Top 100 Games of All Time (100-91)

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Finally something new to fall asleep to. And that's not a comment on the quality, I enjoy these a lot, I just enjoy falling asleep to them for some reason.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/jalkazar 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
Number Tom Sam Zee People's Choice
👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/scareddevil 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Totally missed voting this year. Oops. Somehow I never hear about this until too late.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/brinazee 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

As much as some people like to hate on The Dice Tower this is one of my favourite board game segments ever. Its great to see what their & the people voted top 100 games are and how they compare to previous years. Super excited to watch the rest of the videos!

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Dreamio 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sam is funny. "I don't think Catan Geographies: Germany will leave the list anytime soon." Literally you just need to find 2 more games you like more and it will!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/KingsElite 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's pretty crazy how Photosynthesis finished in a similar position on 3 of the 4 lists.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/simland 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love these. So endearing and easy to listen to. I'll have it on in the background and sort of tune in and out, so every time l put it on I catch something new.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PillDevastationCurve 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

They could've finished the whole list of 100, but Tom had to leave early to go apprehend Pruneface and Flattop.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ironic_fist 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Slug_Overdose 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody I'm Tom Bissell I'm Zhi Garcia hello Sam Healey what's ah it's the top 100 some of us are excited so what are we doing this year well kind of the same thing we're doing last year except we're including the People's Choice in our top 100 gonna try to be a little quicker so that we're not dragging these out too long good don't look at me when you say that do not look at me when you say that oh my god Sam look at you somebody blinded so it's interesting I've been putting these lists together and once again these are our opinions this is how I feel right now and we're recording this one September 25th 2018 so it's possible that September 26th I will play a game that's amazing but I've already put this list together yeah okay true that's very likely but also my list is a little bit more volatile there's 25 games that are on the list that weren't on last year some of them are new some of those yours even more 30 new entries 5 resurgence ease and got 30 new what I'm saying some I don't I don't know two new entries I'll watch it because two new didn't pandemics came out this year I was told not to do that why would I was told not to do that in the past that I should not have more than a single entry for a family otherwise no I think my top 10 would be done there Eric thinks it's okay Eric summer yeah huh I do like that cat now the People's Choice did not change dramatically in new entries I'd say there may be eight or nine new entries because there's more people so it's a slow shift however there's like four new entries in the top ten not new but they have moved up in the content and there's some there's some surprises changing there the highest new number and the People's Choice was number 16 you can think about and guess what that is Wow well here we go let's start with 100 [Music] for me number 100 is a new entry on the list shockingly just came out this year but I liked it a lot and that's heroes of land air and sea okay this is Warcraft the board game essentially it is especially with the expansion at it where they had four new factions there's eight total faction in a while and you're basically well I think there's even like four more coming with a another Kickstarter I think whatever Wow you are building up going out fighting it lets you it's basically a miniature Forex style game I would not play with more than four I saw some people playing with six and I went and laughed very loudly and ran away but I really like it great miniatures and it's not tiny but it is epic nice yeah I've been waiting ok ok so here I'm dancing my one hundred alright my number one hundred my number one hundred is also an entry on the list and I'm just gonna go ahead and say it and get it over with it is code names pictures now go ahead we'll wait to let you that's amazing pick up off the floor like we'll chill first like make fun of code names for being on everyone else's hard he made fun of it hard I did and one of the code names games just made your top 100 games of all time one of them I'm not the one that I've always made fun of this may be the first convenient is the first vodka bottle game if they had ever made your top what I do it maybe likes bunny bunny boots move no and is that correct alright code names pictures squeaks in MI 100 