Top 10 Things You Missed in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 3

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luckily for you i know where to begin welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 things you missed in the falcon and the winter soldier episode 3. you think the wakandans forgot about it it's a rhetorical question they didn't he's out of line but he's right and i love these for this list we're looking at the easter eggs comic book references and mcu callbacks you might have missed in this episode of the disney plus series since we'll be talking about every detail beware of big spoilers flying your way which of these flew under your radar let us know in the comments number 10. a bar fit for wolverine layla blend in enjoy the party try to stay out of trouble as sam and bucky are walking through the streets of madrapore they spot a sign for the princess bar this was one of wolverine's go-to establishments within the crooked city in the comics during a time when he was wearing an eye patch and going by the extremely creative nickname patch he once met up with the hulk at the princess bar if sam bucky and zemo had gone in would they have found wolverine grabbing a drink with professor hulk i'm kidding i know it's crazy i'm wearing shirts now well since mutants like wolverine haven't been introduced to the mcu yet that meeting would be unlikely but the princess bar still stands as a great callback to our favorite canadian x-men member [Applause] bucky gets payback bucky finally got revenge on a man who wronged him in the third episode and no we're not talking about zemo when sam gets in the back of a car bucky seems unwilling to move his passenger seat up for sam you're not gonna move your seat up are you no this extremely petty moment is a great callback to civil war while the duo is waiting for sharon to give steve his shield sam refuses to move his chair when bucky's in the back seat can you move no let this be a lesson to you if you're sharing a car with bucky either move your seat or be prepared for him to take extremely petty revenge against you about seven years later you couldn't have done that earlier i hate you number eight sam doesn't go left during a shootout bucky scolded sam for not going left i thought we were gonna go left you win the wrong hand away although it seems like an odd complaint this directional mix-up just continues a long and literal running gag within the mcu steve rogers showed off his athletic prowess by saying on your left whenever he's zipped by sam on their exercise route falcon notably borrowed that phrase when he returned for the final battle against thanos in endgame your left after that epic entrance bucky probably assumed that sam would approach battles from the left from that point on hopefully they will be better coordinated the next time things go left for them it's in every action movie number seven sharon has an extremely famous monet painting well at some point i thought if i had to hustle i might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler you know much i can get for a real monet easy deactivate your hustle mode you sell fake money it means real it turns out that sharon has a very good eye for stolen art if you hit pause when sam googles a painting you'll see what appears to be monet's women with a parasol madame monet and her son this particular piece is one of the famous painters most acclaimed and personal works in the real world this piece sits in the national gallery of art in washington dc its current location in the mcu can be interpreted as a subtle metaphor for sharon carter's life although she and the painting supposedly belong in america they've both been forced to remain in a foreign land outside of the reach of the law i don't speak to my family anymore i can't my own father doesn't know where i am number six carly may be more brutal than her comic book counterpart the leader of the flag smashers is definitely a three-dimensional villain within the span of the third episode we see carly grieve for a loved one and talk about her dreams for the future i always thought i'd be a teacher like mama tonya maybe like history or art although we sympathize with her we also notice another dark parallel to her comet counterpart the comic version of flag smasher caused an explosion in a u.n building during his debut although it's unclear if he hurt anyone carly fully acknowledges that she may have taken lives when she set off her shocking explosion there was still people in there this is the only language these people understand at this point in her villainous career it appears that her evil acts are outpacing her comic book counterparts we might be sympathizing with someone who's already gone too far down a dark path because this world is us should have been marmadonious and we're going to use all of our strengths to give it to the kids in those camps number five smiling tiger's connection to madrapore wasn't expecting you smiling tiger his plans changed when sam goes undercover in madrapore he pretends to be conrad mack a man who goes by the subtle nickname smiling tiger the name is shared with a comic villain who sports dangerous claws and mostly spoken growls while sam imitates smiling tiger every time you give someone the silent treatment there's another parallel between the hero and the villain you're smaller than i'd heard smiling tiger in the comics the smiling tiger was part of a villainous group called the folding circle the villains eventually end up in madrapore and try to grab as much power as they can it seems like the show's version of the character has a history in the city too hopefully smiling tiger never discovers that sam tried and failed to imitate him there sam i'm sorry let me call you back sam oh sam number four the touching significance of troubleman i told him about trouble man he wrote in that book you hear what you think i like 40s music so you didn't like it i liked it the idea that bucky might not love marvin gaye's troubleman is largely played for laughs but it might mean much more to sam than he let on he mentions the time he recommended the album to steve in captain america the winter soldier marvin gaye 1972 troubleman soundtrack everything you missed jammed into one album but it notably appears once more in the film after battling his brainwashed best friend steve ends up in the hospital when he wakes up sam is sitting next to him as troubleman plays in the background on your left [Music] every time sam hears that song he may think of the moment steve woke up after nearly losing his life marvin gaye's words underscored an extremely touching reunion back then that is likely the biggest reason sam is so attached to the album now everybody loves marvin gaye i like marvin gaye steve adored marvin k you must have really looked up to stephen number three zemo and carly might team up there okay zemo where do we start we never thought we'd see the day where zemo teamed up with superheroes but there's actually a precedent for this in the comics tony stark once relied on zemo's team known as the thunderbolts to capture supervillains however there was a twist to this good deed the thunderbolts would give supervillains the option to either join their team or end up in jail in the show zemo seems pretty intent on stopping carly i ended the winter soldier program once before i have no intention to leave my work unfinished but is there a chance that he might actually recruit her for his own purposes it's unclear if his hatred for super soldiers or bad blood with the avengers will motivate him more but we know one thing for certain sam and bucky better keep a very close eye on zemo i for one am looking forward to coming face to face with carly number two wilford nagel was even worse in the comics dr nagle who are you what do you want we know you created the super soldier serum get out of my lab in his very brief time in the mcu wilford nagel proved himself to be one of the most morally bankrupt characters we've met he saw human beings as little more than science experiments and himself as a god because he used isaiah bradley's blood to make a new super soldier serum after much labor i was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood i was a god while nagel used samples in the show he personally oversaw experiments on black soldiers in the comics the results of the doctor's tests were often gruesome and sometimes even caused people to lose their life although nagel wasn't there to conduct the initial tests in the mcu he's still twisted for being complicit in a super soldier program that's caused so much suffering it was five years later program had been abandoned so i came here the power broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one io returns i was wondering when you were going to show up at the end of the episode a trail of kimoyo beads leads bucky to io she was notably the member of the dora milage who was willing to fight black widow back in civil war move or you will be moved io also stood beside t'challa during the events of black panther come on the king this loyal warrior first appeared after zemo took the life of king t'chaka since she was there to see his son t'challa grieve she definitely wants to see zemo fail even if wakanda hasn't officially ordered io to act against the villain she once left the dorm elaj to do what she believes is right in the comics anyone who stands in her way of getting justice will be moved [Music] do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 342,291
Rating: 4.9129224 out of 5
Keywords: DC, Marvel, Superhero, TV, baron zemo, battlestar, captain america, disney +, falcon, falcon and the winter soldier, falcon and the winter soldier breakdown, falcon and the winter soldier easter eggs, falcon and the winter soldier episode 3, falcon and the winter soldier theories, john walker, list, marvel cinematic universe, marvel tv, mcu, mojo, things you missed falcon and the winter soldier, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, winter soldier, godzilla vs kong trailer song
Id: oJ_Op4jWKcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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