Music executive ATTACKED by shadow person | The Christopher Case story

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on april 18 1999 police entered christopher case's apartment and they discovered his body the coroner came in and was able to determine in relative short order that christopher had died of natural causes but when friends and family got a hold of the coroner's report they turned to the police and they were like wait have you not heard what was happening to chris in the week leading up to his death and so police began interviewing the friends and family of christopher case and they unraveled this totally insane story that to this day baffles investigators christopher case predicted his own death but before we get started if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious deliberate in story format then you've come to the right channel because that's all i do and i upload at least three to four times a week and i'm actually trying to get the five times a week so i'm all in on this thing and if that's what you're into then please if you would gently slap the like button and then subscribe to my channel and turn on all post notifications so you don't miss any of those weekly uploads all right let's get into the [Music] story by early 1999 christopher case was living his best life he was 35 years old he had moved out to seattle to pursue a career in music and he had landed a job at a music company in seattle and he had risen to the rank of executive at that company he was incredibly fit you know he was known for being at the gym seven days a week you know he took vitamins he took his health very seriously he had loads of friends people really liked him he was very close with his family and you know despite all that despite his popularity and success he had been single for years and even though he was not actively seeking a companion his friends and family were continuously trying to set him up on dates but chris would prefer to not go on a date and actually stay home by himself and listen to music because chris had an obsession with a very specific type of music he loved music from ancient times specifically from egypt and so he would stay home instead of go out on dates and you know crush ancient egyptian music that was like his idea of a great night on april 11th of 1999 chris was on a business trip because part of his job required a ton of travel and he was on a trip with a couple of his co-workers um who were also friends of his they go out to san francisco and on the 11th they decided to go out for dinner that night and one of his co-workers decides to bring along a friend who was someone that lived in the area so they get to dinner and one of them has their friend who's an older woman very attractive very kind of intense looking woman she was about 20 years older than chris that was his guest and she sits down and the four of them are just kind of having a nice conversation and at some point the older woman really takes an interest in chris and chris takes an interest in her because it would turn out that they had a lot in common and then she actually admitted to him that she was really into music from ancient times and actually has a a specific interest in music from ancient egypt and so to chris he's like how can this be and he's like this is my passion i love that type of music and they really hit it off now chris was not looking for any sort of romantic involvement with this woman he was just so excited to talk about something he loved and so all night chris and this older woman are chatting it up and they're super into each other he was looking at her purely from a platonic sense but it was becoming clear by the end of the night at least chris was realizing this that she was looking at him with a romantic angle she was interested in chris and in fact right as he's kind of realizing this she asks him if if he wants to leave with her and go back to her place and he politely declines because he's not interested he he loved chatting with her about music and other other things they had in common but he wasn't interested in her romantically and she became a little bit more aggressive and said no come on come on let's get out of here i got a place right down the road we can go listen to music and hang out in my place and he felt really uncomfortable and he kept saying no but she wouldn't let it go and so finally as she's literally trying to get him to say yes he says hey you know what i've had a long night i'm gonna go and so he stands up to leave and the woman goes from being very flirtatious and friendly to very angry at chris and she looks at him and kind of abruptly says to him i'm actually a witch and i'm going to put a curse on you you're gonna be dead within a week okay and he just leaves so the next morning on april 12th chris gets up and he heads to the airport he flies back to seattle when he lands in seattle he calls his friend sammy who was one of his very close friends uh back when he lived on the east coast he just wanted to share this weird experience with a close friend and so they're kind of laughing about the whole thing neither of them are taking the curse seriously at all it was like you really dodged a bullet it's good you did not go home with her so in good spirits chris hangs up the phone with sammy and for the next 24 hours chris would fall right back into his regular daily life in seattle nothing out of the ordinary happened but all that would change starting the night of april 13th which would have been 48 hours after his encounter with this woman in san francisco so chris lives alone he doesn't have pets and he gets into bed that night and he's laying there and before he falls asleep he hears whispering coming from outside of his bedroom in the kitchen area kind of near the front door and he's thinking to himself like i didn't just hear whispering like what no one's in here what's going on and he's hearing the whispering and then it kind of stops and before he gets up to investigate he's like okay i probably was just hearing things that that wasn't real he's just kind of laying there trying to go to sleep and then he hears it again except now it's not coming from the kitchen area it's coming from a separate area in his apartment outside of the room he's in and so now he's wondering like is someone did someone sneak into my house like is there a burglar in my house right now and so he quietly gets out of his bed and he walks over his door he opens it up and he can still hear the whispering and it's coming from like his laundry room a little ways away but as soon as he opens the door and he pokes his head out the whispering stops and he's just standing there like looking around like hoping that there isn't anything in his apartment and then out of the corner of his eye near the front door he sees something dash across his periphery like a shadowy figure basically darts across the room and so he looks over and he's he's immediately afraid that it really is a burglar in his room and as he's looking he's turning the light on next to him he's looking