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[Music] hello I'm Anika welcome to animal watch in this episode I'll be sharing with you my top 10 facts about fact number one the war fight the wolf has very strong jaws the doors of a wall have a crushing pressure of around 1,500 pounds per square inch compared to 750 pounds per square inch for a German Shepherd the wolf has 42 teeth the Wolves front teeth the incisors and canines are used for puncturing slashing and clinging the pointed premolars and molars are used for tearing and sharing the car nasal teeth and upper premolars lower molars are designed to shear tendons and connective tissue while the bactine are useful for cracking bones the wool of canine teeth interlock so that the world can hang on struggling prey like number two the wall genetic origin did you know that dogs are not descended from the modern day grays but an extinct species of wolf which roamed the world around 30,000 years ago this happened several times according to varying opinions and is covered in my other film how dogs came from war both the dog and gray wolf split off from these extinct war so although people claim the dog is directly descended from the modern day grays in fact it isn't but it is descended from wolves just an extinct line which does not exist anymore it has been suggested that some modern-day dog breeds do contain gray wolf and this is certainly plausible as matings could have occurred with nordic breeds over time in order to get an exact content the DNA test would be needed of course all wolf dogs do contain gray wolf content fact number three do they really kill people wolves do not hunt and kill people as folklore suggests but this doesn't mean they haven't killed over history folklore really blackens the reputation of the timid and beautiful wolf by constantly casting him as the bad guy in poems fairy tales and folklore but this is the opposite of the truth the wolf is extremely timid and people will be stretched to ever catch a glimpse of one they do not chase people like in the film the gray and do not stalk people in packs however they are not free of blame and over time there have been fatalities at the hands of wolves rabid wolves have been known to enter towns villages in the past and bite people but rabies makes animals brave and delusional there are many incidences of rabid bites which have resulted in the death of the victim also there have been some incidences of wolf keeper deaths in wolf parks this is because wolves are habituated to humans are more likely to challenge them and the deaths which have been recorded have not been because the wolf wants to eat the person but often because a mistake has been made by the wolf handler and often has involved the handling of food around the walls facts number four were Wars always timid what was probably weren't always so timid we know that wolves are extremely timid in the 21st century and as the previous facts stated we will be hard-pressed to find a wolf siding up to us however this was probably not the case in the past once the world was covered in thick woodland and forests and it covered a huge amount of the planet this is perfect wolves domain and wolves roamed everywhere before humans killed wolves wolves most probably did not fear us and would most likely have seen small children foraging in the forests as fair game since the gun was invented a wolves have been killed in their Millions selective breeding most probably has happened unintentionally as the bravest and most confrontational of wolves would have been the first to be killed leaving the more timid and quiet temperaments left as in the breeding for temperament in dogs it is most probable that the same has happened to the wolf this is best observed in northern Canada where the Wolves barely see humans and have existed without persecution for many years here the world are brave and will come and greet biologists when they landed their helicopters thanks number five all I why do all have yellow eyes well in fact not all wolves do the colors range from yellow to amber light brown to even dark brown if you see the odd blue eye in a warmth this will always mean that there's been dog wolf hybridization as blue eyes are not for wolf traits the wolf has excellent peripheral vision due to his eyes being placed slightly to the side of his skull he also has superior night vision the outer perimeter of the Wolves retina is highly sensitive to movement however wolves eyes like a for-real pit that allows for sharp focusing at long distances all of them people have very different color vision we other primates have street color vision that is we have three color sensitive receptors in our eyes called cone cells roughly blue green and yellow wool have only two such color receptors the range of hues walls can discriminate is much reduced compared to our detailed studies of the wolf's ability to sense motion have shown that they can detect motion considerably better than we can especially in good light condition one because they will see the world faster than we do wolves are born with blue eyes but this doesn't last and will mellow down into Amber tones as I get older fat number six reproduction wolves can only breed once a year unlike dogs who come into season several times a year and can produce loads of puppies a wolf will only come into heat in the late autumn she will be mated and will produce puppies or cubs in the spring in order to guarantee their greatest survival despite this there is still