Top 20 Japanese Creepypastas

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this video contains flashing lights scary and creepy contents disturbing violent and graphic images jump scares pop-ups and sudden loud noises viewer discretion advised creepypastas myths and legends can be traced back to their country of origin usually where they have influenced the people and their culture the most with the world wide web most stories can now be widely distributed to scare and frighten more people across the earth from the model II concerning to the reportedly life-threatening survivors in part an eerie warning for everyone to not pursue any action that could lead you to repeat these events coin Locker baby everything in life of one particular Japanese woman was going swimmingly she was young single and at the beginning of a great career she couldn't have expected things to get better but to her surprise they did she was courted by a handsome man and the two were instantly smitten falling in love and dating immediately those were the best times for her but it would all come to a sudden unfortunate end it had been a while since she experienced cramps and bleeding so she feared the worst she was pregnant and had been for some time when she explained this to her boyfriend he flew into a rage and disowned both her and the unborn child leaving them both all alone the woman far too inexperienced to deal with the prospect of raising a baby on her own and the idea of telling her friends our family scared her to death they would never understand that it was a mistake they would shame her and refused to help and what say was all her fault just like her boyfriend had said it would all have to be kept hidden she bought baggy clothes and concealed her belly as best as she could anyone who pointed it out would hear the excuse that she was simply putting on weight no one questioned this and she was not the sort of person to get into any trouble like that after nine months of lies and evasion it was time to give birth not wanting to go to the hospital she gave birth in her own room to a small baby boy this sight did not overwhelm her with joy it only made her dread what she would have to do to be rid of it the following morning she put the baby inside of a carrier bag and headed out from her home the traffic was so loud and the bag padded enough to keep it screams and wells hidden as she made a beeline for the local train station the long row of Transit lockers caught her eye and the idea hid her she found an empty unlocked door stashed the bag inside and shut it tight I'm sorry she whispered to the crying child I'm sorry as she left she was afraid people would hear her but no did her fear faded with every step out of the station and down the street and over the years so too did her memory it wasn't something she or most people would wish to remember and so she didn't it was a long time before she set foot inside that station again and still didn't recall what had been done as she strode across the floor to her platform she noticed a young boy crying against one of the lockers his face covered against his arm he seemed all alone and in great distress no one was near to comfort him they simply ignored the child she changed direction and stopped behind the boy resting a hand on his shoulder as he sobbed what's wrong are you lost she asked to no reply where's your mother the boys tears suddenly stopped and his cries faded slowly he turned back to her and she saw his eyes were enraged piercing her very soul it's you he shouted she remembered everything and just as quick knew no more many years later the station underwent major renovations to improve congestion allowing the staff to finally clean out the unclaimed lockers and their contents upon opening one of them they pulled out a rather heavy travel bag that looked like it had remained unopened for a very long time its stank to high heaven when they opened it they were greeted with a grisly sight the skeletal remains of a little baby boy nestled close to its decaying mother the curse of Allah our lives of life is a dedicated wife to an adulterous and terrible husband confident that she could raise their infant properly in with support however she time her husband had other plans and mine for the rest of his life sheet I have long since coveted and seduced a mistress whom he planned to marry one day the only thing that stood in his way was OVA his wife till death he figured and slipped poison into a drinking cup mere hours after she had birth their child the poison was fast-acting that caused her hair to fall from her scalp her eyes bulged in their sockets her mouth blackened from the terrible drug but she knew she always knew she always knew it was only a matter of time before perishing she took her final revenge on him and slaughtered their newborn infant as it cried in its crib sheet I hardly batted an eye leaving behind the old life and into the new but he soon came to realize that it was at a much higher cost and he anticipated everywhere he went without fail he would see her Oh wah her face better and spiteful hissed jeered at seemingly in every direction her outrage at the circumstances of her life's end at his hands was shouted through his mind for much time that followed in his private Gardens he would even witness over wailing loudly over the corpses of her dead child stoic and determined she tied continued with the courtship and before long his mistress was said to become his wife as they were to exchange kisses at the altar chichay drew back the veil of his blushing bride but instead revealed the ugly snarling face of his former part so shocked was he at disappearance that he reacted by cutting her head clean off its shoulders sheet I realized only too late as the congregation moved in closer he