Marvel Movie Bloopers That Blow The Final Scene Out Of The Water

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One of the best things about the home  releases of Marvel movies is that they   almost always come with a gag reel.  Here's some examples of Marvel movie   bloopers we think might even be  better than the original scenes. In 2004's Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker  isn't finding young adulthood easy.   He may have super powers and genius level  intellect, but the challenge of juggling college,   multiple jobs, a social life, and fighting  crime as Spider-Man is proving too much for him.   In one of the many scenes meant to show how Parker  is struggling, he drops his textbooks and as he   kneels down to retrieve them, multiple passing  students whack him in the head with their bags. The movie's gag reel shows us one take  when things went even worse for Parker,   although thankfully Maguire has a good sense  of humor about it. Shortly after Parker is hit   from behind by one student's bag, he's hit by  another from the front. A prompt shows us the   second student is none other than the director  of the first Spider-Man film trilogy, Sam Raimi. Although the extended battering of Peter would  have definitely made the finished scene funnier,   perhaps Raimi decided that choking his lead  actor with a backpack was going a little too far. On the Avengers gag reel, Mark Ruffalo  proves himself to either have a   wealth of underutilized slapstick  comedy potential or to simply be   the clumsiest actor on just about any  superhero movie set you could find. In the middle of filming one of his  lab scenes with Robert Downey, Jr.,   Ruffalo calls for the crew to wait while he resets  a prop -- which proves easier said than done. "Careful, actor on set." "Sorry. I got it, don't worry!"  It's okay, it's coming!" While this clumsiness actually would have  worked well for Bruce Banner's character,   it may have been a little too silly for  the high-stakes world of the Avengers. "Dudes, you're on your own!" In what the Avengers' Blu-ray calls  "Marvel's First Ever Gag Reel," it's   clear that director Joss Whedon's trademark  sense of humor infected the entire cast. "Stop fighting!" But Whedon's not the only one who gets to make  you laugh. As S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill, Cobie   Smulders doesn't get to flex her comedy muscles in  the MCU as often she did on How I Met Your Mother.   However, she makes up for it with what's arguably  the funniest moment in the Avengers bloopers.   Pretending to react to the  news of Phil Coulson's death,   Smulders has what we'll call, a dramatic reaction. "Coulson, no! Oh, God, you were  the greatest man I ever knew..." We can't, in good conscience, pretend Maria  Hill's over-the-top meltdown would have fit   into the actual movie. But there's no  denying it would have been hilarious. The first time Captain America, Iron Man, and  Thor meet in The Avengers, things don't go that   well. The thunder god kidnaps Loki from the  Quinjet, prompting Iron Man to fly after him.   Intending to follow him, Cap grabs a  parachute and jumps out of the plane.   But in the gag reel, things  went a little differently. On the reel, Chris Evans still  grabs the parachute, but has   absolutely no idea how to get the thing  on. He struggles with it for so long that   it gets to the point where you start  to genuinely feel bad for the guy. "Guess it doesn't go up as  smoothly as I was hoping." While it would've taken away from the intensity of  the scene, showing this in the finished film might   actually have made sense for the character. After  all, the last time Steve Rogers used a parachute   was decades earlier, and the design could have  significantly changed since World War II. Seeing   Steve struggle with his modern parachute could've  been yet another amusing reminder that although   you can take the Captain out of the 1940s,  you can't take the 1940s out of the Captain. In one of the funnier moments of 2014's Guardians  of the Galaxy, Michael Rooker's Yondu chooses a   unique intimidation tactic. While the Broker  tries to explain why he can't give Yondu the   information he wants, Yondu keeps interrupting him  with gibberish. While this is already humorous in   the movie, in the gag reel, it ventures into the  realm of the absurd, as Rooker just keeps going. [gibberish] “The high end-” [gibberish continues] “Sir!” [gibberish continues again] Behind him, you can even see co-star Sean  Gunn trying hard not to laugh in a few takes.   Sure, we think the finished scene is funny enough,   but adding in Rooker's extended gibberish  monologue would have taken it to the next level. Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell have a  few things in common. They both hit their fame   sweet spots in the 1980s, they both appear  in 2017's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,   and both get frustrated on the sequel's gag reel  trying to spit out Guardians-specific names. The gag reel shows that while  playing the Ravager leader Stakar "Ravager.” “Ravengers." "Ravager. What am I saying?" "Ravenger." "No!" "Ravager." "Yes!" "Ah, forget it, I'll see you in looping." Meanwhile, Kurt Russell has  trouble saying his son's codename.   As he camps with the Guardians, Russell says, "Well, even where I reside, out  past the edge of what's known,   we've heard tell about the  man they call Star Wars." Of course, we all know the  name he really means to say is "Star Lord." "Who?” "Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw?" Russell immediately realizes his mistake, and  eventually manages to get his son's name right.   However, leaving in the actors' mistakes could  have added a bit to the respective scenes.   Showing Stakar pronouncing "Ravagers" differently  than Yondu could have highlighted the division   between the two of them. And the fact that  Ego keeps getting his kid's name mixed up   with that of a popular Earth movie franchise  could underscore what a horrible father he is. "Well of course I have issues.  That's my freaking father." The scenes set in the dystopian future  of 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past have   a pretty bleak tone, so it almost feels  wrong that the movie even has a gag reel.   But it's good that it does, since  the outtakes are pretty hilarious.   