Top 3 videos with DISTURBING backstories | Part 1

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today i'm going to share with you three progressively more disturbing stories and at the end of each of them i'm going to share with you the video that is famously associated with them but before i get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious deliberate in story format and you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three four even five times every week so that's of interest to you please give the like button a wedgie and then also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories in july of 2016 a woman living in chicago illinois named jordan baranskis opened her eyes and realized she had fallen asleep on the couch the night before she looked up and the tv was still on and then she looked down at the other section of the couch and her boyfriend matt was also asleep on the couch as much as she wanted to keep sleeping alongside her boyfriend she had work that day so she stood up turned the tv off and made her way upstairs to get ready as soon as she got upstairs the first thing she did is go into her bedroom and get her purse that she left on the foot of her bed but when she got in the room her purse wasn't there so she leaves her bedroom and she starts searching all the rooms upstairs and she can't find her purse and she's thinking to herself i'm certain i had it the night before i remember rifling through my purse before going downstairs and starting to fold laundry before ultimately falling asleep on the couch so after spending about 15 minutes looking for the purse unsuccessfully and now she's starting to stress because she's gonna be late for work because she can't find her purse she goes downstairs and she wakes matt up and says hey i gotta find my purse i thought i left it upstairs apparently i didn't can you help me look for it matt rolls over he doesn't really want to get up because he's pretty tired and he doesn't have work so he doesn't want to wake up right now and he says well are you sure you didn't leave it at the restaurant last night i mean if you already looked it's probably not here you want to just give them a call and see if you left it there jordan was immediately really annoyed by his reaction because she just wanted him to stand up and help her look for the purse because she had work and he could just go back to sleep and so it started this argument between the two of them where matt just wanted her to call the restaurant because he was convinced she had it there and jordan was like no i know i had my purse i'm positive i had it last night before i fell asleep on the couch with you so their argument begins to escalate a little bit and that's when jordan remembers that they had recently installed a nest camera downstairs to monitor their dogs whenever they were gone and she thought we can just look at the footage on the nest camera we can see me walking into the apartment and i will either have or not have my purse in my hand and so jordan opens up her app and she calls matt over and they go back to the night before right before they left for the restaurant she's got her person hand they leave the front door and then several hours go by and they come back in and very clearly jordan has her purse in her hand and jordan turns to matt and says told you so and matt's like okay fine let me help you look and as they're about to put the app down she realizes on the nest camera timeline that motion was detected at 3 30 in the morning when they were both clearly asleep on the couch and so she calls matt back over and says here look there's motion detected at 3 30 in the morning and they hit play after the couple had fallen asleep on the couch with the tv on a hooded figure emerges from their upstairs hallway and stands at the top of the stairs and just watches the two of them sleep before he left he stole her purse along with a couple of other things from their apartment and somehow this guy has never been caught and he's been given the nickname creeper ghost edna centrone was born on october 10 1954 in puerto rico and she was brought to new york by her mother when she was about five years old edna's family had no money her mother who supported her was a clerical worker at the new york city board of education where she would bring two boiled eggs to work every day so that she wouldn't have to pay for lunch edna's family lived in lower manhattan on delancey street a neighborhood that was famous for waves of ethnic immigration edna had a tough childhood but she would say she was loved and had enough in 1987 edna would meet her future husband william william had been visiting his brother at his brother's girlfriend's house in upper manhattan when william walked into the kitchen edna was sitting there and he was so struck with her beauty he immediately left the room found his brother and said who was that woman sitting in the kitchen and his brother would tell him that that was edna william went right back into the kitchen and the two of them hit it off right away and almost immediately they were dating every morning william would leave his brooklyn apartment and drive all the way to the north end of manhattan he would pick up edna and then drive her to midtown where she worked and then he would fight traffic to go to his job so it was just this horrible horrible morning commute but he loved edna so much he had no problem in the world doing it any chance he got to be around edna he was happy a couple of months after they met edna would move in with william in his apartment in brooklyn and then two years later they would get married they discovered that edna was