The Most Savage Talk Show Guest of All Time

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all the late night shows this is the easiest one to fall asleep to you look like George Clooney if George's mom drank during her pregnancy to me your comedy is like crypto I don't understand it but I admire it and I didn't even know there was an audience I'd heard the monologue but you know sometimes you come across talk show moments that are either cringe you smell good which is surprising why is that surprising I don't know I just wouldn't think of a you a guy who would have a nice scent on and that's such a like I'm going to really work hard to not take that as a shot extremely heartfelt I thank you for for watching it for hate watching it whatever reason you were tuning in [Music] for or simply hilarious you ready yeah 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 mother I tell you with me eating has replaced sex completely in fact I had a mirror put in over my kitchen table but rarely are people outwardly rude to those who inter that no I mean you're pale yes you a pale you you a you make Mike Pence look like a character in Black Panther everyone except for Martin Short and I've been on your show many times I've never seen the show funnier than tonight I'm serious oh my God your skin is so youthful thank you thank it's not firm but it's youthful so exciting for me to be talking to you because usually I talk to celebrities you look like a number two pencil so there's this etiquette on talk shows a certain level of professionalism you need to maintain in order to both properly promote what it is you're there for and keep the audience engaged just because the audience doesn't laugh out loud doesn't mean that they're not laughing in the inside I I heard laughter Marty I did you did yeah well it was Jimmy's but before every televised appearance there's a rehearsal a practice interview meant to ease tension and create a sharper exchange but what happens when the guest doesn't stick to the script what happens when they Thrive off of the tension and the interviewer ends up being the one on their back foot you never age Jimmy you don't you don't you I bet you're the only late night host that goes to a pediatrician thank you Steve hiin right there you love Steve hiin oh my God he looks to me like the world's most jovial Undertaker now if you're not familiar with Martin Short you're probably wondering who keeps letting this guy wreak havoc on TV why do the hosts seem to be either having the time of their lives alongside him to me when I see you you look like someone freeze-dried Prince Harry that's all I say or just feel like they're putting up with it well here's the thing Martin Short is no stranger to the Limelight I mean we're talking about a guy who's been in the industry nearly 50 years with a resume that most professionals could only drink dream to see a fraction of if you're not aware he's arguably one of the greatest comedic lines of all time a lifetime of exceptional work I don't know how many times he was on our show but I'm telling you for me it was like a holiday however it took a while for him to get here see Short's been active in the entertainment scene since the early '70s while his start was on the theater stage he'd sharpened his comedic chop through the renowned Second City I'm Second City you're Second City but you were Second City Toronto and I was Second City Chicago an improv comedy Troop that seen the likes of comedic greats like John Candy Steve Carell and Chris Farley when you watch his interviews you wonder how is he so sharp I think you may be the best Storyteller in Hollywood the thing is improv teaches you to be incredibly quick-witted I think that I was drawn toward character work and there was a part of me that was drawn toward the given that they perform regularly in front of a large crowd there's an immense amount of anxiety you need to overcome in order to be quick on your feet after a while though it becomes far easier it's why so many comedians get their start on the small stage you know all these characters I think come from people you know or combinations of people you know and and and it's kind of good that they do because that creates even though they're might be absurd as characters it creates a kind of three dimension by the late '70s short was already building his resume within the industry and by the early 80s would catch the attention of SNL producer Lauren Michaels what do you think when you think of the name Lauren Michaels I think of a a longtime friend and I think of one of the great innovators in the history of Show Business SNL had a pretty big issue on their hands it was struggling to retain viewers and to make matters worse Eddie Murphy had left the show amidst a booming career however Martin Short's addition would help completely turn the tide and I can show you equal numbers of studies that prove that smoking can be beneficial for you you can yes well could you name them why should I name them why don't you Nam him his characters were not only creative but incredibly well performed to call him a hit would be an understatement because I had a one-year contract they're also paying us more money than they'd ever paid people so I felt like come on be funny be funny yet there was one glaring problem SNL's workload was vastly different than what he was used to just wanted to survive I didn't want to be in nine scenes I wanted to be in two scenes right Second City provided him with a more lenient work schedule and a less stressful environment there was far more rehearsal as opposed to SNL where they'd often perform skits live on the air for the first time he was so overwhelmed by the workload that by the third episode he was already writing his resignation letter and again after the third show I went back and I had a meeting with dick EOL and I said I want to leave however he decided to tough it out for a full season eventually leaving to pursue a wildly successful career in film you know if I drop this thing it's going to go off and