what I'm championing right now I've I've been there done that promoting her book with a title that sounds very familiar today Troublemaker let's do what it takes to make America great again she soon did something bizarre as Morgan was asking odonnell about her stance on gay marriage she kept dodging the question and claimed her beliefs were in her book but Morgan wouldn't let this strange reaction go and kept pressing causing his guest to call him rude I'm not being weird you're being a little rude the escalating tension and confusion culminated in O'Donnell's team cutting the interview short with the Tea Party activist using another engagement as an excuse number 28 for announcement the Ellen degenerous show some talk show hosts will do anything to get celebrities to give them a big scoop take Ellen degenerous for example when Mariah Carey was a guest in 2008 during their sitdown chat degenerous brought up the rumors of the singer being pregnant people are saying that uh that you're pregnant there there's rumors don't discuss that um all right well you don't have to answer that's okay now honestly you don't have to answer me let's just toast with champagne Carrie mentioned in interviews years later that she was blind sighted by this and was very uncomfortable at the time she tried to change the subject only for degenerous to give her a glass of champagne to toast being not pregnant a very obvious test when Carrie pretended to drink it the host called her out on the mimicry and exclaimed she was expecting a child I didn't say that no no no my mother would be at home like on the computer like what are you talking about no we will let you know when we're going to have no you won't yes I would always say that when they're sitting on the show and then I read about it the next day not long after this incident Carrie sadly miscarried number 27 calling out cordin the Late Late Show with James cordin Sometimes context from years later can make a somewhat innocent talk show moment seem much more combative in 2022 James Cordon was the villain of the hosting world after he was allegedly rude to waiting staff at the Bazar restaurant I made a rude rude comment and it was wrong it was it was an unnecessary very commment it was ungracious to the server well back in 2016 Cordon had the icon Jimmy Kimmel on his show to play the segment spill your guts where you had to consume something gross or answer a question with a fish smoothie in front of him Kimmel asked Cordon if he could name two of his camera operators after a long pause Cordon couldn't and drank the Smoothie name two of the cameramen in this room with hindsight this led to speculation that Kimmel did this to embarrass things English host due to his apparent rude attitude number 26 Morton Downey Jr versus Kelly Everts the Morton Downey Jr show considered one of the pioneers of trash TV Morton Downey Jr brought on Kelly Evers also known as rosson verder as a guest on his controversial program in 1988 she was invited after gaining publicity for combining exotic dancing with religious Services don't you ever claim you do this in the name of God immediately it was uncomfortable as Downey made crass jokes throughout he yelled misogynistic insults at Everts when she stuck up for herself he thrusted his pelvis on her which was bizarre and gross at one point Downey aggressively yanked her microphone away and even broke her shoulder strap after the segment aired ever stated to the press her intention to sue Downey for 40 million for defamation and assault number 25 arcenio Hall versus queer Nation the Areno Hall Show in 1990 Hall was taping an episode of his self-titled talk show riffing with the crowd however he was interrupted by the audience yelling which he immediately addressed some members of the activist group queer Nation were asking why Hall didn't have any gay guests on his show well there are a lot of gay guests who really don't like to talk about their sexual preference so we don't know whether they're gay or not it started off calm with Hall backing up accusations with evidence and mentioning guests might not be comfortable disclosing their sexuality but as the activists continued questioning him and implying he was homophobic the host exploded in Rage I got gay friends I've had on the show because you don't know him or it ain't who you want on the show you got a problem with it if you want to book it get yourself a show after telling them to sit down a fired up Hall monologued that he would never discriminate against a guest for their sexual ual ity his rage even continued when Paul Hogan was brought out frightening the Australian actor number 24 Jimmy Kimmel versus Jay Leno the Jay Leno show in his short-lived self-titled show Leno brought on Rival Kimmel for his 10 at 10 segment in 2010 straight away there was tension as Kimmel made several insulting jokes against Leno causing the audience to grip their seats and nervously laugh if you got to interview anyone in the world who would it be you and Conan together oh I would like to have the two of you soon after Kimmel took several shots at the long time The Tonight Show host berating him for mistreating Conan O'Brien who had replaced Leno on the show before he returned outing his successor along the way every time the Scandal was brought up by Kimmel Leno tried to move the segment along or make brief jokes however Kimmel wasn't letting go by the end he jokingly pleaded with Leno to leave their programs alone as they have kids to feed and he only has