Microsoft Outlook Tutorial (2019/365): 3+ Hour Getting Started in Microsoft Outlook 2019 Class!

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you hello everyone and welcome to your outlet 2019 training course my name is Deb and I'm going to be your host and instructor for this course now I've been using Outlook in its various different forms of versions for over 20 years and I've seen it go from a very simple application for receiving and sending email through to the sophisticated integrated mail calendar and task management system that we all know and love today and with each new version improvements are made to make your life simpler and easier when it comes to managing the enormous amount of email we all receive on a daily basis an Outlook 2019 makes it easier than ever to keep on top of your email stay organized with calendar and keep track of tasks and to-do items in this course I aim to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the different features available in Outlook 2019 whether you are coming to this course as a beginner with no prior knowledge in Outlook or whether your skills are a little bit more intermediate or advanced I'm a hundred percent sure you'll pick up at least something which will increase and improve your efficiency when working in Outlook I also hope to introduce you to some of the newer features that maybe you didn't know existed or were unsure of and also show you some cool tips and tricks that can really help you take your Outlook use from basic to advanced now if outlook is brand new for you I guess we should start out with the very burning question what exactly is Outlook and why is it useful to you well outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft that makes up part of the office suite of applications its primary known as being an email application that allows you to send and manage your emails but it's also a calendar contact manager task manager and journal every part of Outlook integrates seamlessly together to maximize productivity and efficiency Alma can also be used for past email for example if you've ever had a hotmail account this will now be an Outlook account and you can set up a free personal email account on Outlook calm and free outlook calm accounts come with 15 gig of storage space whereas office 365 users using Outlook get 50 gig of storage space now if you are using Outlook within your organization it's more than likely that you'll be using a desktop version of Outlook attached to a Microsoft Exchange server this course is written for Outlook 2019 but will also apply to users of Outlook 2016 with some very minor differences we'll be covering all of the tasks required to efficiently manage email calendars contacts and tasks within the application in this first section I'll be talking you through the difference between Outlook 2019 and outlook online in office 365 and I'll be letting you know what to expect from this course and also directing you to help resources that are available so sit back and relax and I will see you in the next module hello everyone and welcome back to this course on Outlook 2019 in this module I want to talk to you very briefly about the difference between Outlook 2019 and Outlook online in office 365 now I know there is always so much confusion surrounding this so I just want to make sure that you're clear on it before we move forward now what I currently have on my screen is Outlook 2019 the desktop version and this is the version that this course is based on and the version that we'll be working through over the course of the next few sections now this is what we would call a stand-alone application so for example if I wanted to purchase a copy of Outlook 2019 I could jump onto Google or Bing I could type in purchase outlook 2019 and I'd be taken to a page where I could download the software onto my PC and for that I would have to pay a pretty hefty price tag because it's a one-time download and once I've downloaded it onto my PC it's only available to me on my PC or laptop and you could download the standalone versions of all of the Microsoft applications so Excel Word PowerPoint so on and so forth office 365 on the other hand is a subscription service so instead of paying two three hundred dollars to download outlook or the Microsoft suite onto your laptop what you could do is pay a monthly subscription and you can see here I'm clicked on the office 365 home page and it's showing me some of the different suites that are on offer for home use and also for business use and you can see there the price of the subscription per month so essentially this works similar to something like Netflix or Spotify where you pay a monthly subscription fee and you essentially can rent the applications from Microsoft so any office 365 subscription allows you to download all of Microsoft applications so that includes Outlook and you can download them onto your PC and the good thing about office 365 is that you can download all of the applications on five separate devices so if you have a couple of laptops at home a PC maybe an iPad with one subscription you can have your office applications available across all of your devices and with office 365 you'll receive regular updates so whenever Microsoft makes an update to any of the applications it will automatically be delivered to you and your software will be updated this is slightly different if you purchase the individual application so in this case the standalone version of Outlook 2019 this doesn't get updated regularly because you downloaded it onto your PC you're not essentially renting it from Microsoft so those are the main differences now whilst a lot of people are moving over on to office 365 and we do have courses designed specifically for office 365 users there are still a lot of people out there for whatever reason who still prefer to purchase these products that includes a lot of larger organizations who haven't yet made that switch to office 365 so this course is really designed for those people who are still purchasing the standalone versions an Outlook 2019 is the latest version and it's really the one that's most in line with the office 365 versions if you remember what I said office 365 is constantly being updated so any changes are available within office 365 if you have a subscription so what Microsoft have done have bought out the 2019 range which calls these desktops standalone versions in line with the latest changes in office 365 now I will say there isn't a huge amount of difference so whether you're using the office 365 version of Outlook or you have the standalone version 2019 or even 2016 there are a few differences but not so much that this course would be irrelevant to you so if you are using office 365 you'd probably still get quite a lot out of this course because there really aren't too many major differences so I know that there's quite a lot of information to take in and is something which people I've found people really struggle with in their heads like what is the difference between the two so hopefully that does explain it a little bit better for you this version we're using isn't the subscription version it is the standalone version but essentially there aren't a great deal of differences between the two so with all that said let's move on to the next module where I'm going to explain to you what you can expect from this course so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 in this module I just want to briefly explain to you what to expect from this course now this course is divided down into ten sections and each section contains between five and ten different modules with a total of 55 modules in the entire course now if in each module you will find a video and that video will be between 5 and 12 minutes long that would be a video demonstration of the particular task or topic in that module I try to go through each topic thoroughly including productivity tips and keyboard shortcuts along the way you can stop these videos at any point so if you are working along with me in Outlook and I'm going a little bit too quickly you can pause the video catch up with me or even rewind to the beginning and re-watch the game and you'll find that along the way there will be a series of practice exercises and a course quiz now as I mentioned there are 10 different sections and each section contains many many different modules so in the first section in section one that's just an introduction to Outlook 2019 so I'm going to give you an overview of Outlook introduce you to things like keyboard shortcuts and show you where you can go to find help with Outlook in Section two we're going to focus on setting up Outlook so really just getting started so I'm going to show you things like how to add an account to Outlook and how to customize the way that you're viewing your outlook in section 3 we're going to focus on sending and receiving mail so we will be creating new mails formatting emails and also taking a look at what happens when we receive mail as well in section 4 we're going to discuss how you can search through your mail and all the different options that you have on the contextual search toolbar and also some of the more advanced search options as well in section 5 we're going to go through all of the tools that you have for organizing and managing emails so that might be creating folders to house your mails in categorizing your emails using follow up flags and also using utilities like archiving cleaning up conversations restoring and deleting in section 6 we'll be focusing more on creating and sending mail and delving in some of the more advanced features so adding things like delivery options voting buttons utilizing app mentions and also setting up things like email signatures and applying automatic replies in section 7 we're going to focus on working with people so that would be adding contacts into Outlook also creating things like new contact groups and editing and contacts in section 8 we're going to work with our calendar so I'm going to show you how to create new appointments new all day events new meetings how you send and also respond to calendar invites and how you can do things like share your calendar with others and also set up delegate access in section 9 we're going to focus on tasks notes and shortcuts so I'm going to show you how you can create really nice tasks lists how you can edit your tasks track your progress and also assign tasks to others I'm going to show you the different options you have for keeping notes within outlook and also some of the shortcuts that you have available and then finally just to finish up the course we're going to jump into the backstage area and take a look at all the different options we have for customizing our copy of Outlook so without further ado let's finish off this first introductory section where I'm going to talk to you about keyboard shortcuts and also where you can access help so please join me in the next modules for that hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 in this module I want to show you where you can go within Outlook to get help so we all need help from time to time when we are working in Outlook it might be that you have forgotten how to do a particular task or you're looking for a particular command and there are a number of ways with in Outlook 2019 that you can access some really useful help options now we're going to start with the most obvious one and this is something which came in in I think it was Outlook 2016 and that is the tell me what you want to do bar now you'll see that bar sitting up amongst your ribbon tabs so you'll see a little light bulb icon and then you'll have a little box up there that says tell me what you want to do and this is great if you're looking for help or information on a particular task that you're trying to do within Outlook so all you need to do is hover your mouse over that tell me what you want to do box and you'll see there that there is also a keyboard shortcut of Alt + Q and it says there in the screen tip just start typing here to bring features to your finger tips and get some help and that's pretty much exactly what it does so if I click in this box and maybe I'm not sure how to categorize emails so I can start to type in what I'm looking for and you'll see it's an intelligent search so as I type outlook is pulling up suggestions for me and I can see there that the top one is categorized and straightaway is popping me out all of those different categories that I can add to my emails to make them stand out and to group them together if I was looking for something like automatic replies or lots of offices it's most commonly known I could start to type in automatic and if I click automatic replies it pulls up the exact dialog box that I need in order to set an automatic reply so it's a really great way of jumping straight to a command that you're interested in so don't forget about that but tell me what you want to do box now another way to access help this is help on again on any commands you might be interested in but also to access things like helpful tutorials on specific things in Outlook you have a dedicated help ribbon now if for some reason when you're looking at your outlook you don't see this help ribbon it might be you just haven't turned that ribbon on so let me show you very quickly where you go to turn this ribbon on in case yours is turned off let's jump to file and go into our backstage area and we're going to move directly down to our outlook options and you'll find all of the options related to the ribbons underneath the customize ribbon category now over in the right hand side you'll see here it says main tabs and then we have a number of these tabs ticked and one of the ones I have ticked is help so you might find that if you don't have that help ribbon showing it just means that your tick isn't in the box like this so make sure you pop a tick in there click on OK and then you should find your help ribbon now in here again you have numerous different help options so if we just click on this first one and again you can pull up Microsoft help automatically using the shortcut key of f1 and this will pop a pane out on the right-hand side and once again you can browse through the different categories so if I jump to get started it's going to go through the basics of setting up my email account if I click the arrow to go back to the main menu I could choose a different category to browse to and I have all of these subcategories that I can browse through alternatively if I was searching for something very specific and didn't want to go through all of these categories I can use the search bar at the top and maybe I'm looking at better ways of managing my junk mail and it pulls up all of those junk mail help topics so a really nice little way of being able to access help whilst you're still working with in Outlook 2019 and I'm going to close that pane down wants some done now there are lots of other options up here so for example you could contact support if you wanted to so again this is going to pop a pane out so the right hand side you can type a message and you can send you can suggest a feature so if you think to yourself wow I really wish I could do such-and-such in Outlook then you have an option there to suggest a feature to Microsoft whether they take you up on that though is another matter but you definitely can't make suggestions for things to be added into Outlook the other main one I really want to point out to you here is this show training option now a lot of the time in my experience people tend to learn a little bit better when they're watching demonstration videos and this is exactly what this button will show you it will give you access to all of the Outlook training videos from directly within outlook 2019 so again they're divided down into categories but I could jump to QuickStart just here and I could access a video about how to add an email account to Outlook so if training videos is your thing and that's how you enjoy or find that you learn best you definitely have access to all of these underneath that show training option on the help ribbon so there you go a few different ways for you to gain some really insightful and helpful information relating to different topics within outlook 2019 that's it on help for now please join me in the next module hello everyone and welcome back to my on outlet 2019 we're still in this first section where we're getting ourselves geared up to dive into a main course now before we do that the final thing I want to point out to you here is I just want to mention keyboard shortcuts you're going to hear me refer to keyboard shortcuts quite a lot as we go through this course and again if you're not sure what I mean by the term keyboard shortcuts it's a quick way of performing tasks so the majority of the time if we're doing tasks we are clicking around on our different commands on the ribbon or maybe we're right-clicking and selecting commands from a menu but in order to improve our efficiency we can also use keyboard shortcuts which just really means pressing a combination of keys on the keyboard to perform a specific task now a lot of people love their keyboard shortcuts and you may have a few that you use possibly in other applications so if you work a lot in something like Word or Excel you might be used to using the keyboard shortcut ctrl C to copy or control V to paste you also have shortcuts that you can use within outlook and all I really want to do in this module is to show you where to find a list of all of the keyboard shortcuts available to you so you can jot down a few that you think will be really useful or print them all out if you want to and have them close at hand so you can work more efficiently within outlook so I'm currently clicked on the home ribbon and I'm just going to hover my mouse over this first icon that says new mail now you can see in that little screen tip that pops up in the brackets we have ctrl + n now anything that's in brackets is the keyboard shortcut so essentially if I press ctrl n on my keyboard it's going to action that it's going to create a new email and you'll see for many of these items as you hover over you will have a keyboard shortcut so therefore ignoring conversations ctrl + delete eat ctrl + D archive is just a backspace reply ctrl + R so on and so forth there are so many shortcuts available in Outlook you're definitely not going to remember all of them off the top of your head but you will find that over time there will be a few that you use consistently and you will always remember those ones now if you do want to expand your use of keyboard shortcuts the best way of finding out or getting a list of what they all are is to jump up into this tell me what you want to do area and if we click in here I'm going to type in keyboard shortcuts it's telling me there are 10 results in the help file so I'm gonna click on that and my help pane is gonna open up now I'm gonna drag that out you see I'm just dragging the window and I'm going to make that a bit bigger and the first item there is keyboard shortcuts for Outlook so let's click on that link and essentially it gives me a little bit of information about keyboard shortcuts and then I have lots of different headings so shortcuts for navigation shortcuts for creating items or files formatting so on and so forth so they're divided down into sections so if I click on frequently use shortcuts I get this little table and it gives me all of my shortcut keys to perform these tasks and as I said there are a lot of them so you might want to go through them and just jot down some which you think you might use most frequently another thing that's worth pointing out a little trick is if you press the Alt key on your keyboard can you see what's come up on the ribbon now I have various different numbers and letters assigned to different parts of my ribbon so I can see that if I don't want to jump to that home ribbon I can press the H key it does to me to the home ribbon and now if I want to create a new email it's got n1 assigned to it so I can say n1 and it creates me a new email so sometimes that's a little bit quicker than memorizing keyboard shortcuts just press your Alt key and then you get those shortcuts come up so if I wanted to jump to this folder ribbon I would press o takes me to my folder ribbon if I want to create a new folder I can press N and now it gives me the create new folder dialog box so a few different options in there for you when it comes to keyboard shortcuts so that is it for this first introductory section we're now going to actually do some work and we're going to move into section 2 where we're going to be talking about how you can set up your outlook so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to this course on Outlook 2019 we're now down into section two where we're going to take a look at the basics of Outlook so we're going to go through how you can set up Outlook in later modules but right now I really just want to concentrate on the layout of Outlook and how you can navigate around the screen now if you've used Microsoft products for years then this will probably look reasonably familiar to you and nothing I'm going to say here is going to probably be too revelatory for you but for those of you who are a little unfamiliar with the layout of Outlook so maybe you're coming from a completely different email application let me just run through the key points of the interface so starting at the top we have what we call our ribbons and these are things up here so where it says file home send receive folder view etc these are your ribbon tabs