around and he starts hearing the whispering again and now it's coming from another section of his house so he just starts turning on all the lights and looking around to try to like make sure no one's in his apartment he's kind of he's not even thinking about the whispering he's just looking for the shadowy figure that he saw run past him and so he's looking all over his apartment all the lights are on it's a small apartment and as soon as he feels comfortable that the door is locked still everything's locked and there's nobody here that's when he realizes that that whispering is still happening and so he turns back around and now the whispering's coming from his bedroom where he was and so he walks over to his bedroom and looks inside and he just he can't pinpoint the whispering like he keeps hearing it and walking to wherever it's coming from and as soon as he gets near it the whispering stops and he's thinking to himself like am i dreaming is this a dream am i losing my mind did somebody slip me something like last night like is what's wrong with me so he has this horrible night where he's up all night chasing down whispers in his apartment that keep vanishing and then seeing shadowy figures running around and lurking in corners but he can't ever see them when he looks at them and so the next morning on april 14th when you know the sun comes up he hasn't slept the first phone call he makes is to sami his friend and he's totally panicked and we know about this phone call because sammy would tell police about all her interactions with with chris over the course of this week she would say that he was totally panicked and she even thought as she's taking this phone call that it's just so weird you know that chris is scared of noises in his apartment and like figures moving around in his apartment because it's so unlike chris he's i mean definitely a skeptic he's just like a he's a no bs kind of guy so the idea that he would suddenly be terrified of something paranormal running around his apartment just seemed so unlike him but as she's listening to him he was so scared about what was in his apartment he knew it wasn't a person because he looked everywhere there was no people that's the only reason he didn't call the police is because he didn't want to tell the police that some shadow figure that's whispering in my apartment is harassing me like what are the police gonna do so sammy hangs up the phone with chris after trying to reassure him and just hopes that whatever that was doesn't happen again but unfortunately for chris the night of the 14th now he's going to bed again and he starts hearing the whispers and immediately he's out there looking lights on he's looking for these whispers they keep disappearing he can't find the source he's getting frustrated he's scared he keeps seeing that thing dart around his apartment except this night he also noticed that he would look and he could get close enough to where he could break out the silhouette of what looked like a person you know like lingering in the corner of his apartment but he'd go closer to it it would disappear it was like the manifestations of what he was seeing the whispers and this figure running around his apartment were becoming more vivid but he's also thinking like i didn't sleep the night before this could be my imagination i don't know if this is happening but he's spiraling and he knows it so the next day on the 15th he doesn't call sammy but he calls a couple of his other friends that are anonymous and they would all tell police that they got a similar story that sammy had gotten that first night after the 14th no matter what was happening chris believed it was happening and chris was terrified but this wasn't even the worst of it yet so that night on the 15th chris gets in bed and now he's barely slept for two consecutive nights and he's determined to just go to sleep that he's trying to tell himself that everything that you've experienced the past couple nights is probably brought on by stress it's brought on by now certainly a lack of sleep so he's telling himself like just just go to sleep just get in bed and go to sleep so he gets in bed and he's laying there and he does fall asleep but he wakes up in the middle of the night and he can't move his body he's paralyzed he can't move and he's totally awake and he starts hearing whispering and now his level of fear is so high because now he's immobile but the past two nights he's heard that whispering in his apartment and he's seen that that figure moving around his apartment and so he's he's laying there in darkness because he went to bed in darkness and he starts hearing whispering outside his room and then it stops and then he starts hearing whispering inside of his closet and then it stops and then he hears whispering right underneath his bed and he can't move and he's just laying there praying that nothing horrible is going to happen to him that this is just a dream and then out from underneath his bed right next to him he can only turn his eyes this black figure this shadowy black figure emerges right next to his bed and it's looking down at him he can't make out any facial expressions but he can clearly define you know a figure is hovering over him and it reaches down and puts his hands around his neck and begins to throttle him and chris is like gagging he can't breathe but he can't move and at some point the thing begins to lift him off of his bed by his neck and then throws him back down and then the figure vanishes chris still couldn't move he's choking to breathe but he can't move and he's just waiting for this thing to come back and he knows that more than likely whatever this is is probably going to kill him this night so he's laying there just thinking oh my god i'm about to die i'm about to die but the thing doesn't come back and chris can't move and at some point chris probably out of just pure you know adrenaline crash or something he falls asleep and so when chris wakes up and he can move again he notices there's blood inside of his bed on his sheets and then he looks at his hands and at the tips of all ten fingers are these incisions like someone had intentionally cut open the top of every finger something he certainly didn't do and his bed is covered in blood from these ten cuts on his hands and then he feels his neck and it feels tender it turns out he had marks on his neck it was all bruised up from this thing choking him out and it brought him back to like that really happened he's now like actually in fear for his life chris immediately calls sammy and tells sammy everything that happened and sammy can't believe any of it she's she felt helpless because she's on the other side of the country she can't help him and chris is just petrified and he's like he can barely speak you know he's like unable to articulate what's happening you know he's describing these cuts on his hand and his neck but there's no one in his apartment and sammy's trying to get him to call the police but chris is like i can't call the police what am i gonna tell him that a shadowy figure is