Top 3 places you CAN'T GO & people who went anyways... | Part 6

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if you want to hear about one of the most ridiculously dangerous jobs in the entire world stick around for today's top story but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all we do and we upload three four even five times every week so if that's of interest to you invite the like button to go on a bike ride with you and then jab a stick into their front spokes while they're moving also please subscribe to this channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories off the coast of mainland southeast asia in the indian and pacific oceans lies indonesia which is the world's largest archipelago it's made up of 17 508 individual islands that if you were measuring from the westernmost point on the westernmost island to the easternmost point on the easternmost island it would be 5000 kilometers right across the equator so it spans one eighth of the world's circumference many of these islands are tiny uninhabited and unremarkable at first glance you might think that about one particular island that's located 2500 kilometers north of australia and i would tell you the name of this island but if i did i would be giving away the island's secret living on this island are 2 000 people who are direct descendants of former convicts who are exiled to this island and they share this island with a particular predator that is endemic to this island who is a direct descendant of flesh-eating dinosaurs it can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 350 pounds and its taste buds are so immaculately developed it can taste blood in the air up to nine kilometers away these creatures are so good at smelling blood and death that anytime there is a burial on this island they have to put big boulders over the gravesite otherwise these creatures will come running out of the jungle and dig up the freshly deceased and eat them this creature's bite is savage and they certainly have the ability to rip a person in two and in the past they have but they don't typically bite to kill they bite to create a massive flesh wound so they can inject venom into the wound site this allows them to not expend a ton of energy waiting for their prey to die so they can eat it they basically bite you poison you leave come back within 24 hours and then they eat you these creatures are strict carnivores and have a voracious appetite where they will eat up to 80 of their own body weight in a single day they've been known to bite goats and eat them whole by opening up their mouth and ramming the body of the goat into a tree to force it down their throats but when goats and sheep and buffalo are not enough to feed their appetite they start eating each other in fact cannibalism is so common that their young will hide in the trees for the first four years of their life hiding from their own parrots because if they're spotted by an adult they'll be eaten on top of all this they can climb run and swim faster than a human can these apex predators are called komodo dragons and they live on this one island in indonesia called komodo island in 2009 a 31 year old fisherman named mohammed anwar who had grown up on komodo island and was living there at the time decided he wanted some fruit he normally would just eat the apples that were right outside of his house but he had always been tantalized by the sugar apple trees that were inside of the fenced off section of komodo island the so-called forbidden section this section was of course teeming with komodo dragons and so as a result the locals basically fenced it off and said we don't go over there they don't come over here but muhammad had always wanted those sugar apples he'd grown up here and he never got to have one and so this day for whatever reason he decided today's the day i'm gonna get one and so he goes over to the fence and he's looking out and there's some fairly tall grass so he can't see what's on the immediate other side of this fence but it's pretty open and you can see the trees they're a little bit off in the distance and so after looking around and feeling like the coast was clear he hopped the fence and he ran out to the sugar apple tree muhammad's neighbor teresa tawa was outside and happened to look over at muhammad right as he hopped the fence into the forbidden section and so she ran over to the fence and yelled to him to come back but he didn't hear her and so she's standing at the fence looking out scanning herself to see if there's any komodo dragons out there and she didn't see any and so she turns her attention to muhammad and she's watching him hoping that he just gets the apples and comes back without incident and as she's watching she sees he's reaching out and extending his arm just far enough he wants to get one more apple and he loses his footing and he falls to the ground from her perspective she couldn't see muhammad on the ground because the tall grass obscured him so she didn't know if he's laying there unconscious or if he's just rolling around and he's in pain and he's about to stand up and so she's just looking anxiously hoping he stands up soon and then she hears the sound of two komodo dragons running through the tall grass you can see the grass moving as these two massive creatures are running and grunting at full speed towards muhammad muhammad when he fell he had cut himself and they smelled his blood and they charged over and theresa could only scream and yell for help as these two komodo dragons ate muhammad the authorities were able to get out there pretty quickly and they were able to get the komodo dragons off before they actually consumed him but he was already dead today you can actually go to komodo island as a tourist but it costs you a thousand us dollars to get a membership fee and then once you get there you're only