so each of these tabs is clickable and when you click on it it displays the ribbon associated with that particular tab and all of the commands on each of the ribbons relate to this ribbon tab name so in general what you'll find on something like the home ribbon would be all of the commands that are are most useful to you the ones that you use most frequently if you want to work with folders then you might possibly jump to the folder ribbon if you want to do things like customize your views and the way that you're actually looking at outlook you might go to the view ribbon the developer ribbon always contains some more advanced features so you'll usually find things like macros and forms on the developer ribbon and then the help ribbon is fairly self-explanatory now one of the ribbon tabs up here which is a little bit different to the others is this file ribbon tab and you'll see when I click on it we get a very different view to what we were looking at before so when you click on file it essentially takes you into what we refer to as the backstage area and again this standard now across all of the Microsoft applications so if you use Excel Word PowerPoint every time you click on file it's going to take you into the backstage area and the way that I like to think of this is it's more like the administration side of Outlook so this is where you can come to setup more email accounts you can export your information out of Outlook you can save attachments you can come in here if you want to print anything and you can also access your office account so if you want to change anything with regards to your settings you can jump into your office account and do things like update your photo change your theme background so on and so forth this is also where you'll see your product information so you can see here it says that I'm using Office Professional Plus 2019 and it's also going to show me in here any services that I have connected so you can see here that I currently have onedrive for my cloud storage and also a SharePoint site connected as well and the other useful thing that you'll find in the backstage area is this main options dialog box so this is where you can come to customize all of your options related to how you use outlook and there are so many categories and so many different options in here and what we're going to do is we're not going to go through them all now because it would be quite a lot for your brain to take in and you'll probably never remember them as we go through the course so as we go through the different modules I'm probably going to dip in and dip out of these options and show you the ones that I would change in relation to the specific topic that we're covering at the time so file is your backstage or your administration area let's click on the arrow to come back to our main outlook view so these are your ribbons now if we take the home ribbon for example you can see we have lots and lots of different commands on this ribbon and all commands are grouped together or categorized so you can see here at the bottom we have the name of each group so this first one here is new we then have two respond quick sips move tags groups find speech and add-ins so this just really categorizes commands that are a similar type now one thing that's also worth noting about these ribbons is that they won't always stay the same the ribbons will change depending on what parts of Outlook you're in and also what you're doing in Outlook let me give you an example if I was to create a new email message so I'm going to click on the new email button you can see now within this new email message window I get a new set of ribbons so I have messaged insert options format text review so on and so forth so these ribbons contain all of the commands that are specifically related to creating a new email message so for example with a new email message I might want to attach some kind of document and if I jump to my insert ribbon I have my options to attach files from there so the point I'm really trying to make here is that those ribbons will change depending on what you're doing you'll also see as we go through this course once you start to do things those ribbons will also change as well so for example if I was to insert a picture into this email message you'll see that I get an entirely new ribbon related specifically to that picture and that is what we call a contextual ribbon contextual ribbons only appear when they're needed now let me show you what I mean by that I'll do a very quick example I'm just gonna insert a quick table so let me put a table in and what you'll see now is that I get two new ribbons under the category table tools design and layout and that's because I've inserted a table and I'm currently clicked in that table so this is Mark's sauce way of only showing you the tools and commands you need when you need them it reduces clutter on your ribbons so as you would imagine on the design ribbon I have all the different ways that I can format my table and the layout ribbon I have options for doing things like inserting rows deleting rows splitting cells so on and so forth now this ribbon only appears because I'm currently clicked in this table if I click my mouse somewhere else in the email message outside of that table you can see that my table tools can text your ribbon disappears because I no longer need it I'm no longer clicked in the table if I click inside the table again it comes back so contextual ribbons are a really important thing to get your head around as well now the other thing that we have up here we've already explored that is the tell me what you want to do box so if you're looking for help on a particular command or utility you can just type that into their keyboard shortcuts alt Q for that and then right underneath our ribbons we have something called the quick access toolbar now currently it's not very obvious because I don't have a great deal on my quick access toolbar I have this icon here send and receive and I also have an undo icon and then there's a little down arrow and this is where I can customize my quick access toolbar and we're actually going to do that in the next module but what the idea of this quick access toolbar is is that you can have on here all of the commands that you use most frequently so you're not having to search around in the ribbons to find them directly underneath your quick access toolbar icons we have our left-hand pane so this is really your navigation pane and it's where you access your mailbox and any folders that you have attached so you can see my mailbox here train at Deb Ashby I have my inbox which is going to show you all of my emails then I have my various different standard folders that automatically appear when you create a new outlook accounts now obviously I can add my own folders to this but this is kind of the standard set of folders that you're going to get then underneath that right at the bottom we have a series of six icons and always say to people it's worth remembering that outlook is far more than just email you have access to your Outlook calendar you have access to your contacts or people you have access to a to-do list you have access to a notes section and then you have access to a folders section and again we're going to go through all of these icons throughout the modules but this is how you would switch to if you wanted to jump to your calendar you can see as I hover over I get a little quick preview but if I want to jump to my full calendar if I just click that icon and it's going to switch me to my calendar so very easy to jump between the different parts of Outlook then of course finally in the middle we have our main outlook view so currently because I'm clicked on inbox I'm seeing all of the mails that I have in my inbox so you can see the current information I'm displaying is from so who the email is from the subject when it was received the size the category if there's been a category applied if anyone's been mentioned and I'm going to talk about that later in the course and also if anything's been flagged as well now all of these column headings are customizable again and when we look at the view section I'm going to show you how you can create your own column headings but this is kind of fairly standard and this in general is how I would have my outlook set up now one other thing you may notice and again this is something that's fairly new for Outlook is that we have two different styles of inbox we have the focused inbox which is what we clicked on now and then we have other over here now this might be a feature you like or you dislike and I'm going to go through exactly what the focused inbox is in a later module I'm also going to show you how to turn it off if you don't like viewing your emails this way just above our email list we have our search feature so this will allow me to search for particular mails and I can search within current mailbox current folder subfolders so on and so forth and then finally running along the bottom we have our status bar now I don't have a great deal of information showing in my status bar but it does show me that I have 12 items you can see that all the way over on the left-hand side in the corner I have several reminders and I can click to view my reminders it's telling me that all my folders are up to date so they're synchronized and it tells me that connected to the Microsoft Exchange Server I also then have two different ways that I can view my inbox so I'm currently on normal view which is going to show me all pinned panes or I could switch to reading view which is basically going to get rid of my different pane so I can see more of my email without the distraction of any panes on either side so again entirely up to you how you prefer to work and then finally we have a little slider just here so if you want to zoom in or zoom out you can use this slider and either see more or less of what's on your screen now one thing to note here is that if you want to collapse up your ribbon you can definitely do that to give yourself a little bit more room over on the right-hand side in the very bottom corner of the ribbon you see we have this little collapse the ribbon icon and there's also a shortcut key for that ctrl + f1 but if I click on this button it's just going to collapse that ribbon up so again it just takes those ribbons out the way allows me to focus in on what I want to see and if I want to bring the ribbons back if I just click on any of the ribbons so if I say home for example now because I collapsed it every time I click away the ribbons are going to disappear but if you decide that you actually want them back permanently just click on one of the ribbons and then go back over to the right hand side and you'll see that we now have a pin the ribbon icon again ctrl F 1 and that will pin those ribbons back in place and then finding the top corner we have our standard Microsoft buttons we have our cross which is going to close all of outlook we have our restore downs that's going to minimize or maximize your outlook window we have the minimize button which is going to basically minimize all of outlook down into the system tray and then we have some ribbon display options so again I can choose to also hide the ribbon I can show just the tabs or I can show tabs and commands so currently I have my ribbon tab showing and all of the commands but if I just wanted to show tabs I could do that as well which pretty much takes it to the same view as when we collapsed the ribbon so a few different ribbon view options just and that is basically it we've just seen in a few minutes there how you can navigate efficiently around the outlook interface that's it for this module please join me in the next one hello again and welcome back to this course on out 20:19 this is Deb and we are still down in Section two where we're looking at the basics how to set up your outlook and also becoming familiar with the structure and the interface that you're using now in the previous module we had a little look at the different elements that make up the outlook interface and we talked a lot about the ribbon structure that we have at the top here we also briefly mentioned the quick access toolbar and that is what I want to cover in a little bit more detail in this particular module because I think once you start using it it's going to be something that you find invaluable now because there are so many different commands in Outlook and they are spread out across all of the ribbons sometimes you'll find yourself looking around for a particular command across all of the ribbons so I know in my case a lot of the time I don't always automatically know where a particular command I'm looking for lips so it's a lot easier for you to have those easily accessible on one tool bar that you can customize now one thing I will also say is that whilst we do have lots and lots of different commands across all of the ribbons this is by no means all of the commands available to you in Outlook there are lots of commands available in outlet which aren't actually displayed on the ribbons which I've always thought is a very interesting point however when you're setting up your quick access toolbar you can add those commands to the quick access toolbar as well if you want to now let's just review what we mean by the quick access toolbar now from this point you'll probably hear me refer to the quick access toolbar as the qat simply because it's a lot quicker to say so when I'm talking about qat that's what I mean quick access toolbar and just to remind ourselves again the quick access toolbar is this tiny little toolbar that I barely have anything on that sits lurking just underneath the ribbon now if you're looking at your outlook as I'm talking to you now you might be looking underneath your ribbon think well I don't see a quick access toolbar it might be that your quick access toolbar is located above your ribbon some people have it above other people have it below now if I click this little drop-down on the end of this quick access toolbar you can see I have an option right at the bottom for show above ribbon so if I click that it moves it up to here right in the top left hand corner now if you prefer it up there that is absolutely fine I personally if it's all the way shoved in the corner I tend to forget it's there which is why I like to have mine below the ribbon but again that's entirely personal preference now currently on my quick access toolbar I have two icons I have this little one here send/receive all folders so that's really just a refresh of my outlook and I also have the undo or the ctrl Z command now these two are by no means the only commands that I use on a regular basis there are lots of commands in Outlook that I find myself reaching for all the time for example what is the most common thing you do in your Outlook email I'm guessing it's probably creating a new email to send someone and you can see just above we have the new email button keyboard shortcut ctrl + n on the home ribbon now this one's quite easy to find it's the first one on the home ribbon but if I wanted to I could add the new email button to my quick access toolbar so that if maybe I'm on the view ribbon and I decide that I want to create a new email instead of jumping back to home I can just click the icon on my quick access toolbar so how do we add commands to a qat well there's a few different ways the quickest easiest way is that if you see the icon you want to add on the ribbon so let's say new email again right-click your mouse and the first option is add to quick access toolbar and you can see now I have my new mail icon and if I click it I get a new email message and you can go through and I could add apply if I wanted to so right click Add to quick access tool one maybe I want to jump across to folder and maybe I'm always creating new folders so I'm gonna right-click and say add to quick access toolbar so you can see that I'm building up a catalog of commands that I use frequently and making them super accessible to me it makes me a lot more efficient when I'm working in Outlook now aside from right-clicking and adding to the quick access toolbar if you want to access all of the commands in Outlook and if you remember I said not all of them are available on the ribbons you can click this drop down and you could go down to more commands now this essentially jumps you into the outlook options which we looked briefly at when we went into the file or the backstage area and it jumps you to the quick access toolbar section of outlook options now what you'll see here is that on the right-hand side this is what's currently on my quick access toolbar so you can see send and receive undo new item reply and new folder on the left hand side this is where I can choose which commands I want to add to my quick access toolbar and these commands are all categorized so currently I'm only displaying the most popular commands in Outlook 2019 now if I click the drop-down you can see here I have one for all commands and this is going to show me every single command available in Outlook and there are lots and lots of them fortunately they are all listed out in alphabetical order so if you know what you're looking for you can scroll to that particular part and then add it in so let's say I was looking for the categorize option so I'm going to scroll down to see and you can see here I have a categorized option I'm gonna select it and I'm gonna say add and that adds it to my quick access toolbar now I could go through and I could carry on adding different commands maybe collapse the ribbon it let's add that as well now once I've got all of my commands added I then have some options when it comes to organizing the way these commands are listed so just on the right-hand side here I have up and down arrows so move up and move down so maybe I want to move collapse the ribbon up a little bit or maybe I want my new mail to be one of the first three and I won't reply to go to it next to new mail maybe I want folder up there maybe categorize and collapse the ribbon at the end so you can use these to organize the way your icons display on that quick access toolbar now something else you can add just to make them a little bit more organized is you can add something called a separator and at the top of every list you will find a separator so I'm gonna add separator in and I'm gonna say and again I'm gonna use my up arrow and I'm gonna separate off these first four from the other three I'm gonna add another separator and I'm gonna move that one down and I'm gonna separate collapse the ribbon from new folder and categorize now once you're happy with all of this if we click on okay and take a look at our ribbon you can now see I have those additional commands added but can you also see those lines those are the separators so it kind of helps you group together commands of similar types so for me these first four are the ones that I use all the time I then have some organizational commands and then I have something that's more related to the layout the way that I'm viewing my outlook so one of the things I would suggest you do when you first open your outlook is really think about the commands that you use frequently and start adding them into your quick access toolbar hopefully that all makes sense to everyone and hopefully you'll find that it also improves your efficiency when you're working in Outlook that's it for this module please join me for the next one hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 this is Deb and we are still down in Section two where we're basically looking at the basics of Outlook 2019 now in the previous module we looked at how you can increase your efficiency by adding commands to the quick access toolbar and what I want to do in this module is really show you how to attach an email account to your Outlook now you may be wondering what I mean by that well if you cast your eyes over to the left hand side of the screen in the folders pane you can see that I have my email account attached here so this is my email address and I have various different folders underneath there now it might be that I also want to attach another email account so if I have a personal account so maybe something like a gmail account or another exchange account or a hotmail account or something along those lines I can also set that up so I can view those mails in my Outlook so it's like having numerous different mailboxes which you can access from your Outlook 20:19 accounts so I really just want to run you through the process it is very simple and straightforward the only pieces of information that you require in order to do this is you need to know the email address of the account that you want to set up so in my case I'm going to set up my personal account and you also need to know what an email application essentially it uses so whether it's gmail hotmail live exchange whatever it might be and obviously you need to know your password for the account as well so let me show you how quick and easy it is to set up another email account in your Outlook now for this we're going to jump into the backstage area again so if you can remember back from one of the earlier modules in order to do that we click on the file tab and this jumps us into our account information you can see here the tab I'm currently on is the info tab and the first option we have here is account settings so let's click on that and we want to go into the first one accounts settings and you can see that it says there add and remove accounts or change existing connection settings so it's also worth noting that you