a 50% mortality and wolf pups the female will dig a deep then and give birth in there this is the only time wolf living dens the rest of the time they sleep on the ground the rest of the pack will bring food to her for the duration of the time she is with the pups in the den the wolf pack will regurgitate soft to feed for the pups when the pups lick their mouths and bring solid meat for the mum astounding that these same pups will be hunting with the rest of the pack by the time they're 7 months old fact number 7 the outer controversy what is an alpha in the past people have assumed the alpha wolf was the most dominant wolf and had to fight to take his or her position at the top of the pack this is not the case and it comes down to a simple family hierarchy not dissimilar to humans the main breeding pair is usually the natural mum and dad of the pack and the subordinates are you see their children or brothers or sisters when the Alice's gets a breeding age they will often disperse and create their own tax if one of the main breeding pair is killed then the replacement will be chosen by the remaining alpha wolves rarely live above five years old in the wild due to many factors including disease fighting or being hunted which means they don't ever get too old to stop breeding captured homes will often have the worst pack fights than a wild pack as they are trapped and are not going out in that alley disperse if needed also traffic laws often fade or summer partially confusion and upset when no puppies appear this will again cause Wars to try and askew new breeding database meaning unnatural alphas will appear after sometimes fatal fighting fact number 8 hunting war the only true enemy of the wolf is man studies in Canada Italy in the United States show that sixty to ninety percent of wolf mortality has been through human causes it is estimated that two million wolves were killed in the USA between 1850 and 1910 the wolf was extinct across most of Europe by 1900 the last wolf in Denmark was killed in 1772 Scotland's last wolf was killed in 1848 wolf survived in Poland Romania the former Yugoslavia northern Greece northern Spain and the mountainous central region of Italy a few walls have recently returned to Scandinavia France and Germany walls can be found in Turkey around Israel where they are fully protected Saudi Arabia India Mungo China and Russia there are 60,000 wolves in Canada though they are no longer found in New Brunswick Newfoundland or Nova Scotia there are between 7,000 to 12,000 wolves in Alaska where they are still hunted except in parks or reserves there are approximately 6,000 wolves left in the USA not including Alaska but this fluctuates due to control and hunting back number 9 the war hearing and smell the wolves long nosed holds the key to it's incredible sense of smell wolves have a sense of smell about hundred times greater than humans and they use this keen sense while hunting compared to domestic dogs most world wars have an even higher level of scent recognition in a wall the part of the nose that is receptive to smell is nearly 14 times greater than a human nose wolves can smell up to 1.75 miles away scientists think that wolves may be able to tell the age and gender of other wolves by using their sense they can also avoid other predators or enemies by using this detection system next to smell the sense of hearing is the most acute of the wolf's senses the gray wolves hearing is at least 16 times better than a human's wolves can hear as far as 6 miles away in the forest and ten miles in the open wolves can hear well up to a frequency of 25 kilohertz some researchers believe that the actual maximum frequency detected by wolves is actually much higher perhaps up to 80 kilohertz the upper auditory limit for humans is only 20 kilohertz also according to some natural ists wolves hearing is greater than that the dog and back number ten just how fast is the wolf wolves walk trot lope or gallop their legs are long their chests narrow and they walk at about four miles per hour which is about six point four km/h but can also reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour during a chase the usual mode of travel is to trot which they do at various speeds generally between eight to ten miles per hour which is about twelve point eight to sixteen kilometers per hour wants to not run at full speed until they get as close as possible to their prey at that point they make a high-speed chase to test the animal walls can keep up this pace for hours on end and have been known to cover 60 miles 96 kilometers in a single night they have been clocked at speeds of over 40 miles per hour for a distance of several miles I hope you enjoyed my top ten wolf facts if you loved this video then give me a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and remember you pop back every week where I will be giving you some amazing film or fact wildlife and conservation bye for now [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 1,785,682
Rating: 4.839077 out of 5
Keywords: wolf, wolves, Wolf Girl, wolfgirl, Anneka Svenska, big wolf, gigantic wolf, huge wolf, wolf teeth, teeth, wolf eyes, wolf hearing, wolf sight, wolf speed, wolf kill, wolf bite, wolf strength, pet wolf, wolf cub, baby wolf, wolf puppy, puppies, dog eyes, dog sight, dog vision, dog, dogs, wolfdog, wolfdogs, wolf facts, wolf expert, wolf bite human, Animal Watch
Id: qpaetHrytic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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