Rango - Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] hello why hello there mr ceo of nickelodeon hey there gore verbinski and please call me ceo of nickelodeon i did so are you excited to shoot rango coming up yeah about that you know i know this is supposed to be a basic [ __ ] kids movie please don't refer to it as that oh refer to it as a blockbuster basic [ __ ] kids movie i was wondering though if i could do something groundbreaking like like have all of the actors physically act out all of the scenes it's animation we have stand-ins for that but if it's the actual actors it'll cost more and nobody will notice you know those are bad things right trust me every animated film will be doing it like this afterwards i guess we can accommodate that also can it be a surreal existential journey with a raul duke cameo gore we're nickelodeon we specialize in farting out spongebob and rebooting slash destroying the ninja turtles but this can be a new last airbender oh god the show not the movie oh but you know this is just an old western version of the liar revealed story exactly it's a brand new tale no one's ever heard of uh you know that's one of the most overly used stories right name one other movie that used that formula avatar bugs like chicken run over the hedge aside from the shark tale the tigger movie galaxy quest all right i get the idea wedding crashers aladdin claws you know some of these movies haven't even come out how to train your dragon madagascar three oz the great in power okay i'm hanging up go ahead i'll keep going yes man bean bushwhack it's still a vent guard jacob the liar the road to eldorado oh wait let me look up some rom-coms wow all of them [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello i'm the nostalgia critic i remember so you don't have to there's some cliches you might not mind you might even prefer and then there's some that drive you absolutely insane these cliches vary for many people i'm personally usually not a big fan of the chosen one third act breakups or love triangles but i know plenty of people who like him fine with that said i don't really have a problem with fairy tale endings comic relief or meta humor if they're done well i know a lot of people however who are sick to death of them i say this to emphasize just because a movie has cliches doesn't make it necessarily bad i did a whole top 11 list on movie cliches i absolutely love to me a cliche becomes bad when it harms a movie more than it helps it and one that's done a lot better recently but god wasn't a pain in the ass back in the day is the liar revealed when someone pretends to be something else is eventually revealed he or she is lying and everybody mopes and dopes through the third act until the obvious lesson is learned that the real person was more than enough and please don't get me wrong this trope has been done well i'll even say there's several great stories that were told great because they knew how to utilize this trope but man when it's done poorly it absolutely kills any momentum people have to pretend this is a deep thing they're realizing even though we're all 10 steps ahead of them it's treated like it's some remarkable twist we couldn't see coming so they dwell on it for the entire third act and sometimes it reduces what could be a mind-blowing film to just a good film released in 2011 and directed by gore verbinski rango had a surprisingly fair amount of hype behind it to give you an idea of what kind of flick it was promising here's the teaser trailer pretty hard not to say what the [ __ ] was that and yes there are parts that deliver that kind of abstract surrealness but most of the time it's a safe by the numbers children's western with animals instead of people but yes want to try something new and different it is pretty new and different so i'll just be honest when i first saw this movie i hated it i hated how boring the light revealed cliche was i hated how textbook the characters were but looking back years later i do realize this was a very unique film enough where i do acknowledge now this is a good movie i just can't pretend like it's a masterpiece with that said i do recall people liking it fine it was a modest success both critics and audiences enjoyed it it even won the academy award for best animated feature but for something that verbinski was really building up as exciting and new it sure does rely on a lot of cliches that makes things feel a lot more predictable and formulaic there's so many strange verbinski isms that could have been a lot of fun to explore that are abandoned for what's fast and easy but i don't know am i being too hard on it i can't act like there's a ton of kids movies that are this weird and get away with a lot of stuff that most kids movies wouldn't be able to get away with was i just hoping too hard that this formulaic western would be as weird as well this teaser promised well the best thing to do is to take a closer look to find out this is my probably too harsh but i just can't help it it's how i feel and i'm a weird ass bastard review of so the film opens up pretty awesome honestly most of the first third is pretty great we see a mariachi band standing in front of the title establishing while this might be different at its heart it is going to be a western awesome i'm all in we are gathered here today to immortalizing song the life and untimely death of a great legend yeah he's not gonna die any film made by a family company in the past decade that says their main character is gonna die is a [ __ ] liar yeah let's be a little harsher with this kid's film by saying it's going to be harsher than pussying out at the last minute oh come on wasn't i saying this was a good intro for the princess prepares to take her own life it is far better to nourish worms than to live without love wasn't i saying this was a good intro we see johnny deppas i just realized this character doesn't have a name rango is the name he makes up for himself later but at