Top 20 Aquatic SCPs

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These are the people who got me deep into SCP, and I ended up loving all their videos on top of that.

I'm so glad they so hard on every video they make, it shows. They are fantastic creators and I truly respect their work.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KingNarwahl 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've seen the video and half of the entries feel like rejected spongebob or finding nemo characters

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Duckles000 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video contains and settling content and is not suitable for viewers who suffer from acrophobia and mela phobia viewer discretion advised SCP 137 safe SCP 137 one appears to be a juvenile a cystic axolotl SCP 137 one appears to age as a common axolotl would although it is fairly durable and capable of withstanding moderate changes in atmosphere and contaminants that would normally harm a member of its species SCP 137 one is buoyant in air capable of swimming up where its distances of approximately 50 meters from the ground although scp-1370 and rarely ascends higher than one meter while scp-1370 special care should be taken not to apply physical force without the intent to hold it as this may damage the object during testing protocol researchers Sanders attempted to pet one 3071 causing it to descend and then ascend upwards at a continually increasing speed until it was retrieved following these observations and additional tests it is believed that when affected by an external force that would move it downwards it generates a massive excess of buoyancy to compensate for its displacement as CP 137 one is kept in a glass aquarium located in level one at site 18 it is fed a diet of one earthworm every three days as CP 137 one is not to be handled physically scp-096 class safe scp-093 viously unknown crustacean they resemble crabs but the front limbs terminate in knife-like structures that incorporate silica to form an extremely sharp edge specimens reach a larger size than normal for land dwelling arthropods at forty centimeters tall and as large as 60 centimeters across specimens prefer an environment with ready concealment and shallow pools of water they are able to breathe both water and air splitting their time between the two environments they also are capable of vocalizations using a larynx like structure attached to the primitive lungs scp-093 havior when attacking prey when specimens detect a prey animal they will attempt to surround it they will mimic the sounds made by the creature or draw into position when ready one specimen will approach the prey animal when its attention is fixed on the first specimen others will move behind the prey and attempt to cut the tendons of the legs or other limbs they will continue to mimic the sounds of the prey animal mace to disorient it after making a cut the specimen of scp-096 over the wound the substance hardens rapidly preventing blood loss or infection this continues until the prey animal is completely immobilized at this point specimens will begin to feed on the prey animal by cutting off small pieces of flesh this begins with soft readily accessible tissues such as those of the face and extremities before moving to other parts of the body specimens of scp-093 animal is capable of respiration feeding can last several hours or several days depending on the size of the prey animal and the numbers of specimens present as CP 0 9 8 normally poses little threat to adult humans preferring smaller prey such as dogs cats and small pate however they have attacked larger prey when a sufficient number of specimens were present or else other food was unavailable members of scp-093 Andy substrate rocks and driftwood are left in a random arrangement for scp-093 is cleaned on a weekly basis during this time all members of scp-093 or death - personnel or scp-093 that appear ill or injured are removed and examined the CP zero nine eight was discovered in Brazil after a rash of child disappearances SCP three to seven object class euclid SCP three to seven is a female specimen of mammalian species resembling members of the order Serena specifically West Indian manatee the subject bears anomalous bodily features the flippers bared distinct arms and the skull and facial features resemble that of a human SCP three to seven was hit by a boat propeller five to ten years ago before retrieval as evidenced by heavy scarring of the head and back and traces of severe head trauma SCP three to seven is sapien and capable of speaking simple English sentences though it experiences significant difficulty in doing so both in pronunciation and comprehension of concepts SCP three to seventh anomalous effect is based around its primary vocalization taking the form of song similar to that of cetaceans these vocalizations are regarded as highly unpleasant to listen to and will result in severe headaches and audio visual hallucinations and humans persisting around six to twelve hours those affected will often report claustrophobia in a version to water and aquatic animals and occasionally sensations similar to that of drowning other mammals will experience the same effects during vocalizations algae and plankton with an approximately a kilometer of SCP 3 to 7 s location will reproduce at incredibly high rates the resulting album will cause considerable oxygen depletion and neurotoxin level in the area in Kazakh mass die-offs of local fish and mulch life there are no anomalous properties present in the algae itself an SCP three to seven is immune to all effects caused by its vocalizations interviews with it have revealed few concrete details of its origins due to specimens inability to adequately express the information it has implied the existence of other specimens of the species to live in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea however no anomalies resembling the descriptions have been reported SCP three to seven is contained inside a saltwater tank with insightly the tank is cleaned on a weekly basis or immediately after an algebra event all staff interacting with it or entering the containment where sound-canceling headphones any staff who report suffering the effects of its properties are removed from active duty until cleared by a staff therapist SCP three to seven is fed 15 kilograms of lettuce and assorted leafy vegetables each day accompanied by appropriate nutritional supplements English language and structure for it has been approved and carried out by doctors Amber Lee and Watson hello three to seven dr. Andre 327 ready to answer questions again very well we were talking about the song yesterday could you tell me more yes so for efficient animals so for plants sewn through people song for home so this good sum is not like this sum not like once Sona so some make things good song not good now and what happened to the song made it bit about that yes it's okay though that's all not hurt animals here you and Watson help 327 make good song back scp-1128 object class euclid scp-1128 is an entity that manifests as a massive aquatic predator to anyone given a full description of the beings appearance through either spoken or written descriptions or visual depictions of the being persons infected by it will initially exhibit no abnormal behavior though some cases show a general aversion to activities involving bodily immersion in water such as bathing or swimming should subject ever be fully immersed in water they will disappear completely under the surface of the water regardless of the waters actual death in most cases subjects will reappear moments later in a panic state and frantically try to leave the water well in some other cases the water will become polluted with blood and debris and firm to be the remains of the subject subjects that have reappeared intact claim that they were transported to a vast ocean where they are pursued by scp-1128 interviews with these individuals carries some risk factor of further scp-1128 contamination as descriptions of the beings appearance trigger further infections 1 1 to 8 infection can be traded with Class C amnestics as it appears memory of the entity or descriptions of it are required for us anomalous properties to take