3 people saw something NO ONE else could, right before they VANISHED

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the types of missing person cases that i think are particularly interesting are those where the person who goes missing is either in a crowded place so very difficult to disappear at least without people seeing you or they are oddly in touch or actively engaged with people around them when just like that they're gone and so today i'm gonna focus on three missing person cases that fit that description but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload three to four even five times every week so if that's something that might interest you i would encourage you to take the like buttons computer mouse turn it over and tape over the sensor underneath and then hide and laugh at the like button when their mouse doesn't work also please subscribe to my channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories in 2008 brandon swanson was a 19 year old college student enrolled in a community college in a little town in minnesota called canby the town had a population of less than a thousand people he lived in marshall minnesota which was about 30 minutes away and was only slightly larger than can be brandon was in his sophomore year at the community college and planned at the end of the year to transfer to a much larger four-year university where he would complete his degree on the last day of classes that year on may 13th brandon and some of his friends decided to go out and celebrate because not only did they now have this nice vacation but for brandon it was a big deal he was getting ready to transfer to that larger school so that night brandon met up with his friends kind of near where they went to school there was a couple different backyard barbecue type college parties going on and brandon was having a good time with his friends and at some point a little after midnight he decided he was just ready to go home he was tired instead of taking the preferred route which would have been highway 68 back to his home in marshall minnesota he decided to take some back roads later when police were interviewing some of the people that were at those two backyard parties that brandon had attended they asked how much was brandon drinking and they all said that brandon wasn't really drinking at all we saw him with one beer that he wasn't really drinking and it seemed like he really was just tired he wasn't looking to party and he left and seemed very sober as brandon is taking these back roads back to his home in marshall minnesota he ends up getting into a minor accident but his car gets stuck in the ditch so he can't get his car out of the ditch he's totally stranded the first thing he does is he calls his friends that were at the parties with him but no one's picking up their phone so at some point you know he's probably pretty embarrassed he ends up calling his parents and says hey i'm totally fine but i'm letting you know i got into an accident i'm near linde minnesota here's the directions of how to get here i need you guys to come out here and help me get out of the ditch and so brandon's parents say okay you know we'll come out and meet you they used brandon's directions to get out to this area right near lind minnesota which was only about 10 minutes away from marshall minnesota where they lived they make their way over to the spot and brandon's father calls brandon and says hey we're here i'm going to start flashing my lights as i drive down this road that you've sent us to and so brandon's like okay i'm looking for you i don't see you but i'm looking for you he'd given them really specific directions to where he was and while they stay on the phone with each other brandon's father would flash his lights repeatedly and drive all around the area that had been described as where brandon was when brandon keeps saying that he can't see their car he doesn't see their lights he begins to describe again how to get to where he is and he's telling his parents did you turn on this road did you come down this way are you near linde minnesota are you sure you're where you need to be and his parents would respond are you sure you're giving the right directions because we're here we're flashing our lights and you don't see us at this point brandon gets in his car and he starts doing the same thing flashing his lights granted he can't move his car so it's only one direction but he's flashing his lights and he's telling his parents do you see me i'm flashing my lights and they both were unable to see each other both parties being very frustrated with each other brandon just says to his father listen i'm going to just walk to lint i can see the lights right there i have a friend in lind that can probably help me get my car out of here i'm just going to walk over there it's probably a 30 minute walk to lend i'm gonna walk towards the lights later when police interviewed brandon's father brandon's father would say it did not seem like brandon was drunk it didn't seem like he was confused he seemed totally lucid and very easy to talk to we were having a very normal conversation brandon's father stays on the phone with brandon and for 47 minutes brandon walks down this this gravel road away from his car on the phone with his father his father's just waiting for him to get to lynn so he can you know breathe a sigh of relief make sure his son's okay and as he's walking towards these lights that brandon believes is the town of lind brandon all of a sudden goes oh [ __ ] and then the phone cuts out brandon's father's like what just happened tries calling him back no answer brandon's father and his mother start driving all over the place yelling out their window for brandon and they can't find him they end up calling the police who use brandon's phone records to generally figure out where he had been when he was on the phone with brandon's father and it turns out he was nowhere near lent he was 25 miles away in a town called taunton so this huge search is launched for brandon and there's no sign of him they never get in touch with him on the phone they never find his phone they never find anything to do with brandon he just disappeared after seeing something on the road after walking towards some set of lights that he thought was lind but it wasn't it was taunton but was he really walking towards town or what was it what were the lights he was walking towards to this day brandon's family leaves their front porch light on in hopes that someday brandon will just show up again in 1953 ronald tommen was a sophomore at miami university in ohio he was a business major and he was living in a dorm room inside of fisher hall fisher hall was a converted insane asylum and all the students there believed that fisher hall was a haunted dorm it was one of those places where you tried to stay away from if you could on april 19th of that year ron was in his dorm room inside of fisher hall it was very snowy outside he was listening to the radio and reading a book at 8 00 p.m he must have thought about getting into bed and when he did he pulled back the sheets and found that someone had left a dead fish in his bed and so at 8 p.m there was an official request from ron to get new sheets sent up to his room at about 8 30 p.m we don't know what it was but something disturbed ronald enough to where he ran out into the hall we don't know what it was people think it was a disturbing sound or someone yelling for help we don't know it's totally speculation but something alerted him so quickly that he dropped everything he was doing he left the radio on lights on book open all of his id cards his wallet everything his shoes everything stayed in his room and he ran out into the hall when his roommate came back at 10 pm the door to the room was open and he saw that all of ronald's