can remove any unwanted accounts that you've added from here as well so let's click and jump into there so in this account settings dialog box I have a number of different tabs running across the top now the only one I really care about here is this email tab and currently it's showing me the mailbox that I have attached to my Outlook and I have a tick by this mailbox because this is my default mailbox now if I wanted to add another mailbox into here all I need to do is click on the new button now you can see here that outlook has picked up her old outlook email address that I used to use so it's giving me that as my default option as an account that I want to add now I actually don't want to add this particular account so I'm going to delete that out and I'm going to type in the name of the account that I do want to add which is essentially just the email address of my account and you can see that this one is a gmail account now we do have some advanced options you can say let me set up my account manually but wherever possible if I can I like to let outlook do all the work so I'm gonna say connect and what it's asking me to do now is to log in to my Google accounts so again I'm gonna go in with my email address I'm gonna click on next I'm going to type in my password and click sign-in I get a little warning message there from Google saying that Microsoft is going to have access to my Google account so I'm going to say that that's fine I'm going to allow and there we go it was as easy as that so you can see it says account successfully added and it's added my gmail account as an IMAP account now IMAP stands for internet message access protocol and what it means is that the emails remain on the email server so the Gmail server essentially which allows me to set up this account on multiple computers and devices that I can access my email as well as being able to access them through webmail you can now see that I have a secondary account added into this list I can see the type is IMAP whereas the first one is a Microsoft Exchange account if I click close there as well you can see that I now have access to my gmail accounts as well and this can sometimes take a few moments to pull through all of the folders and the emails depending on how much stuff I should say you have in your email account so slowly over the next few minutes all of my emails are going to come through and I can already see that a lot of my folders are automatically being pulled through which is great so now essentially I have access to both of my accounts which is great I don't have to flip between my personal and my business accounts now similarly if I wanted to remove that account I can go through the same process I can go to file I can go to account settings I can select my accounts that I've just added and I can remove it now it's same careful if you remove this account it's offline case content will be deleted now you could take a backup of your account if you wanted to which would just mean exporting out which we're going to look at later on in this course but at this moment in time I don't mind I haven't made any changes so I'm going to say yes to continue and you can see very quickly that's now raised I'm just left with my original accounts so hopefully that shown you how easy it is to combine multiple accounts into your Outlook 2019 account which makes it super efficient when you do have numerous different mail accounts that you want to manage all in one place that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we've made it down to our first practice exercise and as this is the first one I will briefly explain to you what the format of these practice exercises is now you'll find a practice exercise at the end of every section throughout this course and each practice exercise will contain a series of tasks which will help you practice the skills that you've learnt in that particular section now I will say there is some leeway on these exercises you don't necessarily have to perform them exactly as they're written here as some of them will very much depend on what you currently have in your email inbox however do try to follow the instructions as closely as possible in order to get the most out of them so let me run through what I'd like you to do in this first practice exercise I'd like you to add four commands of your choice to the quick access toolbar I'd also like you to ensure that the help ribbon is displayed if you can't currently see it in your outlook and if you have an additional email account so maybe a personal email account I'd like you to practice adding that additional email account into your Outlook account so you can see all of those emails so that's it but practice exercise one see how you get along with that and I will see you in the next section hello everyone and welcome back to my call on Outlook 2019 we're now down in section 3 where we're going to be discussing everything surrounding sending and receiving mail and this is really the entire point of Outlook the main thing that we're going to be using it for is sending emails to people and also receiving emails from others however there are a few important points that are worth noting that are specific to Outlook 2019 so currently I'm clicked on my inbox folder and you can see there that I have a new mail at the top of the list and this is just one that I've sent to myself from a different account now how do I know that this is a new email well fairly obviously it's in a different font to the rest of my mail and it's also in bold and something else I can also see that indicates that I have a new email which is particularly useful if I'm working in a completely different application and don't necessarily have Outlook in front of me at the time you can see that in the system tray at the bottom of the screen I have a little envelope icon so this is indicating to me that I have a new mail or mails now this or envelope icon isn't automatic it's a setting that you need to turn on so I want to start out just by showing you that where you can customize how you're alerted to the fact that you have a new email now again so you might expect this is one of the outlook settings so we're going to jump up into file we're going to go down to options and the category we're going to choose is mail now if we scroll down you'll see that we have a little section here for message arrival so it's saying what do you want to happen when a new message arrives so I can choose to play a sound I could briefly change the mouse pointer again that's quite a good one if you're working in a different application your mouse pointer will change which will alert you to the fact that you have a new email and you can see the next one I have ticked show an envelope icon in the taskbar so if you do want that make sure that you have a tick in that box and you could also say that you want to display a desktop alert which will bring a bigger alert up in the corner of the screen now I'm going to change a couple of these I'm going to turn off desktop alert and I'm gonna say play a sound and I'm gonna say okay so I'm going to read this message by double-clicking it I'm going to close it down just so that that's no longer showing as a new message and you can see that my little envelope icon has disappeared from the system tray I'm now going to send another email and I want you to see those notification settings in action and there we go we have the mail come in my mail icon is back so very simple to customize those settings now when it comes to sending or composing a new email message again we can jump up to our home ribbon where we have our most frequently used commands alternatively I could use the new message button on the quick access toolbar now as I hover over that you'll see there is also a keyboard shortcut so I'm going to use that in this case ctrl n to compose a new mail message now the first thing you'll see here is the message says untitled and it's telling me that it's in HTML format now this is important point to know mail messages can be sent in HTML format or plain text now most of the time hTML is going to be the one that you want to use because that means that any pictures or graphics or formatting that you add to your mail message is going to display correctly however sometimes and this isn't so prevalent anymore if you're dealing with an older email system sometimes you just want all of the fancy stuff all of the images graphics logos etc stripped out and you simply want to send your message in plain text so you can also do that and you'll see here if I jump to this format text ribbon I can say HTML it says format this messages HTML HTML messages can contain formatting and are compatible with most email readers we have the plain text option so it says plain text can be read by every but contains no formatting and their rich text messages can contain formatting but are only compatible with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange now again this isn't a point that you need to organize too much over you'll find it a default most of the time is going to be HTML but just be aware that if you need to you can change the format of your message now if I jump back to this first ribbon again on this message ribbon we have most of the things that we're going to utilize most frequently now the first thing you don't want to do when you're composing a message is you're going to want to select who you're going to send this email message to and it can be to one or many many more people now obviously you can click in this to field and type in the email address directly alternatively if you have contacts set up in Outlook and again this is something we're going to cover a bit later if you click on the to button you can select a contact from your different address book so I'm going to click on my contacts and this shows me all of my particular contacts so I might want to select Adam jasmine and Kirsty and I do a multiple select by holding down my control key as I click and then when I click on the to button underneath it's gonna add all of those email addresses into the to field I can also choose if I want to see see anybody so the way that I think about CC is that you have the main people who this message is going to in the to field and then maybe if someone else needs to know really more for informational purposes you might possibly put them in the CC field so I'm gonna put Marcus in the CC field now you also have an option for BCC or blind carbon copy and this is if you want to send somebody the mail but you don't want anybody else to be able to see that you've also sent that person this email so in this case I'm gonna BCC Jasmine and click on OK and it adds all of those email addresses into the relevant fields if I wanted to add one on the end here manually all I would need to do would be to click on the end do a semicolon space and then I can go ahead and I can type the email address I then need to add a subject to my email so let's say that this is going to be about the summer party and then I can click in the main body of my mail and start to compose my message now there are a whole ton of formatting options that you have when it comes to writing messages so let me type in a brief message so I have my brief message now added into my email now that's absolutely fine but currently it's not particularly interesting not particularly vibrant it's all the same font all the same size so if I want to start formatting this email you'll see that I have a format text ribbon and on this ribbon we have all of our different options when it comes to formatting and this is improved so much in Outlook over the years I remember a number of years ago there was some very basic formatting that you could do in your emails but now really it feels a lot more like you're almost working in a Word document as opposed to typing an email particularly with things that you'll find underneath the insert ribbon you can do things like insert tables pictures even shapes icons and 3d models directly into your email so for example let me just show you one of these if I press ENTER a couple of times to add a bit more interest to this email I'm going to stay on the insert ribbon and I'm going to utilize this icons option we have in the illustrations group and if you've never come across icons before you will find icons in all of the Microsoft applications and they're a really great way of being able to add icons into your documents emails spreadsheets presentations without leaving the application that you're in so I'm going to search for an icon related to party and there we go we get a few of them just here so I'm going to choose the balloons and I'm going to say insert and it inserts that little icon for me now if you remember what I was saying before about contextual ribbon so those ribbons that only appear as and when they're needed you can see that now I've inserted this icon and an icon is considered to be a graphic if you look up at my ribbons now you can see that I have an additional ribbon and it comes under the heading graphics tools we now have this format ribbon and all of these options relate to this particular icon so if I want to change the color of this icon I can go to graphics film and I can change it to a different color so let's say red I could even give it a little bit of an outline if I wanted to so let's give it a black outline like so and as I click away that ribbon disappears so don't forget all the options you have for inserting different items into your email available on this insert ribbon now let's go back to format text for one moment now it might be that I actually want to make the text of all of this email a little bit bigger so I could click and drag my mouse alternatively if I click somewhere within my message and press the ctrl a keyboard shortcut that's gonna highlight all of my text and I'm now gonna go up and I'm gonna change the font size I'm gonna make it size 14 well like so now some other formatting options I might want to do I want to make this bigger and better text stand out a little bit more so I'm going to highlight it and I'm actually gonna click the little drop down in the corner here so you'll see within some of these groups you have a little diagonal arrow and that essentially takes you into some more advanced options for your font formatting now I'm gonna say I want the words bigger and better in all caps I'm also gonna make it bold and I'm gonna change the font color too and click on ok and there we go so we have all of my regular font formatting options available in this font group and again if you're used to using applications like Word these will be very familiar to you we also have our paragraph options here so if you want to add bulleted lists numbered lists you want to do some aligning you have all of those options in there as well so I might want to add something into this email and then I might have a list of tasks and again I could highlight all of these go up to my paragraph group and add my bullet points like so so automatically now this email looks a lot more interesting the key points stand out I've added some interest with a little bit of an icon and I've also organized my list a little bit better using bullet points so don't forget about all the different formatting options that you have on the format text ribbon and also the insert ribbon as well now there are so many different options when it comes to sending your message and we're going to go through some of those in the next few modules so this point probably what I'm going to want to do is once I've read it over is I'm probably going to want to run a spellcheck so I'm going to go to the review tab I'm gonna say spelling and grammar and it's telling me I've got no spelling errors which is very rare for me but I'm gonna say ok and I'm gonna determine that I'm pretty much happy with this email I am ready to send it now what if I'd got halfway through this email and maybe got caught off to a different task or maybe I had to go out to a meeting or to lunch and I didn't just want to leave this message open on my screen what I could do is save my message as a draft so again up on my quick access toolbar I have a save option ctrl s so I'm gonna say save I'm going to close this message down and what happens to that message is although it appears to have disappeared you'll see now that in my folder pane in the drafts folder it's showing me that I have one May so when I click on my drafts folder there is my email so if you just click Save and close the message it's going to be saved into your drafts folder you can jump in there reopen it continue with your message and then when you're ready you can click send now you can see that because I was copied in on that email I now have a new mail message you can see the icon down in my system train and you can also see that my inbox has gone up to two unread messages if you want to view all of the messages that you've sent if you click on the sent items folder you can see in there all of the messages that you've sent through so a very simple process to receive messages and also to send them that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello again and welcome back to my course on out 20:19 we're still down in section three where we've been looking at sending and receiving emails and in this very very quick module I really just want to showcase to you one of the newer features that you'll find in Outlook and this is a feature again which came in in around Outlook 2016 I believe it was it may have been there in 2013 I can't quite remember and that is something called the focused inbox now if you're anything like me your emails are probably overflowing in your inbox most of the time and the focused inbox is a feature that's been introduced to reduce the noise and enable you to focus only on those most important messages and the way it works is that focused inbox is a feature that essentially uses machine learning to control the overflow of emails by analyzing incoming messages and based on the contents placing the most important emails in the focused tab and assigning everything else to the other tab and if you're wondering what I'm talking about if you look just above my list of emails you can see I have focused and other and currently I'm clicked on focused because it's showing in blue font and it has that line underneath so essentially when you receive an email outlook is going to analyze the contents of that email to determine if that is an important email for you and it's also going to learn from your actions as well so for example if you get a newsletter every single week and maybe you signed up for this newsletter a year ago and you delete that email every single week without reading it outlook is gonna analyze your behavior so that when you receive that email next it knows that you always delete this message and it's gonna put it in the other tab because it's not going to deem it as an important message so what alec is trying to do here is to really just help you focus on the most important emails and can be a really useful feature and can really help you manage the amount of noise and clutter that you have in your email inbox and it is very easy to switch between focused inbox or all of your important emails and anything that you have in other now I don't have anything in here at the moment but if you did your emails would be listed underneath there so that's kind of what it is now if you're somebody who doesn't particularly like that feature I know a lot of people get a little bit nervous when they think that their their computer is kind of analyzing their emails and deciding for them which folder email should go into deciding for them which emails are important and I a hundred percent understand that train of thought so if you're not someone who likes that and you want to get rid of focused inbox altogether and just have all your emails coming into your inbox it's very simple to turn off if you jump up to the view ribbon you can see we have a little group there called focused inbox and currently because I have my turned on the icon is showing in grey and all unnies do to turn it off is click on the button again and you can now see that that changes I no longer have focused another I just have all emails and any that are currently unread so again entirely up to you if you like or dislike that feature you would also find this feature in Outlook on the web so if you have an office 365 account and you access your Outlook mail through there you'll find that you do have the focused inbox option as well which again you can turn off or on depending on what your personal preference is so that's it on this module really really quick little module just to explain to you that new feature I hope you enjoyed that please join me in the next module hello again and welcome back to my course on 20:19 in this module we're going to take a little bit of a further look at customizing our inbox so really setting it up so that it suits how we work and there are a whole host of features available in Outlook to help you with this and I'm going to run through some of them now and then we're going to look at more of them as we go through the following modules now the first thing that we're going to do here is we're going to jump up to the view ribbon because this is the ribbon where you'll find a lot of the commands which are really going to help you customize the way that you're viewing your emails and the way that you're looking at your inbox now the first group that we have here which says current view this is where we can change the types of columns that we're seeing so we can make changes so the