Top 20 Worst Lines in Game of Thrones

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They could've extended this list to 40 easily. This video still left out some real trash, such as Bran telling Sansa "you were beautiful that night," Brienne's "fuck loyalty," Jaime's "She's hateful, and so am I," etc., etc.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GladiusLegis 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, now I know I have PTSD.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/natiboken 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

that thumbnail of Urine is priceless

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tsah_yawd 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Any discussion of stupid lines in GoT HAS to include the after show stuff where Douche & Dumbass attempt to explain themselves and generally only make it so much worse, and give us even more bad lines to remember.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Abdul-Ahmadinejad 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the top 20 worst lines of dialogue in game of thrones for most of these rankings i'll be judging the lines off of stupidity contradictions cringe factor delivery the person saying it and if the line even has a point to exist in the first place with that in mind we have number 20. does he like it gentle or rough as you can tell we're starting out very strong with a terrible attempt at comedy from euron greyjoy and you may be thinking if this is at the bottom of the list then it must be looking pretty grim for the rest of the rankings however for this line it's mostly just cringey and stupid to the point that it completely discredits euron as a menacing character and makes him seem like a laughable and comical villain i would say this line would be worse if euron was set up as a more serious villain but that's not the case and timmy this line is the highlight of the worst aspect of his character it is a short line but a finger in the bum has gained the status over the years as being one of the most repulsive lines in the show and it's become a meme within the community number 19. there is land in the reach goodland make it your own start your own house with the unsullied as your bannermen this is obviously a very stupid proposition but at least it's the thought that counts despite the unsullied having no way in furthering their succession given that you know they physically can't reproduce it's just really silly that one of the smarter characters in the show made this massive oversight in his pitch to appease the unsullied also this is basically just davos trying to bribe the unsullied with something they clearly don't want in an attempt to distract them from killing jon feels bad davos he made it all the way to the end of season 8 until david and dan wrote this stupid line for you number 18 i'm the man who killed jimmy i know i said the finger in the bum was one of the worst you're on greyjoy lines but this one tops it ever so slightly because it's just flat out insulting on top of it being cringe as well the delivery of the line and that smug face that euron proudly displays just makes me want to punch my tv screen but at least jaime didn't die from the stab wound and instead died to bricks which is also a very anticlimactic way to die just thank god it wasn't directly from this homeless degenerate it really bothers me knowing that euron died arguably one of the happiest people in the show with the false notion that he killed jaime lannister number 17 you're the lady of winterfell you deserve it we're standing here because of you the battle was lost until the nights the veil rolled in now this line is by no means disgusting but it's just straight up idiotic it really tilts me that in this line jon says that they won because of sansa meanwhile in reality they almost lost because of sansa by her not telling jon about the veil that and i mean john did the vast majority of the work in the battle and sansa rode in at the very end and cleaned up the kill it's really saddening to me that jon isn't absolutely angered by this and instead thanks sansa which is completely wild to me he should have yeted harass over the wall they were talking by for the treason she committed number 16 you want a good girl but you need the bad [ __ ] ah yes the classic line that made everyone fearful of david and dan's writing ability since this is one of the first dreadful lines in the show's history it really came as a shock to a lot of viewers because before then there was nothing comparable to how bad the dialogue was in this single line we went from george r martin's intellectual writing and extensive use of literary devices to david and dan's repulsive nonsense like why did they even write this line it serves absolutely no purpose other than being cringe on top of the line portraying the sand snakes as being horny tweens on a quest to have sex with brawn truly a low point for season 5 and the first red flag for how bad the writing can get in the later seasons number 15 i wanted those elephants this is one of the briefest lines on the list but to me i think it does a lot of damage now this is firstly a poor example at comedic relief and the reason why i'm including this in the line isn't because of the line itself but the character who's delivering it the fact that cersei one of the most serious and strict people in the show is now making quips like in marvel is flat out jarring and character breaking and i know dave and dan try to pass it off as comedy but it literally adds nothing of value other than a cheap slapstick joke to the start of the scene when did cheap humor turn into one of the core traits of game of thrones it completely goes against her character and it immediately paints her as being a less menacing villain in a season where she already has nothing to do if you were to add a laugh track after her saying that line it easily fits i wanted those elephants [Music] number fourteen now varys ashes can tell my ashes see i told you so in a nutshell tyrion rambling complete nonsense like what the hell even is this line of dialogue what kind of garbage is entering my ear canal now varus ashes will tell my ashes see i told you tyrion are you okay man and honestly looks like peter dingles is traumatized from the pure dog [ __ ] quality of dialogue dave and dan has given to him to say throughout season 8. this is such a completely random line that doesn't necessarily insult or upset me but it just flat out confuses me as to why it exists number 13 maybe it really is all [ __ ] in the end so before going into this line most [ __ ] jokes are pretty terrible lines but