allowed to be in a couple different sections that are totally regulated and you're really not anywhere near the komodo dragons because it really is extremely dangerous on the evening of june 20th 1965 four high school friends set off for a remote desert location about 90 miles northwest of las vegas nevada that was within the very famous death valley they arrived at their destination which if you didn't know any better would just look like the middle of nowhere in the desert but to them they knew exactly where they were so they parked their car they got out and they began unloading very heavy underwater diving equipment and began walking it up a nearby hill the group was made up of 19-year-old paul giancontieri his brother-in-law 20-year-old david rose 19-year-old bill alter and his younger brother jack who was 16 years old as these four boys walked their diving equipment up this hill they were hit with sign after sign after sign that was telling them do not go any farther turn around they made it to the top of the hill and they were met with a huge fence which once again said do not go any farther without any hesitation they went right under the fence and began walking down the other side which was a very steep 30-foot rocky slope that led down to this very narrow strip of water that was the entrance to a very famous underwater cave called the devil's hole their plan was to dive all the way down to the bottom of the cave which was at 325 feet so they get down to the bottom of the hill and they begin putting on their scuba gear and jack the youngest he's like you know what guys i'm having second thoughts and i don't want to do this anymore and they're like they suit yourself and so jack volunteers himself to sit on the outside and be their lookout the other three paul david and bill they're totally still doing this dive and so they put on the rest of their equipment they hop in the very warm water it stays at about 92 degrees fahrenheit year round inside of devil's hole they check their flashlights a couple of times and when they're ready they signal to each other and they begin their descent down into the dark abyss that is the devil's hole so for the next couple of hours jack just sat on the surface waiting for his brother and his two friends to return and just after midnight david and bill did return but paul didn't and so when david and bill got to the surface they asked jack hey have you seen paul because we got separated on the way up and we figured he was already up here and jack said no it's just you two i haven't seen paul and so david and bill look at each other and they know they have a problem and they're like we gotta go back down and so they put the regulators back in and they turn and start swimming down bill would say when they went back down to look for paul dave was leading and dave was going really fast to the point where bill couldn't keep up with him and you got to remember it's pitch black down there and bill's got his flashlight that's the only way he can see dave and dave was creating separation and getting farther and farther away bill had no way to stop him and at some point he lost him dave was just gone and so bill not wanting to turn this into an even bigger problem stopped where he was and went back to the surface and he and his brother jack just sit there anxiously waiting for dave and paul to return but they don't and so at some point jack went and got authorities when the police got the report about the two missing divers inside of devil's hole i'm sure on some level they were like that's why the signs are there you're not allowed to dive in there but they put that aside and instead they contacted a guy named jim hoots who was a professional diver who regularly dove inside of devil's hole so he's very familiar with it and they got him on scene within a couple hours to go looking for these guys and originally the hope was paul and david had found their way into a section of devil's hole called brown's room which was this big air pocket that perhaps in an emergency situation they had found their way in there and now they're trapped so jim and his dive partner get to the edge of devil's hole they put on their gear they hop in the water and they begin their descent it's totally dark they've got their lights and they go down about 90 feet to where the tunnel basically funnels down to a point and through this point you have to wriggle through and push through once you get through that you enter into this massive chasm that if you shine your light in any direction the walls are so far away that initially it looks like you're shining a light into infinity it's this massive massive space but for them to get to brown's room the first place they're going to look for these guys they needed to push through that little funnel and then immediately turn left and track the ceiling until they find a tunnel that goes back up again and that is the tunnel that's very claustrophobia inducing it's very tight that if you take it 90 feet back up you get to brown's room and that's that big air pocket and so jim and his dive partner they make their way up this tunnel they get to the air pocket and there's no divers and so they go back down through the tunnel back into that huge chasm and instead of going back to the surface they knew that if they didn't find them in the air pocket they were going to go down a little ways and see if they could find them on this one area called the lower ledge and so the lower ledge was just a rocky outcropping that was about halfway down to the bottom of the cave it was a natural break point before you went to the bottom and so as they're descending in this infinity chasm jim is shining his flashlight in every direction looking for signs of these guys and at some point his light picks up a reflection on the lower ledge and so they get down to the lower ledge and that reflection