the start he doesn't have one [Music] i'm just gonna call him boring lee from cat stone dance he fancies himself an actor yet he's a white ice grew up who has no idea how the world he's about to enter works but gosh darn it he has such a heart of gold and few jokes that work victor you were wooden my character is undefined i know who i am i'm the i'm the guy the protagonist the hero you know maybe that's why he's a chameleon so he can blend into every other bland 2011 family film character again i'm probably being too harsh on this very average main character i mean these kind of leads are a dime a dozen but look at this thing honestly look at most of the designs in this the more weird they look the more memorable you think the personalities are gonna be and him he looks like a dead kermit the frog shoved awkwardly into a shoebox i want him to have a more interesting personality than flake's theatrical brother [Applause] the car he sent swerves and i guess they don't believe in backseat windows because he's heated out and the conflict he said he needed to achieve an identity begins he's on his own and he discovers a squashed armadillo played by alfred molina i must get to the other side i'm down to one layer of skin already pretty soon i'm gonna start seeing my insides not unlike what you've got going there okay 2011 pg very different from 2022 peachy and i approve he's still alive and says he's looking for the spirit of the west for he will show him enlightenment they say he rides an alabaster carriage with gold and guardians to protect him he wants to cross the road to discover him as i think the idea is you need to be near death in order to see the spirit of the west and to be enlightened it's a little vague and i like that it gets even stranger as not yet rango starts to hallucinate gets tossed around from car to car and one of them is driven by the last character you'd ever expect a cameo in a family film god i wish this is what the rest of the movie was the armadillo who may or may not be a ghost at this point tells him that if he wants to find water he must first find dirt which is cleverly revealed later to be the name of a town he doesn't know that yet though and searches aimlessly in the desert [Music] soundtrack by rango arizona [Music] what movie are you trying to be right now i should also point out the animation this is pretty spectacular especially considering it was done over 10 years ago this is the same year that brought us green lantern hoodwink 2 and mars needs mobs this cg is pretty damn impressive a lot of that i think is the textures and lighting as the celebrity live action references or emotion capture as they call it instead of motion capture it's kind of emotion capture jesus hollywood doesn't appear to add that much at least with polar expressed the idea was to make these people look and move more realistically to varying results but that was the idea again though these aren't people they're animals and they're designed so odd i don't think they need them to move that real but i will admit it doesn't take away anything either needless to say a lot of this imagery is so surreal and otherworldly that it really does thrive when it just gives into weirdness which it's continuing to do when he meets his female co-star beans not played by helena bottom carter you mean they're not conjoined in twins and is instead played by is it isla or esla i better look it up online and see how other people pronounce it esla fisher oh that sweet honey from wedding crashers he seems trustworthy hey yeah i know it's isla and she has a quirk that really doesn't tie into the story she freezes whenever she feels threatened at a delicate time on my personal development is an affront to my sister i think the only thing it does is give us moments that maybe have an age that great [Music] well i've seen our current and previous president do this so i don't see the harm she takes him to the town of dirt which at times can be creative but other times is surprisingly underwhelming what's fun about scenarios with little creatures is how they utilize their surroundings i always love it in rescuers or arietti all the various ways they use common objects as something else occasionally we get that like cactus juice is literally a cactus and a pepto-bismol bottle as an outhouse but most of it is just stuff in the human world except smaller like who the hell is making small guns that actually shoot small bullets okay not that many i think of credit that nickelodeon let forbinsky go so gooey and gross i guess that makes sense when you realize this is the same company that allowed ren and stimpy and batman versus the ninja turtles i kind of forget how awesome they can be sometimes who exactly are you he pretends to be a tough killer named rango and even says he's responsible for murders he didn't commit are you the fellow to kill them jenkins brothers killed him with one bullet all seven of them i like that it's seven brothers because i'm pretty sure that's a call back to the brave little taylor which almost every liar reveal story borrows from and they also give credit this is one of the few burp jokes in a kid's film that gets a legit laugh out of me after hearing half the story about how he killed seven men with one bullet bullet hits the shovel ricochets back towards number three and that's when the rope caved in the full story would have been better but half isn't that bad someone threatens him and the only thing he can think up is eating his cigar i know this is a cartoon it takes days to animate but somehow that felt improvised he's challenged to a gunfight but the hawk that chased him before shows up and tries to finish the job luck works in his favor though as a tower falls on the hawk and everybody thinks he did it intentionally i think it's time he met the mayor let's hear it for rango let's hear it for the three amigos i mean will smithfish i mean oz he gets sent to the mayor of the town again little touches like this are