effect written descriptions or imagery of scp-1128 s appearance or videos of the entity brief found outside the foundation are destroyed and Class C and Ness ticks are administered to anyone exposed to such information or showing signs of 1 1 to 8 contamination a written description of the entity's appearance is kept at site for experimental purposes only and is not to be read by anyone other than d-class used for testing if exposed staff report immediately for administration of Class C amnestics mobile containment forced Kappa 12 has been assigned to intercept and redirect any and all water traffic that passes through their designated patrol area by any means necessary SCP 331 FR object class safe SCP 3 3 1 FR are species of jellyfish devoid of nee mitosis making them completely non stinging and harmless the specimen has a very pronounced purple gradient as well as a stylized golden w probably of organic design on the top of its parasol there inactive during a day generally resting and feeding on sugar however they become much more active at night in addition to exposing abnormal capacities 3 3 1 FRS immediate anomalies appear to leave an aquatic environment and move without difficulty in the air a few minutes after floating in the air it will gradually begin to produce bioluminescence it's average luminous flux has been measured at 23 lumens with peaks of 57 lumens observed at apparently random intervals which results in light flashes the result of these light Peaks is misunderstood although they seem to become much less common with the aging of the entity the specimens are extremely docile and more surprisingly seem aware of their environment and in particular of humans around them indeed the entities avoid obstacles before hitting them and in particular concentrate their activities around children by spinning around them children who sleep in the presence of three three 1fr entity report being better rested and less afraid of the dark with daily exposure they are more prone to sleep while a boost in morale is quickly noticeable 331 F are usually returns to their basin by daybreak ceasing all abnormal activity it is interesting to note that if an entity is distracted during its resting phase it will be much less active during the night which results in a slower movement of speed and a less luminous glow SCP 331 F our entities are kept in aquariums of rooms with no opening to the outside the aquariums are filled with fresh water with a supply of 14 grams of powdered sugar per week for food purposes the aquarium and water are changed every two months while the room has cleaned thoroughly every week the remaining five kits of SCP 3 3 elif locked using a key assigned to senior research or kellen all kits in the possession of civilians are seized and brought back to site Alif for storage SCP 3 3 1 FR was discovered in a town among other anomalies belonging to the doctor 1 detainment group a total of 3 kits for producing instances of scp-339 FR had been reported but only one of the two had given birth to a specimen the kits were seized and those responsible for their purchase questioned after thorough research foundation experts theorize that SCP 331 FR are not products entirely designed by dr. wonder tainment meaning they could be of alien origin but doctor 1 detainment would have made some adjustments to make them toys scp-693 class safe scp-693 a form of hermaphroditic parasitic eel they have multiple stage life cycles that use human beings as a primary host investigation has shown that 695 may be the results of genetic tampering it is capable of sustained survival outside of a host but will seek out a host whenever possible appearing to rely primarily on smell and electromagnetic sensitivity juvenile scp-693 and five centimeters long but with fully translucent skin bones adult scp-693 10 and 15 centimeters they have several hook like fins down the length of their body and can use these for both aquatic and land based movement as well as anchoring inside of the body scp-693 compounds that mimic a neural chemical signals these chemicals have a marked effect on the human nervous system and are capable of blocking and replacing conscious nerve impulses these chemicals metabolize within 10 minutes without constant injection and are untraceable by modern medical equipment juvenile scp-693 swimming in freshwater lakes and streams they will attempt to enter male human hosts when they are present in or around infested waters via the mouth nose anus or urethra once inside the body they will infest the nervous and reproductive systems and begin gestation into the adult form this process typically takes between two to three weeks and can sides with the compromising of the nervous system infested subjects will begin to experience twitching burning intense thirst light sensitivity editorial visual hallucinations and increased aggression scp-693 to maturity will begin spawning within the body with eggs migrating to the arethe rule canal after being laid genital swelling will progressively increase with the buildup of eggs in cases of tissue rupture have been noted after 72 hours juvenile scp-693 in many cases the physical increase of size coupled with feeding will cause the abdominal area to rupture they will leave via the vaginal anal and oral openings if rupture does not occur units of scp-693 contained in freshwater tanks with no more than 10 members in any single tank all water used in containment tanks are from an enclosed system separate from any outside system with all water news being added manually to the system as needed tank seals are checked daily with any signs of leakage wear or attack being immediately reported to the site security and repaired staff working with or around scp-693 area are suited in full hazmat gear at all times staff physically handling scp-693 so wholly in 10-minute increments with a 30 minute break for examination and observation staff failing to clear examination or move immediately to quarantine any scp-693 stand outside of the containment area are immediately sterilized scp-693 covered in Japan after reports of an outbreak of worms reached the local media the primary colony of scp-693 it appeared that the colony was attempting to migrate into the city plumbing at sewage systems but was prevented due to the topography of the lake 27 695 specimens have been found for male hosts and one female host for captured for testing with the rest being destroyed a CP 374 to object class Peter SCP 374 2 is a sentient being with the appearance typical of a human wearing an 1860 style diving suit it is capable of transforming organic material into a watery liquid by touching the material with its gloves as CP 3 742 - common knowledge is invulnerable MRI scans also suggest that it is hollow and does not require sustenance nor any type of energy if it touches any living organic matter its organs will liquefy in the body will Rihanna me as an extremely hostile being logged as SCP 374 2-1 90 minutes after exposure the body's become extremely waterlogged with visual signs of tissue damage the signs would be visible cracks all over the skin with water pouring out of them it's unclear what 3 7 4 2's motives are if any though researchers theorize that it believes that fish should be the dominant species as CP 37 42 is placed in a diving cage submerged 30 metres underwater the cage is made out of titanium and hung by a titanium chain to keep scp-372 from breaching containment SCP 374 2 is placed in an oceanic environment typical of a coral reef with wildlife a waterproof speaker is placed outside of scp-372 s cage for interviewing purposes a guardrail has been placed around its containment chamber to ensure scientist safety if any change in scp-372 s behavior is noted a level 5 is contacted immediately if scp-372 manages to breach containment lambda 17 is dispatched all instances of scp-372 - one are frozen has no other way to contain them is available these instances are placed in a biohazardous freezing block insite 47 if any instances escape they are terminated via an incendiary device SCP 374 - was discovered in a submersible port in germany it was brought to foundation attention when reports of a living diving suit were reported lambda 17 was dispatched to retrieve the object no casualties were reported scp-372 