Every error in Game of Thrones Season 8

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Shorter than expected.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hofda0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The most frustrating thing for me is that the white walker storyline had so little impact. 7 seasons of how they're probably going to erase civilization and they can't be stopped.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spiffymonkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought this was gonna be just the whole season stitched together

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lollipop157 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

S8 shortest season everrr, should have been the longest,since so much isn't solved till now,like we don't know why did Melisandre die or probably commit suicide,no explanation whatsoever We don't know who that masked woman was in s2. I hate d&d for this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/messed-upsoul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jon gives a speech about forgiving Tyrion and showing everyone the mistakes they've made, and then immediately doesn't forgive Dany or try to show her the mistakes she's made.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rjsheine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fact that its 25 minutes long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/M_reyes31 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

One thing I’ve got to say: I’m not sure if you meant it flippantly, or tongue-in-cheek, but Game of Thrones really is β€œjust a TV show”. When people forget this, the less reasonable and more toxic fanbases tend to go on which-hunts featuring death threats, racist/sexist harassment, and actresses being bullied off of social media.

Fortunately, the Game of Thrones fanbase have mostly conducted themselves honorably, especially when you consider just how hyped people were for the last season after being made to wait an extra year to be rewarded with a season that was horribly disappointing, terribly written, stupid, and also actively rendered parts of earlier seasons pointless or unsatisfying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hello_Im_Matty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every Error in Game of Thrones Season 8 'An opinion piece'

(They forgot that critical part in their title.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GamiCross πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
people are outraged at the bad writing of the last season of Game of Thrones and a lot of fans of the show have found themselves saying with something else the series became known as the best TV show ever for it's excellent story well written characters and dialogues I'm not questioning your honor Lord Janus I'm denying its existence but in season eight they kind of forgot all about what made the show so great to begin with shifting their focus to pleasing the masses instead of the fans of the story and rushed the ending even though HBO offer the producers 10 episodes should they need it to finish the series properly this is about halfway into the final season a petition to remake season 8 with competent writers was launched send a message and has already reached well over a million signatures on the other hand there's lots of people some cons will say things like you understand it's just a TV show right but the thing is we understand nothing with this sword and we just have to look at the ratings on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes to see that there's a significant difference in viewer perception this time around compared to other seasons so here's a list of every error in the final season of Game of Thrones episode 1 Winterfell Jon and especially Daenerys could only give two wet shits about finding out about Vissarion having been turned by the night king we don't have time for all this the night king has your dragon is one of them now there's a lot of unrealistic dialogue in general when it comes to reunions as no one asks the given questions like how they've been or how they got there for example everyone seemed very quick to accept that brand no longer identifies his human without him really showing any of his powers and I would still be Brandon stark you're not no something else now as well as Aria not bothering to ask John how he came back from being dead how did you survive a knife through that I didn't Arya suddenly regards Sanchez the smartest person she's ever met without having any particular reason to do so she's the smartest person I've ever met the you defend inner you sir she gives you're on a cold look that he somehow correctly interprets as an invitation to sex the mountain also somehow cease to look even though his back is turned against Cersei and he also interprets to look correctly as a matter of fact there's a lot of character communication being reduced to just looks and notes and gazes this season all of a sudden Theon saves Yara and gets away without any difficulty whatsoever episode 209 of the Seven Kingdoms Daenerys being so easily swayed to let Jamie live and even walk free she doesn't even mention Jaime charging at her with the Lance at the attack of the Liu train also known of the northern Lords speak up or demand Jamie's head despite that being a huge issue back in season two when he was robbed starts prisoner Lord Commander of the Nights Watch is not present at the war council missandei nan informing grey worm about the deadly butterflies in North that carrier deceased fatal to non-natives tyrion brings up the