5 STRANGEST disappearances in forests | The Missing 411 phenomenon

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something very strange seems to be going on inside of national parks in North America every year hundreds of people go missing in these parks but these parks are huge expanses of wilderness so it's not particularly unusual that people might go missing inside of them but every year of those hundreds of people that go missing there's always a few that go missing under very strange circumstances either the way in which they disappeared doesn't really add up you know someone will be watching or keeping an eye on someone they'll turn around and then turn back and that person's missing and there's not a trace of them and they're never found again or you'll have instances of someone will go missing there'll be an extensive search there's no trace of them and then they're found like miles and miles away in locations that are almost impossible to get to now one man David Politis who's a former police detective he began researching these very strange disappearances inside of national parks it started when a park ranger actually approached him and said hey there's a bunch of weird things happening in state parks you should look into it because you're a former detective and so after looking into it he discovered that there were so many oddities around many of these strange disappearances and he saw there was many overlaps and similarities that he really dope into it and he's examined thousands of these strange cases by his count you know ten thousand plus hours of research he's written four books they're all under the name missing for one one if you google missing for one one you'll find a plethora of information about these cases he has two documentaries out and so David while he doesn't actually take a stance as to you know what's causing these strange disappearances anybody that follows along with the missing four one one cases is basically led to believe that something is hunting humans in North America inside of national parks it is fascinating it is terrifying and I've picked out five of the most bizarre cases that I've come across inside of missing four one one before we get into those five stories though if this is the type of content that you're interested in the strange dark and mysterious that I've kind of promised in this video well that's what my channel is all about and I post three to four times a week and so that's your style and you like that type of content if you could please gently lambaste the like button and then please turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly uploads alright let's get into the stories on Father's Day weekend 1969 six year old Dennis Martin his brother his father and his grandfather headed up to the Smoky Mountains to go camping this was a family tradition on Father's Day and they were really excited about it they get to the same campsite they always used they set up they have a wonderful first night a campout and the next day another camper in the area happened to walk by and saw that Dennis and his brother were playing there and so this camper had kids as well and he asked Dennis his father hey would it be okay if I brought my kids by they're the same age as her sons and they can just play together Dennis his father says sure bring him down and so the man goes gets his kids they come back and before long all the kids are playing hide and seek now Dennis's father would say that he he had an eye on Dennis the whole time he was just at a distance but watching his his son to make sure he didn't get lost and so at one point all the kids are hiding from the parents and you know at some point the parents say okay show yourselves and all the kids except for Dennis show themselves and Dennis's father has watched Dennis go behind a particular tree he watched him do it he was watching the whole time and so when they said come on out and he didn't come out he actually wasn't that concerned because he knew exactly where his son was and then after a few moments he yelled to his son directly and starts walking over and says Dennis come out that isn't oh you're behind the tree and when he finally got over there Dennis wasn't there Dennis's father immediately starts running off into the woods screaming for his son and he actually ends up running almost two miles up the Appalachian Trail just hollering for his son and he can't find and then the rest of the family had broken up and was searching the area because they're thinking like he couldn't have gone very far he was literally just here and Dennis's father had said before like I watched him go behind the tree I watched him I don't know where he is but I watched him go behind the tree and so they're searching everywhere and Dennis is gone so a huge search in fact the biggest search in park history ensues with 1,500 searchers that included the army green berets so the Special Forces got involved they are combing a 60 square mile plot they're looking everywhere and there is nothing there is no trace there's no scent there is nothing connected to Dennis Martin anywhere and so they go back to Dennis's father and they're like you you have to tell us what you saw again this this doesn't add up if you were looking at the tree and he was right there how is it that he has just vanished into thin air but no one knew that was it no one knows what happened there's no closure he's just gone and they never knew what happened to him years later when David Politis was doing his research for missing for 1-1 and was researching the Dennis Martin case he interviewed other families that had been at the campground at the same time that Dennis had gone missing and one of those families was the key family and they had asked a park ranger where they could go on the campground where they might be able to see some bears and so the park ranger obviously said you know be careful but you can go over here to this section of the campground and you might see a bear and so they head over there and they're looking for bears and the one of their children hears a scream or thinks he hears a scream and kind of directs the family to look in the direction of the scream and from their vantage point they could see up onto the the side of this mountain where there was call it sparse trees all over the mountains so you could kind of see in between the trees and they saw what looked like a bear running along the