Top 10 things to do in Nice, France | French Riviera Travel Guide

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when you're in these there are a few things you just have to see or do Anya and I have put together our own favorite top 10 for you expect everything from places to eat to sightseeing classics all the way to Sun lots of common ideas we'll start with the indispensable Classics and end with a bonus only for you that regular travel guides just won't tell you so stay tuned [Music] every visit of nice has to start at the Castle Hill which offers magnificent panoramas of the city below you not only will you get the most impressive view of the bay called bidizor but also of the port with its many boats and the beautifully colored houses surrounding the u-shaped Harbor and from the very top of the Northern parts of the town all the way to the Alps you could easily spend a few hours up here in nice's most famous public garden since there's more to discover for instance the huge waterfall the ruins of a military Citadel from the 11th century as well as an ancient Cathedral several different walking trails two cafes to relax and recharge your batteries and a huge Cemetery Chateau where various celebrities are buried including the Austrian emilyelinek who created Mercedes and Rene goshini the comic book editor who wrote the famous series of Asterix the big Limestone Rock of Castle Hill is 93 meters high and you can either walk up here or more conveniently take the elevator which is free of charge of course you will spend time on niece's famous pebbled Beach whatever the season there are always people enjoying this huge stretch of around five kilometers [Music] you can go swimming all year round just chill out and soak up the sun read a book or bring a picnic you could even do your yoga practice dance and in the off season walk your dog from April to October the dozen or so private beaches bring out their Sun beds and umbrellas for a more comfortable way of sunbathing expect to spend around 30 Euros a day for a deck chair the long prom night next to the beach is always busy with people walking running cycling or tanking in the sea from one of the blue chairs wanna see more of the city and not walk too much how about a trip in the Red Hop On Hop off bus starting in front of the hotel Albert Premier it takes you along the main sides of nice all the way to wilfors and back you can get off at any of its stops and hop back on an hour later the round trip takes about 60 minutes and costs 23 Euros per person you could also hire a Velo blue a blue bike you'll find them all over the place and you can rent them for a small subscription fee plus as little as one Euro for the first hour and then there are also Velo taxis where you don't even have to Pedal yourself there are several different companies in nice and not all of them have their own website to make a reservation so it's easiest to just find one in the touristy areas they all offer different tours and prices start at around 30 Euros per bike for half an hour the electric tourist train starts at the Promenade zombie next to the Garden called jarda Albert Premier and takes you on a 45 minute ride across the city and how's that a segue for an extra fun tour of nice there are various tours and packages available starting at 17 Euros for 30 minutes make sure to take some time to wander around the old town and its famous flower market enjoy the five or six story Italian looking Medieval houses in various shades of yellow red and ocher and the narrow streets that provide shade in the summer heat there are several cute little squares filled with cafes in the Historical Center of nice lots of touristy shops and boutiques art galleries and much more so take your time to discover for lunch why not check out this famous food place with local Specialties called runesaka for ice cream head to finocchio's with its crazy flavors if you're looking for souvenirs check out the Stalls next to the flower market at kurselya the market is open every morning until around 1pm on Mondays instead of flowers you'll get antiques all day long for a very special lunch you should treat yourself to a meal in one of the many Beach restaurants even in the off season it's warm enough to sit Outdoors as long as the sun is shining we've decided to check out lugely most of the restaurants have similar and pretty reasonable prices you usually get main dishes starting at around 20 euros onion I share a pizza and this awesome artichoke salad with big slices of fresh parmesan and little flowers on top and we have the greatest of times and a perfect view of the sea in our front row seats another experience not to miss is a boat trip between April and October there are daily cruises except for Mondays from nice Harbor to wilforsumeir and back a little later in the season the same company also takes you to can or Santa pay the round trip to Wilford takes an hour and the tour guide tells you lots of interesting facts both in French and English check out what's so special about Bill frosh in this video of ours there are lots of great museums in nice tough choice so how about you pick the most visited one in our department the Shanghai Museum it was inaugurated 50 years ago by Mark Chagall himself after being built according to his own ideas today a French national museum it houses plenty of his characteristic paintings like these in the song of the songs room as well as a stained glass window [Music] and this huge mosaic the auditorium has always been used as a location to bring different Arts together as Mark Chagall had insisted the museum also features a nice Garden Cafe and of course a shop with a large selection of souvenirs with Chagall prints the current anniversary exhibition chagal and me can be visited throughout 2023 when a nice you also want to get a little Provence feeling don't you we suggest you pick one of the many beautiful medieval Villages that are no more than 30 minutes away from nice and enjoy a day in what can feel like a different world as Village which we just showed you and Sample de Vons which you can see now are the most famous and most visited villages on the cortezur so be prepared for big crowds in the summer but trust us take your car or get on a bus to explore at least one of them if you prefer it a little less busy you could also check out to name just a few if you catch a rainy day you can always go and discover the amazing shopping mall called capture meal near the airport but actually even when the weather is nice the recently renovated and voted best shopping center in the world is worth a visit you can get a full picture of French fashion in different price ranges local designers have their own concept store called capsule and almost 50 restaurants and snack bars ensure that you won't want for anything enjoy a break at one of niece's stunning rooftop bars whether you're up for a cup of coffee or a cocktail you should definitely get a drink with the view Anya and I decided to check out the brand new five-star Hotel Anantara Plaza right next to plasma center for you and we were blown away by the amazing Panorama of the old town and the huge Park prom night just below the hotel all the way to the Sea granted the drinks aren't cheap but the setting is worth every cent several of nieces hotels along the Promenade have a rooftop Terrace open to the public don't be shy to try them out [Music] for extra tip for you today is to visit Denise Opera admire this stunning Hall with its red velvet seats its balconies and chandeliers can you imagine an opera a ballet or a classical concert in this setting it's breathtaking and ticket prices aren't even that expensive at all if you liked our video why don't you subscribe to our Channel and you'll get to see many more stories from the French Riviera
Channel: Riviera Go!
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Keywords: top 10 things to do in nice france, Top 10 things to do in nice, best things to do in nice france, french riviera holiday, french riviera travel, french riviera travel guide, french riviera vacation, must see in nice france, nice france things to do, nice france tourist attractions, nice france travel guide, south of france travel, south of france vacation, unique things to do in nice france, what to do in nice france, what to see in nice france, riviera go, Anja aila
Id: thzAFPh6N1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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