results for questions se3 740 are you aware of the agent that you spread a CB 3 7 Holton please cooperate with us I expect that you will cooperate you don't want us to gas your friends again sure anomalous ability have a link to the material tithing object class safe SCP 5 6 5 is an ambulatory head apparently male which appears to mimic the behavioral patterns of a species of coral crab it's chief method of ambulation is the manipulation of tendrils of unfurled brain matter which emanate from a large crush wound in the skull these tendrils are often utilized as legs allowing SCP 565 to scuttle along the sea floor like a crab but occasionally operated for motion and manipulation in a manner similar to tentacles of an octopus or jellyfish to date foundation research has proven inconclusive on how and why 565 remains animate or how it is able to manipulate neuro tissue in a manner suggestive of musculature but researchers who wish to contribute work or theory to the investigation of 565 should contact dr. Schaefer through the usual channels for an appointment and transfer interview 565 is not immune to the harmful effects of exposure to a watery environment and has continued to decay as is normal for dead tissue forensics testing has linked SCP 565 conclusively to the DNA and dental records of Edward beltram deceased 28th December approximately two years before the first known sighting of SCP 565 beltram was murdered by his wife Rebecca by striking poisoning and blunt force trauma to the head with description of the murder one matching the wound through the exposed cranial matter of SCP 565 but Ruth's Edward beltram was exhumed by foundation researchers the corpse had been beheaded the wounds suggesting the head had been torn from the shoulders with extreme force rather than cut photographs taken by bereaved family members at Belgium's funeral show that the corpses head was still attached at the time of burial and the gravesite showed no evidence of having been disturbed SCP 565 is kept in a Type three aquatic object containment tank on level 4b of site 77 it is fed twice daily and tested weekly for development or degradation of mental capacity staff who are inclined to may view 565 during at scheduled feeding times by appointment with dr. Schaefer as CP 565 was caught by a fishing trawler off the coast of reading the interviewed captain informed the foundation that 565 had been cited several times by local fishermen and was apparently living as part of a crab colony in the area's reefs video footage taken by one of the fishermen shows 565 feeding on a dead clown fish [Music] scp-1609 Euclid scp-1609 meters above the Earth's surface it's estimated to weigh a hundred and fifty-four metric tons and has a length of 29 meters it's flipper has been imprinted with a stylized image resembling clouds further observation has been hampered by its anomalous property scp-1609 jabal and will spend most of its time drifting through the atmosphere it appears to have limited control over its movements during this time one 6:08 is impossible to observe as all methods of tracking airborne bodies have proven ineffective it manifests physically once every half hour and will remain corporal for a period between 16 to 20 seconds before returning to intangibility when feeding scp-1609 then reman efest for a period of one to three seconds to consume it this effect will also cause any solid matter within its form to be taken into its body any other matter taken into one 6/0 aids body that is not consumed will be released from its body some point after being taken inside there appears to be no upper limit to the amount of matter one 6:08 is capable of holding and no additional space appears on its body to compensate for this additional mass artifacts dating back to as early as 1776 have been discovered originating from its mass members of MTF Kappa 11 track and monitor scp-1609 location and reported status to area 78 airborne personnel maintain a distance of 150 metres away from its us location to prevent their crafts from being damaged during containment events Seabourn personnel report any manifestation events they observe if containment is breached members of MTF capital 11 will follow its hypothesize location until it manifests then release food for it in a trail leading back to area 78 scp-1609 on 11th august 1929 after several whaling ships sightings of a massive airborne well reached foundation agents embedded in Tokyo Japan subsequent sightings provided cause for a foundation investigation however all investigation into the anomaly was suspended due to budgetary concerns containment began in 1976 after personnel in Tokyo rediscovered the original reports an alerted local command to the anomaly after brief scouting missions to the previously reported area the anomaly was confirmed and containment procedures were enacted as of 19th March 1980 scp-1609 t9 object class euclid SCP $44.99 refers to an anomalous variation of the great white shark instances appear identical to their non-anomalous counterparts autopsies have revealed the presence of a human-like larynx in the subjects throats hypothesized to be responsible for the anomalies abilities to produce human vocalizations notably the presence of a standard a mobile Daisy Hale in place of a human tongue should impede the pronunciation of numerous sounds particularly Baylor and alveolar consonants however listeners universally report clear and concise speech often describing into smooth and charismatic research into the possibility of kognito hazardous methods of information transfer our ongoing electroencephalography on SCP $44.99 instances reveal increased activity in the left frontal lobe atypical of standard variants likely responsible for the ability to process and articulate complex phonetics despite speech capabilities however instances do not respond to conversate and prompts instead engaging in infomercial style sales pitches for various anomalous objects directed towards any humans in close proximity $44.99 obtains information on these anomalies is currently unknown in priority status has been assigned to the containment of advertised products not currently in foundation custody the length of an advertisement vary significantly common sales pitches last anywhere from 30 seconds to 60 minutes however on several occasions a monologue was recorded lasting an excess of several hours post-test interviews revealed that approximately 85% of subjects report a vested interest in buying the advertised product stating that they were thoroughly convinced of its necessity by SCP $44.99 this is not believed to be the result of any anomalous influence but instead the highly convincing nature of its advertisements all 19 known instances of scp-1407 marine protected area instances are effects with a tracking device and are implanted with waterproof shock microchips to deter containment breaches in preparation for potential future sightings foundation monitors social media for reports of talking sharks in the Pacific Ocean and undercover Foundation agents are permanently situated at all major fishing and ocean tour hubs a joint task force between foundation operatives and members of the shark punching center has been established to respond to and contained confirmed SCP $44.99 appearances have you ever looked at your friends anomalous object collections and thought boy I wish mine was that impressive will fret no more friends because I'm here today to introduce to you the highly impressive highly collectible little mister series by dr. Wonder tainment featuring 20 unique anomalous humanoids you're guaranteed to be the envy of the whole town each order includes one random little mr. book a free collectible little mr. checklist that will automatically took itself off for each and every mr. you get finding amazing anomalies including mr. lie you won't believe the stuff this guy comes up with mr. man we guarantee he'll be the friend you only ever imagined mr. stripes if Facebook thinks they have your data ready for sale they have another thing coming as always these products are in limited supply so be sure to call the number on your screen now and don't miss out disclaimer advertise shark and advertise our party limited are not responsible for the disappearance or delivery failure of mr. longze