you all be blown to smithin so move it since his career began taking off he'd been making far more appearances on different talk shows it was here where we saw his improvisational skills really begin to shine have you had a rib removed what is it the new chin no I just take care of myself I watch is it the new able to punch back and conjure up witty remarks on the fly like it was his second nature I have the best hair in the business you you're an expert right well I mean first of all you can barely see netting and secondly he'd sharpened his expertise not only as a guest but as the host you know you have a very obnoxious way of talking thank you yeah it's not a compliment you're a oh I'm a yes you you are this is the famous Larry David anger and are you filled with anger how did you find Jiminy how did you where did he come from you know I was always fascinated by morons with power Asel in Second City had given him plenty of characters to experiment with one of his most memorable was that of Jiminy click this is the craziest fing interview I've ever done in my life that's why they call me multi-dimensional why was it called Fridays well because it was just like Saturday Night Live but not funny but not not yes this character was a bumbling manic and at times nonsensical interviewer and you've made so many films when are you going to do the big one what do you mean big one something that clicks with the something that clicks with the his entire thing was creating tension and awkward moments you've had an interesting career haven't you yes I don't know a great deal about it I see that you haven't been through hair or makeup that was a choice Mar short had a much easier time masking the anxiety under a fat suit and complete creative control Short's ability to adapt to nearly any celebrity was on full display here oh you're hungry I'm sorry I have a big celebrity coming to sit here in a second but I think I ordered a club sandwich covered in Stevia he was even comfortable touching topics that had he not been in character would have seemed off limits for a talk show if I hear one more one more anti-semitic remark from your mouth oh so now we're pretending that your people don't litigate okay with this experience he'd grown desensitized to the discomfort that came with being either the interviewer or the one in the hot seat he doesn't come with the same anxiety as most people would nor does he adhere to the same standards see when Martin Short is on a talk show He commands the entire exchange Jimmy is to giggling what Roma lettuce is to E coli thank you well I there are those who can play along able to roll with the punches and adapt to his sarcastic remarks Marty I love it when you're on for a period of time and then and then you're glad that I'm gone and then I'm so glad you're gone uh or those who seem to stall under the pressure if someone had told me 20 years ago that I would be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon with all these Emmy nominations I would have said Jimmy Fallon you know I never thought of it that way Martin Short is a strong test of a host's temperament you look like the world's hippest insurance adjuster you really do no and I mean that with love thank you very much I'm take I'm taking you with nothing but love if you're seasoned you know that for the most part it's just a bit some would even say they're relieved I could relax and as a viewer person in the audience or somebody at home I could just enjoy Marty just being near him when he's on the host is a ble to relax take their foot off of the gas pedal and let him work his charm it's almost like they're the ones being interviewed Martin Short is at the end of the day an Entertainer his purpose is to create interest and laughter with a bit of a mischievous twist the audience is still saying oh he's not any good and they're not and if you have a joke that kills so if you're the person doing those jokes and they're not working you're very aware of the low but if you ask his friends and those in the industry they'll tell you he's the exact opposite off stage Martin Short is an incredibly empathetic individual I do love you very much as you know it's true he's lived a life that at times was riddled with tragedy the loss of your wife yeah listen I can have a full conversation with Nancy right now as if she's here I know exactly what she'd say because you do we were together for 36 years it's shaped and molded the man he is today comedy I'm sure served as an escape you know I think in a way work is the greatest healer to that because you know she wasn't necessarily in Boston as I'm putting on a suit and ready to go on stage she was home it's when you're home that it becomes more apparent a way to build relationships and cope with the turmoil that came with great loss so when you think of why most great hosts tend to roll with the punches you realize that there's an intense amount of mutual respect here Martin schw among the best talk show guests of all time without a doubt and super fun to collaborate with they know that at the end of the day it's just comedy they know he's not acting with ill intent they know that he's dealt with enough loss to empathize with nearly anyone they know that after 50 years in the industry he's done more than enough to earn his stripes and are just happy to be sitting in the presence of Comedy greatness you know of all the people that I admire in in in Show Business you're very close to being one of them and it is so when the question arises why let this guy wreak havoc on your talk show I think the answer is simple if Martin Short is comfortable enough in your presence to roast you how long were you on the EMB bombing table before you jumped that's terrible it means you're doing pretty damn well
Channel: Renzy
Views: 141,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martin Short, SNL, Talk show, host, Conan, Fallon, talk show guest, comedy, comedian
Id: -IUtgrxpvO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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