mountainside but with something slung over its shoulder except the interesting thing about this bear was the father was quoted as saying that it didn't really act like a bear yeah it was acting more like a human the way it was running it looked you know hairy and like an animal but it was running and dodging between trees it was holding this what looked like a child over her shoulder it had it had it acted almost like a human and so you have a bear man that has been spotted by the key family and they bring this up to the investigators that are looking into the Dennis Martin case and you know obviously the Dennis Martin investigators they don't take this seriously they think that they're just you know saying some ridiculous thing for attention or whatever it is so you know never really was entered into the case with Dennis Martin it wasn't until the missing for one one case is that it was ever connected but there really was a family that claims to have seen a bear man carrying a child about an hour after Dennis Martin had gone missing in the same area where Dennis Martin had gone missing in the spring of 1952 two year old Keith Parkins was playing with his siblings outside of his grandfather's ranch in Ritter Oregon and when the kids were all called in to have lunch keith was nowhere to be found and so the siblings and the family went out and did a cursory search looking for keith and when nothing turns up they call in authorities and a full-fledged search is launched for Keith there's no sign there's nothing and four miles away from the ranch they find several hours later some footprints that look like they might belong to a two year old and they start tracking those footprints and they go on for miles and miles and then they just kind of stop and it wouldn't be until the next day 12 miles away from the initial from the ranch that they would ultimately find Keith surprisingly Keith who had disappeared with not enough clothing to be out in sub-zero temperatures with snow on the ground and being 2 years old he wasn't prepared for a night out he was found alive facedown 12 miles away his jacket and his hat had been stacked neatly next to him and he had scratch marks all over his face but he was on her when asked you know what happened you know he's 2 years old he instead a cat scratched him and he kept repeating that a cat had scratched him that was the only thing that he could articulate no one knew how a two-year-old in the span of 20 hours could have moved in the middle of the night 12 miles away Les Stroud who's a very accomplished outdoorsman he's the star he is survivor man he actually because of this case went out and tried to actually cover the distance in the allotted time you have 20 hours to cover this 12 miles and he couldn't do it and he even said like it's not possible for a two-year-old to cover this distance let alone survived the the exposure to the elements in the time that he was out there but somehow he did and you know years and years later keith was interviewed because now he's a grown man he was interviewed about what happened and he has no idea is no memory of it at the end of 1973 19 year-old Charles McCullough who was an amateur photographer had been doing a West Coast tour of the United States going to all the different national parks to photograph beautiful scenery and by January of 1974 he was in Oregon and wanted to go to crater lake where he wanted to take pictures of Crater Lake so he asked his friend who had an all-terrain vehicle to take him out to crater lake because his van which was this VW beat-up old old van it couldn't have made it out that far and as his friend is driving him out to crater lake Charles says to him kind of jokingly have you don't hear from me in a couple of days file a missing person report sure enough a couple days later when Charles doesn't show up that friend does file a missing person report and an extensive search is conducted at Crater Lake to find Charles there's no sign of Charles there's nothing there's no anything about Charles and his father actually flew out there and stayed for several months just constantly searching the area found nothing so nothing is found so a year later a couple of backpackers were hiking the area around crater lake and they get lost they take a wrong turn and they're well off the trailhead and they discover a back back in the backpack they found a strange-looking Volkswagen key that anyone that knew Charles McCullough or knew that he had the strange key and so when they found that it was a distinctive key and so when they gave it to police it turned out that it was Charles McCullers backpack so investigators went out and started looking in the area that this backpack was found which was 12 miles off the trail heads this is this is well off the trail head and near the backpack they find what remained of Charles McCullough so they found his pants unbuttoned and on a log as if he was sitting on the log and then just disappeared into the ground but his pants were still there sticking out of the pants where his socks no shoes and in the socks were his feet bones there was no jacket there was no upper portion of his skeleton 12 feet away they find a portion of his skull and that is the last thing they find if Charles McCullough and ultimately it was determined that he died of natural causes his family was not prepared to accept that however when you look at some of the circumstances we have games missing his jacket he's missing his boots he's missing his photography equipment his head is detached from his body he was also 12 miles off the trailhead and when he went missing there had been a approximately five to seven feet of snow that had dumped in the area so how did he move 12 miles off the trailhead in seven feet of snow especially when you consider he was not an outdoorsy type and even when he got dropped off by his friend that drove him out there he even said later on that he felt like Charles was very ill-equipped for the environment he was going into but at the end of the day it was left as sorry he went missing and he died of natural causes and that was that Bart schleier was a famous outdoorsman and hunter he was just one of those people that you could drop into any environment and he's not only gonna survive he's gonna thrive a testament to that would be he spent months in Siberia tracking and catching Siberian tigers he was like a world-renowned Tiger tracker he's just like the