had not succeed in killing the ghost of Allah but in murdering his wife to be [Music] Amuro mentioned although the locals attempted to keep the property and its paranormal happenings a secret the reputation of amuro's mansion's hauntings spread throughout Tokyo than all of Japan as well as the hideous details of its backstory it's no surprise that this one building is the source of inspiration behind the infamous Fatal Frame video game series that scares players to this day stories are told of its many phantoms and gory apparitions like blood splatters all over the wall and floor and handprints dripping with red leading to bedrooms of the previous occupants the ghosts that are seen roaming the halls and out on the grounds are speculated to be the family that last lived there the most famous of these is the girl in the window who can be seen if you take a photograph of one of the windows from the outside staring into the lens some have attempted to investigate further but a flood and fear or been found dead inside its many rooms their limbs covered in rope marks a few who decided to scour the vast underground passageway beneath the property suffered a worse fate rift and slash beyond recognition at least seven of these reported deaths have still remained unsolved despite this rumors abound pertaining to just how this one mansion became the site of such a terrific haunting it said that the Himura family who lived there lived very ritualistic lives practicing ancient rites such as the strangling ritual they believe that a portal world would open in the courtyard and rein negative karma down upon their house and so countered this horrific prophecy by sacrificing a pure young girl referred to as the rope shrine Maiden she would be raised in secret kept in isolation within the mansion and away from the world for any exposure would render her unfit for the rich this would occur every 50 years and when practiced they would bind her drag her to the getaways predicted location tire arms and legs to four oxen and have them tear her limb from limb by pulling in opposite directions the blood-stained ropes would be left behind to seal the portal for another half century however as the ritual was approaching one of the ropes shrine maidens spied a boy out the window walking past the fence she became instantly infuriated with him and his consequence meant that the sacrifice would no longer work with her the sacrifice went ahead but did not work the family panicked and argued amongst themselves as to the next course of action to rid themselves of the curse but the head of the family knew he had the only solution one night he took his katana and went on a rampage throughout the mansion slaughtering his entire family before finally falling upon his own sword it was the only way to keep them safe from the great horrors that were predicted to come from the portal but perhaps what is worse is that all their spirits now remain within the mansions walls never to find peace again Oh huh guru Bukhari by far one of the least violent additions to this list the yokai ohhohh Guru Bukhari is often seen hanging around shrines and temples at Twilight appearing from behind to be a newlywed bride or beautiful woman and in the kimono she beckons over single men and seduces them with their wives the victims are blissfully unaware of anything out of the ordinary until she turns and upturns our veil beneath the brim lies an ugly featureless face caked in heavy white makeup only dark red lips exist their parted and smiling revealing deep black teeth she then cackles loudly at the horrified man she is Lord who has most likely started to flee some even suspect that at times she may appear in the homes of men who have brought her back without realizing their folly to anyone who encounters are there she is said to disguise herself as the man's wife although it is difficult to acquire legitimate reports of ohaooh Rubik tardy sightings most victims feel a great deal of shame and embarrassment at the encounter and so keep their stories a secret it is theorized that she could be a shape-shifter that likes to pull mean pranks by turning into Japanese badgers foxes or raccoon dogs others suggest she could be the spirit of an unmarried ugly woman bitter of her lack of luck in the world of romance there may also be a link to the oh-ho guru trend of East Asia which consists of teeth being artificially darkened and appearing non-existent it's no mistake she has the name o Haku Bukhari which translates to nothing but blackened teeth regardless all those who encountered her should feel lucky that the only casualty recorded at her hands has been pride [Music] the 10-day dream morning upon hearing the details of this listing you must follow the instructions included as its effects may take hold of you within three days the ten daydreams a series of sleeping visions that feature a reoccurring supernatural theme in order to progress the reverie dream you must perform the following actions whilst asleep to complete the cycle in the first dream you'll see a girl staring through your bedroom window so let her in in the following dream she'll be in your room looking at the floor muttering under her breath please please let her lay down on your bed and you must do the same by her side the third dream begins here however you can now clearly see horrific ly burnt face you must not scream nor cry for as long as you remain asleep in your fourth dream the girl will ask to go to a park which you must do without hesitation or saying a word when you arrive at the park during the fifth dream you'll notice a mother pushing a stroller upon closer inspection you'll see that the mother is a cat and her child is a dog you must kill one of them to proceed during your sixth dream you'll see an airship boarding passengers