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oh my god oh my god bro it's [ __ ] longer as well jesus christ yo what's good you're watching sidemen reacts with myself jj and harry reacting to the top 10 weirdest phobias to ever exist jay you got a phobia what is it again [ __ ] off man i'm just informing the people it's trypophobia and harry you have one of buttons yeah it sounds pretty [ __ ] when you say like that but yeah well hopefully hopefully buttons intro portfolio isn't in this video i don't think they will because they're not that they're they're weird but they're not i think there's gonna be more like out there ones i i think button's a bit more weird buttons might be there actually but bro i'm not that bad anymore i can do it i just don't like him i just don't like him i used to have a photograph now i just don't like him i'm i'm still very bad now the closest thing i have to a phobia is snakes is that phobia you just you just don't like snakes yeah they're just squirrels that's just the [ __ ] that's the yeah they know they do make me squirm what did you say jj none let's go no no wait wait wait wait what did you say yo no what did you say i didn't hear him either i have no idea something about [ __ ] somehow we'll go to the tape on that one later yeah you're just a you're just a [ __ ] bro yeah they know they do make me squirm what did you say jj into number 10 selena phobia it's a fear of the moon so selena is the greek word for moon and this is also known as lunaphobia from the latin word for moon luna it can also be a fear of the darkness on a moonless night so the mythological reasons that someone might develop this fear includes that people may commit more crimes during a full moon as the myth goes or maybe the moon is inhabited by evil creatures or as we all know the myth that the moon can transform people into werewolves that's very common it's not an outrageous phobia it's all right i can see why you might not like it what being scared of the moon oh no it's the maybe it's the craters you're looking for and you're scared of that no what it's quite weird it's a bit unnerving there's a big [ __ ] glowing rock in the sky no it's a bit odd you don't [ __ ] about the sun why are you gonna hate on the moon the sun too it's all mad it's all mad it's all mad i don't know you might as well be afraid of the air well you're in trouble if you are [Laughter] moving on to number nine lenophobia this is the fear of string so obviously beginning of this phobia is the greek word for string lino and while it sounds humorous at first to be afraid of you know strings laces on shoes this one actually causes pretty serious symptoms including shortness of breath tremors nausea fainting i can say you get specific symptoms for different phobias i didn't know it was a thing but apparently so so like if actually you know i'm not gonna go in no i wanna hear what you're gonna say because it's gonna be like tying someone up not the people want to know the people want to know say it all right so if you're in bed and you're getting tired up yeah yeah i'm assuming you're not gonna do it if you've got a phobia of string maybe handcuffs yeah yeah yeah nice you're happy now yeah basically people who develop a fear of string may have it because they may have been tied up in the past wow there you go looks like we found where it started our fear of being tied up isn't that outrageous that's like fair enough i mean i think it kind of depends in on the situation like let's say you're getting kidnapped and then you're getting tied up yeah and there's you know stuffing a dick in your mouth no bro bruh jesus christ oh they're bending you over and forcing the dick in your eyes bro okay girl got that bad now moving on to number eight allophobia fear of flutes so this person better watch out for lizzo's flute solos is all i can say allophobia can be a fear of looking at a flute the sound of a flute or even the clicking of the flute's buttons when it's played it's a bit of a weird instrument in it like it's a bit booky what is it mask off you're just triggered by that oh you'd have a terrible time and that was like all like you can get away from that song [Laughter] moving on to number seven this is a fun one a racket but tyrophobia yeah try saying that five times fast so this phobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth yeah as in when it gets stuck up there and you are left trying to get it off there and making the weird faces of like that that's a fear it's a valid fear honestly that's a really specific phobia yeah but i can see why like it's a bit of an odd feeling having something stuck to the roof of your mouth so it's not i can like and sympathize with it is there a name for a fear of like falling over and grazing your elbow on the [ __ ] corner of a bedpost or some [ __ ] like that's been specific man probably probably there's a fear of grazing yourself like people like if you any kind of like open wound people get i know someone has a fear of sperm is it a woman or a man she has a fear of sperm oh god yeah so she's never had sex are you serious no i'm fully serious wow yeah name drop oh no i'm joking i'm joking [Laughter] all right well fair play to her moving on to number six genophobia fear of knees yeah so if i say something is the bee's knees does that make you scream maybe the idea of knees makes you uncomfortable but for these people venustrophobia a fear of beautiful women if you have this one i don't know how you're watching this video what not i'm sorry this is who came up with this one fat woman [Laughter] oh wait did he cut that out you stopped with the thing you i know just clearly like ugly people have just gone ah i'm just let's think of a fear for like old people like what the hell i want i'm like i'm not i'm ugly and i'm not there like oh i'm scared of beautiful women or beautiful people like you just now sweet ones can be intimidating to some people man i don't think it's that but is it it's like a it's gonna make amazing how can you be a world like it's worse yeah yeah that's weird though let's let's hear what she has to say yeah yeah let's hear it let's hear her out venustrophobia is when seeing a beautiful woman or speaking to one can cause a full-on panic attack but that's just like your