super rugged super competent outdoorsman in September of 2004 Bart books a floatplane to take him 175 miles north into the Yukon Territory in Canada for him to go hunt moose on his own for three weeks he had all the right equipment he was obviously extremely capable and no one thought twice about it when he got dropped off he told the pilot meet me back here in three weeks and so off he went the plane leaves and comes back three weeks later and there's no Bart now the pilot knew Bart was like a god in the wilderness and so he wasn't really concerned but you know he went over to where he had been told his campsite would be and he found the campsite and it looked like someone was still living there it didn't look like it had been destroyed at all and then near his campsite he found a dry bag which looked like I'd had an indent on it where someone might have been sitting on it up against a tree and then next to the tree was his bow and some arrows and it looked like an area where a hunter might have been sitting to call in moose but there was no Bart near the dry bag and the bow and arrow they found Bart's teeth and a couple of shards of bone initially the thought is well a large predator must have snuck up on Bart and eaten him except there's a couple of huge problems with that theory one Bart his friends at least would say and people that knew him would say he would never get snuck up on by a large predator he was so accomplished in the wilderness like he was always a step ahead of everything around him so the idea that he would just be sitting there one day and a bear would just happen to sneak up on him is pretty far-fetched also in the area where his teeth and some of his bones were found there was no sign of what they call a death struggle where you're fighting for your life you're smashing and everything there's none of that there's no there's no marking on the ground or in this in the surrounding areas that a large predator head had attacked him also his camp had food out in the open and if a large predator had come through like a bear after you know it finished with Bart it would have raided the campsite and it didn't and so the way this was left was he was attacked and eaten by a predator but nobody believes that because that wouldn't happen to Bart and the circumstances around his campsite didn't really add up in 2002 Christopher Thompkins was working as a surveyor and he was assigned to this four-man survey crew that was working in Harris County Georgia and they were walking along this road spaced about 50 feet apart all four of them and Chris was the last one in line and the third one in line would later tell investigators and police that as they were walking along the road he would periodically turn around to just for a quick second make sure Chris was still there and as they're walking along with no sound or any indication that anything's happened he turned around saw Chris kept walking a few minutes later turned around and Chris is gone the third guy hails the other two and they go and they're like weirded crisco they're looking down the road let me he stopped maybe he stepped off the trail but they can't see him and they go back to they start walking down the road towards where he would have been and they find on the ground a pile of loose change and some of his tools that would have been in his pockets and then they see one of his boots stuck in the barbed wire because there was a little barbed wire fence I was running the length of this road one of his boots was stuck in the barbed wire and there was nothing else they searched the area they're looking everywhere there's no sign of him and it didn't make any sense to the people in the survey crew especially the guy who was third in line he was like I literally saw him a minute ago and there's no way he could have gotten away without me hearing or seeing some indication of where he was but there was no sign of him and he was gone so after this huge investigation they don't find any sign of him and that's it they're just like yeah he's gone they did find nine months later they found his other boot near a swamp nine hundred yards away but it didn't provide any more clarity into what happened to him however if you look at the pile of loose change and things that were in his pockets that were on the road it indicates that at some point he may have been turned upside down and if you think about the entirety of all of these strange stories where the idea being someone could be hunting humans just picture in your head Chris Thompkins walking along and something flipping him upside down dumping the contents out and then being gone in a matter of a minute where no one can see where they went these five stories are just a fraction of the literal thousands of others that are covered in the missing four one one series and while many people believe that all of the cases in missing for one one and any others that ultimately are considered strange inside of these national parks have a rational explanation even if we don't know what it is whereas another group believes that this missing for one one phenomenon is an indication that something is hunting humans in the national parks across North America some say Bigfoot some say aliens some say something else but paranormal is certainly the other camp in terms of trying to explain away what these strange disappearances are from or what's causing them whether or not we ever find a definitive conclusion remains to be seen but I would love to hear what you think is going on inside of these strange cases of missing for one one whether it's a rational explanation or maybe something paranormal or some other option but I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments and that's gonna do it guys if you enjoyed this please if you could gently lambaste the like button and turn on all post notifications so you miss any of my three to four weekly uploads every week if you want to get in touch with me please DM me on Instagram my handle is John ballin four one six also I'm very active on tik-tok and my user name is mr. ballin over there as well and that's gonna do guys until next time take care
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 2,407,027
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Id: _cSpBqXj_X8
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Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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