because of how much success I've had with it with people who don't speak English as their native language yes that's the reason it made my list and quite frankly it's the only reason it made my list because I see code name pictures merit and that's about it I still could really do without code names for the most part well did not make the people's choice actually code names pictures that's shocking Oh terrible no I don't know you need again that won't help authorities I don't have any I don't have a desire to play any of that stuff I want to mix them all together Konohamaru actually the game's supposed to be approachable and good for anybody marvel again puts it in a really geeky space that excludes a bunch of doctor that's based on no it is based on Marvel you know nevermind ok cool my number 100 used to be was my 71 last time we did this this is relic runners and it stays on the list I played it now you'll I still love it a lot I still looks amazing it's fun it's engaging its it's pretty quick though there's a lot going on I forgot actually last time I taught her how much there is to teach with all the tracks and though if you do this then you move up on this track and you've got a special power there that you can cash in anytime you want to there's a lot going on in it and it still looks spectacular you know we reviewed it five years ago this week really all right well there you go it's mine number 171 last time relic runners the people's choice number 100 was 91 last year for them so just weeks of us Littman it's another kobato game and that's alchemists this one's actually kind of surprising that this one it's a fairly heavy game worker placement deduction uses that was the first game that was like look we're using an app that has at staying power go give some CTE I didn't realize it was from him as a designer are you sure not anymore yeah I'm not sure if that's his design GGG it's one that I've keep getting told I should play actually that's one I definitely would like to put this here like the surrounding game around it if you would like the deduction part but I don't know that you'd like the surrounding game alchemists alright [Music] now my number 99 has been on my list almost since I've begun I think although it was very very high now it's at 99 but it's not hanging on werewolf okay so or ultimate werewolf or super white box one limited edition werewolf or whatever all the versions of it werewolves risk black box since since we record outlets last year I had a chance to play one of the coolest games ever which was on the cruise we played werewolf on on the deck at night with the wind blowing by I was really cool well I gotta check that out I'll probably do it again this year super fun have to do with a closed circuit microphone system so everybody could hear and also all the cards dropped in flew away werewolf legacy baby that's right werewolf my number 99 Han alright my number 99 was actually my number 99 last year it stayed the course that's that's coincidence yeah it was but I mean I just don't play it that often anymore there's so much else out there to play katanas is definitely slipping I don't think it'll ever slip off of my 100 it'll probably hang around this last it's been there once and it's been there now again twice and it's hanging on so I think it'll stick around for a while I really do like a game it's pretty much the only version of Catan that I will willingly play I'm just saying it's I don't I I was doing a katana marathon I don't we actively avoid Catan but I kind of do katara thon yeah alright but anyway that's my number 99 Catan geography's Germany mine where 99 is new to the list that probably hovered somewhere just outside of it last time this is the quest for El Dorado y this is a a really great deck building game because it's not just deck building it does something else with it I've kind of grown old or tired of deck-building games though I've grown old also that happens to everybody tired and so this one is a racing game that has some deck building in it it's a really simple game I like the concept a lot he's just buying up cards and then use them to race around the track very modular cool theme it's got some pretty good artwork I really enjoy it it's a breezy game and I like it so smashing coming soon yeah yeah that's exciting too so my 99 the quest for El Dorado cool the People's Choice 99 is also a deck builder but not one you might expect it's the Harry Potter deck building game wow that's super hot yeah it is I mean it's done very well obviously the IP helps and then it doesn't hurt that it's actually a good game and it's cooperative people like cooperative it's a your own walk fencing I mean you could just jump in and play the whole thing but and I liked it I wasn't like falling all over the place but I can see that if you're a Harry Potter fan boom it's yours right yeah so Harry Potter deck building game you're number 99 [Music] my number 98 has been in this the third year this has been on the list and I just opened up a new expansion for this game yesterday and that is only Tama no no expansion with I got a neutral piece in the middle I haven't played that yet the wind spirit the wind's fair rule yeah it's a very weird looking piece actually really weird looking we can but anyway I this is still one of my favorite two-player games I played this one I think 50 times this year already because I