first group we have there is related to how we're viewing our inbox so so currently the information that I can see when I'm looking at my emails in my inbox as I can see who it's from the subject when it was received the size categories mentions and flags now all of those column headings can be changed so you can really tailor the type of information that you want to see when you're looking at your emails and we're going to cover how you change your views and add columns in a later module now in this module I'm going to start out with showing you this option just here in the next group along and that is this show as conversations option and you'll seems I hover over I get the screen tip and it says show me my messages arranged by conversation so what exactly does that mean well currently I do not have this option turned on and when I'm looking at my emails I can see every single individual email so if we take the email that I currently and clicked on as an example this is an email that's gone back and forth between myself and the recipient and I've had a couple of replies to this email now when I don't have these showís conversations option checked I can see every email so every reply I received this email it's going to show us a separate email in my inbox now it might be that you like it set up this way but let me just show you alternative and the alternative is utilizing this show as conversations option super might put a tick in this box it will ask me do I want to apply this setting to just this folder or my entire mailbox so in this case I'm gonna say just this folder and you can see what it essentially does is it groups all of those email replies together so effectively I now have this little collapse and expand button so if I collapse it back up I can just see one email but if I click it it's going to show me all of the replies underneath to that email so it really helps me declutter my inbox by keeping all of the same conversation together and I can choose whether I want to collapse that or expand that up and of course the one thing is probably worth noting here is that you need to remember that you've done that otherwise you might think you only have one email and forget that you can actually expand to see all of the emails underneath so that's a little feature that can really help you declutter your mailbox and keep all mail conversations together and of course if you want to turn it off just take the tick out of that box apply it to this folder and your emails will be listed separately again moving along we've already discussed in the previous module what show focused inbox does so let's move on to our next option which is message preview now I currently have this turned off but if you wanted to you could display a short preview of the email message so if I was to say let's go for the maximum here three lines and I'm gonna say apply to this folder it's going to show me the first three lines of all of my emails now again some people like this some people find this a little bit messy looking and you do have a couple of other options in there so I could say one instead which makes it slightly neater now I actually prefer to have mine turned off but just be aware that you have those options which you can customize as well moving along to this arrangement group this is essentially how you prefer to have your mail sorted in your inbox so I like to have mine in general sorted by date so date received the most recent at the top and you can see there that I have date selected but if you wanted to you could choose any of these to group them by so if I wanted to sort them in alphabetical order by the sender's name I could click from and it's gonna organize my emails in a slightly different way now I'm gonna put mine back on to date and the other thing you might notice within your inbox is that I currently have mine groups so it's telling me so I have these little headings here and again these are collapsible and expandable but you can see that I have all of the emails I've received today grouped together under the today heading the email I received on Wednesday and then any that are older underneath and you can change the option again by clicking in this arrangement group and just on ticking that show in groups and that will get rid of those headings and just give you a very plain basic email list so again that is personal preference now a couple of other things on this view ribbon which don't relate specifically to the columns which we're going to look at later are in this layout group so again folder pane now when we say folder pane we're talking about this area on the left-hand side so where you can see my mailbox and all of my folders so inbox drafts sent items so on and so forth now you can customize this I have mine set to normal and I'm also choosing to show any favorite folders at the top and you can see here it says drag your favorite folders here so I haven't done that yet because that's something I want to show you how to do later in the course but I do like to make sure I have that option turned on so that I have that little favorite folders area the top of my list now the other options I have here I could say minimize for my folder pain it will essentially collapse up that larger folder pane and just give me access to my icons running downside if I go back to folder pane and say off entirely its gonna get rid of the whole thing so sometimes this can be useful if you want a little bit more space on your screen to work with to get rid of that folder pane but I think in general most people are probably going to want to see that folder pane so we set it back to normal we also have some further options in here and we have some further navigation options so underneath here it's saying maximum number of visible items is set to 7 and again you can change that using these little up-and-down arrows but this relates to how many items you're seeing running across the bottom here so where we have our icons for mail calendar people so on and so forth and you can also see that I have compact navigation selected which is why I see these as icons if I was to remove the tick from this box and click on OK you'll see that those icons will change to actual words and it takes up a lot more room on your screen than those smaller icons but again sometimes people prefer to set their outlook up this way now I'm going to jump back in to options and I'm going to turn back on my compact navigation and then the final thing I can do is change the order that I'm displaying these items so you can see that I have mail calendar people task notes folders shortcuts and you can see that reflected at the bottom the screen mail calendar people's tasks so on and so forth if I wanted to change that order around I can definitely do that I can click on an item and choose to move it up or move it down so it might be that I want to put my shortcuts before folders and then when I click on OK you'll see that those changes I've made take effect so I changed them back to icons and I also now have my shortcuts before my folders so a few different options you can customize in there as well let's jump across to the reading pane now you'll currently see in here that I have my reading pane turned off now what that means is that in order to read the email message I need to open the email message so let's take this email from Jamie as an example I need to double click on it in order to open that email and read it however if I turn on my reading pane I don't need to double click to open the email in order to be able to see the contents so again if I go back up to reading pane and I save Autzen you can see it gives me this reading pane so whichever email I'm currently clicked on so again it's the one from Jamie I can actually see that without opening the email in itself if I don't like it running across the bottom I could choose to put it on the right-hand side so again this is very much personal preference as to which method you prefer now if you go back up to reading pane again because there are some further options with regards to this so you can also set up if you want to mark items as read when they're viewed in the reading pane so if you remember if we have a new email like this one just here that I haven't yet read summer party if I choose to mark the item as red when viewed in the reading pane it means that as soon as I click on this email and it displays in the reading pane it's gonna turn into an unread email if you don't have a tick in that box it means that even when you click on it and read it in the reading pane it's still going to show as unread in your list so again entirely up to you which one you prefer and again underneath there you have a few other options when it comes to selecting emails and whether they're marked as read or unread so it's worth definitely taking a look in here reviewing it and setting up how you would prefer moving along we also have something called the to-do bar now currently I don't have this displaying but I could choose to select my calendar and what that's going to do is it's going to pop and this to do bar on the right-hand side of the screen and it's going to show me a little mini preview of my calendar now I will say that this is really really helpful because I know a lot of the time when I'm working I might be reading a mail maybe it's got something to do with meeting and I want to consult my calendar but I don't necessarily want to jump out of my email and switch to my calendar application because the email then disappears so I find it quite useful to have the to-do paint open and a little mini preview of my calendar just here and if you have anything scheduled in your calendar then it will show underneath here all of your appointments and your meetings now if we jump back to that to do bar you can see you can show other things in here as well so I can show people as well and you'll notice that because I'm displaying people it's also still showing my calendar so I could have all three showing if I wanted to so it's going to show me any people that I have added as favorites for quick access and also any tasks I have coming up in my to-do list now you might be thinking to yourself with all of these panes open it starts to look a little bit busy so this is where you might want to start rejigging how you view your reading pane so I might choose to have that running across the bottom instead and you can always adjust this reading pane by hovering your mouse over the dividing line until you get those arrows and dragging it up and down so maybe I just want a bit of my reading pane showing I can do the same with the to do bar I can drag it over to make it a little bit thinner to give my emails a little bit more room and the same with my folder pane as well so you can really kind of organize what you're seeing on your screen so that it suits you and your setup now a couple of other things I want to mention before we finish up this module is there's some settings in the backstage area related to you mail and also the general look and feel of your outlook that you might want to consider changing so let's jump up to file which takes us into our backstage area and I'm going to go down to options so the first two tabs are really the ones that I'm interested in here so we're currently clicked on the general tab and I'm not going to go through every single option I'm just gonna highlight a couple that I feel you might want to change now in this first section here user interface options I have ticks in show mini toolbar on selection and enable live preview now your mini toolbar is a little toolbar that pops up when you select text so let me show you an example of the mini toolbar just so you're clear as to what I'm talking about if I just cancel out of here for one moment and create a new email message if I was to type hello and that's all I'm gonna put in here but if I was to select this piece of text so I'm gonna double click you'll see just above I get the mini toolbar so this makes it super easy for me to access my text formatting options so this little pop-up is your mini toolbar now if you find that particularly annoying then you can turn it off and that is exactly what this little option is in the general setting so if you don't like it you can take a tick out of this box and again with enable live preview this shows you a preview of how a feature affects the document as you hover over different choices so again if we take the example of a piece of text that I want to change if I highlight the text and then maybe I want to change the font that I'm using when I go up to my font and hover my mouse over the different font types whether that be Arial or Calibri or Times New Roman as I hover over the font in my email is going to change depending on which one I'm currently hovered over I don't have to select it it's just giving me a preview prior to selection and that is what we call a live preview and again I find that super useful so I like to have mine turned on and I also like to have my screen tip styles to show the feature descriptions in screen tips so that is when you hover over any command on your ribbon and that little box pops up with the description of what that command does and you've seen that numerous times as we've been going through these modules and finally down here it says personalize your copy of Microsoft Office and you can see that I have my username in there and my initials and then underneath I have the background that I'm using so again I can change it to something different so let's say circle and stripes and I can change my office theme so just for demonstration purposes I'm going to say dark gray and when I click on OK you can see that both of those have been applied so right up in the top corner I have my circle and stripes design and my outlook has changed this dark gray color and there are a few different color options in there you have dark gray you have colorful which is what mine was on before you also have black and white now I'm going to change my back to colorful I'm gonna say ok so that is pretty much it we've started to customize our inbox and utilize some of those features available on the viewer burn and also available in the backstage area in the next module we're going to start to talk about attachments specifically how you can save them so please join me for that hello again and welcome back to my course on Outlook 2019 in this module I really want to focus in on the topic of saving attachments now one of the most common things to receive in Outlook in your mail is some kind of document that might be a Word document a spreadsheet or some other kind of file and not of the time with the documents that we are sent we might want to save those documents off to either and local drives or maybe even cloud storage so in my case I utilize onedrive cloud storage so I like to save a lot of my documents off to that so I just want to show you a few different methods of easily being able to save documents that have been sent to you as attachments in emails now you'll see currently I'm clicked on an email from Marcus and I know that this email has an attachment because I can see that little paperclip icon next to his name now when I view that email in my reading pane towards the bottom I can see that I have an Excel spreadsheet attached to it called sales budget dot xlsx and I want to save this off to my cloud storage to onedrive now there are a few different methods of doing this so I'm going to show them all to you and you can choose which one suits you the most probably one of the easiest ways and most obvious ways is that when I hover over this attachment in the Outlook email I have this little drop-down arrow and if I click it I have an option to save ants or save all attachments now if I had more than one attachment in this email save all attachments would allow me to save them all at the same time but I could still utilize this option even if I just have one so let's do that and you can see it's telling me but I have one attachment sales budget I'm gonna say ok it's gonna open up my local drives and I can then navigate to a folder where I want to save this document so I'm going to save this in my email attachments folder by double clicking I can see it's called sales budget now I'm gonna say is going to be called sales budget one cuz we're gonna save this a few times I'm gonna say save and if I now pull up my file explorer I can see my attachment nicely saved off into that folder so that's one method by clicking that drop-down arrow next to the attachment another method which is even quicker is to drag-and-drop and I particularly like this method if I have lots of emails I want to save off in completely different emails now the way that I do this just to make it a little bit more efficient for myself is I utilize the side-by-side feature in Windows 10 and this works from I think it's Windows 7 onwards so I'm just gonna pick up my outlook window I'm gonna drag it all the way over to the left-hand side of the screen until I see that ghosting and when I let go it fills one half of the screen and I can select File Explorer to fill the other half of the screen so I can see both at the same time so now if I want to save this sales budget all I need to do is click it drag and drop and there we go straight away it's moved across to that folder so a super quick way of saving off your attachments and I'm just going to click on maximize to bring my outlook back now let's select that email from Marcus again and let me show you a third way you could if you wanted to go up to file and you have a save attachments button in here as well and again it's gonna pick up the attachment click on OK you can select your folder so it's defaulted to the correct folder and I'm going to call this sales budget 3 click Save and it saves it across so three very simple methods there when it comes to saving off attachments to your cloud storage and again if you prefer to put them on your desktop or in a local folder that's absolutely fine the method is exactly the same you just select your desktop said of your cloud storage folders that's it for this module in the next module we're going to talk a little bit more about customizing those columns and views so please join me for that hello again and welcome back to my course on 20:19 this is Deb and we're still down in Section three and in this module I'm going to talk to you about adjusting or changing these column headings so essentially changing the information that you can see for each of your emails now when I say column headings as I've stated before what I actually mean are these things up here so where it says from subject received size categories mentions and then we have our flags at the end so it shown me the flag status on these emails in the beginning we have some icons as well so I have a column here for important so if any of my email somewhere it's as high importance I would see that in this column I can see reminders I get to see the icon so when I've replied to a message I get this little mail icon with an arrow and I also have an attachments column so that's showing me which of my emails have an attachment with this safety pin icon so essentially I have quite a few columns applied to this view of my email and this is my current view it's my default view now depending on the information that's important to you and the information that you like to see you may wish to change the way that this is organized and that's what I want to explore in this particular module now you'll find the tools to do this upon your view ribbon which is where I'm currently clicked and you'll see this first group it says current view and what I want to do is I want to make some changes to these column headings so I'm going to jump straight into view settings and this is really going to allow me to customize every element of my current view and the first one there is columns so let's click and see what we have in there now on the right hand side it's showing me what columns I currently have applied to my view so importance reminder icon attachment from subject so on and so forth so these are all of the columns are current have displayed then on the left-hand side I have the available columns that I can add and currently I'm displaying the frequently used fields I do have other options in here so I could choose to say all male fields which will give me a much more comprehensive list of everything that I could use as a column heading so I'm going to make some changes in here now most of these I tend to want to keep in my mail view so importance reminder icon attachment from subject received and size are probably the ones that I like to see but I'm not too fussed about these bottom three categories mentions and flag status so I'm going to select categories click on the remove button and I'm going to do the same for the other two so click on mention remove and also remove flag status what I could do then is I could replace them with something else so maybe I want to see who has been cc'd in its own separate column so I'm gonna select CC I'm gonna click on add and that adds it now again I could reorganize these items in the column as well to just change the order which they appear now CC I'm going to want to put that after from so I'm gonna say move up so it appears after the from column so I've just made a couple of minor changes there of course you could go through and add as many of these as you like I'm going to click on OK and I'm going to look ok again just so you can see those changes in action and there we go so you can now see from CC subject received in size and those columns I removed on the