not able to have kids of her own and so they talked about adopting and they were really excited about it but they kept pushing it off for financial reasons like a lot of other couples in their neighborhood they both had to work multiple jobs in order to make ends meet edna worked monday through friday as an administrative assistant for martian mclennan which was a large insurance broker located in the world trade center william was a doorman in an apartment building on the swanky upper east side monday through friday after he was done working as a doorman at about 3pm he would go to harlem where he and edna owned a small flower shop and he would work there until 8pm at night and then over the weekends he and edna would work at the flower shop for fun they like to drive north to bear mountain state park where they would meet up with friends and relatives for barbecues and cookouts and anytime they had a little bit of extra money they loved going to atlantic city and spending a little bit of cash on the slots and then taking advantage of the free food that came with gambling but more than anything else william and edna got the most enjoyment out of each other they were madly in love and inseparable for all 14 years they were together that even on their worst days when they came home and things just weren't right they would always sit down together and they would eat their favorite ice cream and watch their favorite tv show together on september 11 2001 william dropped edna off at the world trade center where she worked she made her way up to the 93rd floor of the north tower where martian mclennan was she took her seat at her desk and began the day like any other day at 8 46 a.m that morning a plane that had been hijacked by al qaeda terrorists intentionally flew into the north tower crashing into floors 93 through 99. everyone on board the plane and hundreds of people inside the towers where it was struck were killed instantly edna survived the initial crash but she like everybody else who was at floor 92 and up inside the north tower on 911 were all trapped shortly after the crash a cameraman on the ground was filming the impact site on the side of the world trade center and they inadvertently captured edna centrone coming to the edge clutching onto a metal girder and she appears to be waving as if she's hoping someone is going to come up here and save her but of course there was no way to get to her and she like so many others that were trapped inside of the twin towers had to make the terrible choice of waiting for the fire to consume me or jumping out this window we don't know what her final choice was however we do know she was one of the 2976 people who lost their life during that terrorist attack uh [Music] on september 22nd 2006 16 year old cassie jo stoddart was house-sitting for her aunt and uncle cassie was very responsible and so her aunt and uncle didn't just trust her to house-sit they also regularly asked her to babysit their son during this particular house-sitting weekend casey had invited her boyfriend matt beckham over to the residence to watch a movie with her she had also invited two other friends named brian draper and toria damshick who were classmates of her and matt's and so while the four teens are watching this movie brian and tori kind of awkwardly stand up and announce to the other two that they don't want to watch a movie on the tv they want to go watch a movie in the movie theater and they promptly leave cassie and matt thought it was a little bit odd that they would come over here specifically to watch a movie with them only to say we don't want to watch a movie with you guys we want to watch it in the theater but they didn't think much of it and they stayed to finish the movie unbeknownst to cassie and matt when brian and tori left they actually looped around to the back of the residence and unlocked the basement door so they could quietly re-enter later because these boys had been planning to do something absolutely horrible to cassie and they planned on doing it that night brian and tori idolized serial killers when brian and tori happen to watch the movie scream together which is a popular horror movie where this masked villain sneaks into teenagers homes and terrorizes them they decided that that would be the way they gained infamy they would reenact the murder scenes from the movie scream but in real life shortly after this revelation they begin filming themselves as they come up with their big plan of how they're gonna break into someone's home and what they're gonna do to them and at some point on camera they would say that they've identified their first victim and it's going to be cassie joe stoddart they just needed to wait for a time when she was going to be alone and when they found out she was going to be house-sitting over that weekend in september for her aunt and uncle they put their plan into motion but when they showed up and matt beckham was there cassie's boyfriend kind of screwed up their plan and so that's why brian and tori had stood up and said they were going to go watch a movie at the movie theater because what they really wanted to do was come back later when matt wasn't there anymore so they could attack cassie so brian and tori leave and they do go to the movie theater and they do buy tickets because they figure this is a great opportunity to create a solid alibi for themselves but they don't stick around for the movie they get back in their car and they drive around and film themselves excitedly talking about how great it's going to be when cassie's all alone and they can attack her after a couple of hours of driving around they can't wait any