Top 11 Tom and Jerry Episodes - Nostalgia Critic

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was Darkness then there were shingles oh Jesus oh god oh yeah pretty gross the truth is the pain hurt so much I couldn't shave my head or put on my hat and glasses it's bizarre but even that ain't gonna keep me from getting you all Nostalgia Critic video this week so in this audio only vid we're gonna talk about something we've talked about a lot on this channel Tom and Jerry The Good the Bad and the Jesus but we never have narrowed down what the absolute best of the best is when it comes to the iconic duo with so much phenomenal writing creative slapstick and blood curling screens it's strange to think I never just sat down listed what I thought were the best shorts of this Timeless team up so because even on a sick day I want to work I'm gonna give you what I think is their top 11 best shorts why top 11 because I'm sick okay I'll get you a review next week this is the top 11 best Tom and Jerry episodes [Music] [Applause] number 11. [Applause] the flying cat nothing too much to say about this one apart from it's just funny Tom tries to gobble up a house Canary but when Jerry saves him from his clutches Tom improvises turning a girdle into a pair of wings this idea is simple yet creative we've seen plenty of cartoons that invent something that makes them fly but something about Tom with those pink Wings really seems to stay with people anyone who sees this episode remembers it part of that too is the slapstick is just ungrade Tom's Expressions whenever something goes wrong are delightfully clueless the sound effects every time he's hit are creatively painful and having time in the air sets up a lot of inventive scenarios the short also has a lot of good build up from Tom slowly approaching Jerry from the music holding on this one suspenseful note until Tom's completely offering also I don't know about you but my nether regions hurt like hell whenever I watch this [Applause] thank God they love Ken genitalia their screens would be very high pitched too much else to talk about it's just a solid short with some solid laughs [Music] number 10 the Night Before Christmas this is one of their earlier shorts so you'll notice their design and even screams are a little different [Music] truth be told the slapstick is only okay in this one as they were still trying to find their footing but honestly it still has some good animation all around good atmosphere Jerry starts playing with toys under the tree on Christmas Eve resulting in Tom chasing him down after a lot back and forth Shenanigans Tom throws him out of the house into a snowstorm and and a rather sweet moment he fears for his safety he leaves the door open hoping he'll find his way back and when he doesn't he goes searching for him on his own it's one of the few times in the hand of Barbera days the two really end up caring about each other in a way that's done right and it results in a fair amount of heart the backgrounds are also gorgeous in this really giving this short an elegant and warm feel when you're outside you really feel the bitter cold and when you're inside the heat of the fire comes across so strong you practically feel warmed up yourself on top of that there's just Christmas everywhere in this the imagery the constant choir singing carols foreign and of course the spirit of caring at the end not one of the funnier ones it is one of the more emotional ones it makes you want to snuggle up under a blanket and watch it with a warm cup of hot chocolate with an occasional electric current here good holiday friendly stuff [Music] number nine Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse this one certainly dives into the mad scientist tropes that were so popular at the time Jerry keeps stealing Tom's milk no matter how many times he hides it Tom gets his revenge though by putting in I don't know chemicals that aren't that different from what we put in milk resulting in weirdly enough the opposite reaction [Music] Jerry becomes stronger than ever but it has a limited lifespan meaning he has to keep juicing in order to keep kicking Tom's ass twiz Jerry makes the same concoction but when time steals it and drinks it it has the same effect making him the size Jerry was when he took it in fact it works too well making him smaller and smaller to where Jerry can whoop him without the milkroids [Music] on top of the slapstick being on point there's a ton of fun little details as mentioned before there's a lot of trademarks of old mad scientists and monster movies incorporating a lot of Shadow work pups of smoke with bubbling liquids and inventive Transformations all they have to do is make Jerry drink this stuff and grow muscles but instead he goes through this weird process that's like starting up a car with an engine that's about to explode [Applause] Sherry walks with the slow musical scores very reminiscent of giant towering threats walking slowly towards