did it at some convention I was demoing it yeah just wait over and over it over and over again but it doesn't get all right because the cards are there it's a short little chess style game which is fast feels deep and just really fun to play for two players so my number 9808 Tama yeah when I finished my list it ended up at a hundred and six just jump dropped off the top there yeah I will accept that that's close close enough all right my number 98 is a game that was off my list it was at 85 two years ago well two lists ago I guess that might well it's probably two years ago who knows two lists ago anyway Exodus Proxima Centauri has come back on I think that's probably because of the expansions and all of the stuff that it brings with it I don't know dropped off mine a little bit yeah it's in the top 200 yeah I don't I don't know how long it'll stay on the top 100 I mean you know 98 is not a huge resurgence but it did come back on so if you liked it originally and you've kind of falling away from it but you haven't played it with the expansions give it a world they're all modular you can pick and choose what you want to use don't use all of them at the same time I've done that it's not advisable number 98 Exodus not advisable for any board game don't use everything oh yeah there's a couple games I could think of but blow char is a publisher ffv number 98 is a deduction game called perfect alibi perfect alibi is sort of a pretty straightforward concept with player powers on top of that asking each other what do you have what have you seen what have you got but then play your powers on top of that I guess I've just got a deduction on the mind I think my list ended up with three or four deduction games which is quite a lot when you consider it such a small genre of games this is not on the list previously but it's one that the more time has passed the more I can appreciate how unique the game is it really is a game that managed to be both very simple and straightforward and add concepts that others haven't done that don't mess up the deduction part of it so perfect alibi pretty good stuff tonight like all the games like I feel pretty confident I played like 95 of your games him I'm thinking I might have played 20 all right People's Choice number 98 this one I thought would be a lot higher actually but it just came out at Essen this last year and that is the Gaea project Gaea project which is the sequel 2.0 version of Terra Mystica which was extremely popular and then this one's in space better components I just thought this would blow up obviously hit the top 100 so that's not yeah I just want to do higher right it's neither of you have played yeah have you played Terra Mystica yeah Terra mr. guy did you play oh that's right like the playing of a sense sorry I enjoyed it myself my god guy project is like more but it's in space oh yeah what I think I'm good I don't care that my anyway but yes you're number 98 Gaea project [Music] my number 97 has been under list for two years but I play this a lot at every convention everywhere I go and at every single I think every 24-hour marathon we've ever done tumbling dice okay now to be fair I've really modified my tumbling dice a lot I have funky dyes I have round eyes one over your head ones yeah I mean big modification is this a story it's gonna get worship bringing that up man but I said him Oh chips in it hey what for breaking it to break it over someone's head pretty soon we'll be out we pour we set it on fire we brought off a motorcycle gang anyway it's it's a silly game but a lot of fun tumbling dice my number 97 has fallen 30 slots it was at 67 last year and that's probably just due to lack of play still really enjoy the game Cleopatra and the Society of Architects real quick and say that for me that's not as big of a deal honestly dropping 30 spots people like oh but it we've played thousands and thousands of games I don't look I never look back at the previous list so if it ended up in that mix again that's a big deal yeah the thing that really keeps this around for me is is the toy factor the the component factor that it brings to the table it's one of the first games I think that ever played that actually used the box as part of the board and that that's just a really cool concept to make do it touch so that's that's that's why it's still around it's still a great game I enjoy it a lot and that is Cleopatra and the Society of Architects my number 97 my 97 used to be 83 last time I did this and this is Vegas showdown thing showdown is a I thought this would be high on your list actually oh no again I haven't played it too much but it's one that I have tons of fond memories of and I wish that component quality was better it's really my main issue there with the game but it is one that's fun it's a bidding game it's uh it's got a theme that makes sense you know for what you're doing the whole Vegas thing really could be anywhere right it could be you know Carson City Showdown because all you're doing is building up on a structure it happens to be a casino but it doesn't really matter but it's a fun building game bidding building straightforward scoring points it's one from Athlon Hill which is a strange thing but for some especially from them it's a really impressive design and a euro game really so I really enjoyed Vegas show down my night II said you imagine if C Mon picked that out all I'll