readying for departure make sure you get on board the seventh stream will have you encounter others around the world who like you have heard this story find a seat at any cost as you ride the airship and dream eight red and black roses will fall from the sky on top of you find all of the black roses you can and throw them overboard when the airship lands back at the park in the ninth dream returned home with the girl and lay down opposite each other in bed once again you will not reach the tenth dream if you do not follow these instructions carefully and upon waking up you must tell someone anyone you know about these events it is the only way to free yourself of the curse by passing it on to others if you don't you'll find yourself back in the first stream trapped in your room with the girl staring at you forever white string this creepypasta serves as a warning to any who wish to pierce their ears without professional help it originated from a tale told to children in the 80s about a young girl who wanted a piercing since all her friends were getting them at the time she pleaded with her parents for a long time since they kept adamantly refusing but knowing how other girls would go against their parents wishes anyway deep into her demands they gave her money to go to the mall and get her lobes pierced feeling mischievous the girl instead decided to pocket the money and went to a friend's house where she could get it done for free they warmed the needle punched the holes entreated it carefully it was painful but in the end a success and the girl showed off her new earrings eagerly to anyone she could a few days went by without incident until one day in class the girl felt an itch where her piercing was it was all she could do not to scratch until lunch when she went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror the skin around the look was red and swollen causing her great distress she could have sworn that her friend had taken great care to stop any of affection looking closer she saw what appeared to be a loop of string sticking out between the gap of her ring and the hole she tugged at it and to her horror the strand grew longer feeding out of her ear producing a pair of scissors from her bag she held them up to her ear and cut the string the world plunged into darkness it took some time for her to realize that it wasn't the world that had gone dark but that she simply couldn't see after a thorough examination the doctor informed her that she would now be blind for the rest of her life there was no string you cut he said it was her optic nerve the cursed Kleenex commercial in 1986 the Kleenex company released a series of ads depicting a woman in white alongside a baby dressed as a demon to the unnerving tune of it's a fine day by Jane and Barton the Japanese public was outraged by the advertisement claiming that the lyrics would bestow a German curse upon anyone who watches it the company pulled them from circulation but rumors spread that the actress who portrayed the woman in white became institutionalized died or gave birth to a demon child mysterious fatalities were claimed to have befallen anyone associated with the project even the child who portrayed the demon but as the 90s came around the memory of the cursed commercial faded from memory that is until a youtuber uploaded the original broadcast version exposing millions to its speculated curse many claimed that watching the commercial at midnight will result in the video glitching and cost issues on their systems more extreme reports have claimed that several individuals and even groups of people have committed suicide after a single viewing no one yet truly understands the full extent of the curse power so beware if you want to see for yourself [Music] dream school chroniclers of this creepypasta warned that this story is cursed if you do not forget it within a week you'll become trapped inside the dream school a young Japanese boy called K upon falling asleep found himself inside a school he did not recognize it was night outside and the halls were dark every door and window around him was locked so he walked on the long corridor he soon found that it led into a complete circle despite never bending the school was a maze unbound by the laws of time and space so he decided to deviate from the path finally he was making progress he moved through the art room by the girls toilet out the music room down a flight of stairs and into another hallway it seemed the school went on forever and there was no way of knowing where you would find yourself at that moment k heard a rhythmic sound above him when he looked up he saw an enormous clock with a large swinging pendulum he couldn't tell what the face read or Phyllis counting time or counting down back down the hall the sound of heavy footfalls equi behind him as though someone had begun chasing after him not wanting to look back k continued onward running up a flight of stairs to the first floor which should have been the fourth the pursuer grew louder as kay arrived at the audiovisual room and so decided to lose them by making random twists and turns in every direction he could he arrived at the emergency exit but the door was locked and the key missing from its case a note left behind specified that it could be found in room 108 it's okay when in search of the classroom as he arrived at the door the footsteps were not far behind there seemed to be no way of shaking them k entered the darkened classroom and shut the door his heart sunk as he saw the many hiding places that key could have in the bags hanging on the backs of chairs the teacher's desk the drawers all around the room the lockers at the back it would be near impossible to find it before he himself was caught K tried in vain but no matter where he looked