was from a dive mask the the glass of the dive mask it was sitting right on the lower ledge and then next to it was a single dive fin so jim and his dive partner they pick these items up they go back up to the surface and they confirm with jack and bill alter that yes that mask and that fin belonged to dave and paul and then afterwards they say to the search party look we were in brown's room and they weren't in there and so there's nowhere else they could be alive and by now they've run out of air and so that mixed with the fact that we're finding their equipment strewn about the chasm it's safe to say they're more than likely deceased jim and his dive partner said look we'd like to go back in and go all the way to the bottom we stopped at the lower ledge so we don't know what's down there we anticipate we'll be able to find their bodies and we can at least confirm they're down there and then shift to a body retrieval mission so jim and his dive partner get back in the water they go down the 90 feet to that little section you have to wriggle through to get into the chasm once they're inside they keep going down they pass the lower ledge and they go all the way down to 325 feet now this cave is huge and the floor bottom is huge but it's not so huge that you wouldn't be able to spot two bodies that have just recently landed down here and so jim and his partner are scanning their light across the bottom which is relatively flat you can see pretty far because of how clear the water is and they're not seeing anything on the bottom they're looking all over the place and there's no bodies there's no equipment there's nothing and they're thinking how are we missing this how are we not able to see this and it was at this point that jim noticed a little hole in the bottom of the cave floor barely big enough for a full-size person with tanks to fit through that he hadn't seen before and so they make their way over to it and jim says right when he was on the edge he felt a fairly strong current being pulled past his legs down into this hole it was almost like this was a drain on a bathtub and someone had pulled the plug and now all the water is draining into this little hole and so jim and his dive buddy kind of push themselves back to make sure they don't get sucked in and jim pulls out a weighted piece of string that goes out to 932 feet and he would use this if there was ever a tunnel that he wanted to go down and he wanted to size up how deep it was he would extend the line and he would let it fall until it hit something and he would stop it and on the line were marks of how deep it was and so he let this line go inside of this hole and it went all the way down to 932 feet without touching any surface meaning it's at least 932 feet deep from that point down so jim just pulls his line back up and he looks at his dive partner and he's like yeah no we're not going down there not only were they not equipped to go that deep they also both knew if we go in this hole there's a good chance we won't be able to get back out again because the current is so strong so jim and his dive partner go back to the surface and they say look we couldn't find their bodies but what we think happened is they developed nitrogen narcosis where you're in this sort of drunken state you don't really know what's going on around you and that suction slowly pulled them into this hole and they weren't really aware of their surroundings and they didn't stop themselves before they got pulled in and then it was too late and they were pulled down into oblivion to this day they've never found their bodies and scientists still don't know how deep that hole is but in 2012 there was an earthquake in mexico so 2 000 miles away from devil's hole that caused a tsunami to come through devil's hole i don't know how that actually works but the scientists say that's what happened and so scientists believe that hole leads to an underground ocean that connects to other parts of the world as far away as 2 000 miles today diving is still strictly forbidden inside of devil's hole unless you're a scientist and they stay far away from that hole at the bottom [Music] pearly beach is this beautiful little beach town in south africa that's very popular amongst tourists there's lots of snorkeling and whale watching and horseback riding on the beach but behind this beautiful vacation town down this bumpy access road going inland you come to this unmarked settlement called oluxel wayney that is like the opposite of a vacation basically everyone there is completely impoverished beyond some seasonal cleaning jobs and the occasional gardening job there's virtually no work in that area as a result of this crushing poverty the men in this town have had to take on one of the most dangerous jobs in the world it's called abalone poaching abalone are a very rare type of shellfish that are illegal to be captured and sold but there's this booming illicit market for them their primary customer being the chinese who view eating abalone as a status food abalone can only be harvested by hand and one of the very few places you can find them is on dyer island which is three kilometers off the coast of pearly beach and so the men of alux waney have become the primary labor force to go collect these shellfish for this illegal trade on a really good night these alexa wayney poachers will come back and make the equivalent of a couple hundred us dollars and they'll use that money to support their entire family mom dad you know grandparents kids nieces nephews everybody because nobody else can work this is like the one thing that generates money so you're probably wondering what makes this particular job one of the most dangerous in the world well i can tell you it has nothing to do with the actual act of removing abalones that's pretty straightforward it's the creature that lurks below you the