things were just laying out the lights were on but there was no sign of ron okay maybe he left and went to his frat house because ron was a part of a frat but the next day when he couldn't get in touch with ron he ended up telling authorities that his roommate had been missing since the night before when police began investigating they saw that he had been studying a psychology textbook before he ran out into the hall and he had actually dropped the only psychology course he was taking three weeks earlier his car was still parked right outside the dorm there was still a couple hundred dollars inside of his bank account and because he had not taken anything from his room people believe he basically left in a t-shirt and shorts with no money no shoes no anything a woman living 12 miles away from the campus would later report that the same night he went missing a man looking like ronald tommen match's description exactly showed up at her door and she opened the door and she said he was visibly frightened he kept looking around like something was after him but he seemed very upset he was totally disheveled he didn't have a jacket on he didn't have shoes on there was no car outside of her house so this kind of crazy looking guy comes up to the door and he says you got to tell me where the bus stop is i've got to get out of here where's the bus stop and she pointed down the road he immediately turned and he ran away and that was less anybody saw of him five months before ron ran out of his dorm room to investigate some sound in the hall or whatever it was in the hall he had gone to a coroner's office to ask to have his blood typed and the coroner said in 35 years he's never had someone come to him and ask him to do a blood type for them ronald could have just gone to a local physician on campus to do that for him so it seems strange that he would have gone to a coroner of all people to get his blood typed tommen's parents said they spoke to him a week before he went missing and they said there was nothing unusual about him he seemed like he was happy well adjusted he had no clear stress in his life it just didn't add up to this day no one knows where he is and no one knows what he heard in the hall that made him run out and then ultimately vanish in 2006 brian shaffer was a 27 year old medical student at ohio state university he had just lost his mother to a battle with cancer he was feeling very down and so his roommate clint decided it would be a good idea on april 1st which was the end of their classes there was a little bit of a break coming up that they should go out and just take his mind off of what he was dealing with and go out to a bar and have a good time brian agrees and so on april 1st the two of them make their way to the ugly tuna bar which was located in downtown columbus ohio just before 10 pm that night brian stepped away from the ugly tuna to make a phone call to his girlfriend her name was alexis and she was also a medical student at ohio state on the call there were some niceties exchanged he said he loved her and that would be the last time she ever heard his voice after brian came back into the bar brian and clint decide they want to leave the ugly tuna and do a little bit of bar hopping so they go to a couple different bars right outside and eventually meet up with one of clint's friends named meredith the three of them continued bar hopping until brian and clint decided they wanted to go back to the ugly tuna meredith offered to drive so they drive back to the ugly tuna and at about 1 15 in the morning security cameras right outside the ugly tuna pick up the trio walking into the bar at about 2 am that same camera picks up brian shaffer stepping out of the bar and speaking to two college-aged females before at some point saying goodbye to them and walking back into the bar at some point between 1 15 when the trio arrived and 2 am when brian is seen alone outside with those two other girls brian and clinton meredith got separated clinton meredith tried calling him they tried yelling for him they couldn't find him they assumed he must have got tired and just left the bar at some point because he only lived six blocks away and if he wanted to he could walk home so they don't think much of it and they ultimately leave the bar to head home themselves the following day brian's girlfriend alexis tried giving brian a call but it went straight to voicemail she figured he could be sleeping off a hangover so she didn't think much of it but as she called him all day long and never got through she started to become worried and asked brian's father randy if he could swing by brian's apartment and just check in on him when randy arrived brian was not there but his car was there and his apartment looked untouched the bed was still made there wasn't any signs of brian having been there recently at this point randy communicates with the police who immediately launch a huge search for brian and the police they review the footage from the ugly tuna and it shows brian along with clint and meredith making their way into the ugly tuna at 1 15 in the morning then it shows brian leaving at 2am to speak to those two college girls that were outside the bar but then he goes back into the ugly tuna there is no video footage after that of brian ever leaving the ugly tuna there was one other exit from the ugly tuna that was not covered by a camera however it was under very heavy construction and in no way appeared to be a regular exit it was completely blocked by construction materials and there was no sign that brian had ever even gone near that exit from all of the other cameras inside police went to surrounding buildings that had cameras pointed in any way near the ugly tuna to try to pick up some sign of brian leaving the bar after 2am but there weren't any it was like he went into the bar and never left and they searched the ugly tuna they looked everywhere he was not there to this day no one has any idea what happened to brian is he still inside the bar and if he left the bar how are there no cameras anywhere that are able to pick that up there was lots of cameras looking at the bar and looking outside the bar how did he vanish without anybody knowing unfortunately we probably will never know what happened to brandon swanson ronald tommen or brian schaefer but that doesn't mean we can't speculate so i'd love to hear what you think happened in each of these three cases i'll do my best to respond to as many comments as it possibly can if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos like this one i would encourage you if you haven't already to steal the like button's computer mouse turn it over and tape a small piece of paper to the underside turn it back over and then hide and make fun of the like button when their mouse doesn't work also please subscribe to my channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly three four even five video uploads that sound an awful lot like the one you just heard today if you want to get in touch with me you can send me a direct message on instagram my handle is john ballen416 i'm also very active on tick tock where my handle is mr ballen and if you have a story suggestion for me to use on this channel please submit it to the subreddit called mr ballen so no matter where i see you whether it's on reddit instagram techtalk or here on youtube or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support i love making these videos and until next time see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,085,500
Rating: 4.962533 out of 5
Keywords: scary, vanish, missing, unsolved, mystery, college, story, scary story, thin air, ghost, paranormal, monster, minnesota, mysterious, baffling, terrifying, spooky, creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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