most of them are delivered by characters who are more reserved for comedy like brawn and euron but the fact that jaime is delivering this line really makes me lose hope in the show what an outstanding writing technique that david and dan have developed a motherload of [ __ ] jokes so yes jaime maybe it really is all [ __ ] in the end number 12. i don't want to see the city burn i don't want to hear the screams of children burning alive no it is not a pleasant sound i i don't want to hear it this isn't just one line but more of an exchange between two supposedly smart characters one initial big issue with these lines is the objective they're trying to achieve cersei has clearly made up her mind and is a really stubborn character so the fact that tyrion even proposed to try to convince cersei to surrender is a lost cause then we get to the actual exchange between qyburn and tyrion and what tyrion says has to be the most unconvincing thing he could have possibly have said his main point of persuasion is i don't like this and that really this is coming from the character that could feasibly talk himself out of any scenario in the earlier seasons and that was the best he could come up with you would think that tyrion would at least make a good case for them to surrender and this would be a scene he could finally show off his intellect but yet again david and dan drop the ball number 11 everywhere she goes evil men die and we cheer her for it and she grows more powerful and more sure that she is good and right this is basically david and dan using tyrion as a mouthpiece to justify the mad queen arc for daenerys you're telling me that dany snapped because people were cheering her on for doing the right thing like there is absolutely nothing wrong with the nurse killing the masters in the calls because they were genuinely bad people she was liberating and saving slaves or breaking people out of a toxic culture by killing those villains in other words she had a pure and innocent objective and killed the obstacles that were in her way of achieving that objective now when you apply this to the destruction of king's landing her objective was to liberate the people from the tyrant cersei but for whatever reason daenerys decides to blatantly kill the innocent people she was trying to save like she actually has no reason to burn down the city of king's landing it doesn't serve her objective at all it would only make sense that she burns down the right keep to kill cersei and in the process killed innocent people as collateral damage so the fact that tyrion gives such a stupid reason as to why she acted the way she did i think easily deserves an 11 spot number 10 take this and go i don't know how to use it sticking with the pointy end i think that is single-handedly one of the stupidest slings anyone has ever said in the show and there is a lot of competition for that honor you're telling me that sansa the girl who survived and overcame cersei ramsey and littlefinger can't wrap her head around using a simple knife like sure if she was handed a bow and arrow then that would be understandable but a knife really there's only one simple way to use it and the fact that arya had to say stick him with the pointy end was just a cringy callback also this line that arya said in the episode prior did not age well after this interaction she's the smartest person i've ever met number nine i don't really want anymore this singular line has to be one of the most contradictory lines to ever grace television the fact that david danced up this notion along with bran saying this i can never be lord of anything and the three i draven and then the reveal at the end of the show that brandon indeed want to be king of the six kingdoms makes me lose brain cells did david and dan forget these lines were in the script when they wrote the ending was bran lying this whole time did david and dan just want to subvert our expectations by randomly picking bran as the king it just doesn't make any sense when your character clearly says something and then acts in a completely opposite manner the textbook definition of character breaking number eight what you like down there what that's not your concern tyrion saying this line to jaime is the most disgusting and abhorrent thing to ever come out of his mouth did tyrion actually think that jaime would have answered this question he's literally just spewing garbage out of his mouth for the sake of being the quote unquote imp but that also confuses me because why is tyrion suddenly reverting back to his more perverted mindset all of a sudden it can't be because he was drinking a little bit because he drinks in practically every scene he's in the only reason i can see david and dan making tyrion say this line is to randomly change the topic to jaime and brienne having sex so that when braun walks in he can say something funny about it but in the process i feel like david and dan utterly degrade tyrion as a character and at the same time is extremely disrespectful to his brother someone who he values the most number seven and i know a killer when i see one i take back the stupidest line title from sansa not knowing how to use a knife and i now gladly give it to arya saying the most obvious thing in the world thank you arya it only took daenerys to destroy an entire city for you to make that groundbreaking realization of her being a killer then again she has a pretty hard time at spawning killers given she was snuck up on by the wave as a suspicious old lady but hey give arya her time she's a bit slow coming to conclusions just overall the sheer audacity of arya saying this line after what just happened is like slamming a pan into your face after you went through a traumatizing event other known as watching the destruction of king's landing number six there's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story nothing can stop it it shocks me that david and dan think that this is some kind of massive revelation that makes a great king the delivery of tyrion saying this line makes it sound like this is some groundbreaking trait for a king that we've been missing all along but no it really doesn't matter that much the fact that you of all people think that stories are the most important factor for a king when you are tywin's son is very depressing ah yes a good story is more important than being benevolent strong motivating and having wisdom it's about having all those qualities and more which is why varys was so obsessed with jon being the king purely an unintelligent take from tyrion who does not fail to disappoint in the department of brain power number five at least your balls won't freeze off