I don't know man I just don't think a statute that kills you when you blink as much of a market no no trust me this thing is cool I can have 10 20 and Avila zoos that would kill to have one of these things dude it literally smears feces everywhere nobody's going to be to see that besides it won't do anything if everyone's watching it I've got a point what about that chainsaw that turns inanimate objects into ghosts I think you've got something there imagine the aesthetic appeal for Goths or haunted house owners yeah that's why I angle here's what I've got so far have you ever looked at the bright colourful world around you and thought this happy-go-lucky crap is really cramping my vibe and do we have the product for you introducing the chainsaw the number one product for making what you see what you saw no that's nice man along with the tongue-in-cheek slogan really catchy yeah I think I've got a bestseller here Commission's gonna be through the roof definitely got to see what Steve has to save on this SE p 0 5 4 FR object class eclip SE p 0 5 4 FR as a phenomenon occurring in some waves off the western coast of and in the eastern coast of and it's characterized by the physical transformation of affected waves to resemble the jaws of a great white shark 0-5 4fr is capable of remaining unnoticed until it's almost too late to act it's capable of forming on waves at at least 4 metres tall but the maximum height of which it can reach is unknown appearances can grow considerably if the previous of vocht individuals are situated in a distance of at least 250 meters from the coast weather swimmers divers or aquatic vehicles of moderate size injuries caused by 0-5 4fr are similar to that which could be accomplished by a great white shark but with pressure being directly proportional to the height of the effective wave injuries lethal and 68% of cases occurred during the collapse of the wave over the victim reported injuries have been simple as a removed limb to total disappearance of the victim the only method by avoiding injury by 0-5 4fr is to dive under the wave before impact all attempts of damaging manifestations of zero 5 4 FR via weapon fire have proven ineffective with shots disappearing into the wall of the water an exclusion zone of 1 kilometre has been established around all shorelines where an occurrence of scp-055 far have been observed only personnel with clearance level of 3 or higher can enter the containment zones and only for experimental purposes access is forbidden to any and all civilians under the pretext of conducting research on a population of marine mammals photos and videos taken of scp-050 far by the public are destroyed SCP three nine three four object class safe SCP three nine three four is a species of amphibious reptiles produced via anomalous means by Marshall Carter and dark instances classified as Plesiosaurus pygmies grow to only just over half the size of other pleasee source with adult males averaging 1.9 meters in length an adult females averaging 1.7 meters specimens are omnivorous and subsist on a diet of fish and aquatic flora though created anomalously instances do not possess any anomalous biological features or adaptations SCP three nine three four are highly social animals both with members of their own species and with humans however while their temperament was conductive to their status as pets the effort required to care for them was not due to their size and an altered biology specimens require specialized diet a marine habitat at least 1 million liters in volume and frequent medical care many buyers could not provide these conditions which resulted in the vast majority of 3 9 3 4 instances dying or being abandoned within two years of purchase his outcome was likely planned obsolescence on the part of M C and D as it encouraged repeat purchases of infant instances to replace dead or unwieldy adults abandoned or wild born instances of scp-323 for often react with uncharacteristic violence towards humans and other mammals a higher degree of carnivorous predation and territoriality are also common attributes of these feral specimens in at least three cases multiple feral instances mated to form wild pods the largest of these was located in Lake Champlain where six feral specimens resided prior to their containment through specialized behavioral conditioning foundation para zoologist have achieved a 73 percent success rate in rehabilitating feral specimens a pod of 59 SCP three nine three four instances are currently contained within Lake Bao Kang insight to two zeros para zoology reserve known publicly as the Bahia naturally reserved foundation para zoologist ensure that all specimens receive adequate nutrition and health care and are responsible for overseeing a breeding program designed to minimize inbreeding related genetic defects within the population bodies of deceased instances are disposed of via cremation following standard testing and examination processes reports of uncontained instances whether feral or domestic are investigated by members of MTF phi2 should a live instance be discovered it is brought unharmed to the nearest foundation facility from their transportation will be arranged to site two to zero to prevent accidental injury to personnel or the instance only members of Phi two or other staff experienced in working with Mesozoic reptiles interact with the instance prior to its arrival at the reserve SCP three nine three four were originally created in the early 20th century by Marshall Carter and dark with the intent to sell instances as exotic pets or aquarium denizens the exact processes used to accomplish this are unknown following their success MC and D used viral marketing tactics to create a demand for the specimens starting in 1933 and continuing on for the next two decades and CMD staff will heed images and stories of SCP three nine three four to the media the most famous example of which is the 1934 surgeons photo the campaign was a success and the International fascination with the Loch Ness monster phenomenon resulted in further attention MC and E capitalized on the legends popularity to sell specimens to numerous wealthy individuals of noble or industrial background in both Europe and the United States between 1935 and the present an estimated 1,200 to 1,400 instances have been created and sold SCP cn9 eighty-five object class safe SCP cn9 85 is a melody shark three meters long and weighing a hundred and two kilograms the instance can apply a maximum force of a hundred and twenty Newton's to any object within a radius of about 0.8 meters without directly contacting the object and can flexibly manipulate the object the Lorenz and Pula of sea and 985 was significantly mutated speculating to be the source of its anomalous properties cn9 85 is intelligent and can speak fluent English and Mandarin for simple conversations the vocal organ of the instance is located in the back of the mouth and the organ vibrates by vomiting water to vocalize the sound is still clear inaudible even through glass due to the good performance of SCP C at nine eighty five and the ethics committees claim it is currently contained in a large landscaped aquarium this aquarium can change water automatically and contains ornaments such as water plants corals as well as sanitary equipment constructed and described by C at nine eighty five the instance is fed 10 kilograms of fresh fish daily with the aquarium cleaned every two weeks speakers are placed on the outside of the tank for communication purposes since containment special requests made by sea n95 have been implemented one waterproof computer some computer games provide a good performance some waterproof biology books waterproof materials for adult English level tests university-related advanced mathematics personnel interact with CN 95 to maintain its mental health in communication it should always believe that it's being contained by the shark and well conversation foundation as CP C n 95 was discovered in 2005 when the Foundation's maritime patrol boat found three single submarines gathered in the same water after the patrol boat approached the submarines immediately dived and no trace was found by sonar the foundation then discovered the wounded CN 95 and after confirming its anomalous properties took it to the