end have now disappeared now again there's some weird spacing going on in here so I can always reorganize my view by dragging these column headings so I'm going to drag CC out a little bit I'm gonna make subject a little bit smaller and then I'm gonna have received and size let's make from a little bit bigger there we go so because I produced some of those columns my emails starting to look a lot cleaner now if I'm really happy with this view and I want this for you applied to all of my folders so what I mean by that is if I was to jump to my sent items folder you'll see that that view or those changes that I've made don't apply to any other folders apart from the inbox you can see here I still have categories mentions and flags in here so if I jump back to Inbox what I want to do is I want to save this view and I want to apply it to all of my folders so this time I'm going to go up to change view and I'm gonna say save current view as a new view and I'm going to call this Deb's view and I want to say that it can be used on all mail and post folders and click on OK now once I've done that it still doesn't apply it to my other folders I've just saved that view so if I make any further changes I can always revert back to my view so if I want to apply this view to my other folders if I click on change view again I can say apply current view to other mail folders so I'm going to expand my mail box and I'm going to say I want to apply it to all of my inbox folders basically everything that I have and I'm gonna say apply for you two sub folders and click on OK so now when I click on my sent items you'll see that that view has been applied across everything now it might be the case that you choose to set up lots of different views and name them all different things so if you want to manage or make any changes to the views that you've created if you go up to change view and go down to manage views now you'll see in this list in this table we have compact single and preview now these are outlooks in built views that you can use their default views and then the bottom we have the view that I just created so if I want to make any changes to this I select it and click on the modify button and that will allow me to jump back into columns and I can go in and I can change more of this information if I want it to so I'm actually going to add another column into my view so I'm gonna add categories back in and click on OK and ok again and I'm gonna say apply view and now on the end here I have my categories column now remember if you do make a change to a current view again it's not going to be automatically applied to your other folders so whilst I can see the categories column in inbox if I jump to sent items it's still showing me my view without that categories column so essentially what I would need to do would be go up to change view and now it's saved this view with the additional categories column as a new view I'm just gonna say Debs cat view and click on OK and now I can apply that view to all of my other mail folders including my subfolders so essentially every time you make a change and you save as a new view its gonna add it into your manage views area and you could switch between those views if you wanted to so if I wanted to go back to the view prior to adding that categories column I can select Deb's view and I can say apply view and there we go so it might be that you're 100% happy with the default view the outlook gives you and that is absolutely fine but if you do find that you're wanting to have different information displayed for your emails then creating a new view and customizing those columns is definitely a way that you can do that now one other thing I want to point out in here if we go into manage views I'm gonna select Deb's category view I'm going to go into modify now columns isn't the only thing that we can modify I can also choose how I want to group my emails now I have mine set up to automatically a group according to arrangement so you can see above on the view ribbon in the arrangement group I have my emails organized by date so currently all of my emails will show with the latest date at the top I could customize that by on ticking and saying I want to group them by recipient name then by attachment and I could carry on going so let's do one more let's say then by create it and I can choose if I want that in ascending or descending order I'm going to put all of mine to ascending I'm gonna say okay I can then choose how I want them to be sorted so when I receive an email currently I have them sorted in descending order so I could choose that all received items go in ascending order now the other settings that we have in here where we have filter other conditional formatting and format columns I'm going to discuss in later modules so for the time being I'm happy with those customizations I've made to these top three I'm gonna say okay and I'm gonna say apply view and you can see now that my emails are organized in a completely different way because of that sorting that I did and again this might not be something that you particularly like but it's definitely worth having a play around with so you can get your inbox organized in a way that suits you now I'm gonna go back to change view manage views and I'm going to apply deads view and that takes me back to what I had right at the beginning so hopefully that's giving you a bit of a clearer idea as to how you can customize the way that you view and your emails in your outlook inbox so that's it on section three we're now moving into section four where we're going to all about searching for emails in your inbox and other folders so please join me for that hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're now down to practice exercise 2 where we're going to practice the skills that we've learnt in this section so the first thing I'd like you to do is to create a brand new email message and just address it to yourself I'd like you to add a subject line of hello world and I'd like you to type a message of your choice and just practice formatting the text so you might want to make some text bold you might want to change the font style or maybe the font color you might also want to add some kind of list and practice utilizing bullet points or numbered lists once you have your nicely formatted email I want you to save the message as a draft I'd then like you to turn on the reading pane and display it across the bottom of your emails we're going to group your emails by conversation and if you have it turned on already I'd like you to turn off the focused inbox feature finally I'd like you to customize your view for your inbox only and add in the category mentions and Flag status columns so quite a few different tasks for you to carry out there I have confidence that you're completely successful II see how you get along with that and I will see you in the next section hello everyone and welcome back to my course on Outlook 2019 we've made it all the way down to section 4 where we're going to start exploring the wonderful world of searching for emails in your inbox now if you're anything like me my inbox is normally completely overflowing and I tend to keep most things I really dislike deleting items which is fine but sometimes it makes it a little bit difficult to find the items that I'm looking for if I'm trying to dig out an old email and I can only remember something tiny about that email so this is where search in Microsoft Outlook comes in really handy so let's take a look at some of the options that we have for searching now your search bar in Outlook is located just above your email list so just here where it says search current mailbox and we have a free text field here where we can type in our search term and then next to that we have our scope so where are we searching so I currently have current mailbox now what that means is it's going to search every single folder in my train at Deb Ashby mailbox so all of these folders listed underneath will be included as part of the current mailbox if I was to select subfolders that's purely going to search in any subfolders that I have based on the folder I'm currently clicked on so I'm currently clicked on my inbox and I haven't actually created any subfolders yet but if I had maybe I've got 20 or 25 subfolders selecting the subfolders option will search through my inbox and all of its subfolders I can choose current folders so again if I clicked on maybe one subfolder I can choose to search specifically in there I could search across all mailboxes so we saw earlier how I managed to add my personal account into my Outlook I've actually removed it again but if you have multiple mailboxes attached to your Outlook account you can search across them all so it's like a universal search across all of your mailboxes that you have attached and the final one here is all outlook items now what that means is that it will search for whatever keywords you've typed in across everything in Outlook not just specific to mail so it will search across your calendar across your contacts your notes your tasks so on and so forth so don't forget about that on the end there you really need to specify the scope in order to get the most out of your search results now I'm going to keep mine on current mailbox I don't currently really have a great deal in here so I'm fine to do that now one thing you'll notice is that as soon as I click in this free text field to type in my search terms you'll see that I get a contextual ribbon pop up remember they only appear when we need them so outlook has determined that because of where I'm clicked I'm about to do a search and it's popped up my search contextual ribbon and this really helps me refine what I'm searching for and we're going to dip in and dip out of some of these options now one thing you'll see that's highlighted on this search ribbon is current mailbox so let us pick that up from the scope that I've selected in this drop down on the right hand side now the first search I'm going to do is a fairly simple one I'm just going to type in a keyword and see what emails it brings up so I'm going to type in Excel now you'll see that I haven't even had to press the Enter key it automatically just does the search as I start typing and it's pulled back for emails all of them contain the word Excel and that word is highlighted in the email so really simple just to do a keyword search now something else that I can do in here is I can search for two different keywords all more than that so say I want to search for the words excel or training all I need to do is type in Excel space or training and now it pulls back all emails that contain the word excel all contain the word training I could carry on going further so I could say or sales and it will pull back a lot more alternatively so I'm just going to highlight and press my Delete key I could say excel which will pull back those initial four emails that contain the word excel and training so now I only have three emails that contain both of those words I could say and sales and now I have no matches so don't forget that you can combine keywords together using those and/or or switches so that's one way that you can search in your email specifically for key words now I'm going to click the cross to close this search down and we're going to start again let's jump up and click in as search current mailbox to get our contextual ribbon back and let's look at some of these refine options that we have on this ribbon so you can see here I can refine my results by from subject has attachment categories so on and so forth so if I click on from you can see in the search field here it puts the word from and then it's inviting me to type in a sender's name from Jamie and it pulls back Jamie's email I can clear that search once more I could choose to search by subject so again subject I could type in a keyword so I'm gonna say subject sales and it pulls back all of the emails that have sales in the subject line now this has produced quite a long list so I could then go through and refine that a little further so if I was looking for an email that has sales in the subject line but also hasn't attachment I can then say has attachments and it adds that criteria to my search terms so now I'm only seeing emails with sales in the subject line which have an attachment and I can see that indicated by the safety pin icon I could then refine my search even further if I wanted to by specifying a date range so maybe I'm looking for a mail that was sent today or yesterday or last week and I can go through and I can select one of these options so let's say last month it's going to refine that so straightaway its pinpointed one email that meets all of those conditions sales in the subject line has an attachment and was sent last month and you can see in here you have lots of other options so if you've applied categories to your email you can search by the categories that you've applied if you've got items flagged or if you have things March is important you can utilize all of these to really refine that search down there is also a more drop-down just here and you have a whole host of different options so if I was looking for a keyword within the body of an email I have an option for that as well so let me get rid of all of the options that I've put in there so far I'm gonna click back in my search I'm gonna go to more and I'm gonna say body so I'm gonna type in the word review in the body field and there we go it's pulled back all of those emails now another option that's really useful here is to utilize recent searches so when you click the recent searches drop-down it's going to show you the last 10 or so searches that you performed on your mailbox or folders so if I want to backtrack and just run a search and pull up everything that has the word excel in it I can go back to the very first search I performed and select excel and it's going to pull that list back so remember this constantly updates as you do new searches but that's a very very useful option to find items you were looking for previously now the final thing I'm going to hi lights on here is this search tools section as well so if we go down to locations to search you can see it's essentially searching the two mailboxes that I have so I have one of my old outlook data files in here and also my current mailbox now what I have underneath is an advanced find and what you'll find is that a lot of these options are similar to the ones that you have in this refine group but again you can type into here keywords you can choose where you're searching so in the subject only in the subject field a message body or in your frequently used text fields you can search for a particular sender or who it was sent to you can define things like only searching for mail where you were the only person in the two line so it was just sent to you as opposed to having lots of other people copied in you can refine your search by that as well and we have two more tabs up here with loads more search choices so you might want to say you want to search for only items that are currently unread only items with one or more attachments or no attachments you might want to search by importance now we haven't covered this yet we haven't marked an email as important but when you do you can search for normal high or low importance you can search for items which have been flagged by you so again when we start adding flags to emails we can run some of these searches or you can say match case so for example I could type in excel in capital letters and it's only gonna find emails where it exactly matches that case so only where I have the word excel in capital letters it won't pull back any items that have excel in lower case so numerous different options for you to explore in there as well if you want a bit of a deeper dive on your searching and then finally we have an advanced tab where you can start doing some really fancy things like adding in fields so you can essentially construct your own sir so let me just briefly show you this if I go down to this field drop down I'm gonna say frequently use fields and that I want to search on these subject it says subject contains I'm going to say Excel then once I've typed that in I select add to list and it's going to move it above and I can then go through and build up some more fields so I'm searching for emails with the subject is Excel and I'm going to say address fields and I want to search for emails from Jamie add to list and I could go on building up my search criteria then we could say find now and there we go below it's now found that one email from Jamie that contains the word excel in the subject if I want to search again I can say new search this says this will clear your current search which I'm okay with I can go back and add in more criteria so you have some advanced find options lurking underneath search tools as well and don't forget if you want to clear your current search results you just need to click on the cross or click on closed search on the contextual ribbon and that will pull all of your emails back so that's the basics of how you search in your outlook inbox and across all of your other in boxes and folders in the next module I'm going to show you how you can create something called a search folder which is greatly going to increase your efficiency when looking for mails in Outlook so please join me for that hello again and welcome back to my course on Outlook 2019 in this section we've been looking at searching and in the previous module I showed you a few different techniques different ways and things that you can utilize within Outlook to really zero in on the Mail's that you want to find in this module I want to talk to you about how to use search folders because search folders can be a way of helping you run searches that you run on a frequent basis with the most efficiency now the best way for me to explain this to you is really just to show you so if you do want to create a new search folder you need to jump up to the folder ribbon and you'll see the second option we have there is new search folder keyboard shortcut ctrl shift P and if we just read the screen tip just there it says a search folder displays messages based on a specified criteria some examples of search folders include all messages flagged for follow-up and unread mail so let's click on new search folder now what I'm given here is a list of criteria that I could specify for my search folder so maybe on a very frequent basis I like to see just the males that are unread in my mailbox and the top option there is unread mail so I'm gonna say ok now what will happen here is it will run that search so you can see now it's showing me all of the messages that I have unread but also if you look over to my folder pane you'll see that now at the bottom I have a folder that says search folders and it's showing me unread mail so it's automatically created a folder for me that will stay there in my Outlook now if I wanted to I could right-click on here and I could rename that folder so if it has a bit of a strange name or you want to call it something else you can definitely do that in this case I'm fairly happy with unread mail that is meaningful enough to me now when I click back on my inbox which is going to pull back all of my mail you can see that that unread mail folder is still there at the bottom so if at any point when I'm working I want to jump back in and check my unread mail all I need to do is click on the search folder to see that so that is the first example of a very simple search folder let's do another one I'm going to go back up to folder new search folder now what about if I'm always very interested in mail coming from Marcus so I could say create a search folder for mail from specific people now underneath it says show mail from these people so if I click on choose it's gonna jump me to my Outlook address book now currently it's display my global address list now I want to see just my context so I'm gonna go to contacts I'm gonna select Marcus and make sure he is in that from field and click on OK so now when I click OK it's going to run a search for all mails specifically from Marcus and create a search folder based on that criteria and there we go I can see that I have four emails from Marcus and I can see my search folder has been created now in this case I don't particularly like the name of that search folder it's very long it's got Marx's whole email address in there so again I could right click and say rename folder alternatively if I jump up to my folder ribbon you can see I have a renamed folder option up there as well so I'm just gonna say Marcus mail and again if at any point I'm working away in my inbox if I want to see all the mail from Marcus I can just click on that search folder and it reruns that search so hopefully you can see as we're going through these simple examples the benefits of creating your own search folders let's do another one new search folder now one that I find quite useful to have is this large mail search folder as we work more and more with Outlook sometimes we're receiving mails that are really large in size so they might have multiple attachments they might contain the like PowerPoint presentations that have loads and loads of graphics in them things like that and sometimes it's good to run a search on all of your emails particularly if you're trying to do some housekeeping to search for all of your mails that are very large in size so I always like to have a large mail search folder and I can choose the size of the mail so currently I'm saying show mail at least this large