Among other funny bits, the gag reel includes a  ridiculous alternate version of a deleted scene. Before time traveling to the past  to prevent the dystopian future in   which the Sentinels have hunted mutants to  near extinction, Wolverine turns to Storm.   After confirming that he'll be the only  one to remember this version of the future,   he gives his teammate a long kiss. Although  the scene is likely supposed to end there,   Halle Berry follows it up with an  unexpected reaction in the gag reel. "Yes! That kiss!" Although Berry's response to the kiss would  have broken the bleak mood, the kiss itself   may have been a nice addition to the finished  film. On the other hand, sharing a kiss with   Storm earlier in the film might have made seeing  her right before Wolverine's emotional reunion   with the previously deceased Jean Grey at  the end of the film slightly more awkward. As far as MCU movies go, 2016's Captain  America: Civil War is pretty intense.   The final throwdown between  the warring heroes gets ugly,   but thankfully one of the architects of  Marvel Comics shows up toward the end to   not only deliver an important package to Tony  Stark, but to make sure we get in a few laughs. In one of his many beloved Marvel cameos,  the late Stan Lee shows up to the Avengers'   headquarters as a FedEx driver, delivering  the package that contains a letter from   Steve Rogers along with an emergency  contact phone. In the finished product,   Lee accidentally misreads the name of  the recipient, much to Rhodey's delight. "Are you Tony Stank?" "Yes, this is Tony Stank. You're in  the right place. Thank you for that." However, the film's gag reel shows a  take where Lee says something else,   and we're not sure if he did it on  purpose or if it was a legitimate goof. "Are you Robert Stank?" While the original scene was hilarious, fusing  the mispronunciation of the character's last   name with the actor's real-life first name  could've been a fun fourth-wall-breaking   moment. It even would have made an odd sort of  sense, considering that Marvel has officially   canonized the popular fan theory that Lee  is playing a Watcher in all of his cameos. The blooper reel on the home release for  2016's Deadpool makes it clear that several   of the actors frequently veered off-script.  Deadpool's gag reel includes a wealth of   completely improvised lines, particularly from  Ryan Reynolds and his co-star, T.J. Miller. For example, when Miller's Weasel first sees Wade  Wilson's scarred face, the comedian unleashes a   torrent of improvised takedowns, expressing  his disgust at his friend's new appearance. "You look like somebody turned your face  inside out and just left it like that,   but then you got in a house fire. God, you look  like a house fire was in another house fire." Meanwhile, Reynolds' own improv includes a long  list of jabs toward Gina Carano's Angel Dust. "Gonna leave me all alone here with Busta Rhymes?” “You're gonna leave me all  alone here with Henry Winkler?” “Gonna leave me all alone here with HEY YOU GUYS?" Hilariously, the reel shows that the line  that made it into the theatrical release   ticked Carano off so much she gave Reynolds  an actual punch to the face as a reward. "Sorry, Gina." "Mother[bleep]" While it's true that putting all of Miller's  and Reynolds' improvised outtakes into the   finished film probably wouldn't have worked  from a pacing perspective, we wouldn't have   minded giving each of them an opportunity to riff  just a little bit longer in each of these scenes. One of the most delightful parts of 2018's  Deadpool 2 is Wade Wilson's corrective time   romp during the mid-credits scenes. Deadpool  uses Cable's repaired time travel device to save   his girlfriend and his X-Force teammate Peter,  prevent the making of the 2011 film Green Lantern,   and cut short the action of  2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. But while Negasonic Teenage Warhead has a  surprisingly easy time fixing the device,   Deadpool has a tough time grabbing ahold  of it. On the gag reel we learn that it   took Ryan Reynolds at least four takes  to catch the device without dropping it. Considering how ridiculous the Deadpool  films tend to be, we can't help but wonder   if the main character repeatedly fumbling the  time travel device might have actually played   well in the film. Maybe Wade could have even  capped the moment with his signature slogan. "Maximum effort." There's one little wonderful nugget about the  making of the Star Wars prequels that fans   of the franchise love, even if they aren't  particularly fond of the films themselves.   According to Ewan McGregor, the Obi-Wan Kenobi  actor would regularly make the lightsaber   sound effects with his mouth during fight scenes. "To begin with, it was quite difficult  not to make the sound. Bzzz. And also   when it goes away, because it makes that  nice shhhhk noise when it goes down." Well, according to the gag reel  for 2017's Thor: Ragnarok, McGregor   isn't alone in accidentally trying  to do the sound team's job for them. Cate Blanchett plays the death  goddess Hela in Ragnarok,   and the gag reel includes a few takes  of different scenes in which Blanchett   makes childlike sound effects to accompany  the unleashing of her character's powers. [Blanchett making noises] "I shouldn't make the noises  with my mouth, should I?" The gag reel also reveals that Blanchett's  fight scenes with co-star Chris Hemsworth   offered other challenges. The Oscar-winning  actress had a tough time dragging her co-star   across the floor, as well as finding  it tough to not hit Hemsworth for real. "Sorry guys, I've been training for  months, but I don't think I can lift that." Sure, maybe Hela wouldn't have been  quite as intimidating if she was making   her own sound effects and fumbling her  fights with her superpowered siblings,   but in a film filled with plenty  of other visual and audible gags,   including Blanchett's goofs may not  have felt entirely out of place. Check out one of our newest videos right here!   Plus, even more Looper videos about your  favorite Marvel films are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Channel: Looper
Views: 434,460
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Keywords: looper, marvel, marvel movies, mcu, bloopers
Id: N8Ovnih8kIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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