offshore research station for treatment and containment it believes it was beaten by thugs at the time and treated foundation personnel as staff members of an animal protection organization at the time it was set to give thanks to foundation personnel in various words since containment CN 95 has been extremely cooperative with the foundation to date it is not expressed any hostility to any personnel nor has it caused a containment breach the CQC a 19-5 hello I'm sorry doctor I'm reading what's up you seem to have been interested in university courses again why it's because of the most of that what the other day are you referring to the right I have never seen that animal in any extracurricular books around TV it ran out and injured several people it was still subdued by you in fact it doesn't know that you're protecting not hurt people but how does this matter affect you I also watch documentaries about you when I was a kid sorry you are mediated in order to protect the tropical rainforest how did you deal with the whaling shift recorded with high pressure water cannons how did you work with the police data and the national animal smuggling group I thought at the time you received a hero's I grow up I will do it for you however when I grew up this matter was put aside every day according to the trajectory of ordinary people reading exams and further education I didn't come here until a few days ago and then saw the monster coming out and hurt people you took care of me and I want to help you do something I also want to take care of injured animals like myself I want to help you capture these animals who fled from their cages but I haven't finished college I can't help you yet I think I have a responsibility to help you but I need to be qualified since then I started to learn related knowledge and can help you deal with any animals that come out I think there may be a reason for why these beasts run out but I want to research like you study how to make the animals here a little better they can take on this table they probably won't run out I want to join you I don't know what qualifications you need for you to blow my here but I can work hard to take the exam I work hard enough it should be difficult no matter how much effort I put in no matter how hard I work it will be worth it if I realize my dream doctor I hope you can arrange for me to take the exam is that okay thank you for your cooperation as CPC at 95 we will consider your request as CPC and 925 object class Euclid s CPC and 925 is a male beluga whale the appearance is not significantly different from that of ordinary beluga whales except the skin has a certain viscosity the instance always wears the top hat on its head and can be removed or brought up at will by the subject the Hat appears to be several times larger than the standard hat and does not appear to be affected through water currents in motion during different festivals the shape of the Hat will change depending on the festival in addition the instance can communicate telepathically with other creatures and read their memories despite seeing 925 being heard communicating telepathically audio devices such as cameras and microphones its voice has been captured through digital equipment the scan found that it's brain is quite different from that of an ordinary beluga whale with the brain and skull significantly enlarge the eye structure bone and muscle are different speculating as to why it has such good vision and is larger than normal if there are human individuals to talk to and play with SCP see and 925 will be very happy and try to give the subject a hat and gifts the have presented vary according to the festival the composition of hats donated by it are no different than that of ordinary hats if the person rejects the hat and gift from the project it will offer it's hats and gifts at a later time as CP CN 925 is currently contained in the standard Breeden aquarium located at site C and 18 the temperature of the water is controlled by a heat exchanger and is circulated and filtered every four hours to make the turbidity of the pool less than 2.0 the air in the containment room is circulated every two hours to avoid the generation of odour the top of the containment room is made of tempered glass to allow natural light to pass ZN nine-to-five requires 30 kilograms of fish or squid every day for sustenance staff members are allowed and encouraged to communicate with the instance though members with a history of beluga whaling are banned from the containment room the subject was discovered in 2003 on a transport plane flying to reach from city province the object was originally intended to be transported to the oceanarium as an animal actor a few hours after the plane took off agent Kim disguised as a crew member at that time noticed that the person on board was talking about cacciucco Beluga wearing a hat can then inspected the engine room and discovered the item after confirming the anomalous nature of the project Kim immediately reported the instance to the foundation when the aircraft landed the foundation successfully intercepted and captured the instance good morning SCP C M 95 thank you very much for the hats and small gifts I must ask them why do you give these things to me in my callings apologize we have to know so you're saying you come from another parallel world since you're so lonely want you to keep your happiness to others [Music] but this is free s CPC at 9:00 to 5:00 what you get is not real friendship some people are close to you just for your little gift there's no shortage of such people so why are you angry about people who kill other whales [Music] listen this is not your reason for escaping from reality it doesn't mean you have the central responsibility but you still have feelings for the ethnic groups do you have lived with and you can't bear the say it why are they so indifferent to you it's because you're strange to them your body shape your hat and all your other anomalies they are probably the reasons they fear you you just need to prove to them that they are friendly enough soon your strength will be recognized by them understand I didn't need to hurt you intentionally I just stated facts you can't always do this I can understand your own suppli sness but you have to make changes have to find a friend who is good to you and you should not be to low esteem although I am happy I don't have much free time I have a lot of work but if you want you can chat with me anytime when I'm here don't worry the certainty of your studying at university course I personally think it is suitable for know you've given me many gifts leave it to your new firm SCP three to five one object class safe SCP three to five one is a sapient adult male coconut crab despite its physiology suggesting such acts to be impossible it possesses the ability to communicate verbally using the English language typically speaking using slang and phrases commonly used among pirates from the 16th to 18th centuries SCP three to five one adorns a small black tricorn hat on its head measuring about six centimeters from the base of the tip how and when it acquired this item is currently unknown it also has a strong affection for luxurious metallic items and will oftentimes go out of its way to acquire such objects the secondary anomalous effects will manifest whenever SCP three to five one issues a verbal command to another coconut grab the affected animal hereby referred to as SCP three to five one one will attempt to complete the task issued by three to five one until either the task is completed or they are separated from it for a prolonged period of time instances of scp-323 not show any signs of intelligence above what is normal for a non anomalous member of their species and do not appear to possess any understanding or perception of the English language aside from commands issued by three to five one SCP three to five one refers to these collective group instances as the crew and will also often refer to itself as their captain SCP three to five one is currently held at a medium-sized terrestrial animal enclosure at site 48 the temperature and humidity within its enclosure are regulated and made to simulate that of its a native tropical environment three to five one is met with the same nutritional