the key was not there at that moment a loud banging rang out at the door kay stood motionless in tents sure would fly off its hinges with the force counting against the other side what a summon is that it started the knocking stopped it was worse to wait in silence in the dark than an overwhelming noise kay decided to open the door but what he saw stayed with him for the rest of his life the hallway was filled with the decimated bodies of school children their bodies freshly dismembered still twitching and writhing on the blood-stained floor upon witnessing the scene kay was drawn to the deepest part of the dream and unable to awaken from the horror within the only known method of escape is finding the key which should your time run out the children will appear and you can never return to the waking world Kay's real-world body slumbers still kept in an undisclosed hospital for care the exact details of how this information was communicated from Kay subconscious is still unknown economy in Japan there are many monsters spirits and demons known as yokai who exist to be mischievious some mysterious another somewhat terrifying economy are a bit of all three she appears only in the dirtiest of places as she aboard clean environments she has deformed but variations exist with multiple skin tones and colors even limbs are inconsistent among them featuring different numbers of fingers and toes they feast off filth but are themselves carriers of germs and disease so don't rely on them to leave a dirty house spotless it is wise to avoid them altogether an encounter is recounted during a young man's trip to Japan from America often considered to be one of the ultimate holidays that one can take as he stepped off the plane and got into the cab he found himself blessed with an english-speaking cab driver asking where he could find a good hotel the young man found a taxi driver quite obliging and was taken to a small hotel in the west of Tokyo everything was wider quaint but perfectly low-key except for the small inconvenience of having to go to the outside toilets better than having one in his room the first few days were fine full of tourists naps visiting restaurants and just generally taking in the sights and sounds of Tokyo the young man was having a great time the third day after a particularly exhausting trip he fell into bed and woke up exactly on midnight freezing and needing to relieve himself he stumbled out into the cold night air and soon found himself outside the bathroom door he paused however hearing heavy breathing inside and stood waiting his turn finally his bladder became too much to bear throwing caution to the wind he kicked open the door only to be greeted by disgusting sight on the floor of the bathroom lay a human figure but with skin scrubbed to the point it looked like it was ready it had a tuft of hair on its head and glowing eyes almost terrifyingly a long tongue that's scraped over the floor and slipped up grime the creature licked up every bit of dirt dust skin and blood relishing every last piece frozen in fear and no longer needed to pee the young man fell backwards and the monstrosity looked up at him retracting its tongue and hissing to show its sharp teeth he ran as fast as his legs could carry him all the way back to his room where he sat staring into the darkness grasping a heavy vase should the monster come after him eventually morning game still came a tonic with fear the young man moved the next day to the other side of Tokyo where he sat in his new hotel room and only left once or twice for food he could not wait to get back to America and try to forget the horrors of what lay and wait in the dark outside that fateful night the Red Room at the end of a long school day two friends met as the rest of the students left for home one of the boys began talking about the legend of the Red Room but the other had no idea about it according to his friend some people who were browsing the Internet were greeted with a pop-up message and that those who closed it would die at first the boy thought his friend's story was silly a pop-up that can kill you ludicrous but he was intrigued nonetheless when he arrived home he searched for the Red Room online but came up empty-handed after checking other sites suddenly it appeared a blood-red pop-up with black text the message read do you like but was cut off afterward tentatively he decided to close it and it went away with no negative consequences but soon afterward and reappeared he closed it again and again but it would always return becoming more of a nuisance than the life-threatening at one point however the boy noticed that the text had changed now the full message was clear and was read aloud by a warped child's voice do you like the red-room his confusion turned to intrigue as a list of names began scrolling down the screen all black text with the red background he realized that this was a list of all the people who had died as a result of closing the pop-up and at the bottom was the name of his friend fear overwhelmed him and as soon as he felt a dark presence behind him it was all too late his school was greeted with the sad news two days later both boys had been found dead in their homes having painted their rooms red with their own blood as part of a warped suicide pact this creepypasta can be traced back to a flash video depicting these events that some believe is the inspiration behind the sasebo slashing in 2004 where an 11 year old girl slit the throat of a 12 year old classmate with a box cutter when police found a computer the very first bookmark is that of the Red Room [Music] take a take a the variations on this haunting ghosts name are derived from the sound she makes as she walks on her hands towards her victims take a--take is often depicted as a horrific leap