Battle of the Blackwater during which he was responsible for deploying the wildfire that kills her Dallas's son and Davos just shrugs it off with a light-hearted comments the Davos Seaworth survivor of both the Blackwater and the Battle of the bastards all without a shred of combat ability episode 3 the long night first and foremost there's a lot of tactical and strategic errors initially we've got Dothraki on the front line and they're not equipped with any dragonglass why is Melisandre coming from the north when the army of the Dead is there and what has she been doing between season 7 and season 8 anyway the Dothraki don't freak out after having their weapons enchanted by a witch from the Dothraki are known to hate witches it isn't known it is known the 100,000 strong to throughout the army suddenly being only a few thousand they place their trebuchet on the front line the unsullied are placed in the rear and not in the front when they are the ones best equipped to absorb a charge they only dug one trench and it's behind the troops having no effects in slowing down the enemy but rather slowing down potential retreats there are no barrels of pitch or oil at the walls a common defense tactic seen used in season seven not using at least one of the dragons from the start is a huge mistake and then there's the Dothraki charging headless lean to the dark before the enemy has even appeared suffering unnecessary casualties as well as ghosts completely lacking any dragonglass and Jorah an important commander joining the super charge there are no animals in the army of the Dead and only two Giants neither John or Daenerys freeze their absolute balls off after having flown around in the cold for so long and neither fall off their dragon as they collide head-on mid-flight John and Ragle sitting around doing nothing while the others struggle to light the trench archers are not shooting at the whites lined up behind the burning trenches the library's full of whites they're doing nothing while the battle rages outside also the battle isn't even heard from inside the library then we got arya teleporting from under a table inside the library the nearest land Stroeve and in the middle of a bunch of white sand doesn't give John a lift closer to bran but stays behind and gets overrun instead but that's okay because Jorah teleports to her side after she falls off the stark whites in the crypt are strong enough to break through stone while last season her white was successfully kept in a wooden box a lot of main characters are repeatedly surviving impossible odds like when John leaves his best friend Sam for dead hundreds of whites continuously pouring to Winterfell yet there are only a handful of whites in every character point of view beyond charges at the night King instead of waiting for him to come which would have bought more time and then he gets stabbed through armor by a broken wooden spear John suddenly giving up deciding to scream at vissarion for no reason or was it to distract the dragon from arya sneaking into the godswood i guess we'll never know since that wasn't made clear and the previously rampaging dragon suddenly takes his sweet time to get that free kill on John Arya who just struggled to sneak past whites in the library manages to effortlessly sneak past all the White Walkers and the whites to come near the night king also being a trained assassin with all her stuff she screams as she jumps at the night king the night King at the moment he's been waiting for for thousands of years doesn't kill or disarm Arya before she gets to kill him also Arya doesn't get any mark like branded or any injuries at all from the night Kings touch the night King is killed before we even learn his motives or what the symbols from season 1 meant amongst other things rendering his entire existence and Mayor plot device 2 slightly even out the odds between Daenerys and Cersei for the last few episodes episode 4 the last of the Starks Daenerys legitimizes Gendry even though this technically makes him the current lawful heir to the Iron Throne Brienne a highborn lady is ashamed of her virginity despite that being seen as a virtue Foreman who in season 7 rode rogue on with others to escape the night king asks what kind of person drives in a [ __ ] dragon Daenerys says she's never begged for anything 1 actually they're my children I'm begging me begging us exactly half of the unsullied the northerners and the Knights of the Vale are somehow still alive after the battle the Dothraki - even though the producers said this what they see is just the end of the Dothraki essentially at the war council Arya doesn't offer to go and assassinate Cersei which would have been an easy win-win for everyone neither Tyrion Dallas or Arya suggests using the secret passage into the red cape to end the war smoothly and without having to worry about innocent people getting killed in the process Arion sons are still being against the nurse even though she risked everything to confide alongside them senses dialogue when confronting Jon makes absolutely no sense you understand we don't be dead if not for her we'd be corpses marching down to King's Landing I is the one that killed the night kick men gave their lives defending winter and we will never forget them and Arya makes the case that having allies is useless because she herself doesn't need many allies if you only trust the people you grew up with you won't make many allies that's alright I don't need many allies oh yeah John and Sansa betrayed their father's memory by letting out the dangerous secret of John's true parents the secret that Ned kept for like 15 years both