accommodations as a non anomalous member of its species level three clearance and permission from the operating site director is required to interview or otherwise interact with it SCP three two five one was first discovered in when several reports of coconut crabs behaving strangely began to surface from small villages on islands all throughout the southern pacific these reports include crabs arriving to the island on the floating vessel are talking crab demanding it inhabitants to forfeit all over their silverware and metallic belongings crabs threatening the inhabitants with tools of weapons stolen from the inhabitants as well as makeshift weapons made of sharpened sticks and rocks foundation operatives traveled to the villages where the incidents took place and successfully suppressed them before they went public the same operatives then located SCP three to fifty one as well as 113 instances of scp-323 and 35 kilometers off the west coast of Indonesia believed to have been attempting to sell to Madagascar the crabs are floating on a large piece of driftwood compromised a fallen palm trees and loose wooden boards carrying several hundred coconuts and over a hundred and sixty-three kilograms of assorted middle objects se B three to five one was then taken into Foundation custody in the instances of scp-323 crabs were relocated into the wild all right SCP three to five one I'd like to ask you a few questions today would that be okay I be alright with me so long as I confuse to answer at any time all right very well so how did you become so smart and when did you discover your ability to control others it is a long and tragic tale and believe me Jim that did ain't one that ends a case I'm gonna go ahead and pass on that answer why is it that you stole from all those Islanders a pirates no one if you don't steal you see a village you go and pillage if you want the booty you have to I've got a half dozen more phrases but you get me point bud you're only doing this to acquire metal I don't think silverware is worth quite as much as you think it is you take me for some sort of food will do yeah I know how much the treasure we were a stealer because I like to steal but aren't the bounty but the bounty be in the art they're in quite a few out on the scenes knowing that whatever you want you take the still applied [Music] what are your thoughts on SCP three to five 1-1 do you feel bad knowing that you're manipulating your own kind I may be about animals compared to me I love me crew like a man loves beverages reliable yet cover me our center page if I'm being honest though I'd love to have someone to actually talk to out on the open seas like yourself you be the only person I'll sat down and had a conversation with how'd you like to be part of a new crew well that's really quite III let me finish my proposal my you come sail with me on open waters no one tells you what to do anything you want consider it yours I've been losing the mind alone on the sea not to mention alone here in the so you seem like the sort of guy who's been pushed around quite a bit so I love you something new something you haven't thought about since you be a boy and your father's pricey I'll let you be a pirate how did you look your stuff in this place whether you like it or not so there will be no new crew I just need to ask you one more question and then this interview is over why were you going to Madagascar I've been waiting for this one I was going to burying the treasure with the rest persuaded yet no not in the slightest no amount of Forks or knives are gonna convince me to quit my job and sail the seas of the talking crap I bet it ain't knives I got stashed that it'd be gold how how much all right this is simply ridiculous this interview is over SCP eight one one object class euclid SCP eight one one shaped similarly to a human female with disproportionately long and thin limbs and a slightly blow to the Domino region it is a hundred and seventy one centimeters tall and weighs just under forty seven kilograms due to its strange physiology its skin has slight abrasive properties and as a model of green color that serves to camouflage it among the reeds in its natural habitat its sweat has been observed to act as a mild skin irritant it has extremely oily black hair that has proven to be resistant to cleaning with conventional shampoos it shows partial comprehension of human language consistent with case studies of feral children that have been abandoned at a few years old instead of as infants the Palmer plants are surfaces of scp-112 Sakura clear green tinted mucus with minor adhesive properties this mucus does not appear to have any effect on its own tissue but any other organic matter that it comes in contact with begins to rapidly decompose the process is not fully understood reducing the matter into slightly viscous black liquid SCP eight one one can then absorb said liquid through its skin and directly into its circulatory system tests have shown that its entire circulatory system is filled with liquefied decaying matter SCP eight one one can then absorb said liquid through its skin and directly into its circulatory system tests have shown that the entire circulatory system is filled with liquefied decaying matter biopsies taken from eight one one have showed the presence of anaerobic bacteria and all examined cells which due to the apparent lack of anything resembling functional red blood cells in the subject are currently presumed to be what eight one one uses to metabolize the chemicals in its circulatory system as CP eight one one does not defecate or otherwise produce feces in any traditional sense and entirely lacks a small or large intestine instead cellular waste and substances it is unable to metabolize collecting what is anatomically speaking its stomach within its stomach enzymes and bacterial flora caused it to congeal into a grainy tar-like substance that it periodically voids by voluntary projectile regurgitation a mechanism which it uses to hunt it preferentially aims at the face or at any perceived open wounds on its target then it waits for the target to die of either immediate asphyxiation or in a few days of multi systemic failure resulting from aggressive bacterial infection its teeth do not seem to have any abnormal resistance to decay resulting from chronic exposure to compounds and microflora on its waste SCP 8 1 1 is kept in a climate-controlled cylindrical glass enclosure filled to a depth with wetland soil and stagnant fresh water it's furnished with a variety of aquatic plants from its native swamp and as the remaining vegetation there has exhibited the adaptation to grow quickly from injuries endured during contact with SCP 8 1 1 as long as the roots are undamaged logs of manageable size and additional humans rich soil may be provided for good behavior air that is ventilated into the enclosure is not recirculated back into the rest of the facility the methane resulting from SCP 8 1 1 s normal interaction with its environment is not anomalous and it's bottled for use as fuel no heated elements or open flames are permitted inside the enclosure the enclosure is tested daily for pH and microbe levels in both soil and water as well as changes in chemical composition enclosure is cleaned bi-weekly preferably by d-class personnel subject is given at least 5 kilograms of live food 24 hours after its completion of its previous meal subject is not adverse to preying on humans and it is recommended that personnel not enter the enclosure if SCP 8 1 1 has not been fed in over 16 hours no invasive medical procedure is performed on SCP 8 1 1 outside of emergency situations in which a procedure is required to save the subjects life while SCP 8 1 1 is not generally aggressive unless it feels hungry or threatened all handling personnel are cautioned that it is still an opportunistic ambush predator and all safety precautions must still be taken to avoid possible injury or infection all personnel entering the enclosure wear full-body non organic bio suits and breathing masks and must be in groups of at least two no personnel are allowed to enter the enclosure if they have open wounds or sores anywhere on their body those suffering from asthma or other respiratory affecting conditions are prohibited from entering the enclosure