life well maybe well maybe maybe it's you're just like overwhelmed by their beauty yeah lucky yeah it means all that then it's not that they don't like them they just get they panic because yeah yeah there's less of a phobia i'd say it's more like i just get very anxious talking to to talk women isn't that just a human reaction maybe kind of something for some people yeah well i mean it's kind of like if you meet your celebrity crush you know you're gonna be like oh my god and start sweating and [ __ ] what happened to you now people may develop this phobia if they associate a beautiful woman or women with a negative experience a girl rejects someone it leads to fear of another rejection yeah this makes now she's explained it makes more sense okay that makes sense all right i i'm sorry it's too late for you it's too late for you brother the physical symptoms are trembling shortness of breath sweaty hands nausea headaches and in some cases gasping for breath choking crying and screaming plus emotionally a person may have a loss of reality feeling like running away embarrassment or feeling like you're going to pass out all right so boys you're getting intimidated by uh i don't have dynastrophobia wherever it is well i mean too much this isn't a flying face anyway oh she's going to tweet us you know she's going to tweet the actor the video is going to tweet us oh my god no she'll just be like oh you're clapped anyway or some [ __ ] i don't know oh she's a lovely lady i don't know what you're saying about us oh [ __ ] you moving on to number four euphobia which is the fear of good news [Laughter] this one is so stupid no we should hear her out we should hear her out we should and you're probably thinking who fears good news yes good right so the reason someone may develop euphobia is if they get really really disappointed by good news that didn't actually happen an example is someone who has the winning lottery numbers but it's for the wrong date then they're people that want the truth and equate the truth with chaos like something being good may become something that is too good to be true these people just thrive in a chaotic environment i i thought it was just psychos just anything good that happens in the world they're like oh no that's so gross what you're helping that dying baby world peace no [Laughter] number three we have platophobia fear of bald people i think this phobia exists just because of all people they're just too powerful you know well i mean so i mean this obviously i don't want this to be deep but let's say you're going to hospital cancer oh for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake it's the person who's got the gonna just start freaking out like that's a bit big you know i don't know how he does it harry the first reaction was fun the first video was fine this one something's happened i don't know what's going on in reality these people who suffer from high amounts of anxiety when they see bald people they exist that would give me anxiety so what if the person who's afraid of pole people becomes bold themselves don't even look in the mirror good point yeah sure oh well five player tubes yeah moving on to number two papa phobia and no this is not a fear of your papa fear the pope this is the fear of the pope what he's a little bit creepy looking the old one so i'm guessing i'm guessing this is if you got touched as a kid oh my gosh well i mean i mean why else would you be afraid of the pope she's about to explain why let her speak let her land bro so the symptoms for this one typically include extreme anxiety dread and these creeps that is a creepy man spooky but i mean he could have a condition so now the the photo itself is just spooky you know what i can find a bit creepy about it is like the like the the uh the outfit like the amount of like that's what i'm saying the red yeah all the all the fud for jazz or whatever it goes along with it if you're not like plus if the pope is bald then platophobic people with papaphobia are just getting a double whammy at that point but she didn't tell us why let's move on to number one my favorite the weirdest of the weird anti-day phobia fear a duck is watching you yeah what very specific see what i'm saying sorry this is this one is actually ridiculous that the duck's watching you ah fair enough man it's not fair enough at all they're crazy i'm sorry yeah i'm fine they're a little bit creepy three of them watching you ah it's not the government it's the ducks i don't don't give a [ __ ] or do they no no they're just trying to use their spinny dicks and enter vaginas what i want to play i'm just going to press play before we go anyway corkscrew penis okay and also a side note canadian geese are terrifying yeah [ __ ] that that's terrifying that that's that's that's pretty bad why does his like nose look like a slide can you see that i can see it i can see it i can see it it looks like a really long dog face bro you know them dogs that have long heads it does i know it's not gonna be the one that's like yeah i don't know they're cool but they're like yeah the flat face yeah do you remember when we remember the uh the the cyber wrecks antarctica one which we saw rabbits oh my god mate i thought i thought the ears were the mouth [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] was that the [ __ ] is that this fear could have been spurred by a traumatizing event or incident with ducks or geese but my mom says don't worry i'm sorry maybe you got molested by a duck i'm like that's the only one i mean what the corksuit dicks slowly entering the second time you brought their dicks today i mean it's just mad that it's corkscrew bro it like is it what's a duck penis look like duck penis are we actually googling duck [ __ ] you know oh my god oh my god bro it's [ __ ] long as well jesus christ god can't wait to see that facial reaction bro i can't believe what i'm seeing i can see why i feel them now i'm good thanks that ends our list right there and what do you think weird phobias right time to duck sorry it was there [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,387,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cD6G59IHPlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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