David and Dan Being DUMB AND DUMBER for 6 Minutes

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and so much is just luck jon snow is a very skilled combatant but part of the reason he survives this battle is just he gets lucky a lot of the mistakes were very basic elemental um writing mistakes you know going back to the very first geometric pattern on the show which was the weird array of body parts that the white walkers made these are patterns that have mystical significance for the children the forest we're not sure exactly what they signify but spiral patterns are important a lot of different cultures in our world then make sense that they would be in this world as well they're starting to be attracted to each other and so much of it is not from dialogue or anything we wrote it's just the two of them in a small space standing near each other and us just watching that and feeling the heat of that jamie's charge at daenerys is a hard thing to top jamie's charge at daenerys is a hard thing to top there was the idea that bringing one of these things down south had been put out there before in a way that didn't work but in theory you could bring one of these things down and have it still functional by the time it gets to king's landing that seemed like that would on a story level do the trick like many of these situations on the show the one who figures it out is tyrion the only way you're going to prove it to people is to show it to people many of his plans have really gone awry if tyrion has a flaw he's very clever man but sometimes clever people overestimate their own cleverness at a certain point you have to find the army of the dead we were thinking how can you possibly survive that situation that was the thing that was the hardest for us and then you put five or ten thousand whites on that ice coming after them that that might believably be something that would break the ice in a way that they didn't he sees that they're all gonna die if the dragon doesn't take off the rational decision at that point is you guys go to safety and i'll try to keep them off you as long as i can he's the guy who jumps on the grenade to save the rest of the platoon that's always been john sansanoria in the earlier episodes of the season where you really believe that one will potentially kill the other it's one of the benefits of working on a show like this where over the years so many beloved characters have been killed and so many characters make decisions you wish they hadn't that you can believe that sanso might conspire against arya or that arya might decide that sansa has betrayed the family and deserves to die what they see is just the end of the dothraki essentially [Music] she seemed like the best candidate provided we weren't thinking about her in that moment we hoped to kind of avoid the expected and jon snow has always been the hero the one who's in the savior but it just didn't seem right to us for this for this moment while danny kind of forgot about the iron fleet and euron's forces they certainly haven't forgotten about her and they're just waiting for her to come back then you go to hbo you make a pilot which didn't they did not run no we made every possible we've never done this before so we had messed up the the most kind of obvious storytelling possibilities how many millions of dollars you think they wasted on that first pilot i think about 10.6 about 10.2 we went into with no experience uh in television whatsoever and it made a tremendous number of mistakes for the first year i mean still make mistakes every year i think you know we didn't have any experience producing a television show or a movie or an internet special or anything we've never done anything really that unfounded ridiculous faith in you guys but almost it's almost called foolish faith we're both kind of geographically challenged we don't have a very good sense of where we are in space and this year for the first time we've been there for the first time we got some pushback where the actor said um you sure about that guess who it is so there was a long conversation and we got a long letter explaining why this was a bad idea which just made us want to kill that person that much more so you know you like you can't kill them off don't don't do that yeah unless i just go drive somewhere stop putting pieces on the board for the most part and start you know playing with with the pieces that were already there possible we should have made that decision like a season earlier [Music] it's gonna be bigger now that it's only gonna be seven or eight episodes it will be bigger and it will also be worse but mostly better like with terms of fantasy exposition and you know we tried to keep that stuff to a minimum because we didn't just want it to appeal to a fantasy fan base we wanted them to love it and we wanted parents to love it and people who played professional football to love it did bran know that arya was going to kill the night king possibly and there are a few scenes and stormy swords that i didn't see them coming and and when i went back and re-read them the clues are there it's not the kind of it's not a you know the random surprise where you couldn't see it coming because westeros doesn't belong to anybody nobody has a history of family in westeros nobody is personally connected to it and that means that everybody can be equally connected to it we've got two seasons left i think it was a kind of indefinite end there there would be a bit of fatigue creeping in it's very hard to work on something for 364 and a half days a year for 10 years without feeling like it's your own you always start with the best of intentions you're gonna be faithful you know forever and then you start to have some other ideas and you start to stray a little bit you want to try to avoid getting put into any kind of niche if you've done a fantasy series okay those are the fantasy guys so and i think after this one's done i can't really imagine doing another once we realized that both john and tyrion were inevitably going to be prisoners we went through a number of different versions of how to best take advantage of that tension and we finally landed on the version we had in the dragon pit why do you think i came all this way you
Channel: Supercuts Delight
Views: 564,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, Game of thrones david and dan, David and dan, David Benioff, Dan Weiss, Game of thrones season 8, Season 8, The downfall of David and dan, Game of thrones showrunners, The downfall of David and Dan, DB Weiss, Supercuts delight, Minutes straight, Minutes straight game of thrones, Supercuts delight game of thrones, Inside the episode, Funny, Dumb and Dumber, David and Dan being Dumb and Dumber for 6 minutes
Id: sXEFunJig5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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