you take great defensive torches but love telling unique jokes why is that because i have voles and you don't [Music] funnily enough these lines were so damaging to the point that i put the overall moment of this exchange as the 25th most stupid moment in the show which is hard to do because the moment is purely dialogue driven and nothing happens that affects the story but the dialogue on its own is so offending to the characters saying them that it thoroughly upsets me not to mention that these are the opening lines of the season what a magnificent first impression david and dan thank you it sucks that tyrion and varys relationship has devolved into a degrading wasteland of [ __ ] jokes especially since their duo was arguably one of the best in the show for seasons two three and four but any intrigue ahead left for this pairing is instantly shattered with his opening line and makes me just want to shut off season 8. like how can people re-watch this season when that is the opening line of the season what a joke number four i told you i don't want it it doesn't matter what you want i don't want it i don't want it daenerys is our queen she shouldn't be you are my queen i don't know what else i can say you are my queen while she she is my queen i'm cheating a little bit with this number but there is no way i couldn't not put john saying the same two phrases all season for these lines on their own they aren't bad and are just a very bland response that you can give if it was said once or twice then it would have been whatever but the fact that in almost every scene jon snow says i don't want it or you're mcqueen has to be the most lazy writing in the show it's mind-boggling to me that this season took dumb and dumber two years to write but they're over here copy and pasting lines from different scenes also this bland response that is used excessively completely ruins jon snow as a character he becomes a hollow pit of a human when this is the deepest his dialogue really gets that's why these lines bother me so much not just because of how poorly they are used but also the fact that it kills my love for jon snow number three why do you think i came all this way i know most people would probably put the sign as number one but to me the next two are worse anyways bran sang this line after going an entire season of saying he doesn't want anymore and that he can't be lord of anything is the biggest contradiction in the show's history that smug little smell he gives after the delivery of the line makes me want to drop kick him out of his wheelchair also this line raises a lot of questions in terms of what bran meant so does this mean that bran can see the future and that is why he came all this way if that is true then did bran let the destruction of king's landing play out was there no better way to get to the outcome of season 8 my only conclusion now is that bran was selfish and wanted to become king and this was the only set of events that could make that happen which would again be contradicting because he came across as the least selfish person given that he didn't want anything unless he was lying i guess i don't know anymore my brain is imploding in on itself trying to decipher their horrendous writing from dumb and dumber number two if not for yourself if not for her and for every one of the million people in that city innocent or otherwise to be honest i never really cared much for them innocent or otherwise i think it's really impressive that david and dan were able to ruin a whole character arc that was built up the entire show with a single line of dialogue wow the amount of incompetence on display here is truly breathtaking do they not understand jaime at all as a character one of the best scenes in which jaime tells brienne the truth of him killing the mad king and how he cared about the innocence is butchered now again this goes back to the two years of writing of season eight and the fact that this is the best that diamond number had to offer really makes my blood boil look how they massacred my boy number one and who has a better story and brand the broken the reason why i think this line is the absolute worst is that it both doesn't make any sense and that the primary climax of the show hinders on this single line and it fails so badly when i was watching this live i literally bursted out laughing the fact that bran having the most interesting story is the determining factor for being the king of the six kingdoms is brain dead i can maybe see bran as a king but the reasoning for it is not there chief out of all the characters to choose from bran definitely has the most boring story his story was so exciting that david and dan didn't even include it in season 5. if they didn't turn him into a doll piece of dirt that had no emotions and cared about nothing then sure maybe he would be a good king but bran in his current state is by no means a good king considering that he potentially let king's landing get destroyed by daenerys since he alluded to seeing the future i wouldn't want someone as king who is that selfish and is willing to let unimaginably horrible things happen to get what he wants by that definition brian is a psychopath if tyrion actually took the time to listen to other people's stories besides just bran then he would have been like never mind dude your story is a snoozefest in comparison to arya's journey but overall tyrion's logic for determining a king is more than just being idiotic it's downright offending to the intellect of how smart the show used to be there it is those are my top 20 worst lines of game of thrones initially i also wanted to do the 20 best lines of the show but i feel like that would practically be an impossible video to make because of the sheer amount of good lines that exist that and to do the best shot possible i feel like i would need to rewatch the entire show to find any hidden gems and that would take a very long time but regardless though if this video does really well then i'll definitely consider it and let me know if you have any suggestions for ranking videos or what your least favorite line in the show is thank you for watching
Channel: Supercuts Delight
Views: 1,037,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, Top 20 worst lines, Top 20 worst lines in game of thrones, Game of thrones ranking, ranking, Top 20, Game of thrones top 20, Worst lines, Worst lines in game of thrones, Jon Snow, Game of thrones season 8, Season 8, Supercuts delight, GoT, HBO, Tyrion, Tyrion stupid, Game of thrones devoid of logic
Id: 88KDM4hyk_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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