without a signed note from a physician with level 4 security clearance [Music] [Music] [Music] wait when I'd read red was very hungry scary 8-man skin like SCP 1340 object class safe SCP 1340 is a species of cave dwelling electro sect of rays belonging to the family shared with other mantas SCP 1340 was discovered living within a large underwater chamber as part of an unexplored region of the expel hot cave system air king Tana Rue Mexico all specimens of SCP with 1340 are distinguishable by their large triangular pectoral fins horn shaped cephalic fins large terminal Mouse fading or complete loss of pigmentation SCP 1340 also have a pair of estadual eyes and can communicate by utilizing electrical signals of varying voltage amperage in frequency by the organs on each side of its head Foundation researchers and Crypt analysts have developed calibrated an electro-acoustic transducer for converting these electrical signals into audio since deciphering this electrical activity it is now known that SCP 1340 are actually sapient in highly social the colony in captivity has been revealed to be a selective Council of 118 inducted male specimens of SCP 1340 the colony has been observed to regularly discuss business and other current events in an open forum governed by principles of parliamentary like procedure SCP 1340 is held within containment aquarium tank 3 at research site 45 personnel assigned SCP 1340 observe standard aquatic zoological continuum protocols 150 kilograms of food pellets made up of ground krill are deposited into its containment tank four times a week voltmeter and galvanometers instrumentation are installed within the tank to monitor and decipher fluctuations of electrical activity field agents in coordination with the Mexican government are advised to report any sightings of the remaining population of SDP 1340 within the ox' Baja cave system I hereby call this meeting into order will the assembly now recite the plan since the time of the Gulf we [Music] nice rewards for our decisions rather than until our show we will do all without the we saw pieces of peace everywhere I hereby open discussion well the elder brother rhetorically respect you David not really still fighting through others of the council based on a recent expedition attempts we concluded that their great chamber has to change in verses like this to him accountable down refocus on Oh Blakely yes for unknown reasons to us it can charge them to everything we know about our members what we do understand is this our shaver is now smaller our chamber now takes on a seemingly symmetrical shape a great layer of heaviness now exists above us the floor is clean of stone is there and most importantly who can no longer be readily available but seeks or Nathan emptiness discussion among the cultural projects is now open elder brother are you saying that we are trapped inside the Great Chamber well done exactly we have yet to find a sizeable exit point our committee has discovered multiple tuples where are and out elder brother these Devils be excavated we have now moved into that not to the prophecies for horror as it was foretold at the beginning of the fourth reconciliation which Hereward complicated one like this is the old queen the quick return of authority demons the demons have killed a dog signal the world of them we cannot tolerate such radical madness in this part now let us continue a CP 169 object class Keter scp-169 is surmised to be a marine anther pot of enormous size known as the leviathan by generations of sailors in oral history presumed at first to be a myth it was detected in 1912 by mobile task force gamma six during an investigation of paranormal activity around the room dark apollo go a lead researcher discovered the archipelago to have moved at least three kilometers from its original location a reconnaissance mission performed by the USS revealed the archipelago to have protrusions of rock like plates covering an enormous organic mass the foundation was brought in immediately to begin threat management Foundations estimate one six 9s body length to be between 2,000 and 8,000 kilometers the creature is thought to have existed since the Precambrian era almost nothing is known about one six 9s habits such as reproductive capabilities of any food source and nesting area research is pending approval the archipelago known as the islands have historically been uninhabited upon handover to the foundation inhabitants were evacuated on the pretense of rising sea levels though the archipelago has remained above sea level for several millennia any change of depth by scp-169 can result in the disappearance of the entire archipelago scp-169 moves slowly less than one kilometer per week but seems only to be adrift its method of propulsion is unknown regular seismic tremors seem to indicate breathing about every three months causing minor shifts in the island's terrain suggesting that the creature is probably dormant the USS was scuttled with All Hands immediately after the discovery of scp-169 with the permission of the American government the public is forbidden from entering the archipelago created by a CP 169 due to the conveniently large number of resident endangered bird species satellite footage is doctored in order to suppress knowledge of 1 6 9 s movements NASA is currently cooperating with the foundation and keeping the existence of 169 quiet and is currently permitting the foundation use of their satellites for photographic use [Music] scp-835 object class Keter scp-835 appears to be a large mass of coral like polyps weighing 8 tons the individual polyps are larger than any known coral species growing to more than one meter in diameter in some cases the central mass is roughly oval shaped with a very large poly at each end 835 is incapable of locomotion and appears to anchor itself with the large tentacles projected from the politics they are also used in feeding and are coated with a sticky adhesive substance the tentacles are also quite strong and have been shown to be capable of damaging plate steel the coral of a35 is extremely hard requiring high-powered diamond drills to collect even small samples it also grows at a very accelerated rate capable of adding 22 point six eight kilograms of mass every day scp-835 is susceptible to many chemicals which cause it to seal up and halt all growth for 24 hours prompting the development and use of suppression tactic a - a 6 it emits a large mass of semi liquid material several times a day from the large polyps on each end this appears to be made of semidigested solids fecal material and semen this mass also has several forms of virus bacteria and parasites many of which have been found only within itself the bacterium forms the major concern for containment due to its role in the reproductive cycle vertebrate animals infected with scp-835 I 5 will undergo a variety of symptoms such as constant hunger classification and polyps on the skin rapid reduction in intelligence and increased aggression the end-stage infection appears to convert the subject into an additional instance of scp-1000 Civ however 8:35 appears to have a limited amount of awareness there's no form of treatment or antibiotic that has been shown to halt or reverse the effects this coupled with the extremely hard shell of scp-835 form a major obstacle to neutralization any force capable of cracking open would also cause the slurry inside to spread and cause additional infection scp-835 is monitored and checked daily for new growth in the event it becomes hostile suppression tactic a - a6 is immediately implemented until aggressive action ceases containment area is maintained in the open ocean due to the highly aggressive response of a 3-5-2 confinement for any length of time waste issued by a35 is immediately collected and contained feeding takes place twice daily to consist of any form of local aquatic species should it enter a rage state higher-level mammals are issued as a food supply staff remain at least 5 meters away from 8:35 at all times anyone working near it has safety lines attached to recall winches contact with 8:35 will result in the immediate recall of all staff and implementation of suppression tactic a day 6 should contact resulting full capture of a staff member 8:35 is monitored constantly until