Things To Do In ATHENS, Greece - TOP 12 (Save this list!)

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This is Athens Greece, one of the world's oldest  cities, the cradle of Western civilization and the   birthplace of democracy. Athens is world famous  for its amazing Ancient Greek monuments as well   as heritage from Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman  times. No wonder then that Athens is among the   world's top tourist destinations. Hi guys, my name  is Rok and I’ve spent the last 9 years traveling   around Europe as a tour guide and I can’t wait  to show you Things To Do In Athens, Greece. This   is the highest point of Athens with a popular  viewing platform offering the best view of the   city. Thanks to a wonderful view of world famous  Acropolis and an upscale restaurant this is also   one of the most romantic places in Athens. Here  is also a small 19 century Greek Orthodox church   and a coffee bar. If you take a stroll around  the peak of the hill you will also see an Open   Air Theater used for summer concerts. As Athens is  full of myths and legends this hill also has one.   The legend has it that the Greek goddess of wisdom  and patron of the city Athena was carrying a huge   piece of limestone to be used for the construction  of the Acropolis. When a Raven flew to her   and told her bad news Athena was startled and she  dropped the limestone from which this hill was   created. To get up here you can walk up the path  with stairs, but on hot and sweaty summer days   funicular railway might be a better choice.Athens  is not just about ancient monuments as it also has   landmarks from the 1800s when Athens became  the capital of the independent Greek state.   Three buildings of Academy, University and  National Library are known as the Athenian   Trilogy and are considered to be among the most  beautiful neoclassical examples in the world.   It may come as a surprise, but the modern Greek  state is actually quite young. You see in 1204   Athens was occupied by the Fourth Crusader Army  and that was the beginning of more than 600 years   of occupation of Greece. In the 1400s Ottomans  took over the city and they ruled Athens for 400   years. The Greek war of independence against  the Ottomans ended in 1834 with the birth   of the modern Greek state. Greece's biggest  city at the time, Thessaloniki, was still part   of the Ottoman Empire and also due to historical  reasons Athens was declared a capital city. But at   the time Athens was a small city. So a modern  city plan was laid out and public buildings,   including the Athenian Trilogy, were erected.  The Academy is not open to the public, while   you can take a quick peek inside the National  library and The University is open to the public.  On the outskirts of Athens on the ancient Sacred  Way stands this beautiful Byzantine monastery   from the 11th century protected by fortified  enclosure. It was founded on the site of the   ancient Greek Sanctuary of Apollo which had been  destroyed in the 400s and its ancient columns   were re-used for the monastery. This is one of  the finest examples of Byzantine art in Athens   and a Unesco World Heritage Site thanks to its  partially preserved interior with golden mosaics.   Its main feature is the large dome resting on  eight pillars decorated with an imposing figure   of Christ Almighty flanked by prophets. Mosaics  are from the end of the 11th century and they   represent the universe, with the dome as heaven,  and the floor as earth while mosaics around the   dome depict the life of Christ. The Monastery  is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 8am to   3:30pm and can be reached by various bus lines. This was the greatest and the biggest ancient   Greek temple in the world but only a fraction of  the temple has survived. There isn't much left but   this mega temple with 104 massive columns was home  of Zeus, head of the Olympian gods. Construction   began in 515 BC but because of its enormous scale  the temple was left unfinished for more than   600 years when it was finally completed by the  Romans. Inside was a statue of Zeus made from   ivory and gold, that was the largest statue of the  ancient world. Unfortunately only 100 years after   its completion this temple was pillaged during  barbarian invasion. In centuries after the fall of   the Roman Empire, the temple was taken apart piece  by piece for building materials around the city.   This sixteen gigantic columns is all that is left  and most of them are currently under restoration.   Fifteen of them are standing while one is on  the ground where it fell during a storm in 1852.  This is a very important square in modern  Athens as its name translates to the square   of Constitution. Here is a Parliament Building  and below it is a monument of the Unknown Soldier   representing all soldiers who gave lives in the  long Greek fight for independence. The monument   is guarded by the highly respected Presidential  guard, an elite unit of the Greek Army famous   for its uniforms with skirts. These soldiers hold  a huge symbolic meaning to Greek people and they   are  performing one of the most impressive  changing guards ceremonies in the world.   Every day and every hour since 1868 chaining of  the guard is done in a highly coordinated and   very slow manner, apparently to protect soldiers  blood circulation after 60 minutes of immobility.   