their prey hopefully in this case it's funnier because he isn't towering over Tom at all for its little touches or bombastic violence this cartoon is both the civilized and beastly side of zanyness covered [Music] number eight [Music] Jerry's cousin this has to be one of my favorite Tom and Jerry characters and for whatever reason he's only used in this one episode muscles is Jerry's incredibly thick cousin whom just so happens to look exactly like him when Tom's Antics are getting too much for Jerry he reaches out to muscles for help and surprisingly they don't do the switch identity scenario not until the end at least muscles beats the out Tom and every time he tries to fight back or even build his own muscle he gets his ass handed to him after of recruiting cats from a Norm Macdonald movie and still losing Tom surrender is unaware that Jerry has finally taken his place at the end the overall attitude of this episode is great and so much of that comes from the over-the-top tough guy routine muscles is just a great character his design is great despite him looking like Jerry with a chipmunk shirt I don't know why cartoon rodents wear these and his voice laughing pussycat don't let me catch you picking on my little cousin while I'm around I don't even know what that voice is but I love it relax cousin nothing's gonna happen it's like Terry Malloy if he was played by Harvey firestein everything about this character is hilarious well it's a long cousin these hit cats are also pretty great despite only having a few seconds of screen time yeah yeah okay I feel like every new character you just get right away because of how comedically fast they have to get them across you instantly understand their identity in a few seconds obviously the violence centering around both the on-screen and off-screen strength of muzzles is what makes it so uniquely fun put this guy in a similar vein like what they did with droopy suddenly becoming strong when he gets angry and beats somebody up babies like Popeye spinach like he's Jerry's last minute solution or are they could have played with some creative ways to actually defeat him like maybe Tom comes up with a concoction like from the last one we were talking about I don't know I just feel like there's so many opportunities with this guy it was pretty great and led to one hell of a funny episode [Music] number seven [Music] mice Follies yeah I had to work in at least one episode with Tuffy in there well no it's Gotta make up for what they did with them later well the slapstick and humor are all on point that's not what makes this short stand out what makes it stand out is the surprisingly simple beauty of it Jerry and Tuffy fill the kitchen with water and then freeze it by rewiring the fridge this turns the entire room into a skating rink which naturally Tom chases them around there's been a lot skating scenarios and cartoons before but this time they take to really letting you enjoy the creativity and in a strange way Wonder of this setup and it is really appreciated even just filling the kitchen with water they really let you enjoy both what a silly but also kind of whimsical visual this is with the music playing a big part in pulling you in [Music] music I think every kid immediately recognizes the Sleeping Beauty ballet from Beauty And while yes most kids are probably gonna think of that first it's hard to think of another piece of music that would make this feel as weirdly elegant just look at the image of this Frozen kitchen it's almost like a surreal painting you'd see in a museum and when the action gets going it is still really funny but the punch is still jolting Tom out of his sense of worth and one of my favorite reactions with him flying into the basement and readying his revenge thank you I love how you have to piece together what happened here he dived head first into a bucket it was so hard he burst a hole in it he turned himself right side up unable to get it off and just kept it on as a metal skirt I guess and grabbed a weapon to fight back on his way upstairs the expression on his face is definitely one that has gone through all that depending on what I consider another classic visual with Tom getting Frozen today hey two callbacks this is both a very funny not surprisingly kind of enchanting animated short [Music] number six Jerry and the lion a lion escapes the circus and befriends Jerry hoping he can get him home to the Jungle Jerry agrees but only after he helps to take out another feline who has a talent of interrupting plans this one is funny for all the reasons you'd think it'd be funny the lion I swear must have been Loosely inspired by Wizard of Oz with his voice and demeanor yet he still comes across enough as his own unique character and not a rip-off so you helped me get back to the jungle please Jerry and him make a good team up as Tom is never sure if it's actually a lion in his house or if Jerry somehow became miraculously strong oh it has a lot of classic