longer and they figure that matt must be gone by now they park at the end of the street they get out they put on their masks and their gloves and they sneak around the side of the house where there was that open door that brian had left they open it up and then go inside of the residence where cassie was and they can hear upstairs that matt is still there brian and tori at this point felt so committed that they just said you know what we're gonna have to kill matt too so straight out of a horror movie brian and tori hide in the basement wearing their mask and their gloves they've got their knives and they start making all this noise to try to get cassie and matt to come downstairs to see what's making all the sound but it doesn't work they don't come downstairs so the next thing they do is they go to the circuit breakers and they cut the power to the house hoping that matt and cassie will come downstairs to try to turn it back on but again matt and cassie stay upstairs and so brian and tori turned the power back on and just continued to make sounds in the basement in hopes that matt or cassie or hopefully both would come downstairs so they could live out this fantasy meanwhile upstairs matt and cassie hadn't heard any of the sounds going on in the basement but when the power went out cassie got really frightened and she asked matt would he please stay with her overnight and so matt calls his mom and asks if that would be okay and she says no but you can invite cassie over to our house and she can stay with us and then tomorrow morning i'd be happy to drive her back to her aunt and uncle's house but at the time the offer was made the lights had come back on and cassie had kind of calmed down and said you know what matt i'm actually just fine i'm gonna stay here at approximately 10 30 p.m that night brian and tori could hear matt's mom showing up picking him up and taking him home and they were fairly certain that cassie was alone but they were gonna wait for a couple minutes to make sure she really was as they were waiting matt actually called tori and said hey i just left cassie's house can i come meet up with you guys and matt would later tell police that he couldn't really understand what tori was saying it was like he was whispering and so matt assumed that he must still be in the movie theater watching the movie and matt kind of gave up on the idea of meeting up with them and ultimately just hung up and so after tori got off the phone with matt he turned to brian and said she's alone matt just said so brian and tori turned the power off once again and then walked up the stairs and slammed a closet door in hopes that it would entice her to come into the basement but it didn't work because cassie was horrified she heard the slamming door the lights are out and she's all alone and so she's huddled up on the couch terrified so brian and tori frustrated they can't live out their fantasy exactly the way they wanted to by attacking her in the basement so they go upstairs walk into the living room where cassie is huddled on the couch fearing for her life and they proceed to stab their friend to death after the murder brian and tori ran from the house got in their car and the first thing they did is they fired up their video camera and they filmed their excited reaction to ending cassie's life brian and tori believed they had a solid alibi because they had those movie tickets but after cassie's body was discovered just a couple of days later the police immediately went to matt beckham her boyfriend and started questioning him and he immediately said well brian and tori were the only other two people that were with us that night the police go to brian and tori and under intense questioning brian and tori would confess to what they had done they were convicted and given life sentences without the opportunity for parole here is some of the video footage that was found on their we camera our victim and says maybe she's our friend but you know what we all have to make sacrifices our first victim is going to be cassie stoddard she's going to be alone in a big dark house out in the middle of nowhere how perfect can you get we know there's lots of doors there's lots of places to hide i unlocked the back doors that's all a lot now we just gotta wait i just killed cassie we just left her house i saw her lifeless body just i disappeared dude i just killed cassie so that's gonna do it guys let me know in the comments what you thought of today's videos and i will pin the best comment at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's video and you haven't done this already please give the like button a wedgie and then also subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's johnballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username over there is mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter ticktalk reddit youtube or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time guys that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,698,694
Rating: 4.9391308 out of 5
Keywords: september 11th, 9/11, tragedy, sad, waving woman, nyc, united we stand, mrballen story, mrballen stories, scary story, scary, story, horror, horror fan, video footage, found footage, serial, scream, psychopath, psychos, disturbing video, disturbing footage, disturbing, horrifying, teens, high school, crime, true crime, mystery, unsolved mystery, ghost, creep, sketchy, spooky, chicago, nest camera, security footage, cctv, burglar, home invasion, intruder, twin towers, horrific, backstories, backstory
Id: eKLsETk-o4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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