cars con and I have children all you have to take care of is cars that's right I mean we have lives to lead here you you've got $800 million for God's sakes leave our shows Alone number 23 crisen Glover versus David Letterman Late Night with David Letterman as Glover arrived on Letterman stage in 1987 to promote his work in River's Edge something was a Miss with his long hair nervous energy and unusual clothing Letterman was seemingly annoyed with his painted on Smile as Glover rambled on do you do do you do a lot of television shows oh yes now because I've been in movies that are big and I'm I'm a movie star so I've been on talk shows on the Johnny Carson show and now I'm here but it got worse the actor then asked Letterman if he wanted to arm wrestle which the host wasn't keen on when Glover kicked near Letterman's head he had had enough and walked off shreding off Glover's hand that grabbed him when he returned Letterman insinuated that Glover was forced to leave welcome back to the show we're running a little short of time tonight I would have loved to chatted more with chrisen Glover but and understand he had a cab to cat those who watched 1991's Ruben and Ed might have seen the similarities between Glover's film character and his awkward portrayal on that Infamous Letterman night number 22 Tucker Carlson versus John Stewart Crossfire before he was a big-time Fox political commentator who got fired Carlson was a co-host on CNN's Crossfire a debate show in 2004 Stuart guest appeared to promote his book and he saw the chance to lay into Carlson and the program and took it the bow tie wearing commentator insulted Stuart too defining his speeches as quote boring I think you're a good comedian I think your lectures are boring let me ask you let me ask you a question on the news now this is Theater Stuart responded by describing Carlson's work on the show as quote not honest and partisan hackery yikes Carlson kept retaliating with juvenile insults and interrupting Stuart's concise criticism the 10th segment reached its peak when the TV host called Carlson a certain male appendage now you're getting into it I like that the Scandal on screen was so bad that it supposedly led to Carlson being fired from the network and Crossfire being cancelled several months later number 21 badly facing the allegations news night for a guest to be confrontational with a host the victim of their alleged crimes and a whole country is pretty intense this interview was so disastrous for Andrew and the UK royal family that it resulted in lawsuits his removal from public duties and police investigations you said you went to break up the relationship and yet you stayed at that New York Mansion several days I'm wondering how long I was doing a number of other things while I was there Andrew denied knowing Virginia je fre who he was accused of assaulting after she was trafficked by Epstein even though there was a photo of the two of them he made bizarre excuses including claiming that jra's account is incorrect since he couldn't sweat at the time after an adrenaline overdose near the end the final nail in the pr coffin was Andrew describing Epstein's crimes as quote Unbecoming causing interviewer Emily matless to interject EP was a sex offender the problem was the fact that once he had been convicted you stayed with I st number 20 Aziz Ansari calls out CBS The Late Show with Steven Kar representation has been a topic of discussion in Show Business for a long time and it's something that Aziz Ansari has spoken candidly about st's the first late night host from South Carolina right and the bajillion white guy so during an interview with Steven colar the parks and wreck comedian took some not so subtle Jabs at cbs's track record when it comes to diversity and ansaria managed to do it while still being funny this is like an all-time high for CBS yeah fortunately Co bear was able to roll with it and poke some fun of his own diffusing potential awkwardness and making it easy to focus on the comedian's Point uh written the bestselling book of Modern Love modern romance sorry mod really is it called modern Romance my card says Modern Love oh somebody's going to get fired wow God I God I hope it's a white [Laughter] guy number 19 AEL Ferrara awkward interview Late Night with Conan O'Brien Conan O'Brien has interviewed almost every celebrity imaginable so the fact the host picked Abel Ferrara as his most difficult interview means something con there you go all right cool all you just passed our sobriety test here all right I know from the very start the accomplished filmmaker comes across as though he'd rather be anywhere else yeah beat him up you can beat him up I why maybe tomorrow why did she why did she want you to beat up Harvey Kai tell me why despite Conan's best efforts to get a conversation going Ferrara mostly mumbles through a couple of half stories about Madonna and Harvey kitel while playing around with a cigarette as awkward as this interview is there is almost a comedic Brilliance to it especially since it kind of ends on a punchline AEL FR will be right back yeah we we're going to number 18 Norman mailor versus gor Vidal the dick cabage show I'd really like to get into a discussion with Gore he's been saying absolutely uh unspeakable things about me he's been acting even worse than he usually does as a pist and uh you know he's he's really he's Shameless an intellectual argument he's absolutely without character or moral Foundation or even intellectual substance the