within days after learning it ragle needs to heal both drogon who was overrun and hacked out by whites is just fine and perfectly writable John doing ghost dirty by not properly saying goodbye to him Jaime and Tyrion the two infamous Lannister brothers being alone and unguarded in some northern house and then bran shows up with his son my automatic crossbow that literally reloads in two seconds and then he settles for the unlikeliest of deals without any guarantees whatsoever hi God Benares is fleet sailing into enemy territory without scouting first and of course dinair is not noticing the 11 enemy ships from way up in the sky all day any kind of forgot about they aren't fleet and Euron's forces they certainly haven't forgotten about her uros fleet gets three hits when shooting from behind a rock but not once when dragon comes flying straight at them the NER is making the decision to retaliate by flying straight at the Scorpions that just killed ray gall then pulling sideways making drogon a bigger target and not coming back around to burn the ships as they reload the Scorpions Joran not chasing down and killing the people who reach the beaches of Dragonstone there are no traps or enemies waiting inside of Dragonstone as Daenerys and her people arrived Tyrion and Varys discussing treason in the hall where anyone could hear them and Varys changing his mind about Daenerys just like that after having invested so much in her Jamie who two episodes ago told bran not that passion anymore leaves because he lo jokes hasn't changed after all and he risks his life to go save Cersei even after learning she was willing to pay Bronn a castle to kill him enter in both Daenerys and her army who were held up at Dragonstone somehow makes it to King's Landing before Ori and Hound who also left before them Banaras herself going to King's Landing bringing drogon and her whole party getting them all into Raiden ship which is now tens if not hundreds of scorpions the surroundings of King's Landing being desert all of a sudden despite winter having come thirsty not killing everyone despite being able to especially Tyrion even though she's one of dead for years and having hired an assassin to kill him yoram not reacting to Tyrion stalk of Circe's baby the only way Tyrion could have found out about the baby was either during his meeting with Cersei season 7 or from Jaime after he'd gone north to fight for the living in so one both happening before sir she had sex with your on Miss Sunday standing close to Cersei without trying to tackle or throw her down to a certain death despite urging Daenerys to defy Cersei which involves her dying anyway episode 5 the bells beerus writing letters to reveal jones lineage that are never mentioned again did he send any of them and to who Varys openly committing treason in front of John with witnesses close by without so much as a plan in mind and John not turning him in for it Tyrion snitching on and effectively sentencing his close friend Varys to death for treason and then committing treason right afterwards himself by frame Jamie who's now Daenerys is prisoner Jamie says he doesn't care for the innocence in King's Landing even though he killed the Mad King Aerys in order to prevent him from killing the innocent people of King's Landing which is what his entire story arc is based on Tyrion tells Jamie to tell Cersei to ring the bells of King's Landing to signal surrender but Jamie never makes it to Cersei which means she never got the memo but the bells are still wrong as a signal of surrender eventually in season two Varys Tulsa's that I've always hated the bells they ring for horror a dead King a city under siege wedding exactly and Davos even says I've never known bells to mean surrender but during the attack the people of King's Landing suddenly demand for the bells to be rung as if that were customary upon defeat the unsullied don't notice Jamie being gone before they pack up and had to battle and Tyrion not being confronted about it not to mention killed on the spot for treason John doesn't acknowledge Reagan's death as he comes to see Daenerys here we see the golden company defending on the outside rather than the inside of the city walls also they seem to have gone from being 20,000 infantry and 2,000 horses to a few hundred foot soldiers and just the one horse in episode one of the season we are reminded that urines crew are mutes accrue the mute yet when the dragon attacks they shouts you're on and Lannister captain's shouting fire instead of loose last episode 11 scorpions could hit a dragon three times but now not hundreds of them can hit even once previously exhausted northerners unsullied and Dothraki showed no signs whatsoever of fatigue urines fleet is suddenly miles away from the city Daenerys who earlier in the episode fault Circe for keeping the citizens of King's Landing hostage goes crazy from hearing some bells ring and decides to spontaneously commit genocide and take over the world completely going against her character I am NOT here to be queen of the ashes Jamie teleports from inside of King's Landing to the small Beach on the outside also how did Tyrion get that boat there well Daenerys is burning the city Cersei really has a lot of time to escape the fact that she doesn't make it is quite lucky really as the nares could never have predicted the way that she eventually died arya somehow survives being engulfed by dragon fire harry Strickland's horse that got absolutely done over went rogue on nuke the golden company shows up to save Arya in a three minutes 40 seconds on scene only to disappear in the next episode having no impact to the story