a hundred K but if I wanted to I could go in and I could modify that during this example I'm just gonna keep it at that I'm gonna say okay and it creates me a large mail folder so again I might want to rename this folder and just say large mail so it's a great way of if you find that your Outlook is starting to fill up or maybe your IT admin has come to you and said you need to archive some emails if you want to quickly find your emails that are the largest in size that is a great search folder to have access to well let's do another one up two new search folder and this time we're going to jump down to the bottom because right at the bottom we can create our own custom search folder and it says to specify the criteria click on choose and it's asking me for the name of my search folder so I'm going to say Deb's custom and I'm then going to specify my criteria and this takes me back to this search folder criteria dialog box and we looked at this in the previous module so this shouldn't be too unfamiliar to you so maybe I'm interested in creating a search folder for emails that have excel in the subject field and I could go through and set lots of additional options so if I wanted to see all of the emails that have Excel in the subject field and come from a specific person I could add that into here too so you can really build up your criteria and essentially create a custom search folder now in this example I'm just going to add in and click on okay I'm going to say ok and ok again and you can see has automatically run that search it's pulled back to results and if I look in my search folders I now have a Deb's custom search folder so that's pretty much it on creating search folders hopefully you can see how useful they can be and you can create as many as you like to your heart's content one other thing we're going to start to do here before we move on is I'm just going to show you how to add folders into your favorites I'm going to show you this now because we are actually on the ribbon that we need to be on so if you can't rise up to the folder ribbon and right in the center we have this little add to favorites button and what this will do is that it will move whichever folder I have selected to this little favourites area which appears just at the top of your folder list and again the idea is it just makes it quick to access your most frequently used folders now I'm gonna move my large mail search folder up to this favorites area so I'm going to select it I'm going to click add to favorites and you can now see it's moved to the top of my folder list so all that means is that if I have my search folders closed it's nice and quick for me to be able to run that particular search now we are going to add more folders to favorites as we go through but I just wanted to drop that in before we move on to the next module that's it for now I will see you in the next module hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're now down to practice exercise 3 where we're going to practice everything we've learnt in relation to searching in this section so the first thing I'd like you to do is to search your email for all mails received in the last week now again this criteria isn't set in stone it really does depend on what you have in your email inbox so if you don't have any emails received in the last week then please feel free to use a different search criteria I'd then like you to search in your email for all mails with attachments and again if this doesn't apply to your email inbox then please choose a different search criteria once you've practiced searching a couple of times I'd like you to clear the search results but then like you to create a new search folder that finds all unread email if you don't have any unread email then please create a new search folder that searches for all large mail I'd then like you to move that search folder to your favorites area so it's easily accessible now that should be more than enough for you to be getting on with good luck and I will see you in the next section hello everyone and welcome back to this course on Outlook 2019 well all the way down into Section five we're going to start talking about how you can organize and manage your emails and the first topic we're going to cover in this module is ignoring conversations now we've spoken before about conversations and just to make this a little bit easier to understand I've actually gone in and I've turned on my show as conversations option so you can see that this top email here has gone back and forth between me and the recipients so this essentially all of these emails grouped together is one conversation now it might be when you're in the process of having this back and forth conversation maybe you're just cc'd on this email chain that you decide that it's no longer relevant to you so I'm sure we've all been in the situation where maybe we've had an email that's been sent out to five six seven people it's going back and forth people are replying and maybe as the conversation goes through it starts to become less and less relevant to us or maybe it wasn't really relevant to us at all but we were cc'd for some informational purposes regardless maybe we want to take ourselves out of this conversation now in the past I know that I have received emails from people saying please can you remove me from the CC line just so that they no longer receive these emails but now you can essentially do it yourself by utilizing the ignore feature and what it will do is when you ignore a conversation it will remove all messages related to that conversation that you've got selected and it will also move any future messages that come in related to that specific conversation to your deleted items folder so let me take this one as an example as we do have a bit of a conversation going on here I'm going to select it I'm going to jump up to the home ribbon and in the delete group you'll see that I have an option to ignore and the keyboard shortcut there is ctrl + delete and the screen tip tells us move current and future messages in the selected conversation to the deleted items folder so if I click on ignore it's this action will apply to all items in the selected conversation I'm happy with that so I click on ok now it's telling me that this conversation and all future messages related to this conversation will be moved to the deleted items folder and again I'm happy with that so I'm going to say ignore conversation and they are instantly removed from my inbox now if I jump across to deleted items I can see that there are those messages in there that I've just ignored so what that means is that when someone else replies to this conversation they're going to go directly to my deleted items they're not going to come into my inbox so again this is a great feature to use if you've been cc'd on something which isn't particularly relevant to you or you want to remove yourself from further replies now seeing that if you have ignored a conversation and you want to stop ignoring it you can essentially do the reverse so let's jump into deleted items and what I'm going to do is because I don't have these grouped by conversation I'm going to go up to view and I'm gonna say show as conversations in this folder and there I can see my conversation at the top so I'm gonna select it I'm gonna go to home and you can see that the ignore button is highlighted in grey so that really tells me that this conversation is currently being ignored so all I need to do to stop ignoring is click that button again I'm gonna say ok and now my option is to stop ignoring the conversation so I'm gonna say stop ignoring and then when I go back to my Inbox that conversation is back in my Inbox so another really great little feature to help you declutter the emails that you're receiving that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello again this is Deb and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're down in section 5 where we're exploring the options that we have for organizing and managing our email and what I want to explore in this module is the process of deleting and archiving in order to assist you with mail management now when it comes to keeping your inbox streamlined and keeping your inbox size low you're probably going to want to start either deleting or archiving your emails now I like to do this on a weekly basis so on a Friday afternoon I set aside an hour or so for housekeeping on my mailbox and during that period of time what I'll do is I'll go through all of my emails I'll move the ones that I want to keep to maybe a subfolder from within my inbox I don't delete the ones I don't need and anything that I want to keep but I don't necessarily need to have access to immediately I will archive so what I want to do here is show you those different processes so currently I'm clicked on my inbox and I'm clicked on my other folder and in here I have some non urgent email so what I might do on a Friday is take a look at this email and I may decide that some of these messages from the office 365 message center I don't need anymore so what I probably do with this type of message if I don't want to keep it I'm just going to delete it now there's a couple of different ways that you can delete messages you can either highlight the mail as I have done here and press the Delete key on your keyboard alternatively you can jump up to the home ribbon where you have a delete command in here and you can also see from the screen tip that control D is the shortcut key summon I click deletes that mail is deleted from my other folder and what actually happens to deleted mails is that they move across to your deleted items folder so essentially when you're deleting something you're not deleting it permanently so if you do by mistake you can jump into your deleted items folder find the message and you can restore that if you want to and if I wanted to pull this one back through all I would need to do would be to click and drag it back to my inbox now one thing that's worth noting here is that if you do have a lot of email and you're trying to reduce the size of your mailbox and as a side note if you're interested in finding out how full your mailbox is if you jump up to file you'll see just here the size of your current mailbox so mine's pretty empty is this is just a training account and you can see that I only have a very small amount in my mailbox but if yours is pretty full you would probably need to think about going through your emails and either deleting or archiving now when I say deleting as we just saw here it moves your email into your deleted items folder so it doesn't technically reduce the size of your mailbox because essentially your mail is still within your mailbox it's just in the deleted items folder if you want to really make a dent in how much space you're using you would then need to go into deleted items and delete it permanently from there so for example I could select these top three emails by holding down my shift key and if I click on delete I get a message saying these will be permanently deleted I say yes and those are permanently gone so that will have an impact on the overall size of my mailbox so the point I'm really trying to hammer home here is simply deleting mails from your inbox doesn't necessarily reduce the size of your mailbox you must delete them from your deleted items to have any impact on that whatsoever now an alternative option is to archive your emails and there's a few different ways that you can do this now one thing you need to understand about archiving is that your mailbox is essentially a PST file so all of your mails are essentially stored into what we call a dot PST file and it's this that grows in size the more emails that you have when you archive emails they go into a different PST file so essentially by archiving it does help reduce the size off your mailbox because you're moving them to a different PST file and the good thing about archiving is that you can still access your emails but they're not taking up space in your email account so at the time I will archive emails that I don't necessarily need right away but maybe I will want to refer to at a later time now I'm going to show you a few different ways that you can archive so again I'm just going to jump into other I'm just going to use one of these messages as an example so let me take this my analytics message if I want to archive this particular message there are a couple of different ways that I could do it so I could right-click and in my right-click menu right at the bottom I have an option to archive alternatively if I jump up to my home ribbon next to the delete button I have an archive button and as I hover over it says move this item to your archive folder with a shortcut key there of backspace so I'm going to click on archive and that message has now been moved out of my mailbox out of this PST file and into my archive PST file and you'll see on the left-hand side that you actually have an archive folder so if I click on this you'll see that email now sitting there now some other options that you have when it comes to archiving you'll find in the backstage area so if we jump up to file and in this info section if we go down to tools you'll see you have a number of different options to help you manage your mailbox so one in there is empty deleted items folder so if you just want to do a blanket delete of everything in your deleted items you can do that from here you can also choose to clean up old items and this will allow you to archive whole folders and subfolders so I could then go through I could choose a folder or a subfolder that I want to archive and if I just want to make sure that I am archiving older items I can set a date in here so I could say archived items in the folders I've got selected that are older than as civic date so I won't want to say archive everything in my inbox that's older than the 17th of January 2020 and what you'll see is that it's archived those emails and the left-hand side I now have an archives folder and if I expand and click on the inbox I'll find all of my archived email so I still have access to them but they've essentially been moved out of my PST file out of my mailbox into my archives PST file so doing this method does have an impact on how much space you're using in your mail account so that is a nice way of archiving very quickly all old items in a specific folder or subfolder now another thing I could do here to help me with this is I could set up auto archiving now again some people don't necessarily like this they prefer to archive mails manually themselves or select those specific date options but if you want Outlook to auto archive all old emails or archive by criteria that you set on a regular basis you can set up Auto archive in so again if we jump up to file and this time go down to options and we want to click on the Advanced tab just here and you'll see right in the middle we have an auto archive option and it says reduce mailbox size by deleting or moving old items to an archived data file so if I click auto archive settings I can then specify how often I want outlook to run an auto archive so I could set that to a week to two weeks to every month and then I have various other different options that I can customize such as where those items are being moved so on and so forth so this might be something that you want to set up to automate the management of your mailbox size so definitely worth exploring some of those options and setting up to best suit how you like to work now again if you have archived an item and if I just click on the archive inbox and you and move those back to your mailbox again you can select them and just drag and drop back to your inbox and all of those emails are back again so really nice simple way of managing your inbox size by deleting and also archiving that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello again and welcome back to my course on Outlook 2019 we're still down in Section five talking about organizing and managing your email and in the previous module we took a look at how to keep your mailbox size under control by deleting and archiving your emails in this module I want to highlight to you another little feature that's available within outlook 2019 called clean up conversations and you'll find this option on the home ribbon in the delete group and it's just here and you can see it has a little drop-down arrow because we have a few different options underneath cleanup now if you've never used this before let me just briefly explain to you how this can be helpful to you now the idea of the cleanup command is really to remove redundant email conversations from your inbox now what do we mean by redundant email conversations well if you can imagine you've sent an email to Alex and Claire and both of them have responded to you and they've also included your message so you receive an email but has your original message Alex's response and Claire's response you may reply and include the entire message string in your conversation so now Alex and Claire can see the original message their responses and then your new reply and it goes back and forth like this leading to a very very long email string so what clean up does is it analyzes the conversation or the folder of conversations and will remove any redundant conversations so essentially if when outlook analyzes this conversation between the three of you and it sees that Alex has included the original and all of the replies in his reply it will clean out the rest of those messages as they're deemed redundant as all of the information is in the one message that Alex has send you so instead of having a conversation which repeats the same thing over and over again through the replies it will just leave you with one message that has the entire conversation in it and that's what the clean up command can help you with now as we just saw we have a few different options and it really depends what you want to apply this to so I'm clicked on this top message just here where there's been a few different replies and I could choose to just clean up the conversation alternatively if I want to apply this setting to the entire inbox folder I can say clean up folder and it's gonna remove redundant messages from every conversation in the selected folder so in this case that would be my inbox and I could also say clean up folder and subfolders so that's gonna remove redundant messages from every conversation in the selected folder so in my case inbox and any subfolders that I have off of my inbox now I don't have any as yet but if I did I could apply this setting to all of the subfolders as well so it really depends what you want to do so I'm going to say clean up on this top conversation it says this action will apply to all items in the selected conversation I'm gonna say okay and you can see now that little expand arrow has disappeared because everything is now just contained in this one email so essentially instead of having four different emails sitting in my inbox repeating the same information is deleted those redundant conversations and just left me with one email that contains the entire string so this is another utility for really keeping the size of your email inbox down now it's worth noting there are some settings with regards to cleanup that you can explore and modify and you'll find those underneath file and if we jump down to options and go to mail you'll see as we scroll down there is a whole section here on conversation cleanup so you can specify a folder for cleaned up items to go into and then you have some other settings that you can turn off or turn on depending on how you like to have your inbox set up so definitely have a read through those if you feel this is an option you might like to utilize that's it for this module in the next module we're going to be exploring wonderful world of categorizing and flags so I'll see you then hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 this is still dip and we are still working in section 5 where I'm showing you some utilities tools and commands for managing and organizing your email a little bit more efficiently now in this module I'm going to introduce you to the categories and the follow-up features and these are two really useful commands to really help you manage your emails and also organize and group together your emails now Before we jump into these features I'm going to add another field to my email so you can see already on the end here I've got the categories common which is absolutely fine I'm going to utilize that in a moment but I'm also going to add the follow-up column as well now a quick way that I can modify these columns without going in and changing my view as we saw before is if I hover my mouse over one of the column headings and right click you can see I have a field chooser option so I'm going to click that and it pulls up this little field chooser pane now I'm currently clicked on frequently use fields which in this case is absolutely fine and what I can do is go through and find the field or the column that I want to add to my email view so I want to add this one the follow-up flag so all I need to do is click on it and then drag it up to my columns I want it to go on the end just here I just make that a little bit bigger and there we go we have our follow-up flag column and what I also might want to do is this CC column I don't really need this it's getting in the way I can remove this column as well and the quickest and easiest way of removing a column is just to click on it and drag it off until you get that cross let go and it deletes