dick cavage show had its share of explos Ive sessions over the years but few compar to the sheer ferocity that defined Norman maor and gor Vidal's segment Norman did a book on women's Liberation mhm and his attitudes towards sex some very interesting some quite outrageous it was very anti-women's Liberation piece and he was very mean to a couple of the girls particularly Kate Mallette and I answered this his piece and a number of others you know Norman is taking everything too personally well everyone got their licks in mailor was the driving force behind this confrontational debate with the writer mocking Vidal's career personality and pretty much everything besides his political campaign I guarantee you I wouldn't hit any of the people here because they are smaller in what ways intellectually intellectually smaller well let's let me turn my chair and join these three [Music] [Applause] perhaps you'd like two more chairs to contain your giant intellect mailor even challenged cavitt and the audience's intelligence while aboard Janet faner sat there like a frustrated teacher priding over a couple of school children while things never quite got violent on screen mailor reportedly head budded Vidal earlier that night hey can I talk to the audience for why don't you fold it five ways and put it where the moon don't shine [Applause] number 17 a rude Interruption The Wendy Williams Show few things can ruin a person's Focus quite as instantly as a ringing phone somebody phone on yeah get out get out during a recording of The Wendy Williams Show the host found her train of thought interrupted by the sound of a ringtone a crime that could not go unpunished at that moment Wendy Williams uttered the phrase anyone who's ever been stuck in a theater with a disruptive audience member has always wanted to say tickets are free but when you come here you must turn your phones off although Williams diffused the situation within a few seconds that does not mean that the host's initial frustration was not genuine number 16 Vince McMahon versus Bob Costas on the record with Bob Costas Vince McMahon thanks for coming Vince pleasure XFL ratings are down 75% from week one they now rival the lowest ratings ever in prime time not just for a sports program but for any television show can you guarantee me right now that there will be a year two for the XFL while some discussions start gently and gradually grow more confrontational Bob Costa's interview with WWE's Vince McMahon is underpinned by a palpable fierceness right from the start but in most people's minds not with Prestige because of the type of programming you're associated with on the other hand NBC has Prestige they risk not just dollars they risked Prestige coming across more like an interrogation than a discussion costus grilled his guest on the failings of the XFL a then new football league created by McMahon that would ultimately go bust within a year of debuting while also not painting professional wrestling in the most positive light you you want to let me finish here for a second pal I'm asking the question then then Co shut your mouth and let me answer the question all right I'll be happy to answer let me finish by the time the interview came to an end McMahon appeared on the verge of body slamming the host although the pair would meet up for a much more cordial episode A year later number 15 Bill Maher kicks out an audience member Real Time with Bill Maher this long running show tackles sensitive and controversial topics using irreverent humor that adds to the debates without necessarily overshadowing them like I even boy sometimes here at CBS I wish the sound wasn't working typically cool as a cucumber Bill Mah is always in command and does not react kindly to any attempts to hijack a panel especially from hecklers or do I have to come over and kick this guy's ass out of here while the first Heckler received a personal goodbye from marah the tension only escalated from there as waves of unrest echoed from the [Applause] audience that was coward attacking a man asking I'll kick your ass out of here too through it all Mars still manages to get a couple of laughs although each oneliner is fueled by anger number 14 Patty Lael isn't having it the Tyra Banks Show who knew that a pretty short conversation revolving around cupcakes and paper could be so uncomfortable this has paper on it yeah you can't eat the paper now these are made you can touch them with your hands that is true two kinds of cake mix what seems to start out as a genuine misunderstanding between Hungry Girl cookbook writer Lisa Lilian and guest Patty Lael regarding the paper surrounding the cupcakes quickly turns into an improv session with cringeworthy attempts at humor and condescending remarks All Things Considered Lael managed to keep her cool despite being spoken to like a toddler while the animosity dies down relatively quickly a segment about cupcakes should never have been this tense to watch diet hot C what is Patty saying over there she is causing trouble yeah no what makes you think I think I could eat the paper boo yes you can't eat the paper no no paper paper bad C good okay next the incident was so Infamous that it inspired a 2020 Saturday Night Live sketch starring SNL cast member ego WM as Lael standin cookie laf floof and host Daniel Craig as the put upon celebrity chef well don't eat the foil what the aluminium foil on the just just don't eat the foil that's I don't want to eat the foil okay makeing don't eat the foil who is