be great and treated it like they did that a masterminds game where they just had it could be a machine that comes in the bar you want to talk about resurgence I bet you that could that could easily sell well that would be able to work for TLC with the components yeah yep you know number 99 through 94 for people's toys are all new games this is most of the new games popping at the very top and then either pop-up or eventually grow higher this is number 97 is Clank it's done very well it was a big news when it came out another one I think at this point you guys haven't played the apocalypse expansion yet but they have now diverged even farther because with apocalypse the expansion when you pull you put like a scenario and every time you pull a black cube out of the bag you put on that scenario and it will change how things happen and you can like do some sort of thing depending on a scenario to get those black cubes off and to stop the thing from getting worse whatever it is well and then there's cars that you spend those black cubes to do things cool so again it's really diverged from Clank I think that they're they're almost two different games at this point they are two different games but they're very difficult that's right yes Captain Obvious has spoken I really I really think sometimes not all the time because sometimes the second edition is just a reprinting but I think sometimes when you have a second edition of a game that's how the designer meant for it to be released and it got cut back and got okay well yeah let's do this and then they sent when it sells well is Wow let's put that back in there I think that's what happens sure but sometimes it doesn't do as well like king of New York true right yeah thanks anyhow let's move on y'see thanks [Music] my number 96 is a game where I just read another comment on the review where they're like I don't think these guys liked it that much it's in my top 100 I don't know how much more to say it wasn't a flash in the pan last year for me not on your top 50 though oh I know Godfather Corleone's Empire I really like this game I think how do you feel about it though I mean what do you what do you like that my therapist now right so Godfather is a game that basically just mob control the city it's an area control game which I like a lot I like controlling different regions I like getting things and I like this whole kind of push your luck type aspect of I want to use this money but I also want to stick it in the box for scoring at the end of the game it doesn't hurt the game has really nice components it gets kind of overshadowed by the whole blood rage Rising Sun thing yes but I still really like it a lot Godfather Corleone's Empire my number 96 for 96 years right yes yes yeah okay 96 my name or 96 is for sale this is a really quick portable card game that's very easy to teach you can teach it in a couple of minutes simply because it has two phases the first phase you are auctioning off houses second phase you're selling those houses for checks and then whoever has the most money at the end of that those two phases is the winner so it's really one of the one of my go-to gateway experiences because it's so simple to teach there are very few rules and that's why it has clung to my list it has slipped some only three spaces but it's still there and I think it'll probably remain for a quite some time for sale my number 96 actually it's still pretty popular it was 114 on the people's choice Wow Wow pretty high for an old game were 10 years old at this point I believe away over 10 years I think it's almost 15 at this point it's pretty old yeah Wow all right number 96 was 84 last time so it slipped a little bit which is fine it's a small card game like for sale this is beastie bar and beastie bar is like the only person where that's addicted probably the only one of the few people who has actually played the thing probably I really enjoy it it's a it's got a bunch of anthropomorphic animals and they are lining up on a bar they each have different powers as you play them on the table they effect online some house I like the powers they came out with an expansion as well which lets you mix in more characters more powers it's one I've always had success playing and teaching and I just enjoy the way it looks and the way it flows it's a it's an easy fun really engaging card game so beastie bar my 96 my number 96 the people's choice number 96 sorry is Ziya it's the first time on the list actually even though it's been out for a few years a century it also well I think the thing with Ziya is the way the voting works there's lots and lots of votes I think some people like loves aya so it's gonna be the highest on their lists but not enough people that it breaks the into the top 50 or whatever people's choice but yeah this game is extremely popular I know there wasn't a there's an expansion that people love I don't know if they like kick-started another expansion but I wouldn't be surprised that happens it certainly gets a lot of love that's Zaya [Music] my number 95 is new to the list although I've played it a long time ago in its original form when Z lent it to me the new version just came out this year that's goo Camino or gummy no or I don't how to pronounce it in kimono I thought it was come on oh okay fine something like it was originally Hartland about farming now it's about Sam right now I think it