it so very quickly I've been able to reorganize the columns that I'm seeing now I will say that if you wanted this setup to apply to all of your folders and subfolders it probably would be a good idea to save this as a new view and then apply that view to your other folders and subfolders other you're gonna have to go into each one and do exactly what I did there which isn't the most efficient way of doing things so now we have that organized so that we can see our categories and have follow-up flags let's take a look at how we can utilize them to help us manage our mail and we're going to start with categories now you'll find the categories option on your home ribbon in this tags group and it's this big colorful button just here and as I hover over you get the screen tip and it says categorize this item category is applied to a conversation will be applied to all current and future items in the conversation now what categories essentially allows you to do is group together conversations of the same type and you can go in and then you can do things like search on all categories things like that now when we click the drop-down you'll see that our categories kind of have a generic name at the moment we just have blue green purple orange red and yellow now these aren't particularly meaningful so for example if I wanted to group together emails that were related to the sales budget I might want a category that says sales budget instead so what I can do is I can jump into all categories I can select one of these generic names so blue category in this case and I can say rename I'm going to call this sales budget I could if I wanted to go in and change the color of this now I'm fairly happy with it being blue at this moment in time and I could also assign a shortcut key to this particular category so I'm going to say ctrl f2 and they're going to click on OK then what I can do is I can go through my list of emails and anything that are related to the sales budget so I'm going to say this one and also this one so I'm going to hold down my control key I can then go in and assign this category to those emails and you'll see that that will appear in the categories column so essentially I've grouped them together and I have a visual cue to show me that I can then do the same so I can go back into categories go to all categories and I might want to change the green category to emails that are related to project alpha I might want to change orange to emails that are related to project beta maybe purple is for emails related to marketing maybe red is going to be things related to meetings so on and so forth and you can go through and add new categories if you wish as well so I'm gonna do one here called personal and I'm gonna give it a dark color and I'm gonna say okay and that will add that one in as well and click on OK so now I can go through and I can apply some of these categories so I'm gonna say I'm going to say these two are going to be related to meetings and you can see that it's applying it to all conversations that I've had with in that email I'm gonna say this one and this one are related to project alpha this one is project beta this one is going to be related to marketing so for this one I'm actually going to create a new category so again I'm gonna go into all categories I'm gonna select yellow I'm going to rename it and this one is gonna be related to training I'm gonna tick it and I'm gonna say ok to apply that category so essentially what I'm doing there is I'm grouping together and categorizing emails of the same type now another option I have in here if I select this email up here which doesn't currently have a category is I could set a quick click category now what this would be is if there is one category that you use way more than any other you might want that to be the default so if you can just click and it will apply that category so I'm gonna say that the majority of my emails at the MoMA are related to project alpha so I'm gonna click on okay and then if I select this top email if I go over to my categories column and click it automatically applies that project alpha category so again that just makes me much more efficient when I'm applying my categories now aside from the visual representation and the grouping together you can also use categories very effectively when searching for specific email so you can search by category so if I click in my search box you can see in my search tools ribbon I can refine my search results by category so I might want to see all of the emails I have tagged as project alpha it's going to go away and it's gonna filter by just project alpha category so a really nice way there of grouping together your emails of being able to search for them easily and this is one of the options that usually I will add to my quick access toolbar and you can see that I have over here we added it at the beginning of the course and just makes it super quick and easy for me to be able to add particular categories to my emails now the second option I want to talk about in here our follow-up flags and again you'll find these next to your categorize option in this tags group and if we click the drop down underneath follow-up you can see we have some options today tomorrow this week so on and so forth so if I take this email just here from Marcus with the subject doc for a few maybe I have to review that doc by tomorrow so in order to remind myself of that I might want to set a follow-up flag so I can go up to follow-up and I can say tomorrow and you can now see in that column it says follow-up I could also add a reminder on that so I might want to say remind me tomorrow which is March the 17th at 9:00 a.m. that I need to follow this up somewhat I'll now get is a little pop-up reminder which will serve as a reminder to my self that I need to follow up this message and what you'll see again if you look at this email is that now in the reminders column we have that little bell icon so I know that I've set a reminder on that so you have all different kinds a follow-up flag that you can add depending on when you need to follow up this email by and aside from today tomorrow this week so on and so forth you do have a custom reminder as well so you can define all of the dates and times yourself now if you've marked items for follow-up and you've followed up and you want to remove this follow-up flag or essentially tell Outlook that this has been completed if you jump up to follow-up again you can see that you have a mark complete option now I can see here that the reminder notification has disappeared from this email but it still says follow-up in here but if I hover my mouse over you can see there's a green tick next to it now I could go back up to follow up and say clear flag which will get rid of it however if I turn this back on so let's say tomorrow again what I could do is if I wanted to see the exact status of this flag I could add another column and this time I'm going to choose flag completed date and I'm going to drag that up here and currently they all say none but if I was to complete this follow up flag so it's got to follow up again and say mark completes it's essentially going to I make this a little bit bigger for the moment give me the date and time that this task was completed on like so now one other thing that I want to just touch on here because we are going to explore this a little bit later on is if I mark this email with a follow-up flag so I'm gonna say next week and then jump across to my tasks had to switch to tasks if you just go to your folder pane it's one of these icons at the bottom if I click on my tasks you can see that that email has now been added into next week so it's showing us something I need to action next week now we're going to cover this more when we get to the tasks section but I just wanted to briefly show you that it does pull into there as well similarly if you are viewing your outlook using the to-do bar and you're showing tasks you'll be able to see it in there as well so it's a really nice way of keeping track of the things you need to follow up on any action you need to take in the future and again when it comes to searching you can of course search via any items that you have flagged and there we go it's pulling back that one that's active for next week so that's a very brief run-through of how you can utilize categories to group your emails together and flags to flag actions and tasks you need to complete in the next module we're going to talk about organizing your emails using folders and subfolders so please join me for that hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 this is Devon we're still down in section of five taking a look at how we can organize and manage our mail effectively and in the last module we saw how to group together emails of similar type using categories and also how to flag items in your mailbox for follow-up now in this module we're going to do something fairly basic we're going to take a look at organizing and managing your emails using folders and subfolders now this is something which is very common for people to do and that is the process of creating subfolders in order to store your mail in so for example I'm Kerry clicked on my inbox and all of these folders underneath are ones that were automatically created by Outlook so what I might want to do is create my own folders and move mail into those folders in order to organize it and keep mail of a similar type all together so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a couple of subfolders underneath my inbox now there's a couple of ways that you can do this you can either utilize the ribbon so if you jump up to the folder ribbon you'll see that the first option you have there is new folder with the shortcut key of ctrl shift E so I could say new folder and straightaway it asks me for the name of my folder so I'm gonna say project alpha I want it underneath my inbox so I'm gonna say okay and now you'll see that slightly indented to show that it's a subfolder I have project alpha another way that I could do this would be to click on inbox again right click my mouse and the second option I have is new folder and this time it opens up a little text box where I can type in project beta and hit enter the third way I could do this would be using the keyboard shortcut so ctrl shift e pops up that create you fold a box again and I might want to say meetings I click on ok now it's worth noting that you can also have subfolders of subfolders so for example if I've got project alpha here and I want to create a subfolder I go through exactly the same process so I could do ctrl shift e again I can say I want a folder specific to project alpha sales I want two positioned underneath project alpha click OK and now I get my little sales subfolder of project alpha and this becomes a collapsible and expandable folder so very very simple to create your folders and subfolders now it's worth noting that on this folder ribbon you can also do things like rename your folder copy the folder move it delete it all of those adminis star tasks and you'll find all of those available in that right-click menu as well now one other thing that you have both in this menu and also on your folder ribbon is the add to favorites option so again if I'm working fairly heavily on project beta at the moment and I'm utilizing this folder all the time this might be one that I want to add to my favorites and if you remember in previous modules we added our large mail search folder to our favorites as well so I'm going to select project beaten and I'm going to click on add to favorites and that will move it up to the top here now currently project beta doesn't have any emails in it so that moves me on fairly nicely to how to move mails into your different folders and again this process is extremely simple now this is where things like categories come in really useful if I want to bulk move everything related to project beta into the project beta sub folder as long as I've assigned categories as I've been going through I can use my search box I can go to categorize and search for all items related to project bata I can see I have one there I can then click and drag it to the project beta folder and now when I click on project beta I can see that that mail is there now remember we don't have our categories listed in this particular view so as I said before if you want to be able to see these columns you're going to need to save this as a new view so let's jump up to view let's go to change view save current view as a new view and I'm going to call this flag view I'm going to click on OK and then I'm going to say apply current view to other mail folders and I'm going to apply this basically to everything in my mailbox and also to sub folders so now when I click on project beta I can see those categories follow-up flags and flag completed dates so just remember that as well so a couple of the other options that you have on this folder ribbon you have the option to copy a folder so if you have a subfolder selected like meetings and you wanted to copy this to a different location you could say copy folder and then select where you want to copy it to you can also utilize the clean up folder utility so we discussed cleaning up conversations previously so you can run this on a particular folder in itself and you can also delete everything within a specific folder as well so my advice to you is that at the end of every week you go through all of your emails you apply relevant categories you use those categories to search for those emails and then you bulk move them into a folder you have created it keeps all of emails of the same type together and it just makes your life so much easier when you're searching and looking for specific emails so that's it on organizing your mails into folders and subfolders in the next module we're going to look at how you can use quick steps to process your email so please join me for that however one and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're down in Section five looking at organizing and managing our email and in the previous module I showed you how you can create folders and subfolders in order to help you organize your mail a little bit more efficiently now in this module we're going to discuss something called quick steps and what quick steps are are a way of automatically processing your emails so what exactly do I mean by that well let's take a look at some of the quick steps that we have on offer to use now jumping back up to our home ribbon in the middle here you'll see this group that says quick steps and you can see as I hover over it says quick steps you see the ability to take multiple actions in one click so essentially it improves your efficiency when you're managing your email now what we have in the top half of this quick steps box are some built-in ways to process your email so for example let's take a look at this one here that says to manager now if I hover over it says four words the selected email to your manager so I have an email selected in my inbox currently and if I click on to manager I can customize this quick step and because this is the first time I'm utilizing this it's giving me this first time setup box so what I could do here is I could leave it as to manager as the name or I could say something like Marcus and then the action I want this quick step to take is that I want it to forward any mail that I have selected to Marcus so again I'm gonna click on to I'm gonna go to my contacts I'm gonna select Marcus and click on OK and I'm gonna save that quick step so now what you'll see is that if we look at the quick step it's been renamed to Marcus and it just means that in one click any email or emails I have selected will automatically be forwarded to Marcus so I'm gonna choose from the other folder and is gonna say this email here the weekly digest I want to forward this to Marcus so he can see the office 365 changes all I need to do is go up to my quick step click and it basically creates a new email for me as a forward and it addresses it to Marcus all I need to do is click on send in order to send that email so it makes the whole process of forwarding slightly quicker again I could do something similar like if I am working in a close-knit team and maybe I'm always emailing the same team members instead of creating a new email and typing in their addresses each time I could create a quick step for a new email to my team so if I click on team email I'm gonna actually keep this as team email and then I can just add the people that I want to send this email to so again I'm gonna go to my contacts I'm gonna say Marcus Kirsty Stacy I'm gonna add all of those people click on OK and click Save so now when I want to send an email to those three people all I need to do is go up to quick steps click on team email and it's gonna create me a new email with all of those addresses automatically added so it helps you speed up the process of managing processing sending emails now another thing you can do with quick steps is if we click the drop down you can see aside from these inbuilt ones that we can customize ourselves we can create our own quick steps so I'm just going to show you a couple of examples here I'm gonna start with this flag and move quick step now again I'm going to keep this quick step with the name flag and move and then I can set the options that I want to apply so what this is essentially going to do is it's going to flag an email and then it's going to move it to a folder that I specify so I might want to flag the message for follow-up tomorrow and then I want to move it to one of my other folders so maybe I want to move it to project alpha as this email is already part of the category project alpha and I'm also going to say mark as read and I'm going to click finish so now that I have this top one selected if I got two quick steps and click flag and move you can see that it's disappeared from my inbox but if I jump across to project alpha you can see it's moved it there and it's also telling me that this one needs to be followed up so again a quick way of processing emails let's do another one so this time I have this email selected from Vickie it's the monthly report I'm gonna go up to my quick steps I'm gonna say new quick step and I'm gonna say categorize and move now again I'm going to keep this name as it is it's fairly self-explanatory I'm gonna say move to the folder and this time I'm gonna select other folder I'm going to expand my mailbox expand my inbox expand project alpha and I want to select the sales subfolder click on OK and then I'm going to choose a category that's going to apply to my message so I'm going to click the drop-down I'm going to say sales budget and I'm going to click on finish so now with this email from Vickie selected if I go up to my quick steps I'm going to choose categorize and move you can see that that email from Vickie has moved and if I jump across to my project alpha sales folder which is where I moved it to you can see that that category has also been applied so these quick steps really do help you to process emails a lot quicker and they really cut down the amount of clicks you're having to do to perform at simple tasks and I'm going to leave the rest of these for you to explore you've seen how we can utilize a couple of them and they all work along the same lines they're just performing different actions now this custom section at the bottom we're going to look at in the following modules so I'm going to leave that for now but the final thing I want to show you before we move off at this topic it's just this manage quick steps option so if I click on that it's going to show you all of quick steps that you have set up and essentially you can go in here you can delete them you can edit them so if I wanted to change for example the folder which I was moving these emails into using this quick step I can customize that until my heart's content I could also duplicate the quick step which will bring across pretty much all of the actions required in that quick step and I can make some minor changes to them and what I can also do in here is I can rearrange the order that the quick steps appear so currently if you look on the ribbon you can see I have categories and move then flag and follow-up project beta so on and so forth so I might want to move team email up that list so it appears at the top I might also want to move Markus to second in that list because those are the two that I utilize most often and so I want them showing at the top of my quick steps list so lots of different options for you to explore and play around with and again if quick steps are something that you utilize fairly frequently you may want to right-click and add the entire gallery to your quick access toolbar and you'll see here now I have that drop-down where I can easily access all of my quick steps no matter which ribbon I'm currently clicked on so that's it on quick steps I will see you in the next module where we're going to talk about conditional formatting in your email so please join me for that hello again everyone and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're still down in Section five where we're talking through different ways to manage and organize your mail and in this module I just want to show you how you can utilize conditional formatting within Outlook to make certain email messages really stand out from the rest so currently I'm looking at my inbox and I've actually connected my personal account to my Outlook in order to demonstrate this to you now what you can see is in my email list you'll