whatsoever Jaime reunites with Cersei and embraces her lovingly despite all their treason and her contract for his head there's no explanation as to which sorceries used to sustain the mountain who survives a sword through the core a dagger through the head and manages to hold a hundred kilo Plus man plus his armor up against the wall despite his shoulder neck and side being stabbed repeatedly what's to say he didn't survive the fall into the flames as well Jaime walks briskly just minutes after having been stabbed twice and barely being able to crawl Euron's cringe-worthy line of him being the man who killed Jaime Lannister's rendered false and even more useless than it was to begin with as Jaime dies from being crushed by the collapsing red keep Circe's death arias conversation with the Hound and her riding off on her magical horse signifies her kill is as complete however she forgot that Ilyn Payne is still alive she knows the nares wins the war against Cersei with one dragon rendering most of season seven completely pointless as she could have accomplished the same if not quicker with three dragons and without any risk of getting harpooned by scorpions thus having a more stable realm and more resources to fight the army of the Dead with Episode six the Iron Throne Cersei and Jaime's bodies are found under just a small layer of debris even though the whole dungeon collapsed on top of them grey worm reaches the red key before John despite staying behind to execute prisoners the nares decides that her campaign isn't over after all and that she needs to take over the world despite having just two episodes ago spoken of the war just won as the last war we have won the great now we will win the last one she also takes Tyrion prisoner instead of executing him for committing treason Arya somehow knows that Cersei is dead without having received any confirmation of the kill she also says I know a killer when I see one about the person who just committed genocide and in the end arias presence in King's Landing had no impact to the story at all John is being granted an unsupervised meeting with Tyrion the traitor and then he makes this dumbass contradiction I can't justify what happened I won't try she saw her friend padded she saw her dragon saw out of the sand she burned down a city for it now it's easy to touch when you stand in far from the battlefield Jon is being allowed alone unsupervised and armed into the throne room with Daenerys it's debatable whether drogon should be able to understand the symbolism of the Iron Throne however it makes no sense for him not to avenge his mother who just got murdered which he still could have done even if he actually did understand the symbolism of the throne Lannister prisoners getting executed on the spot but Jon being spared and taken prisoner by the unsullied after having committed regicide load riders of Daenerys not avenging their call and later killing themselves after their call died there really should be a lot of fighting going on over who gets to be the new call as well among the Dothraki as explained by juror in season 1 here they only honor strength they'll be fighting after Drogo dies well the wins I'd fight will be the new cod gray worms penis after seven seasons of hype winter lasted for about a month participants at the meeting in the dragon pit with exception of sounds of course having no bodyguards with them the storks kind of forgot that that must always be a stark in Winterfell Davos offering the unsullied their own house even though he would only last one generation grey worm letting Tyrion speak right after making it very clear that who are not here to speak Sansa shutting down admir for cheap girl power points while admire actually has a reasonable claim for consideration to be king everyone knows exactly what being the three-eyed raven entails without question when tyrion mentions it and tyrion is being allowed to set new rules of succession and to choose the new king at his own trial he even says if we choose you as if he has a vote if we choose you we wear the crown bran who said he's no longer bran and that he no longer has desires and that he can never be Lord of anything has apparently conspired to be king all along knowing half a million people would die and let it happen why do you think I came all this way and no one seems to think that's odd Yara doesn't mention Theon dying to protect bran she also laughs at the idea of a democratic election even though the Kings moot of the Ironborn is exactly that an either she or the Prince of Dorne demand their independence after it being granted to the north Daenerys even promised Yara their independence in exchange for her help in season six grey worm should probably have remembered and encouraged that as well no one addresses Gendry Baratheon's claim to the throne also there's no mention of the lords in the Stormlands excepting a bastard legitimized by a foreign invader as their leash Lord shockingly know nominees John for King not even his best friend Sam even though they all know he'd be a top candidate also him being a Targaryen should unease even though seeking justice for Daenerys since both their claims are based on kinship with the Mad King Aerys worse yet is that there's no mention of Jon still being king of the north the northerners should probably consider him their king still but Sansa takes it upon herself to appoint herself Queen in the north also won't there be a high risk of civil war in the north with John in exile not that far away Rhian Davos and Lord Royce all get a vote each despite none of them being a major lord of Westeros everyone votes for