whole time you're in the water pulling abalones off the reef that at any moment might come up and strike in the early morning hours of september 3rd 2017 a group of alux wayney poachers met on pearly beach to make their way out to dire island now because they are so poor they do not have the money to afford renting a boat to take them out to dire island and so they swim out to dire island it takes them about three hours to swim out there and then they stay there for three hours going down on a breath hold over and over again pulling abalones off the reef and then they swim three hours back and so this particular day the poachers are pulling up their wetsuits getting ready for the swim and they're chatting nervously with each other doing their best not to talk about the one thing they were all terrified of which is what's swimming out in that water one of the men on the beach was a 34 year old named zalela who had taken a break from abalone poaching because of how dangerous it was but he just found out his wife was pregnant and so he needed the extra cash so he was going with them south africa is home to the largest population of great white sharks in the world specifically there is a stretch of water between dire island and the shores of pearly beach called shark alley that is the highest concentration of great white sharks in the world so every time the aluxel-waney poachers swam out to dire island they had to swim over shark alley and then once at the reef removing the abalones that's where all the sharks would hang out because they would eat the seals that were in the area so there's sharks all around them there and then they would swim back over shark alley so all in they would be spending nine hours around some of the most ferocious apex predators in the world so that morning zelela and the other poachers make it out past the breakers and they head out to this stretch of kelp that covered the first third of their trip basically they would stay in this big kelp field because they said the sharks didn't like to come in the kelp but at some point they reached the end of the last bit of kelp and what was next was this open water swim up to dire island this would be the most dangerous part and zalela was the first person that was going to be entering the open water and the way they did it is in the open water they would intentionally space themselves out by a couple of meters in case one of them got attacked the others would have a chance to swim away and avoid being caught up in the feeding frenzy so zalela leaves the kelp field and begins swimming across the open water and then after a little bit the next poacher he begins swimming and they had this practice where they would constantly be looking around and counting all the people they were with because these shark attacks when they happened a lot of times they would get pulled under the water and you wouldn't hear it at first if there was a head missing you stopped and you stopped everybody else and you made sure no one was being attacked by a shark and so as the second swimmer is swimming along he's counting and he's got a full head count and then he looks and zalela's missing and he yells for the others to stop and as they're kind of poking their heads up to see what's going on zalela re-emerges in the mouth of a great white shark that is violently shaking him side to side and solely screaming out and the other poachers know they can't do anything to help him and so they turn and they swim as fast as they can and all they hear behind them is the sudden scream as his face would come out of the water and then go back down again and the violent thrashing of finns as a feeding frenzy began and so the others make it back to the kelp field and one of them had a cell phone wrapped in rubber as he pulls that out and he calls one of the poacher boats because even in an emergency they don't call the police because they can't jeopardize their livelihood and so they call a poacher boat that comes over scoops them up out of the water and then the remains of zalala that came to the surface they were able to pull those into the boat and bring them back for a funeral according to police reports in the last two decades five aluxel-waney poachers have been killed by sharks but to the alux wayney locals they say that count is not even close to accurate because a lot of times when people do get attacked and killed by sharks they don't report it to the police because they don't talk to the police and so they think it's probably closer to two or three dozen people that have been killed by sharks when interviewed and a luxe wayney poacher has said anytime there's a shark attack whether it's fatal or not they usually just take a week or two off and then go right back in the water poverty has given them no other choice so that's going to do it guys i hope you enjoyed the stories if you found the secret in today's episode tell us in the comments what it is and where you found it give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we'll pin you at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's videos and you haven't done this 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Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,672,856
Rating: 4.9582505 out of 5
Keywords: scary story, scary, mrballen story, mysterious, strange, dark, can't go here, forbidden places, forbidden island, island, true story, abalone poaching, black market, asian cuisine, delicacy, rare food, shell fish, South Africa, great white shark, shark, Komodo dragon, Komodo island, apple tree, devils hole, cave dive, cave diving, underwater cave, scuba dive, diver, horror, horror fan, scary af, Las Vegas, nevada, Death Valley, dyer island, shark week, sharks, dinosaur, dinosaurs
Id: 8swB7qMU7gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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