the release of the subject as CP 3000 object-- class formul as CP 3000 is a massive aquatic serpentine entity the full length of it is impossible to determine but is hypothesized to be between 600 and 900 kilometers as CP 3000 is typically a sedentary creature only moving its head in response to certain stimuli or deering feeding the majority of its body is located in and around the ganges fan and rarely moves at all it is carnivorous and despite its sedentary nature it is capable of moving quick to dispatch prey it is hypothesized that it does not require sustenance to maintain its biological functions while it excretes a thin layer of viscous dark gray substance classified as y 9:09 the end result of its digestive process is currently unknown as CP 3000 as a class 8 kognito hazardous entity direct observation of it may cause severe mental alterations and viewers individuals who directly observe it as well as any individuals within a certain distance experience unexplicable head pain paranoia general fear and panic and memory loss and alteration the 151 Hollister Aztec protocol had been developed and implemented to create a strategy for the management of the Y 909 chemical compound excreted from SCP 3,000 feet at a d-class and while it's in its digestive period several specialized teams of divers extract the chemical compounds and transferred the collected substance to secure containers before returning to the surface the teams are then monitored and tested for any effects from the encounter the area containing SCP 3000 karlie a region of the Bay of Bengal roughly 300 kilometres in diameter is routinely patrolled by foundation naval vessels under no circumstances are civilians allowed to attempt deep sea exploration or diving efforts in the quarantined area individuals believed to have contacted SCP 3000 are contained quarantined and processed at site 1 5 individuals affected by the anomalous properties of it are held in containment indefinitely the foundation submarine s CPF Ermita monitors the location of the foremost section of SCP 3000 an rough Lee 0.7 kilometers beneath the bay the Ermita is tasked with carrying out the Aztek protocol and staffing regulations onboard the vessel are subject to the guidelines of that protocol SCP 3000 was discovered in 1971 shortly after Bangladeshi fishing boats and 15 fishermen were reported missing after drifting near the indian coast as the country of Bangladesh had only been recently established at the time and had been subject to significant political persecution on the part of Pakistan the incident received high-profile media attention due to the fears that it was a result of foreign aggression local coastal dispatch units could not locate the missing boats fueling further media hysteria foundation researchers stationed in Calcutta drew similarities between the disappearance and another incident two years earlier a thorough search aided by Marriott pashler counters revealed the location of the two boats as well as an unknown previously undiscovered mast deep below the surface of the Bay of Bengal further investigation by foundation divers discovered the existence of SCP 3010 tainment procedures were put in place in April 1972 the Aztek protocol was adopted in October of 1998 okay command we're situated in the airlock and ready to roll go ahead so they're right 9 alpha check Ryan 9 Bravo sure all right we're in position about 500 meters from the head of this creature make sure your tethers are on good and tight we don't want anything getting separated out there what's visibility like down here today command standby about 3 meters so it's dark as [ __ ] got it why are we so far how the size of this thing is hard to comprehend and it's wrapped up in itself several places we can't get too close because there's too much body there then today hasn't moved in about three weeks I don't want informative it moves slightly with the currents down here but nothing more than that if it weren't for the head movement that was observed by the first submersible team we probably wouldn't know if it was alive or not that's reassuring all right there's a kite what the chamber [Applause] you both good I'm good Jesus it's cold hopefully we won't be out for long den turn on your lights boys here we go hey alpha I maybe this is a bad time to ask but I can't remember how to turn on my life your lamp it's odd Foxtrot it what what did you call me your designation mulhaney foxtrot i'm foxtrot boss what are you on about I don't understand what you mean by designation it's your goddamn call sign Bravo what do you mean problem I am I was gonna say something you guys still there still yeah we're having a little trouble out here I'm not sure who we seem to have some confusion over designations and I'm not sure where we're heading where exactly are we do you guys have feeling that I just got an awful headache it's like needling in my brain something dive team be advised that we believe you may be experiencing some detrimental cognitive effects keep moving forward and we'll give you more information that's what you're seeing it know to command be advised that Foxtrot has a terrible headache are we going in the right direction you are roughly onto the fifty meters from the head at the entity alpha you should be getting a visual sea level sit awful dive to be advised we're picking that movement from the entity on radar I don't see anything down here what the hell are we supposed to be Lal I can see is darkness there's a chill foul wind blowing pushing me towards the brink I can't shut up command problem is unresponsive requesting immediate termination a mission a deserted dive team we're going to pull you back in immediately we have reason to believe that you can hear something over there uh-huh good right get your white team something is moving towards you repeat something is moving towards you I can't see oh before alpha Bravo Foxtrot - any of you hear us wherever you need to speak up we can't something is bound up the which between d1 else we can't open mouth it's so dark there's where am I get away there's only darkness Foxtrot Foxtrot alpha Bravo talk to me what happened [Music] alpha Bravo do you copy I repeat alpha Bravo do you copy this is Bravo I'm floating in the dark I can see shapes moving through the fog but they're hard to make out I cut my tether alpha wood I think he's gone I don't see you smite anymore hey knowledged okay just let me think for a second cognition this thing doesn't work around it your brain can't form thought it hurts it's like dying whoa do you have eyes on the entity instead of my hat guys coiled up in there like a snake and something about it is caustic I can see it just in front of me it's not doing anything yet it isn't moving just hanging there whether it's out open fluid is seeping through the skin around its head about a metre back just looking at the stuff is making me like the room is spinning I feel nauseous my head isn't working right there's the borscht under the floorboards and another in the city wait this is wrong that wasn't me who said that my I'm going to collect a sample hang on whoa we're going to sit you at a clue to get you you just hold off don't do that ah you have to be trained not feel the things I'm feeling otherwise it will get into you maybe it will anyway who knows feels like the end of the world down here fellas my heart is really going up the charge just I got a sample I'll attach it to one of those little balloons and let it blow it up you'll be able to get it later don't spend too much time around that stop it it doesn't your mind ah I think I'm dying I just want to get away from here you know it occurs to me don't send anyone else out here it's so dark [Music] if you enjoy the video why not at the bell icon heading subscribe to see more content from us at tat stop adios and now left to the creators of his video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 526,880
Rating: 4.9119139 out of 5
Keywords: SCP-3251, SCP-169, SCP-3000, SCP-835, SCP-811, SCP-1340, SCP-4499, SCP-331-FR, SCP-CN-985, SCP-CN-925, SCP-1608, SCP-3934, SCP-565, SCP-327, SCP-1128
Id: 9mnCDpiTtl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 25sec (5365 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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