ailed woman with black hair brandishing a scythe or sharp weapon but what makes her infamous is that she is missing the lower half of her body her spine and insides can be seen from behind and long bloody drag marks paint her path she will only let you see her when she has selected you to be her target and well escape may sound simple tikitiki is known to catch up to speeding vehicles in order to catch her prey and once she has killed you she will tear you in half and steal your legs for however long they can serve her depending on the area you're from in Japan the legend differs with some accounts claiming that take ateke is sometimes a man or that her victims become take a take a in her stead however well there are differences across encounters all links originate from the death of one woman Kashima raikou soon after the end of World War two the American military was stationed at several locations around Japan including more on al Qaeda one soldiers I caught sight of a beautiful Japanese office worker he followed and then brutally raped her leaving once he was finished distraught and devastated by the incident she left home that night deciding to take her own life she found a bridge that overlooked the train line figuring that if the fall didn't kill her the next arrival would she left over the railing hit the ground but didn't die instead she laid unconscious halfway across the outside track when the next train sliced her in half due to the extreme cold her blood thin and she was unable to bleed out when she came round and saw the fate that befell her she tried to crawl away to get help a train attendant at the next station got a fright when he saw half a woman drag herself onto the platform reaching out for him instead of seeking medical attention all the attendant did was cover her in a plastic tarp keeping her out of sight until she eventually passed away this woman was Kashima Reiko upon hearing this story you will be contacted by take a take a either through a phone call or in a dream she will pose two questions which you must answer correctly or else she will select you to die next she will first ask you do you need your legs to which you must answer I need them right now upon hearing that she will question who told you my story and you must answer Kashima Reiko as her name kah she MA right ko translates to mask death demon ghost and accident be warned however just because you have passed the test for now does not mean she won't be back for you later Kisa ard station to chann is a popular Japanese imageboard frequented by many as a social hub much like the West's fortune here many people exchange stories and information regarding a wide variety of topics but deep in a subject titled posts about strange occurrences around you someone did just that and began with an innocent enough observation about the threads creator that the trains had been riding for over an hour had not stopped in that time she was on her way home and worried she'd missed her station but was sure the Train would have stopped at least once by now the responders suggested asking any attendants or the driver but the OP couldn't find them nor could she find anyone awake Asumi now making her identity public saw that they had just left a tunnel and eventually came to stop at Kisa dagi station she entered the station to find any help but it appeared unmanned nobody had heard of that station before where along the line it could be realizing it was probably safer back aboard the train has suni turned back but it had already departed seconds earlier no sign of a taxi assume they called her parents neither of whom knew where he stood up eustachian was but would try to find out assume he did some research of her own and discovered that the kanji for devil was written with kiss Adachi on the side not wanting to wait any longer she began walking back along the track in hopes he could find somewhere familiar any internet search of nearby town information came to dead end so she committed to a new plan kasumi's father eventually called back and told her they couldn't find the station she was talking about and advised her to call the police which she did they heard her story but believed it was a prank and chastised her the conversation on a thread turned to his soui surroundings to which she claimed to hear a beating drum and loud bell in the distance behind her through the tunnel the others advised her to return to ki sitaji station but Kasumi refused stating that she was even too scared to turn around moments later she reported briefly seeing an old one-legged man behind her who shouted hey don't walk on the track that's dangerous before suddenly disappearing she made a run for it down the tunnel eventually tripping and breaking a heel she was bleeding but mostly unharmed so finished the trek to the tunnels exit upon exiting the ISA newgy tunnel she came across a man waiting along the tracks who appeared friendly enough even flagging down a train for them both to return a civilization however the commenters were highly wary of this strange man in his convenient appearance their submissions were confirmed when he said their destination was in Heena nowhere near where they would be heading which just so happened to be back towards Keith's energy station soon he ceased talking to her at all instead muttering to himself kasumi relayed to her supporters that the journey had taken them far into the mountains beyond any realistic return of society she said that as soon as the train pulled into the station she'd make a run for it back to Kentucky through the tunnel as far home as she could but no one heard from her again Kunekune Oh somewhere out in the vast countryside or open plains near the shore you may spot a white wisp in the distance swaying and bending you'll most likely