this man number 13 Morton Downey Jr versus sea the Morton Downey Jr show in hindsight the Morton Downey Jr show was closer to programs like the Jerry Springer Show than modern-day talk shows 10 bookstores yes at 23 years old folks isn't this a wonderful country 23 years old you had 10 where'd you get your money from I started out with one store very small mob didn't give you the money mob no the pilot episode dealing with the adult film industry instantly established the tone for the show as the host utilized an aggressive interviewing style designed to put actress seika immediately on the defensive how about do you agree with the fact that uh do you agree with the fact that 50% of all porn is controlled by the mob and 90% of all money made from hard porn through the distribution is handled by the mob do you believe with that you don't believe with that the live audience ate up down e Savage takedown of his guest even if the whole thing comes across as a sensationalist stunt that sought to belittle sea for easy ratings you damn right it makes right you damn right I'd much rather hear it from those people who have studied it than from someone who's laid down with everyone that they can find in a porn film it's hardly surprising that sea walked out during a commercial break number 12 Harvey par car Wilds out late night with David Letterman this exchange was memorable enough to be recreated in a biopic what kind of show was it box going to be a talk show yeah it was a talk show and then what kind of guests would you have I didn't even consider that question cuz I don't want to do it now why why wouldn't you want to do it well I've seen you here Harvey Pear's appearances on David Letterman's talk shows are the stuff of Legend especially the heated exchanges the pair had during the 80s and I want to tell you something about that stuff no wait a minute I'm serious damn it now man don't mess with the duo always seemed to be stuck in a power St Le and that was never more apparent than when par went on a rant about General Electric the parent company of NBC the network that aired Late Night with David Letterman they're being sued in Ohio because they sold they sold these nuclear reactors around the country Harvey Harvey this is very bad manners I don't care man this is very very inappropriate this was not some previously discussed routine as Letterman did not hide the fact that PE car's comments were highly inappropriate and unwelcome number 11 Megan's CH words The View political discussions naturally tend to grow a bit fiery but certain words are practically never heard on daytime television but he was sort of negging lindsy Graham at the same time and I even tweeted last night president was watch the rally while Megan McCain and joy bear are known to snap at each other the views co-hosts usually refrain from using profanity I know you're angry I get that you're angry that Trump's president like a lot of people are angry that every single thing he's doing yelling at me is going to fix the problem while debating a trump rally McCain grew increasingly frustrated with Bear's occasional interruptions it reached the point that whoopy Goldberg had to try and cool down the panel with being a sacrificial Republican every day I'm just trying here don't feel bad for me McCain and Bear have had several blowouts over the years but this was one of the more memorable ones number 10 Sher versus Letterman Late Night with David Letterman it's rare that a talk show interview starts out confrontationally then becomes progressively calmer is this as good as it gets but that's exactly what happened when Sher first appeared on Late Night with David Letterman you know you uh uh I know you didn't want to come on here for the longest time so why finally after uh nearly four and a half years did you decide to come on I don't know I I thought it was one reason but I'm sure that couldn't be what is the reason you thought it was I wanted to pay my hotel bill during the initial stages Letterman attempted to learn why share had previously rejected the show's invitations and there was a definite tension during these moments that made the exchange uncommonly awkward now let's let's explore this a little why because you thought I was an when Sher Finally Revealed the reason it could have come across as a punchline if it were not for the fact that the singer did not laugh for a couple of seconds after it was no joke what she said was she thought I was an awfully nice guy no an astronaut an as I thought you're an astronaut number nine Dakota's birthday The Ellen degenerous Show Ellen degenerous is rarely caught off guard by any of her guests which makes this particularly awkward exchange with Dakota Johnson all that more captivating it's good to see you happy belated birthday when was your birthday it was October 4th October 4th you turned 30 I did and um how was the party I wasn't invited after inquiring about the actress's birthday party Ellen made the mistake of mentioning that she was not invited a throwaway joke that ended up not being true a fact Johnson wasted absolutely no time in correcting actually no that's not the truth Ellen you were invited last year no last time I was on the show last year you gave me a bunch of about not inviting you but I didn't even know you wanted to be invited well who doesn't want to be invited to a party well I didn't even know you liked me Ellen's comedic timing does manage to diffuse some of the tension out of the situ ation although that does not make