Staples you'd associate with the best Tom and Jerry jokes like Tom holding his chin out defiantly urging to be hit only to get exactly what he asked for how can you not laugh at that phase of undiluted Cockiness just begging to be obliterated it plays a proportion surprising both the foil and the audience and it has one of the funniest combinations of Tom's scream when he thinks he's going to Jerry in a closet not knowing the lion is in there with him that first initial smack sounds so surprised let down and painful all in one grunt it ends with Jerry playing the lion on a boat to Africa and though brief you do friendship between these two is once again the beautiful background in somber music leaves us on a Bittersweet but still kind of nice moment goodbye goodbye pal so long it's a funny short with a good friendship great timing and a whole bunch of hilarious Hills [Music] number five [Music] Heavenly puss this is probably one of the darkest episodes it literally opens with Tom dying and going to heaven being told that if he doesn't get forgiveness from the one he wronged being Jerry he'll burn in hell for all eternity he played for laughs and in much of the cartoon it is but there's also a lot of heavy and even disturbing moments probably the most unsettling one being a bag of drowned kittens making their way to the Pearly Gates what some people won't do God damn Tom and Jerry it even ends with Tom not making it a time and going to hell [Music] around well actually it is it was Audrey but still if you're a kid watching this isn't this initial Affair you'd expect out of Tom and Jerry all right Tom all right it does result in a nice enough ending and of course there are the usual Follies but there's also a little bit more weight to this one there's a legit sense of dread hoping Tom gets Jerry's forgiveness while hopping through a series of what should be simple Hoops like Jerry not believing him or even just a pen not working but in the moment these seconds are literally defining his life Lord the fact that does take a more somber tone is interesting though even the strain conductor doesn't really have a silly or zany voice it's more of a Kind elderly Angel who really wants Tom to succeed but no as he had several chances while he was living as well with a record like that I can't touch you through I'm sorry Tom if you can obtain the signature of that little mouse you will be permitted to pass it's a different kind of feel but it is still Tom and Jerry and despite it getting so heavy it never quite loses track of that if you haven't checked this one out there's a sure chance in hell you'll find it interesting laughs number four Mouse in Manhattan this is another one that relies Less on slapstick and more on atmosphere as Jerry decides he's done fighting with Tom in the middle of nowhere and makes his way to the big city only to find out it's not everything it's cracked up to be this obviously has a tip of the hat to the town Mouse in the country mouse with Jerry entering a world he thinks he'll adore but ends up getting swallowed up by it and yearning for his original home Tom only shows up at the beginning and end focusing mainly on Jerry's Adventure but its visual storytelling toll through the stylized backgrounds elegant music and Jerry's Expressions really do make it a magical yet still threatening Journey the city is made to look so Grand and beautiful really capturing the Artistry of many New York landmarks but it also has that sense of foreboding like something is lurking in the shadows and can get you at any moment it's definitely a short you watch for how visually pleasing it is as opposed to the humor which is not to say it doesn't have its funny moments honestly this whole short is worth it just to look at the backgrounds alone with the colors that both leap out at you but feel comfortably settled you can't say this doesn't capture the size in awe but also intensity and Mayhem of a major city thank you I really enjoyed two when he returns and he bumps his head on the home sweet home sign and smiles as if to say yeah it's not perfect but that's part of what makes it home it's a nice little touch I'm sure it went great imagery great music and an obvious but still admirable lesson [Music] number three Cat Concerto this is the Tom and Jerry cartoon that won them an Academy Award and not without controversy we'll get to that in a bit the setup once again is very simple Tom is playing Hungarian Rhapsody for a packed house but Sherry lives inside the piano and starts messing up his performance due to Tom interrupting his nap this is one where the timing and music takes Center Stage the way they take this piece of music and animate it to comedic violence goes hand in mousetrap [Music] as the piece keeps building so does the slab stick resulting in a great third act where Jerry takes over playing and traps Tom in a loop where he just keeps trying to end the piece but Jerry keeps starting it over it's both great to watch