feel the urge to get a closer look don't that is a Kuna Kuna and very little is known about them but if the legends warn of anything it's the catching sight of one is very very bad but stray any further towards it gaze upon its form and you'll be driven insane leave as soon as you can lest you become another victim of its insidious trap most accounts of the kkona kkona come from witnesses we saw someone else fall under the effects of the apparition a father and son on the beach saw something out to sea when the father looked closer he warned his boy to run home when he arrived back he told his grandfather the story and the old man took off back to the beach the father was still standing there staring unable to tear away his gaze so bad was his trance that the grandfather had to knock him out to drag him off the sand another story of two brothers on a hillside sightseeing caught a glimpse of something they thought was a sheet fluttering in the breeze or a small cloud when the older brother looked through his binoculars he turned white and began muttering to himself walking zombie life back home both suffered from fits of insanity for the rest of their lives so if you to spot the Kuna Kuna out in the distance turn around walk away and warn others of its presence no matter the reason for its being there the result destroys the minds of all who are curious to discover it the Cuchillo Anna the to mouth woman is said to have one diminutive mouth on her face but embedded in the back of her skull hidden under her long hair a second much wider MA can be found complete with lips teeth and tongue apparently cursed through some misdeed the second mouth is ravenous and can continually eat food presented before it the amount of control it exhibits over the woman in habits is limited but can be expanded by causing great pain to the host and influencing her actions by whispering suggestions or barking orders it is also able to manipulate the hair on her scalp by twisting it into knots and using them to grasp food and implements for eating two conflicting accounts exist to detail the first encounter with Foucault Chiana the first centers around a rich man who wanted a wife but was afraid one would cost too much to feed as he liked to hoard his money when a young beautiful woman took interest in him she claimed that the best thing about her was that she ate very little and therefore he had found a perfect match things went well between the couple except over time the miser noticed that the vast amounts of rice he kept stored were slowly being depleted he decided to investigate one day lying to his wife that he was going to work but discovered the secret she'd been keeping from in this whole time his wife entered the storeroom he witnessed the gaping maw on the back of her head feasting greedily on his precious rice when he confronted her about it she attempted to kill him but he escaped and fled to a hideaway for several weeks after he returned from the mountains he cautiously went home and found his stores empty and his wife missing the second tale elaborates on her origins centered around a husband whose wife died leaving behind her daughter as well the father married again although the stepmother was far more terrible than her predecessor promptly abusing the daughter in favor of her own as they could hardly afford much food was scarce but the stepmother always fed her own daughter more than her husband's after much neglect the father is mourning the loss of his little girl who finally passed away reeved spend much time working drowning their sorrows by maintaining the household one day he was chopping firewood when his wife walked too close to him he hit her in the back of the head during a backswing but surprisingly she didn't die the wound instead transformed over time into a large gaping mouth that groots own tongue and teeth she was overcome with agony every time the mouth didn't feed and it soon learned to speak it taunted both her and the husband to whom it revealed his wife had allowed his daughter to die regardless of her beginnings the two mouth woman is certainly someone you want to avoid the cow head story the cow head or go Zoo as it is referred to is an ancient Japanese urban legend that tells of a mysterious creature with the body of a man but the head of a bovine however the legend is incomplete as it was discovered that recounting its details cause death to anyone who heard or read it and so to keep people safe the legend was destroyed as quickly as it could with all documents burned or torn however it is rumored that a copy of the story of its origins exists spread out across the world separated into many pieces that if read on their own may not kill but will still cause great pain and suffering to any who speak it an incident involving a bus filled with schoolchildren crashing supports the existence of the cow head a teacher on the bus claimed they had found part of a story during their trip through one of the towns of Japan and decided to read it to his Restless children the students waited for him to stop but they reported his eyes rolling back in their sockets and his clear voice turning into wild deep rambling though possessed by the time he awoke from the instant the teacher realized that they had crashed into a ditch the children foaming at the mouth and the driver unconscious at the wheel a vague detail of the origin story is known but it is speculated whether or not it is true the legend speaks of a town suffering over years of famine their crops spent and their animals all dead they were visited by the gozi who offered his services but the townsfolk overcome with hunger and desperation toward the creature ripping off his flesh and devouring every last piece once he was all gone the town was plunged into a cursed State but any