great but tell me honestly be 100 straightforward can't you tell from just this two seconds of film what the rest of the story is gonna be water mr ango you got it don't you you gotta you may not even think you do but just take a guess what happens in the rest of the movie and you'll be correct the mayor played by neb beatty is pretending to be good but the twist is he'll be evil he holds power because he controls the water he has an evil plan to screw everybody over and he's gonna use rango in his plan because he's popular and the rest follows the liar reveals story already set up be honest be honest you got all of that from just that two seconds didn't you and look a predictable story is not bad if a lot of new things are done with it but like i said the coolest stuff was in the first third now it's just this run-of-the-mill story with no surprises except maybe the stuff that never comes back into play for example what's this about have you met angelique hello beans hello angelique floozy shredder that never comes back again dames when the people are given water they do this weird dance even rango asked about it and doesn't really get an answer so is this considered normal civic behavior every wednesday oh well that makes the bit work why are you dancing yes sometimes something will happen that's pretty funny like when these obvious robbers are going to steal the water and the brainless rango accidentally tells them how to do it the baby there's also a funny scene where they ride off to find the robbers to epic music where are we going that's hilarious like i said scenes like this do give a bit of charm but there aren't that many in between the stale plot and forgettable psy characters and there are a lot of psy characters to forget i don't remember any of these folks names or personalities outside of this one with an arrow in his eye i think the reason being there's an arrow in his eye even this child played by abigail breslin you're funny-looking you're funny-looking too that's a funny-looking shirt funny-looking dress you got funny-looking eyes got a funny-looking face strangers don't last long here she has a great look and sometimes a dip-pan sense of humor but at the end of the day she's just the hopeful kid looking for a hero nothing else you're gonna bring that water back aren't you count on it little sister if this movie won a new twist on this idea they'd have her be the villain that's the unconventional weird-ass movie i love to see you'll be in charge of all tracking and finding the villains utilizing your well-developed ingenuity no offense none taken in 2011 10 years from now maybe [Applause] [Music] new year means a new game to play for disney summer i'm gonna be playing spider-man for the ps4 every friday on twitch we have content six days a week so come check us out hope to see you then [Music] [Applause] gets a group together to find the robbers and keeps consulting with the [ __ ] crow pickup trail three men headed west one blind one with a large prostate riding side saddle depp studied his authenticity for when he played tanto who also had a black crow and was directed by the same guy he only got better after this movie didn't he rango has another awkward as hell encounter when bean freezes up again and he kisses her we're still going by 80s college comedy rules right oh but it turns out she was faking it i think she continues her conversations the other times like she didn't notice it so she wouldn't pick up on him doing it so was she hoping he would do that while she was out i can't figure out which character i'm supposed to be creeped out by so i'll just say both of them the following day they find the robbers and dress up like a theater group to trick them have i mentioned yet the funniest characters are the band i think there's lesbians that's being that's illegal in seven states how has twitter not canceled this yet this leads to a big chase scene with gophers flying bats again while this bit of action is pretty standard it is a little creative seeing these things fire machine guns is pretty damn wacky and i legit crack up when one of the bats just explodes it gets me pretty good they capture the robbers but discover the water jug was empty before they stole it best get to what the kids really want conversations about capitalist expansion i was here before the highway split this great valley control the water and you control you begin to appreciate the broad sweet divine power what are you building out here the future of mr right the frontier town the lawmen there's just no place for them i watched the march of progress yeah is this where you thought we'd be an hour after watching that even if you're a little kid seeing this cliche for the first time why would this be entertaining to you lex luthor was at least fun to listen to when he discussed his complicated plan this otisburg spin-off isn't nearly as entertaining our new sheriff has been playing the hero for so long he's actually starting to believe it suspecting rango is getting too close he calls rattlesnake jake played by bill nye this is another character that's written dull as a rock but i'll give him this he looks and sounds pretty intimidating hello brother though do you fear fangs but we know better don't we man it's like every scale has a base in it good thing bill nye was there as a reference too he moves exactly like his snakes he went this was kind of dumb he calls out rango's lies and right on cue he leaves the town and sulks alone this goes on for five minutes i know five minutes doesn't sound like much but when there's no jokes no unique spin and it's just sulking because this is so dramatic and surprising god it drives me up a wall i know there's a lot of people that have a higher tolerance for this trope jesus [Music] possibly on the verge of death and it turns out to be clint eastwood the golden guardians are his awards and even though they couldn't get the actual eastwood to voice him oh what this was okay burango isn't