the interview's opening few minutes any less uncomfortable to watch ask everybody ask Jonathan your producer who said you were I was invited why didn't I go I don't know was it was it out of oh yeah I had that thing um number eight Madonna versus lman The Late Show with David Letterman this interview was off to a rough start with Letterman's derogatory introduction uction in the past 10 years she has sold over 80 million albums starred in countless films and slept with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry he then told Madonna to kiss a man in the audience let's go kiss a guy in the audience why don't you go kiss the guy in the audience why you so obsessed with my sex life even so no one could have predicted What followed I gave him my Underpants and he [Applause] won't that's not where they go no that's no believe me that's where the underwear goes that's Phil with expletives from Madonna and innuendo from both parties this interview toes the lines between playful banter and outright hostility to say that it takes some weird turns is an understatement turn down your volume turn the volume down immediately she can't be stopped by the last few minutes it had gone completely off the rails as any semblance of structure gives way to confusion cigars and shocked audience members number seven Tom Cruz versus Matt low today I've never agreed with Psychiatry ever uh before I was a Scientologist I never agreed with Psychiatry and then when I started studying the history of Psychiatry I started realizing more and more why I didn't agree with Psychiatry and as far as the Brook Shields thing is look you got to understand I really care about Brook Shields during an interview with today's then unisg host Matt laow Tom Cruz opened up about life and mental health in a rant that would arguably change the public perception of the actor for forever Matt you have to understand this here we are today where I talk out against drugs and psychiatric abuses of electric shocking people okay against their will of drugging children with them not knowing the effects of these drugs do you know what Aderall is do you know riddlin the strangest thing about this whole ordeal was that the interview was perfectly cordial for the first half but the tone changed once la mentioned Scientology which snowballed into Cruz sharing his distrust about Psychiatry as someone who knew the profession's long history so you're you're advocating it I am not I'm telling you in their case in their individual case it worked I am not going to go out and say get your kids on riddle and it's the Cure All and the end all Matt but here's the point what is an ideal scene in life the interview got particularly heated once Brook Shields became the topic of discussion with crews even going so far as to describe L as glib maybe there are too many kids on Ridin maybe Electric kids on Ridin Matt I'm just saying but but aren't there examples where it works Matt Matt you don't even you're glib you don't even know what Ridin is if you start talking about chemical imbalance you have to evaluate and read the research papers on how they came up with these theories Matt okay that's what I've done number six Rosie O'Donnell versus Tom celic the Rosie O'Donnell show in the aftermath of the Coline high school massacre Ros o Donnell and Tom celic ended up in a now Infamous debate over gun control you know I I understand how you feel um this is a really contentious issue probably as contentious and potentially as troubling as the abortion issue in this country uh all I can tell you is Rush Russ is to pass legislation at a time of national crisis or Mourning I don't really think are are proper celic who came on the talk show to promote the romantic comedy the love letter was blindsided by odonnell who was far more interested in discussing the NRA guns and the Second Amendment I'm not I can't speak for the but you're their spokesperson Tom so you have to be responsible for what they say if you put your name out and say I don't put words in my mouth I'm not a spokesperson remember how calm you said you'd be now you're questioning my Humanity no not your Humanity I think you're a very Humane man I'm saying that if you say say I disagree with you but I think you're being but you can't say that I will not take responsibility for anything the NRA represents while celic tried to maintain a degree of composure and civility early on in the debate the actors seem to give up once it became apparent this argument was just going to go around in circles I didn't come on your show to to have a debate I came on your show to plug a movie that's that's what I'm doing here if you think it's proper to have a debate about the NRA I'm trying to be fair with you as I am trying this absurd you're calling me a spokesman for the NRA number five whoopy Goldberg versus Bill O'Reilly The View as multiple arguments on The View can attest it's only natural that discussions get heated when politics religion or 911 are involved so many questions I know you have yeah so okay look at you every time I come on here she's how did this happen Rosie odonnell and Elizabeth hasselbach had a notable Exchange in 2007 but it was Bill O'Reilly's guest appearance in 2010 that saw tensions boil over to unprecedented Heights and then the guy says and then the this is hold it hold it listen to me because you'll learn all right O'Reilly's generalization of Muslims prompts a verbal tiate from whoopy Goldberg who then proceeds to leave the set alongside