details that follow have been lost to time the pale man an old man simply living the rest of his days in peace toneau may walked alone along a path through a field cane in hand helping him sense anything ahead he was unable to walk very fast as he was blind and had been most of his life without realising several figures left towards to know me mercilessly lynching the poor man to near death his money gone his cane broken his soul battered to know my cursed his blindness being unable to see his attackers and shouted if only I had eyes on the palm of my hands before dying as is part of the cultural belief in Japan to know my past into the afterlife tormented and enraged and it was that incredible negative surge of emotion that returned him to the world of the living as the pale man the eyes on his face were gone now embedded within the palms of his hands which he uses to stalk the country and towns across Japan in search of those who killed him but there's a catch to the tale of revenge to know may never saw who committed the terrible crime and so he will slaughter anyone who comes across although he has gained the ability to see he instead became blinded with rage at each and every person along his path a priest recalled one night that a boy ran into his church frightened and breathing heavy he claimed that his friends dared him to walk through the graveyard outside and on his journey he encountered an old white man with eyes on his hands reaching out to him knowing the creature was likely only moments behind the priests hit the boy in the chest near the altar while he himself took refuge in another room he could hear the pale man searching the convent his steps pattering on the stone floor minutes into the unnerving encounter the priests heard a strange slurping sound as though someone were sipping a drink from the cup it seized with a satisfied before the sound of the doors creaking open then slamming shut echoed through the building the priest dared not move until daybreak immediately checking on the boy when he opened the chest he was met with the empty flesh and skin of the child still wearing its clothing but completely empty within the pail man had sucked out his organs his blood and bones the slit-mouthed woman kuchisake-onna had hoped to keep the affair secret from her noble samurai husband but once the discovery was made the warrior bursts into a rage knowing of her incredible betrayal he sliced a permanent grin into her face and shouted who will think you're beautiful now as she died from the blood loss the first reported sightings of the Sanrio a damned spirit able to walk amongst and harm those of us in the mortal world began in 1979 the public became fearful of a so-called monster woman who stalked the nagasaki prefecture in areas close to where children would congregate accounts from survivors of witnesses state that the unusual person would approach her victim and ask them a simple question watashi could a am i beautiful those who answered no were slaughtered on the spot cut in half immediately by a pair of large scissors however as many children did reply yes she would reveal her scarred face at them before asking even like this answering no results in death and the deceased often found what the Glasgow smile carved into their own faces answering yes means you will be left alone until you return home that is where she will inevitably finish the job she started attempting to flee will result in failure as the slit-mouthed woman can appear from anywhere and confront you again intent on bringing about your death the only known method of properly countering her focus is to either answer her question of if she looks pretty even like this with a so-so which will confuse her long enough to return to safety if you have lollies or sweets on you scattering them around her will also buy you that time as she is distracted by grabbing the candy sightings of her continued into the early 2000s with her adopting a surgical face mask to hide the cuts but has since dialed down significantly perhaps her jealousy and angry spirit has finally left us or without protective society is of its children nowadays seeing the slit-mouthed woman becomes harder by the second unable to draw her out chances are however that she is simply in wait for the next one to come along [Music] the girl from the gap they've ever felt like someone is watching you in your own home ever gloves the pair of eyes staring at you through the slit of your door the crack in your wall then maybe you've been visited by the girl from the gap this youkai stalks its victims in the one place they feel most safe and waits for you to stumble across her the worst part is she could be hiding in any narrow space in your house many who have felt her presence have duct-taped their houses or sealed every hole and slit with filler in order to avoid meeting her up close but even precautions this drastic won't keep you entirely safe any small gap will do so leaving your door slightly ajar will allow her to appear even the opening at the foot of your bed where she has been known to lurk and snatch at any body part dangling over the edge once she has your complete attention she will ask you to play a game of hide-and-seek no matter the response to this request you are still doomed answering yes she will disappear and most will feel they are safe from danger time will pass it depends on the person and their habits but eventually she will appear again once you look into her eyes she will have found you and she will take you with her to the alternate dimension she came from most speculate that this place is in fact hell but no one has been able to confirm this has no victim has ever returned the elevator ritual originating from Japanese and Korean culture the elevator ritual is a solitary event it