would be even higher my list if the board wasn't so busy it almost I won't say it looks ugly but I like edges towards that for me you're not actually don't like but I haven't seen the board in person I've only seen still images online and I did not like the look of those so I don't know I like how simple this game is though it's basically just put down some tiles and so again it's area control but you're trying to make these areas bigger and it's super mean you're definitely trying to cut other people's areas up and I mean that's a mean game and I like it yeah so so uh that game cooky mo no I think so it says it on the screen so that's always good well no no I know what it says I'm just trying to pronounce it right all right my number 98 95 was at 79 last year so it has slipped a bit and this is mainly just for lack of play really you don't have a whole lot of time to break it out and it is still fun though and I enjoy the concept I school I school and this is a neat little game where you're just flicking penguins around a board you're trying to collect your snacks you're actually cutting class so you have to watch out for the hall monitor and make sure that the hall monitor is that I do not approve cutting that's it's a it's a neat little fun game in it and it provides the opportunity for a lot of different kinds of trick shots and learning how to flick the penguin the correct way to make it do this and that so I really enjoyed it it kinds of kind of merges between a kids game and dexterity game all at the same time and I enjoyed it true they played the mega one yet have you I haven't played where you put I school one and two together no I haven't I think we'll do that for like our next marathon might be feeling moved back up is list you like that number 95 I school all right my number 95 is brand new to the list and this is another deduction game called the shipwreck Arcana this is a small aux-in which you are going to display some cards face up in the center of the table and everyone's working together to figure out what tiles they are holding from one another I'll draw two tiles numbered 1 through 7 I have to play one on the table under one of those conditions on the cards and the other players around the table are going to deduce using the information I've played from the tile and the card I played it under while I'm still holding that's it it's a pretty straightforward game plays in about 25 30 minutes tops and I really enjoyed it it's one that's captivating it's interesting it's very different of both a deduction game it's a different deduction game than most and it's a different co-op game than most and I really like that the way they were able to pre bridge those two things together the shipwreck Arcana is my 95 really neat little card game that just missed my top hundred uh-huh if I had put or your consciousness number ninety five came out last year from blue orange games and Etta's photosynthesis mmm-hmm yeah this one is doing really well because a it attracts people how nice it looks and then they play it and I think a lot of people really like it again another meanness same but it has that whole science thing and I'm curious to see if this year is sequel sorts of it the same genre the planet planet it's called I'm curiously if that one will also do really well or not so photosynthesis you're number 95 cool [Music] my number 94 is another one that's new to the list I'm a big sucker for cooperative games and especially based on themes I like and this one I have won once that's okay I still really like it and that is the reckoners uh I expect this to be higher near list so yeah I really like the recognize it's a lot of fun I feel that the theming of it because I've read the books right so that theming I'm trying to stop superheroes I like how hard it is but yet I feel like it's winnable and I like that while I'm playing it even though it's hard I'm whooping up on people hmm eventually I think this is one of those games that you have to maybe not but I guess I feel like you have to like the IP in order to enjoy the game more maybe you don't tell me that the judge on that since I like the IP right so I don't know yeah I I just I had never heard of the IP before and the game was just okay for me know the production values on the charts yeah you're right but the gameplay is okay my number 94 is a game that was a 42 last year so it has slipped a lot but it's still there spoils of war by arcane wonders this is a theme game where you're basically splitting the loopers which are funny yeah I haven't I didn't count that I should probably yeah but it's it's not your your regular Viking the type of game though you're you're basically just bidding for different kinds of loot and that type of thing and it's it's it's more of just maybe think liar's dice but fun that's pretty much what spoils of war is so that's a 94 blows award I think we have homework for next time we do this game so count the Viking games found the main games and I'll count the co-op's how about that yes and we'll see who wins that mines that are still in print game break that takes a lot of receive most useless top 100 haha alright number 94 was my 76 last time this is Dixit a party game which you are playing cards out saying something bizarre probably and hoping that someone guesses your card out of a selection of cards but not everyone or hopefully no one you know and that