co-host Joy bear why is it an a with 70 families K this on 911 oh my God that is in retrospect there was not friction immediately between O'Reilly and Goldberg but things certainly did not take long to escalate number four Rush Limba versus protesters the pat sjck show the most infamous episode of this show didn't even feature the titular host you think that bands and economic boycotts like this have a role eyes I think women's lives are more important than any potatoes a couple of weeks before the show's cancellation Rush Limba took over for an episode about a recently vetoed abortion Bill and in a move that backfired instantly asked an audience member for their opinion you don't know what it's about you never have a baby you'll never be pregnant you'll never have to have an abortion Madam yes you need not react that way the rest of the episode involved Limba trying and failing to gain any sort of control over a Restless crowd with many vocal members who did not agree with the guest host's political views you should be ashamed of yourself that's right the experience was such a train wreck limbo would later claim it was a publicity stunt staged by the talk shows producers number three Mark Summers versus Bert Reynolds The Tonight Show with Jay Leno sometimes things escalate slowly before reaching a boil this was not one of those times uh we once filled a a container uh with 4,000 lbs of baked beans and made kids dive into it which was really great I wish I'd seen that you would Mark Summers and Bert Reynolds share one cordial exchange before the bitter jokes cups and pies begin to fly no I was just wondering who told you that because my my wife tells me that often she says good morning I'm still married as a matter of fact yes well you from the moment Summers made a crack at Reynolds past divorces it felt like the pair were constantly on the brink of a fight I deserved it you you deserved it I deserved it I did it to you I deserved it you know that's the kind of guy I am you know okay and I was saying to your wife the other night you know neither party came out of this segment looking particularly great while Jay Leno seemed simultaneously delighted and terrified by what was unfolding in front of him things might not have worked out as planned but it did lead to an unforgettable interview 1 2 3 number two Heraldo Heraldo while sometimes arguments arise from unlikely pairings certain situations are purposefully crafted to spark controversy and hostility if you have true belief in your convictions and your movement is as good and as powerful as you say it is why are you afraid to let other people speak why are you not like other minorities and allow other people to pursue whatever happiness they find in whatever religion they find when Heraldo invited a white Aryan resistance youth member onto the same show as civil rights activist Roy inis the talk show presumably anticipated a few fireworks although a full-on brawl presumably exceeded the expectations of even the most ambitious of TV exacts reason why I do that is because I get sick and tired of hearing the SOB stories from I get sick and tired of seeing Uncle Tom here sucking up trying to be a white go ahead Ro go ahead no let me [Applause] after one particularly racist comment inis took matters into his own hands before the show Lost complete control of its guests and Audience by the end Heraldo Rivera ended up with a broken nose and a rating smash before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Jim Everett versus Jim Rome talk to Jim good to have you on the show Good to be here Jim thank you check that Chris Everett good to have you on the show you know what you know you've been calling me that for about the last five years about two years actually Chris well hey you know what let me let me say one thing a moment so Infamous South Park parody it more than a decade later after years of talk to's Jim Rome poking fun at Jim Everett by calling him Chris instead in reference to the female tennis player of the same name the Los Angeles Rams quarterback dared the host to repeat it one more time during an interview you know we're sitting here right now and if you guys want to take a station break you can but if you call me Chris ever to my face one more time I already did you better you call one more time we better take a station break Rome did so and instantly regretted it the segment is is so outlandish it almost seems staged however Everett has always maintained that it was legitimate well we got no problem I think I think that you you probably won't say it again I bet I do okay Chris considering neither party came out of this scuffle looking particularly good it does seem pretty real which controversial talk show moment shocked you the most let us know in the comments why do you argue the two of you I I hate to see it did you if you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 303,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TV, Talk Show, celeb, celebrities, celebrity, celebrity interviews, celebrity meltdowns, celebs, comedy, confrontational talk show moments, cringeworthy, cringeworthy celebrity interviews, cringey interviews, interview, late night talk show, list, mojo, most awkward talk show moments, most confrontational talk show moments, scandal, scandals, talk show, talk show interviews, talk shows, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: 7NzgXd0i9NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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