and great to listen to it's almost like a comedic Fantasia working in elegant animation that matches Every Beat of the Music except when it needs to break off to get a laugh if you want proof of how well this is done look at another short that was nominated the same year for an Academy Award with the exact same premise but from a different Studio Rhapsody rabbit just about everything about this setup is the same including the music the only difference is thankfully the jokes to this day nobody knows if this was plagiarism or coincidence and while neither director accused the other a thievery Joseph Barbera did famously bring up that Tom and Jerry fighting this scenario makes sense but what's a rabbit doing with a mouse video by Tomb Raider discussing the controversy you should check out and well I do like Rhapsody rabbit a lot there's no contest Cat Concerto is definitely done better the jokes feel more natural and organic not just with the cat and mouse team up but also in the way they're naturally structured and built upon each other Bugs Bunny ends with the mouse pulling out a Mini piano to best him it's not nearly as clever as Jerry forcing Tom to play the finale over and over to death just because it's artistically pleasing it's amazing music and amazing animation with an amazing coincidence [Music] number two [Music] Saturday evening puss so we're just done with phrasing right that's not a thing anymore this was almost number one for me but the top spot is just a little bit better that's just to give you an idea about how absolutely hilarious this is yeah again kind of depending on which one you see again we'll get to that in a bit Tom's owner goes out for the night allowing him to throw a party once again waking up Jerry from his Slumber obviously he tries to put a stop to the noise in hijinks ensue the zany imagery slapstick and voice acting all take Center Stage not only do they find clever ways to play instruments that aren't normally instruments as well as visually show how Jerry is being driven nuts by all of it but we get to hear some of the funniest gibberish out of Jerry [Music] [Applause] and of course a plethora of palpable pain the party environment is a lot of fun and keeps the energy high but by far what cements this as a classic is the ending Jerry calls the owner letting her know what's going on and all that has to happen is she returns home and throws them out one two done honestly just this edit would be totally serviceable [Music] but that's not what happens this is a joke that builds upon itself so much I actually have to count the layers to it there's her getting a call and rushing out there's her running so fast she makes a car engine noise [Music] this are arriving so pissed she doesn't birth through the door but rather with the door there's Tom and the other so clueless they just opened the door like any other guest there's the combination of her reaction and their reaction There's Tom trying to close the door thinking that'll save him there's the owner so filled with anger that the door breaks through her arm there's her arm stopping Tom from leaving there's a massacre she's unloading on them that's so big you can see it from far away there's them getting kicked out of the house and finally there's them getting hit so hard they form a totem pole that's 11 layers of comedy in a span of 20 seconds God damn phenomenal and the sad thing is this isn't the ending everybody sees okay it's hard to sum up quickly but Tom's owner is a racial caricature of the time hell her name is mammy Two-Shoes while there were many worst depictions in cartoons even in Tom and Jerry admittedly this caricature doesn't have the best history so in the 60s they replaced her with a white girl and I do mean girl she looks like the babysitter from another Tom and Jerry cartoon and they switched out the voice with I think June Foray and by God even though I love June for Ray this is just not as funny if you want something really confusing I remember seeing a version of this where it's the white girl with the black woman's voice a party at my house yeah it was bizarre the original voice of Tom's owner is Lily and Randolph you may remember from It's a Wonderful Life years later Whoopi Goldberg did a really great DVD introduction talking about why you're raising her performance oh a caricature was not the right way to go about it I definitely recommend checking that out if you haven't before removing Mammy two shoes from this collection would be the same as pretending that she never existed a part of our history that cannot and should not be ignored I'm definitely not going to pretend I'm an expert and what's ethically right in all this but I will say Randolph's acting is 10 times funnier and not because of a stereotyping but because she made us identify with the anger anyone would have had there whatever version you see this has some of the funniest stuff in any Tom and Jerry cartoon it's zany violent musical imaginative