would be bad also if no one gets it that's basically it this has had a billion expansions by now great artwork simple party game really popular stuff Dixit it's excellent 94 the problem takes is I don't even know if I have all the expansions I don't know either I know I don't but I don't know which ones I do have that's the problem right people's choice number 94 came out last year a very popular game dinosaur island yeah this game here which is essentially Jurassic Park - board game or each person's building their own park trying to fill it with Dinosaurs and I have too many people get eaten I feel like that seems like a reasonable thing to do it's all about the money and a few lives get lost along the way that's okay these things are gonna happen well that's not my philosophy the people picked it necessary it might not be on my list I never actually 94 dinosaur island [Music] my number 93 has been on the list for four years now it is one of my favorite party games and I have not yet played the new themed version that Sam likes a lot but that is spiteful yeah but it came out DC's by five not prepared that yet but man I just I just want a spy phone makes the list because every time I think about it I think about the experiences I've had playing it and they're just some of the most entertaining times I've had playing a game really funny stuff funny questions it's actually been a bit since I've played a full game of spy boy probably need to get it back to the table but I just again I reason I think about it's a lot of fun so that's why it made my list see I fall yeah that's cool or spy fall too which is the same thing all right my number 93 is a was on the list last year at 45 so it's also fallen but it is our first I think crossover with the People's Choice and that is photosynthesis and this is a great this is a great little game I wasn't enamoured with the inside the box and how it holds everything that was really chintzy as far as that's concerned but the actual pieces there are just cardboard standee trees but they're really cool and they're functional they look great on the board and that's part of the aesthetic that's there and I really enjoyed it and that's probably one of the main reasons it's still there is because of how cool it looks when it's on the board and while you're playing it so the gameplay is great but the aesthetics just make it rise a little bit higher so that's my number 93 photosynthesis my number 93 was 56 last time this is me kirino's or Mike Karen s I'm not sure how you say it I've heard it both ways it's uh it's an area control game with tiled placement and it's one in which I really enjoy it's got it's a two-stage kind of game very simple really short and punchy euro game takes about 35 minutes to play and you are just controlling areas with your cubes and then those areas and flip them over they become tiles you keep those tiles and send the artifacts to the museum for victory points it's basically it really straightforward really enjoy it this is probably a this is gonna make that list I think 93 may kirino's alright your number 93 this is the fifth year out of six years for some odd reason that it's been on the list and that's because they come out with two expansions on each year on schedule from AEG smash up they really do they just keep money and walk work more and more smashing and so there you go I mean and this is obviously every time I go to the store I see them selling a new thing and people keep buying the expansion it's it's very popular it's it's a munchkin with some more rules I think would be a good way to describe it so that's your number 93 all right well here we go for our first three-way crossover for my number 92 photosynthesis Wow was people Sammy oh I don't count I thought when he said three-way I'd included me well it does not yeah I really like photosynthesis this is my last year was on the list to at 62 I just I just like this game it just looks good and it feels like you have a lot of good decisions you're trying to get these points as quickly you know as you can but same time you want to give your trees in the board to get that light simple but cut throw and it's a game that you can teach new people and they can get it right away yes and but people who played for a while will see strategies it's a it's a really well designed game so photosynthesis my number 92 my number 92 was actually not on the list four years ago it was on the 80th spud so it was always kind of low but it made a resurgence just because I've been reminded about how much I enjoy the game Lahav and this is probably not gonna be on the list I would imagine next year this is one of those that I think just popped back on because I was reminded not my favorite how much I enjoy that does suggest you were not before I understand that I am sorry I did see between those two lines yes but Lahav is just it's it's the only it's the heaviest I'll put it that way it's the heaviest Rosenburg game that I enjoy yeah are they're heavier yes okay so that's my number 92 laughs my number no way to the box cause it's like go ahead number 92 is a feast for Easter for Lukey a fees for patchwork now my number 92 is actually a heavy game and it's the my go-to answer when someone says Z what's the longest game you like Dracula this was not on the list before actually but you know third edition is definitely been the the best edition they've