coming in my apartment and choking me they're gonna think i'm crazy chris decides he's gonna approach this head-on maybe that woman in san francisco did put some curse on me i need to at least research it and so there was a religious bookstore right near his house that he figured might have some things on demonic possession and demons the occult and he goes in there and he kind of awkwardly approaches the the store owner and is like i'm looking for you know books about demons and witchcraft and like how to protect yourself against that and the guy points him towards a section of the store and so chris goes over there he scoops up a whole bunch of books he also buys like a whole bundle of crucifixes so like at least ten so he's got all these crucifixes he's got all these books about demonic possession and witchcraft he buys all of that and he leaves and he goes back to his apartment when he gets back after doing some research he ends up putting these crucifixes all over his apartment like every room and he takes salt and he draws a line all through his apartment against the baseboard of every wall in the house and at every corner of the house he'd pile up little little piles of salt he was going to do all the things that people say to do if you're dealing with demons or ghosts or anything through witchcraft he was kind of grasping at straws a little bit so he went out and did everything he thought he could possibly do to protect himself that night which was april 16th we don't know what happened to chris but something scared him so badly that in the middle of the night in a full panic he runs out of his apartment and he checks into a hotel and does not stay at his apartment the next morning april 17th when sammy called chris to check on him now remember this is 1999 there was just landline phones so she calls his landline at his apartment to check on him there's no answer because he's not there he's at the hotel and sammy who's been speaking to chris and other friends that have been speaking to chris and everyone's concerned about his mental health and what's going on with him when she doesn't get chris to pick up his phone she calls the police and she says hey i'm concerned about my friend can you do a welfare check on this guy and they go over to his apartment and it's locked and they kind of look in the windows and everything just seems kind of quiet and so they leave and they tell sammy like hey look it's locked we can't really do anything um you know let us know if you don't hear from him in the next couple of days and so that was it and so sammy's like super concerned and so she goes to work on the 17th and then when she gets back she has a voicemail from chris who had called her at some point during the day while she was out and on the voicemail chris tells her in a voice that was different than the past few days the past few days he was scared he was really scared this time he is defeated you know he was like resigned to whatever was going on and he says to sammy on the voicemail he's under attack and tonight they're gonna kill me and there's nothing i can do as soon as she's done listening to the message sammy calls chris but she can't get in touch with him she knows she just talked to the police who were there at his apartment that day they're probably just gonna tell her like hey wait until tomorrow we just told you you know earlier just give it a couple days and so she just decides that she's gonna go to bed and she's gonna try calling him again on april 18. on the morning of april 18th chris didn't show up for work and word got back to sammy who was already going to reach out to chris that morning anyways but you know the friends and family are talking about what's going on with chris and so word got back to her that chris had missed work and so she calls chris he's not picking up from his landline and now she calls the police back and she says hey you were there yesterday i know it was locked but he hasn't shown up for work today everybody's concerned about him can you please go over and check and so the police go back over to chris's apartment and this time the front door is unlocked and they go inside and they're met with this very strange scene you know you have all these crucifixes that are on the wall you have the salt that lines every room in the house there are all these candles that have burned down to the wick there are little scraps of paper all over all over the apartment that were hand written little messages that chris was leaving all over the house warding off spirits and demons i mean it just looked like out of a hollywood set for some demonic movie or something and they searched the house and there's no sign of chris they're yelling for him there's no sign of him and they make their way into the bathroom where they discover chris's body chris was in his bathtub no water in the bathtub he's fully clothed there's all these candles all around the outside of this bathtub there's you know more crucifixes and weird relics that are in the bathroom with him and he's on his knees and he's slouched up against the wall with his hands kind of tucked against his chest he had no external injuries he was just dead and so the police take chris's body and the coroner comes in and does a report and it comes out that chris died of natural causes he died of a heart attack and so when friends and family saw that that was his cause of death they didn't buy it they're like i don't know how to describe what happened to him but over the past seven days chris went from this happy healthy successful guy to a complete raving paranoid lunatic and no one knows why you know it's i mean it's certainly possible that it was just a very poorly timed heart attack you know mixed in with someone having a psychotic break or some people say that he really was cursed by that woman in san francisco and that that was the result i mean she said you're gonna die within the week and he literally died within the week and he described regularly over the phone to his friends and family as this was happening these horrible experiences at night with these shadow beings in his room and it attacking him i mean it's just this crazy story that to this day leaves friends family and investigators baffled so i'd love to hear in the comments what you think happened to christopher case was this a you know natural death or was this something else let me know in the comments and i'll do my best to go through and respond to as many as i possibly can so if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos like this one i would encourage you to gently slap the like button and then subscribe to my channel and turn on all post notifications so you don't miss any of my weekly three to four uploads that look an awful lot like the 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Channel: MrBallen
Views: 2,041,060
Rating: 4.9505453 out of 5
Keywords: haunting, shadow, witch, witchcraft, paranormal, seattle, scary, story
Id: VAVdSimVe_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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