timotheole phantom's a pretty good impersonation you came a long way to find something that isn't out here it's not about you it's about them i also like that the idea is he has to check his ego like it's not about him it's about these other people he should help that's what gives him his identity not necessarily what he thinks but what he does had rango ben a more funny or interesting character in a less standard and convoluted story this would have been a lot more powerful to me but i will admit it is still pretty cool i also like we're never given an explanation of what he was a hallucination the actual spirit of the west who knows even the armadillo is there blurring who's still alive and who's dead beautiful isn't it hey didn't you ruin the pirate movies out here too it gets weirder when these trees that look like ants [ __ ] sneed start moving towards where the water is going which is a giant city again no explanation why these trees can walk or if it's a hallucination it just sort of happens and god damn it i wish there was more of it i want this movie to explain less to think outside the box to be that film you couldn't easily explain but whenever it gets close it returns back to its safe space of getting everybody to love him again suspense is terrible no really it's terrible is there anyone who doesn't know what's gonna happen he outsmarts them by having his friends direct the water to the town and shooting the snake into the air but they capture beans and force him to surrender throwing them in the jug filling with water hold on don't worry i got a plan yeah okay okay it's another pretty good joke rango has one bullet left in his mouth but beans accidentally swallows it and freezes up again one last bullet to kill one last outlaw [Music] how bad does this look i guess not bad enough she spits out the bullet which cracks the glass i don't even think the movie cares anymore and it washes up the bad guys the snake takes the mayor away in a surprisingly underwhelming climax and the town is saved but wait what about that stuff about rango dying although he is certain to die perhaps from a household accident the people of the village will honor his memory okay that is so lazy i kind of love the [ __ ] out of it and that was rango a bland story with blank characters told in a massively creative way i don't know if furbinsky made this film better or worse because i don't know what it was trying to be did it start out as a standard flick that was made more surreal or did it start out as a surreal flick that was made more standard i'll totally admit i might be thinking too deep about it after all it is a kids film with eyeballs popping out characters swearing left and right arrows through characters heads and when you add it up an impressive body count it's a little hard to stay too angry at a film that gets away with so much but on the other hand i do see what it could have been and this definitely isn't a case of oh if you liked it you must be ashamed no i love that you would love this movie i love that something so weird and odd looking that also has drops of existentialism in it can get a wide release for a kid's audience what can i say i'm a weird guy and when something comes along saying it's really new and weird i expect it to be really new and really weird and for an oddball like me it's just weird and new enough it's hard to say what are your thoughts do you feel it's a risky kids film that snuck in a lot of naughty stuff he couldn't do back then or do you think it's a garden of ideas that was never given enough water whatever your thoughts i think we can all agree this is a film that brings the good the bad and the ugly i'm a nostalgia critic i remember so you don't have to instead of motion capture is kind of emotion capture hey doug walker here doing the charity shout out and the charity this week what's the recommendation so thank you so much uh it is for a colorado gives boulder county wildfire fund uh on december 30th multiple fires broke out across boulder county more than 75 000 people were evacuated almost a thousand structures were destroyed it's clear this will require both uh short and long-term recovery efforts so the wildfire fund is distributing 5 million dollars in financial assistance to those whose homes have been destroyed or damaged and an additional 500 000 to support the needs of evacuees from this fund uh in addition they will work with government and nonprofit partners to disperse the remaining funds to support those impacted so uh yeah this is obviously a terrible thing that has happened and uh this is the one that's been uh tweeted out everywhere in terms of like this can help and this can uh you know this is the best one you can donate to and give to uh they even have a goal they're trying to reach i think at the time i'm recording this i think it's at eight million they're trying to reach 10 million so uh definitely check it out if you can and please donate if possible you know there's so many people have uh been impacted you know so harshly because of this and if you don't have money to give please spread the word just spread the link and see if you can help these people out because there's a lot of folks that are trying to help and you can be one of them by either donating or just spreading the word about it so thank you so much man take care you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 438,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, rango, rango review, rango movie review, nickelodeon, nickelodeon movies, movie, film, rango movie, rango movie reaction, movie reviews, film review, nostalgia critic reviews, rango reaction, rango masterpiece, video essay, best animated films, johnny depp, rango characters, rango western, rango soundtrack, animation, animated western, western movies, best animated feature, top animated movies, best animated movies
Id: j08pydgrk7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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