and with an 11 layer joke how can that not be high up on a top 11 list [Music] before I get to number one it probably goes without saying there is a ton of great Runners up all these cartoons are worth checking out once you finish up these episodes if you've missed any of these you're missing something really great with that said the number one greatest Tom and Jerry episode is [Music] Mouse trouble this is the most generic title for the most generic scenario of what should be the most generic episode but it pulls out in my opinion the biggest laughs of any Tom and Jerry short the premise is so basic Tom is reading a book about how to trap mice and he tries every one of them on Jerry that's it it's the most Bare Bones Tom and Jerry short you can imagine but it does it better than any of the previous ones timing sound effects screams Expressions it's all done to perfection if someone has never seen a Tom and Jerry cartoon before this is the one to show them just running jokes started in this one when the book says a corner Mouse never fights and Tom gets beaten up he says why did he say it like that this is a character that barely talks and out of nowhere they make him sound like a drunk demon for no reason it's so strange and random it feels like a Ren and Stimpy joke right is this meme it also comes from here to make it funny or when the gun goes off he spends the rest of his time with this red toupee that could work for just the next cutaway joke but he keeps it throughout the entire thing that's dedication the sound editing is some of the best in any of these cartoons like when he tries to lure Jerry into his mouth with his wind-up toy [Music] the frustration builds so much just losing a tooth after doing that toy is enough to finally push him past his Breaking Point [Music] details in this like the names of the romantic restaurant or some of these explosions a good God these are the funniest sounds Tom has ever made Bill Hannah famously did all of Tom screams and yells and this is hands down the best collection of them [Music] it also has in my opinion the funniest Tom yell of all time it's when he sets up a bear trap only to have Jerry place it behind him and the best thing is it's broken up into two parts oh my there is so much pain in that yell and the muffle heard through the wall while he's still clearly in pain from that thing I'm sorry I achieve comedy Nirvana every time I hear this in fact Play It Again [Laughter] [Music] you can't get lightning in a bottle but man you can record pure joy in a moment and this is that moment what can I say this is Tom and Jerry it's everything Tom and Jerry is just a cat trying to catch a mouse done to perfection there's others that are more artistically pleasing or reveal more character tell a little bit more of a story but if you were to say point to the best Tom and Jerry cartoon the funniest one that also sums up exactly what it is at its core this has to be my number one choice it's hilarious it's hilarious God damn it it's hilarious it is absolute perfection [Music] yeah [Laughter] with that said humor is subjective so do you agree with my list if not what are your all-time favorite Tom and Jerry cartoons what are some of your favorite all-time Tom and Jerry moments let me know in the comments down below and keep reminding people why this iconic Duo is still so goddamn funny I'm the Nostalgia Cricket I'll be better next week one more time oh God it's a long cousin this month for cameos for charity we're doing kids rank we've worked with them before and let me tell you this is a wonderful organization kids rank engages military connected children with youth in Hands-On skill building projects and volunteer opportunities designed to encourage resilience through their core pillars connect lead and serve as a Navy brat myself it can be hard to move from place to place and kids rank is there to make sure there's always somebody there for them so if you want a cameo of me saying happy birthday or good luck or whatever click on the link below I'd be giving to a good cause if you're like nah I hate you well consider checking out this organization anyway it's wonderful people that do wonderful work check them out and either donate volunteer or just spread the word but the Fantastic things they do
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 327,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, tom and jerry, nostalgia critic, top 11, top 11 tom and jerry episodes, top 11 tom and jerry moments, top 11 nostalgia critic, tom & jerry, tom and jerry cartoon, tom and jerry nostalgia critic, hanna barbera cartoons, best tom and jerry, best tom and jerry moments, tom and jerry episodes, nostalgic, nostalgia, doug walker, nostalgic cartoons, nostalgia critic tom and jerry reaction, nostalgia critic top 11, cartoons, tom and jerry reaction, tom and jerry show
Id: tzWG9x7v_Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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