Top 20 Damon and Elena Moments Part 1

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mornin Hey you heard me you knew that I was here there you should learn to not what about us indecent you sorry so am i we're thinking for even a second I could trust you you are not capable of trust the fact that you're here means that you read the journal you were planning on doing this yourself of course that was gonna do it by myself because the only one I can count on is me you made sure that many years ago Stefan but you you had me fooled I had Klaus this could have all been over hey Haman hey hey listen to me we'll survive this we always survive trust me I'm never getting Stefan back you know that saying then we'll let him go okay I'll have to let him go you Jamin seriously we got Michaels no idea I guess Katherine came through plans in motion see I told you I had it go ahead kick yell screams we've been planning your rant all day I'm not gonna yell at you why not we'll find your back feed Stefan you know what backfired he's an even bigger dick than ever just now you dick that's on ourselves I'm not mad I'm tired I just want to go to bed no I think Michaels weapons estate well then they must have carved it from the white oak tree before they burned it down that's why I was right after all that wall let us do that let us do more than just that I think I read that Connors head - really what'd you learn from where I learned that she's just a girl then she lost her mom to Yahoo and she loves blindly and recklessly even if it consumes her and the walls hadn't done nothing more important in the bond of family you should tell that to my brother I'm not mad at you for letting a man payment I think the year can be the one to save him food himself okay because he loves me they brought so I want you to put your hands on the roof just like that okay can you stand there any broken oh you're feeling fast Elena look at me focus look at me look like you you should go now this you did this this is your fault you confuse me for someone with remorse none of this matters to me people die around you how could it not matter it matters and you know it you need to leave supposed to leave I did then I came back to make sure that you're okay I appreciate the gesture I'm just glad it's over you know we don't believe that Oh get some rest it's a whole new dama Damon I'm your friend I'm well aware of that then a friend usually knows when their friend is hurting what you want here that I cared about rose and I'm sent well I didn't and I'm not there you go pretending to turn it off pretending not to feel damn in yourself clothes don't give up I feel them okay and it sucks what sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me Jules was coming after me I feel guilty it would be human I'm a when an elated I'm not human you know what to talk about giving up all you've done is give up no there's been enough doom gloom and personal growth for one night and I name you Oh this fall come on Elena you almost got barbecued ii do is apply first date you played your part of the plan really well tonight oh yeah yeah you had Rebecca drooling all over you and your marshmallows yeah before she skewered me though you're too drunk bananas I was faking most of it but before I do I need you to answer one question what made you change your mind baby you're so hell-bent on staying on that mountain you just gave up so what changed or not we are under attack David you had a bag full of weapons and a teacher with an eternity ring could've kept going it was too dangerous I was too dangerous going out there to begin with so what was it why are you being like this what changed her mind Elena I didn't want to see you get hurt okay I was I was worried about him Thanks yes I worry about you why do you even have to hear me say it because when I dragged my brother from the edge and delivered him back to you I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone just nicely it goes
Channel: Sara_1990
Views: 450,401
Rating: 4.9256988 out of 5
Keywords: Damon, Elena, Delena, Top Damon and Elena moments, The vampire diaries
Id: ALsg1C_ShGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2012
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