come out so far in my opinion it's one that does streamline the game does not necessarily make it shorter but it does make it more fun that turns you're quicker there's just more activity on the board the look is great everything is just soup tup in this version I really enjoy this game and I love the atmosphere in this game sometimes that's what you want some great atmosphere and and fear of Dracula third edition gives me that so that's my 92 interestingly enough it was 73 on the people's choice last year 140 this year that shows how much going out of print will do good game right it's been just a rock cutting data ronke existence yeah it's same praying out of print for second in printing third gone right away and now gonna get picked up again yeah it's been missing all right number 92 for the People's Choice has not been on the list before which is weird cuz the games been out for at least three years I think and that's Specter ops no cool yeah I was surprised I maybe I have to go back and look at my numbers and everything maybe the expansion and I guess there was a standalone that could do is it rises I could do it it they didn't released an app for it yet I don't know but it is a great deduction game it's really fun one person chasing other people so I'm not surprised number nine I'm just surprised it's it's just so different now those two so Spectre ops [Music] my number 91-85 last year 20 the year before that and I almost can guarantee it won't be Melissa next year and the reason I can guarantee that I think it's because I've almost exclusively played this on the app now and once I start playing things on an app they almost slip out of my mind for actual board gaming and that's through the ages through the ages is a great civilization style game they released an app which was phenomenally good and I could play through the ages at about 20 minutes as opposed to the two hours it takes I mean I'm really speed playing on my case well you know what does it matter maybe it's a little longer than that but it's definitely not two hours and I really like that but I like through the ages it does the best job of bringing Sid Meier's if I think to the table lets you make some good choices and cards I think I like it best with two players the new version is phenomenally beautiful and good so through the ages my number 91 okay my number 91 was 77 last year so it slipped a little bit I slipped a bit but not much scythe from stone minor games and this one is just like a plate I don't dislike the game any more now than I do I haven't been able to play either of the two expansions that have come out you will love that was I was cut out of the times that we played it here in the office so not not purposeful you just didn't get to do it that's my number 91 scythe still like it it'll stay there for a while I think I don't think it's gonna step off my list because I do enjoy the perhaps we did check him out first time and scythe slipped off of my hunter completely they might come back when I hit those expansions maybe though you know put it back on the list mighty one though is a new game and I'd say it's a game from Martin Wallace but why ever a few years ago would have said gets a game on my top 100 games of all time but via nebula is both appealing gorgeous and a pretty with this died on us last year I don't believe so if it wasn't I've made a mistake somewhere but I don't think it was yeah via nebula is a real gorgeous and engaging euro game kind of mid-weight euro game gather resources build up things really like it it's one that even from the very first time I play it I was like ok this is not the Martin Wallace I know and know his stuff is usually really low this game's not a person his games are normally very dry they're usually very math Lee and men they got a lot going on there they bridge the you know they step into work for me as opposed to being fun via nebula it's fun I really enjoy this game my 91 alright and finally last one for today's list number 91 for the People's Choice is well this okay so normally when I combine games like Oh like if there's two versions of the game and the people vote for both versions I combined them because that makes sense in this case I could not do it because I know people voted for both so anyway it's go I'm sent century golem edition and there's somebody out there actually voted for century spice road and century golem Edition yes more than one person how many I don't I didn't go through encounter we don't why I'm not saying that spice road is higher on the list somewhere that seems so strange why would you vote for both I totally get voting for your favorite of the two but both they are the same game I know I mean I know all right well if that throws things off and you feel like we're not giving you a full 100 games zombicide Black Plague was 101 right and lost cities was 102 but that didn't make the list twice later let's see how things progress as time goes by I think you'll see some interesting things in the future I got some tricks up my sleeve Marty until next time now I'm Tom Bassel I'm zygor CEO thank you I'm Sammy Lee see you guys on the flip side [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 74,203
Rating: 4.842063 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10
Id: oa4VkcP-6Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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