brand to be king without question even though none of them no one and most of never madam Tyrion of all people declares him brand the broken instead of Brandon the broken kings names are not shortened in their official titles he also says king of the First Men which is no longer the case with the north independent and he leaves out king of the Rhoyne er which involves Dorne who are still part of the rum the Nights Watch is still a thing even though they no longer serve a purpose I still nights watch also the North going independent means they lie between the six kingdoms of the Nights Watch so sending criminals through their neighboring country could be very problematic grey worm accepts Jon's punishment of joining the Nights Watch even though he has no way to enforce it since dawn solid will be selling to north anyway and John is still exiled despite the unsullied leaving which defeats the purpose of him being exiled to begin with the only other problem would be if people knew about him being a Targaryen but obviously no one found out about that in the end anyway so no worrys right the unsullied sail away for North without having found out about the toxic butterflies we see Brienne turning pages and closing the book of the Kingsguard before the Incas our time to dry Tirion not being in the book A Song of Ice and Fire despite being vital to the wars following King Robert's death how did they get bran up all those stairs bran who blackmailed the now hand of the king not only goes free but gets his cutthroat deal upheld yielding him one of the biggest castles and titles in the country and is also despite not knowing how loans work made master of coin I've never borrowed money before not clear on the rules Sam is made grand maester after having only undergone a little training he's bound to the Nights Watch while holding lands titles having a wife and fathering children which goes against every vow he's ever taken also who replaces him as lord of horn Hill Brienne who is pledged to Sansa for life is serving as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard in a different Kingdom bran needs a master of whisperers and is not able to locate drogon even though he literally knows everything I remember everything I can see things happening now all over the world even his predecessor as to three-eyed raven Brynden rivers or Bloodraven used to be the master of whisperers back in the day at one point Sam calls himself archmaester instead of grand maester the archmaester is less than enthusiastic about the salutary effects of brothels when Jon shows up at Castle black the free folk are still there months after torment said they were heading up north of the wall again other errors in general there are extreme inconsistencies in the strength and effects of dragon fire sometimes it's hot enough to melt iron but other times it's not hot enough to hurt people only near the flames and sometimes it even has explosive properties Barisan Tyrion never mentioned Littlefinger staff Circe's pregnancy was never visible even after several months was Cersei even pregnant at all to begin with in Episode one she drinks wine after having had sex with urine Jon Daenerys and the rest never used pranced abilities to get an edge of research there's no mention of what happened with the Dothraki or the situation in the cities of the bay of dragons and Daario naharis or of the whereabouts of heart's pain after Joris death and widows wail after Jaime being captured there's also no mention of how Daenerys once again failed the Dothraki prophecy of the stallion who mounts the world stallion is the Khal of cows shall unite the people into a single khalasar all the people of the world will be his herd and no mention of the Lord of Light after the Battle of Winterfell even though thousands of people witnessed his power and what was up with the priestess Kimbra and other red priests and the essaouira High prophecy that was never fulfilled also they forgot about the Horn of winter that Sam found at the fist of the first men back in season two the faceless men did they really just let Orion go like that why aren't they after her there's no explanation as to how little sickly Robin Arryn got so fit shouldn't he have represent to the Vale as well as or instead of Lord Royce at Winterfell Jon and Daenerys never talked about Maester Aemon Targaryen many questions are left unanswered regarding Craster's sons that were sacrificed to the White Walkers or all the generals Craster's sons and shouldn't there be more White Walkers in that case who is now lord of the dreadfort the last hearth Castle Rock the twins and all the other important castles what happened with the enormous debt not repaid to the iron bank and last but not least Daenerys is fertility plot thanks for watching let us know in the comments if there's anything you disagreed with special thanks to the people at the subreddit our free folk for inspiring and contributing to the making of this video and don't forget to sign the petition link in description what this dead guy you
Channel: Culture Vulture Media
Views: 2,737,697
Rating: 4.8406749 out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, season 8, errors, mistakes, plot holes, bad writing, d&d, danaerys, targaryan, jon snow, dracarys, george rr martin, a song of ice and fire, bran stark, arya, sansa, theon greyjoy, yara, script, storytelling, tyrion lannister, night king, dragons, hbo, ned stark, khaleesi, mother of dragons, finale, final season, dothraki, iron born, producers, writing
Id: Yc0dwLYUUkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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