Uniforms also hold a special meaning and on  Sundays Guard is wearing their special uniforms   in honor of the Greek War of Independence.  The skirt of the Sunday white uniform has   exactly 400 folds to represent 400 years  of Ottoman occupation over the Greeks.   The grand changing of guard ceremony with  the military band is every Sunday at 11 am.  This stadium hosted opening and closing ceremonies  of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Since   then this stadium hosts the Olympic flame handover  ceremony when Olympic flame sets up its journey   to the cities of Winter and Summer Olympic Games.  Originally this stadium was built in 6 century BC   for religious and athletic festivals that took  place every 4 years to honor the goddess Athena.   It was rebuilt in marble by Romans in the  year 144 with a capacity of 50,000 seats.   After the rise of Christianity in the  4th century it was largely abandoned   and forgotten until in the 19th century it  was excavated and rebuilt. Since this is the   only stadium in the world built entirely of  marble its rebuild was excessively expensive.   The refurbishment was mainly taken over  by a great national benefactor of Greece,   George Averoff and his marble statue can be  found next to the Stadium’s main entrance.  It is almost impossible not to visit a museum  in Athens and this is one of the world's top   archeological museums. This modern building  located right beneath the Acropolis immediately   became a new landmark of Athens. It is supported  by more than 100 pillars as the building hovers   over Roman and Byzantine ruins. This museum houses  every artifact found on the site of Acropolis and   its slopes and its interior is split into three  floors. Most impressive artifacts on the first   floor are five maidens that once held up the roof  of one of the most sacred parts of the Acropolis.   The top floor of the museum is designed on the  same axis as the Parthenon and has the same   dimensions. There is a display of the entire  high-relief marble sculpture that used to run   around the exterior wall of the temple. The glass  paneling and elevation of the third floor offers   amazing views of the ancient Acropolis,  with the Parthenon always in plain sight.  This is one of the most popular neighborhoods in  Athens known for its flea market, small tourist   shops, ancient monuments and streets full of  traditional tavernas with Acropolis views. If you   are hungry head to Adrianou Street famous for its  inviting taverns serving traditional Greek food   with a view over the Ancient Agora. But the heart  of this neighborhood is its Monastiraki square,   one of the most popular meeting points thanks  to its interchange Metro station between Lines   1 and 3. On the square stands an 18 century mosque  from the Ottoman period that now hosts a Museum of   Greek Folk Art. Right next to it is the much older  Hadrian’s Library built by the Romans in the 1st   century. But the neighborhood and square are  named after a small orthodox monastery that used   to stand here. What is left of the monastery is  one of the oldest Byzantine churches, dating to   the 10th century. As the square was rising over  the centuries about 1/3 of the church is now   below ground. This is also a starting point of the  biggest Flea Market in Athens that happens every   weekend and during the week there are numerous  small shops perfect for souvenir shopping.  Part of the Monastiraki neighborhood is also  Ancient Agora that used to be the heart of   Ancient Athens. Ancient Agora served as a central  square right under the slopes of Acropolis.   This was the most important meeting place in  Ancient Athens where among other social events,   most important political functions were exercised.   No wonder then that this is considered  to be the birthplace of democracy.   Today this is an archeological park with shady  trees, winding paths and historical ruins.   Here is also the Agora museum, housed in the  reconstructed covered walkway that served as   a marketplace. Original building dates to  150 B.C. but the current building was fully   reconstructed in the 1950s. Agora also served  as a marketplace and among its many temples,   altars and shrines is also the best preserved  temple in Greece. It was dedicated to the Greek   god of craftsmen and metalworking. This temple  was also used as a Greek Orthodox church for   more than one thousand years, until 1834  and that is why it is so well preserved.  East of Ancient Greek Agora is also Roman  Agora. Here you can find Tower of Winds that   functioned as a timepiece and is considered to  be the world's first meteorological station.   Later this tower served as a bell-tower  of the Greek Orthodox church.   Under Ottoman rule it was buried to  half and used by whirling dervishes.  This is one of the most picturesque, interesting  and the oldest neighborhoods in Athens.   Plaka is among the most visited areas  of Athens and it is easy to see why.   This neighborhood under the slopes of Acropolis  feels like an old village and its pedestrian   streets are one of the best places to wander  around. Plaka is full of narrow cobblestone   pedestrian streets, archeological treasures,  ancient monuments, beautiful neoclassical   buildings, and small churches. It  is  lined with cafes, restaurants and shops.   