notice that there is one email there which stands out more than the others and that is the email towards the bottom from a company called flash back and what you'll immediately notice is that we have a different font we also have a different color font as well so straightaway it immediately stands out to me and this might be something that you want to do for maybe messages that are particularly important to you or maybe messages that come in from your manager or maybe messages that come in from specific team members and conditional formatting is the way that you can do that so I just want to briefly demonstrate I can do that if you like that effect now what I will say is that it's not particularly obvious when you look up at your ribbons there isn't a button that we have specifically for conditional formatting unlike say an application like Excel where it's right there smack-bang on the home ribbon in order to apply conditional formatting you need to jump into the view ribbon and you'll find it underneath this view settings button now we've been in here previously when we were looking at rearranging or reordering our columns and one of the options that we didn't look at at that time and I said we would come back to it later is the conditional formatting option and you can see it says user-defined fonts on each message so let's click on conditional formatting and you can see there it takes us into a little conditional formatting dialog box now what I want to do is in this case I want to change the font and the font color for any emails that come in from news training so the first thing I'm gonna do here is I'm going to click on the add button and you can see it as a little untitled option at the bottom and I'm gonna rename that to use training I can then select the font that I want to use so if I click on fonts I can go in here and I can choose a different font a different font style and a different size so let's go through and let's apply something that looks a little bit different so let's go for this here a Bauhaus 93 now this isn't necessarily one that I would use on my inbox because it can be a little bit hard to read but I just want to choose one that's very different so that it's obvious to you in this example I'm gonna keep the font style on regular and I'm also going to keep it on normal what I can then do is I can apply some additional formatting in the form of effects if I want to have a strikeout I can or an underline I can have that too but in this case I'm just going to change the color and I'm gonna make it bright red I'm gonna click on OK so I've now set the font and the font color what I need to do now is tell Outlook what the condition is so when do I want outlook to apply this font and this font color now there are various different things I can select in here so I could if I wanted it to apply to emails that contain a certain word I could definitely do that but in this case I want it to highlight when the email comes from muse training so I'm gonna say from and then I'm gonna type in the email address form username now I could if I wanted to click on the front button and select from my contacts but in this case I don't actually have this one in my context so I'm just gonna type it directly in so there we go info news training at I'm gonna say ok ok and ok again and there you go you can now see that that email that I currently have in my inbox from muse training has now got those conditional formatting settings applied and also means that any further emails I receive from this email address will also be highlighted with the same font options now you can set up as many of these as you like you just keep going back into conditional formatting and adding new ones to really customize the way your emails look in your inbox so really it's just a nice way of making emails that are important to you stand out from the list that's it for this module I will see you in the next one hello again and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 this is Deb and we are still down in Section five where we're looking at utilities available within outlook to manage and organize your email and in this module we're really going to turn our focus towards something called rules now what rules do is that when you set them up it allows you to process your emails automatically and you have complete control over the conditions of those emails so the best way for me to explain this to you is really just to show you an example so currently in my inbox I have this email here from more yoga studios highlighted and what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a rule so I'm gonna go up to my home ribbon and in the move group just over halfway across you have a rules drop-down and I'm gonna say I want to create a new rule now because I have an email selected in my inbox the rule will assume that this is the email and the email address that I want to deal with with this rule now that might not necessarily be the case but I'm going to show you how you can get around that in a moment for the time being I'm going to create a rule for emails that come in for more yoga studios so you can see here at the top I get to set the conditions of this rule so I'm gonna say when I get an email from more yoga studios that's been sent to me and my email address so if those two conditions are met I want it to do the following so I'm gonna say I want outlook to display in the new alert window I'm not particularly bothered about hearing a sound but I want it to automatically move that item into a folder and this is why these rules can be really useful for helping you manage your emails so for example in this case I get a lot of emails from more yoga studios they might be updating me on timetable changes or letting me know about classes that are available they're not highly critical emails to me I still want to read them but I don't necessarily need them in my inbox I might have a special folder that I like to store them into so essentially what I can do here is say with this rule that when I get an email from more yoga sent directly to me I want it to move this item to a specific folder and I can then go through and choose the folder that I want to put it into and I'm just gonna say kept males and click on OK now what you also have in here when you create a rule is some Advanced Options and this really opens up a whole host of different things that you can do with your rule so you can see here it's got at the top here select condition and it's already got the two conditions I've already selected ticked but I could go through and select more options now I'm actually going to go through and do more of these in a moment for this one I'm just going to keep it with these two options set and you can see at the bottom it's just telling me exactly what that's gonna do so it says apply this rule after the message arrives from more yoga sent to me and it's going to display more yoga studios in the new item alert window and move it to the kept mails folder so that is essentially the rule that I have set up on these emails so let's click on next and again if I want to do something else with this mouse aside from move it to a specified folder I have lots of other options I can choose in here and again we're going to get into that in a moment I'm just gonna keep this rule as I have it I'm going to click Next I'm gonna click Next again and I now get to specify a name for this rule and to be honest I'm fairly happy with more yoga studios I'm gonna say run this rule now on messages already in my inbox and also turn on this rule for all future messages and I'm gonna click finish and there we go what you now see is that all of those emails from more yoga that I used to have in my mailbox have now had that rule applied to them so what should happen is I should be able to find them in the folder that I specified to move them to which was the cat mails folder and there we go there are all of my email messages so rules can be very helpful when it comes to automatically processing messages saving you the hassle of doing it manually yourself now if for some reason I wanted to edit that rule or make a change maybe I wanted to move the Mail's into a different folder what I can do is go up to rules and I have a manage rules and alerts option and this shows me the rule that I have set up for more yoga studios and it shows me all of the options I selected for that particular rule so if I wanted to edit this I would just make sure I select it go up to change rule and I can say edit rule settings and that will take me back into the rules wizard now I'm not going to change anything with this one I'm just going to cancel out of that what I am gonna do is I'm going to create a new rule directly from this window so this opens up the rules wizard again and what I get to select from this rules wizard is that I can select a template so this one will move messages from a particular person to a folder this one will move messages with specific words in the subject to a folder so on and so forth so I could choose one of these template rules or I can start from a blank rule which is what I'm going to do here so you can see the whole process now the first thing I need to select is how I want to apply this rule so I want to apply this rule on messages that I receive I'm going to click Next and this is where I can go through and really set up what conditions I want it to check for so I'm going to check the top one from people or a public group and you can see as I check it it adds it into this little section in step two at the bottom and it says to edit the rule description click on the underlined value so I can then click on people or public group and select who specifically this male is coming from now again I'm just going to type this into the from address at the bottom so I'm gonna say ready to escape at flashback comm I click on OK so currently the way this rule is set up is that when I receive an email from ready to escape a flashback comm I click next and I can now define what I want to happen when I receive an email from that email address now before we moved our emails from more yoghurt to a specific folder in this case I'm going to say forward it to and you can see it adds that condition in step 2 at the bottom I'm going to click on the link and I'm gonna say forward it to my other email address so I'm going to click on OK and you can see it's added that condition and I'm also gonna say I want you to flag the message as well so now if I click on the underlined link I can select which follow-up flag I want to apply so when do I want to follow this up so I'm just gonna say next week and click on OK click on next and this is where I can add in any exceptions to that rule so maybe I want to forward it a flag it except if the subject contains specific words or except if it's marked as high importance or except if it's sent to a certain person so you have the option of providing exceptions to your rules as well now in this case I don't want any exceptions and this isn't mandatory you don't have to add any I'm just gonna click on next I'm gonna specify a name for this rule and I'm gonna call it travel I'm gonna say run this rule now on messages already in my inbox and turn this rule on in the future and I'm gonna say finish so if we now look at an email from flash I can see by the little icon to the left hand side that that message has been forwarded according to the settings in that rule and if I look in the last column I can see that a follow-up flag has also been applied so I can see that that rule is doing exactly what I've asked it to do and once again if I go up to rules and going to manage rules and alerts you'll see that I now have both of these rules listed that I can go in and edit so you can really carry on adding as many rules as you like to run on your inbox and this is really good for managing specific types of emails again if there's like a newsletter that you get every week that you don't specifically need to read right away but you want to keep it it might be a good idea to have a rule set up that moves them into a specific newsletter folder which you can then check maybe every Friday something along those lines so it kind of just takes away the management side of emails for you by doing it automatically so rules are definitely something to explore and definitely something to set up on your inbox if you think that's going to be useful to you and of course just one final note in this rules and alerts dialog box if you want to delete any rules that you've applied you can select them and you have a delete button up there and you can delete out that rule and it will no longer be applied to any future messages that come into your Inbox so hopefully that demystifies the world of rules for you little bit that's the end of this module I will see you in the next one hello everyone and welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we've made it all the way down to the last module of this section so currently we're still in Section 5 where we've been looking at different techniques for managing and organizing your email and I just want to end this section by just speaking to you a little bit about your junk email options now junk email is essentially a folder and you can see that I've got my junk email folder highlighted just here and I have 396 items in my junk email folder so junk email is the folder where Outlook sends mail that it believes to be spam and you can customize outlooks spam filter to essentially block or maybe whitelist senders or domains alternatively you can make changes to the automatic filtering options and delete spam automatically so currently what you can see here are all of the emails that outlook has determined our spam for me now it might be that I want to go in and make some modifications to my junk mail options and you'll find all of your options related to junk email on the home ribbon in the delete group so if we hover our mouse over where it says junk and just take a look at the screen tip it says mark the selected items as junk or prevent items sent by this sender this senders domain or this group or mailing list from being marked as junk so essentially what you can do here is if I was in my inbox I could select an email or like this second one down here and I could say I think that's junk I can click on the jump button and I could say block sender a woman essentially does is it adds the sender of this email to my blocked senders list and then it moves the message to the junk folder so I'm going to click on OK and that message has now been moved across to my junk email folder now let's jump back up to that junk email drop down again so you can see the block sender option there which you can apply as you like to your emails in your inbox you can also add email addresses or domains to what we call a whitelist so never block the sender never move this particular sender or domain to junk and you have some other options for adding domains and email addresses to your whitelist as well you can also mark things as not junk so if I was to come into my junk folder and maybe I find an email that I actually do want to keep and is not junk I can select it say not junk and it will move it back to my inbox and any further emails I receive from that email address or domain will come into my inbox and they won't be marked as junk now the thing I want to concentrate on here are the junk email options because this is where you can really tailor and customize your junk email settings so what you'll find in here is that by default the junk email filter is set to no automatic filtering so sensually only emails from senders you've deliberately added to your blocked senders list will end up in the junk email folder and you can see your blocked senders list by clicking on the block senders tab and you can see here all of the email addresses that I've added to my block senders list you can also switch this to low to catch the more obvious junk email and to be honest with you this setting should be high enough for most people but if you do want outlook to be a little more aggressive you can go for the high setting but sometimes what you'll find here is that some regular mail may get caught up in that as well so it means that you're really gonna have to go in and check your junk email folder fairly frequently to make sure that it hasn't accidentally moved a legitimate email into your junk email folder and remember if that does happen and you do find an email that you want to retrieve just make sure you highlight it go up to junk and select the not junk option now this option here safe lists only so this will mark as junk any messages from a sender or domain that isn't in your safe senders list and again we have a tab at the top here safe senders so if you find that emails from a particular person are always going into junk to ensure that you do actually receive those emails and they don't go into the junk folder going forward you can add that I'm addressing to your safe senders list and then their emails will never be treated as junk email and then this final option we have here permanently delete suspected junk email instead of moving it into the junk email folder now this setting is probably most useful if you set your filtering to no automatic filtering I wouldn't necessarily recommend this if you have your settings set to high because as I mentioned before with that high option set there is a higher probability that legitimate emails are going to be moved to your junk email folder and if you also have this permanently delete option selected it means that you're going to lose those emails because instead of moving them to a junk email folder where you could easily retrieve them it's going to permanently delete those emails so again use this option with caution and the most sensible option to use this with would be the no automatic filtering option so those your junk email options and they're definitely worth going in taking a look at and definitely reviewing how your junk email is set up as I said you do have these other tabs your safe senders list and if you want to add particular email addresses to your safe senders list you can add them directly from here by clicking on the Add button and typing in the email address you can do the same with your safe recipients list you can do exactly the same with blocked senders by utilizing that Add button as well and this international tab is really for emails which are coming in from international domains so if you have emails coming in from other countries where the domain is different and you can go in and block top-level domains lists so for example if you're getting a lot of email coming in from a particular Russian domain you can block top-level domains as well in this international tab now when it comes to junk email again something I like to do on a weekly basis just to make sure that I'm keeping my email account under control and keeping that size down if I do like to just review what's in my junk email folder on a Friday afternoon I go through and I check that everything in there is genuinely junk and then what I'll normally do is highlight all of the email so ctrl a and then do a bulk delete of everything in my junk now that's not something that you have to do it's just for me there's no real point in keeping lots and lots of email messages that are junk essentially things I don't need to read in my email account they're just taking up space so again as part of good mail management and good practice I would definitely think about adding in some time again on a Friday or a day convenient to you going through and deleting out all of your junk email so that is it for this module and that is it for this section in section 6 we're going to delve into creating and sending email so please join me for that hello we're gonna welcome back to our course on Outlook 2019 we're now down to practice exercise 4 where we're going to be practicing the skills that we've learnt in the organizing and managing mail section so the first thing I'd like you to do is to create two new categories of your choice so please feel free to name these categories whatever you like I'd then like you to assign these categories to a selection of your emails I don't want you to go to your drafts folder and you should find in your drafts folder the email that you address to yourself earlier and I'd like you to send that email I'd then like you to create a new sub folder underneath inbox and call it training now once you receive that email that you've sent yourself I'd like to move the email to that new training sub folder and that is it so see how you get along with those tasks and I will see you over in the next section if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload to get four free courses in Excel QuickBooks Microsoft Project and Photoshop click over there and click over there to see more videos from Simon Says it
Channel: Simon Sez IT
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Keywords: outlook tutorial, outlook, outlook email, outlook 365, microsoft outlook tutorial, ms outlook tutorial, microsoft outlook, how to use outlook, ms outlook tutorial for beginners in 2020, ms outlook tutorial for beginners, microsoft outlook tutorial 2020, complete outlook tutorial, ms outlook, outlook 2019, microsoft outlook 2019, outlook 2019 tutorial, microsoft outlook 2019 tutorial, how to use outlook 2019, how to use microsoft outlook, outlook tips
Id: 2_gqKD1bz9Q
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Length: 200min 24sec (12024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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