must be performed only when you are alone as any interference will prevent you from reaching your intended destination to prepare you'll need a building with an elevator that has at least 10 storeys you must also ensure that you study or leave behind a unique detail on the first floor so it will easily be distinguishable for later from here you may begin the ritual enter the elevator by yourself then travel to the fourth floor from there head down to the second floor than the sixth second again tenth and finally the fifth floor it is here that a woman may into the lift signaling the success of the first stage of the ritual however much she talks or tries to get your attention you must not acknowledge her existence as this entity will steal and keep you in another realm if you do instead press the button for the first floor if the elevator descends to the floor leave immediately without looking back or speaking should the elevator instead take you back to the tenth floor it is up to you to decide if you wish to stay within and make the return trip or else leave and explore the other world should you choose the latter the woman will ask where you going as you walk away a question to which you mustn't respond it will be the only person here and your surroundings will appear identical to the original state but to clear indicators you have crossed over to a new realm or that lights and possibly electronic devices will no longer work and a large red cross is visible in the distance be quick in your exploration as exposure to the other world has a disorienting effect causing you to hallucinate that the elevator is farther than it seems lose consciousness and you will wake up at your house although you must find out whether or not is really yours or it's alternative version to return to your world you must use the same elevator on the same floor once safely back inside repeat the steps you use to travel here in the first place until you reach the fifth floor pressing the button for the first floor at this point will cause the lift to begin ascending back to the tenth floor you must interrupt this journey by pressing any other floors button which will result in you being taken to the first floor instead before you leave make sure you see the clear identifiers that your journey has taken you back to the real world if not then repeat the return ritual again until you know for certain that you have returned to the right realm failure at any point result in the participants eternal damnation in the other world this legend took the internet by storm after the disappearance of ELISA Lam who is recorded in her last moments on the elevator of her hotel traveling to various floors and talking to someone who wasn't there [Music] hide-and-go-seek alone also known as one-man hide-and-seek or one-man tag this ritual has a very strict set of instructions that must be followed if you want to initiate the game as well as ended play at your own peril to begin you'll need the following items a stuffable doll with moveable limbs a bag of rice a sewing needle with crimson thread a sharp edged implement knives glass scissors or the like a cup of natural salt water and a hiding spot that has been purified with incense and o-fuda paper tags that are also used during exorcisms to prepare for the game remove the stuffing from the doll you have selected and replace it with the rice which will draw spirits inside cut several fingernails use only your own and place them inside with the rice seal up the spirit with the Crimson thread and tie the doll with the rest of the string next fill a bathtub with water and then put your cup of saltwater in the hiding place to initiate the ritual first give your doll and name anything but your own this will give you definitive control over it for when the time comes at 3:00 a.m. speak to the doll that you are the first it three times take the doll to the bathroom and submerge it in the tub turn off all the lights in the house turn on a TV close by and return to your hiding place count to ten with your eyes closed return to the bathroom with your weapon and speak I have found you saying the dolls name and then stab it without cutting the thread say aloud you are the next it and the dolls name as you place it back in its original spot as soon as you have done this run back to your hiding place the game has begun and once it has started you must see it through to the end or else you risk dangerous consequences do not leave the house keep all lights off remain absolutely silent whilst hiding ensure the game lasts no longer than two hours keep all your doors unlocked so you can escape if required ensure you can easily contact friends for assistance and that anyone you share accommodation with is out for the night once you want the game to end sip half the salt water and keep it in your mouth if you do not do this before you leave your hiding place there is a chance you will encounter something else in your house to find out if it is there keep an eye on the television for signs of its presence you will need to take the salt water with you in one form or another to complete the ritual so do not spit it out search for the doll and once you find it pour and spit the salt water all over the vessel declare I win three times and that is the end of the game dry and then burn the doll afterwards and don't forget to dispose of the remains did you enjoy the head low why not lick the bell icon and subscribe to see more content from us at tatsuta adios and now let's see the creators of his Hideo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 337,700
Rating: 4.9259329 out of 5
Id: hLjLhHZaxy4
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Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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