The lower part of the neighborhood is a souvenir  paradise with all kinds of souvenir shops,   Greek local products and jewelry stores,  while the upper part towards the slopes   of Acropolis is full of charming taverns. Part of the neighborhood stretches all the   way to the slopes of Acropolis where you can find  the most picturesque cluster of small whitewashed   houses in Athens. This scenic tiny quarter is  named after its founders, stone masons from the   island Anafi. They were drawn to Athens by big  construction projects in the mid 19th century   when Athens experienced huge expansion after  becoming the capital of the newly founded   modern Greek state. Stone masons settled here and  built their homes in Greek Island style.Slopes   of the Acropolis were the second most important  religious center of ancient Athens. Here are also   an ancient Greek theater and a Roman theater that  are a perfect place for a story about the creation   of Athens. Legend has it that Athens was built  by a legendary half-man, half-snake king Sikrops.   Beautiful city ignited competition among  Greek Gods that wanted to become its patrons.   After much debate, two Gods stood out as the main  contenders: Poseidon, god of the seas, and Athena,   goddess of wisdom. Contest between the two gods  was held to determine who would win the honor.   First Poseidon stepped forward, and standing  on a rock, he stuck it with his trident,   causing a spring of water to gush out of  the ground. His gift, the gift of water,   meant that citizens were never to face drought.  Thrilled by the idea, citizens ran to the water   only to discover that it was salty like the  water of the seas. Next came Athena with   her hand stretched out. When she opened it, it  revealed a seed, which she planted in the ground.   At once, the seed took root and grew into a  beautiful and tall olive tree. The citizens   were happy, as an olive tree would mean food, oil  and firewood. They proclaimed Athena the winner   and the city was named after her and to this  day there was always an olive tree on Acropolis.  This rocky hill is the most impressive landmark  and the very symbol of Ancient Greece. World   famous Acropolis was the most important religious  center of ancient Athens. It is a complex of   marble temples commanded by its biggest temple,  Parthenon. Parthenon was dedicated to Athena and   was the most sacred place on Acropolis and also  the most secure place in the city as it also   served as a treasury. The decorative stonework  was originally highly coloured and inside the   temple was a huge statue of Athena. Parthenon  and other important buildings of the Acropolis   were built during the Golden Age of Athens in 5th  century B.C. Unfortunately Acropolis is undergoing   a long lasting renovation, and since 1975  scaffolding and cranes are part of its landscape.   Over the centuries natural disasters, wars and  reconstructions damaged only ornamentation and   art, but the temple structures remained intact  all the way until the 17th century. At that time   Athens was part of the Ottoman Empire. Ottomans  used Parthenon as a warehouse for gunpowder   when facing attack from Venetians. One of the  cannonballs hit the Parthenon and after 2.200   years the Acropolis with Parthenon was destroyed.  When an independent modern Greek state was born   in 1834, Athens became its capital city and  Parthenon with Acropolis became the symbol Greece,   a symbol of democracy, Western civilisation and  one of the world's greatest cultural monuments.  Athens has one of the richest heritage sites  on the planet and a huge variety of experiences   that makes it one of the most popular tourist  destinations in the world. In summer you should   also visit the beautiful and long Athenian  Riviera famous for its  beautiful coves and   beaches. As Athens offers so many choices,  I’ve made a list of my favorite Athens tours,   day trips and experiences that can be found in the  description below this video. But Athens is also   famous for its delicious Greek cuisine. That is  why I’ve prepared a special video dedicated only   to Delicious Food In Athens. That upcoming video  will show you the best street food and the best   restaurant dishes you have to try in Athens and  will be available in the top right corner. If   you like this video please give it a thumbs up.  You can share your questions or suggestions about   Athens in the comments below. And don’t forget  to subscribe and turn on the notification bell   to be notified about my new travel videos.  Thanks for watching, and see you next time.
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Keywords: athens things to do, things to do athens, things to see in athens, athens top 12, top 10 things to do in athens greece, best things to do in Athens, things to do in athens greece, 10 things to do in athens, athens greece tourist attractions, athens attractions, athens greece top sights, what to see in athens greece, things to do in greece, Athens top 10, athens travel guide, what to do in athens greece, athens greece walking tour, athens greece, Athens greece vlog
Id: rp3X7cp4Kz0
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Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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