TOP 10 Things to Buy on Day 1 | RV Newbie

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So today we're taking the rig to storage get it all ready get it ready for the road and then let the journey Begin by all the parts we need yeah and in fact that's a great Point what we can do is while we drop it off we're going to show you guys exactly what you need for day one all the day one items before you move into your brand new rig I know you're excited we're excited for you before you move in and put all your stuff in there there's a couple things you're going to need to do yeah on day one and remember it only comes with a power cable nothing else that's right yep yep everything that you finance plus a power cable that's it maybe a bucket everything else comes from Amazon and box stores and that's what we're here for we're here to help guide you through that process so let's jump in the new rig head over to the storage unit start going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so number one on our list starts before you even walk into the raid it's an outdoor mat that you attach directly to your stairs we actually have this for our fifth wheel as well so it doesn't really matter if you're getting a Class A Class C a travel trailer they directly attach and it's definitely something you want to add to your list you don't have to store it it just stays where it's at and it's easy all right so number two on our list is so important we have it also in the fifth wheel like I said before all these items we're talking about doesn't matter if it's a travel trailer Class A or Class C it's actually a water leak monitor we have them throughout our rig under the sinks um you know in the kitchen the bathroom we even put them underneath the belly just to make sure if there's any leak anywhere they will Screech at you and it's super loud foreign [Music] so definitely add this to your list very important so number three on our list is actually a strainer it's called a tub shroom it goes in your shower they typically typically come with this little metal one but it doesn't last very long and still hair slips through it this really does catch everything in the middle and it's such a bonus when you don't have hair clog up your pipes you don't want to have that happen to you especially in an RV you can't really how do you get down there it's not like at home with the same Plumbing so this we definitely recommend we've used ours for three years and we've never had clogging issues so definitely add this on to your list you can get those uh either at Walmart or we do have it in our Amazon store and uh yeah they work perfectly bonus tip that for you since we've been uh rving for three years one of the items that I absolutely love is one of these strainers um what's great about it it catches all the food items that you don't want in your tank but it doesn't close uh the stopper there's no stopper in it so the water won't come up and it's silicone so you can turn it inside out and it's super easy to clean so I really I really recommend you to add that to your list as well um it's not an expensive item and it really does help keep those uh what do you call them water tanks clean huge bonus tip from me personally and I wish somebody would have told me about that before is these velvet hangers I mean the rigs they just rattled down the road and all your clothes will just fall right off and that happened to me um so these have velvet covered they're covered in velvet so it's fantastic so your shirts are safe they're not going to end up on the floor uh when you park so this is definitely something you should add to your list all right another bonus tip um usually the rigs come with a regular shower head like this um I actually recommend getting a low flow shower head a lot of the Parks have bad water pressure and it just helps kind of disperse the water a little better better and it doesn't just Trinkle out and also if you'd like to Boondock or you know something happens and you need to use your freshwater tank you're not using up so much water for one shower so this is definitely a something you should add to your list as soon as you can alright let's continue on our list of top 10 day one items that you need the rest it's all outside all right number four on our list is all about water Once you pull into the campground and you get set up you got to hook up the water one important tip is to make sure that you get yourself something that's easy to use don't get the hard plastic and hard rubber hoses make sure you get something that's pliable because remember you're going to have to fold it up this one this evoflex it's a 50 foot a lot of people want to get 25 feet but from three years of experience go for the 50 Foot because you never know what type of RV park space you're going to be in so definitely get something you can use the second thing is this is a water safe drinking hose make sure you guys find that don't just grab a garden hose out there because it's not safe for drinking so this one is foolproof the next is make sure you have a filter now you can pick these filters up anywhere on probably pretty much any Box Store make sure you pick up a filter because there's so many different filtration systems out there but this right here put it outside make sure that you add it to your Arsenal to your tool kit of water filtration because this right here is just going to be your first line of defense so it doesn't matter what you put afterwards put this in the beginning so do you know why when you put a brand new filter on you have to run water through it turn it on slowly is that cool yeah I don't want to drink that yep you got to run it through so that you can flush out all that charcoal water pressure is by far your worst enemy it's number one because what's happening is water pressure you have to understand how it works all RV parks are going to be pulling City water from wherever it comes from and they're going to push it with high pressure to go to every single one of your RV sites so the RV pressure that's there is pretty much I'm not going to say it's unregulated but it's not always great for your rig you might be at a water site at your RV site and find out that the pressure is probably 100 PSI what's happening is inside your rig what you have is PEX pipes and those shouldn't go over 50 to 60 PSI anything more than that and the plastic is going to swell so what you want is you want one of these variable pressure regulators and we picked one up on Amazon this rentator it's easy you put it in line you make sure but one of the best things about this is that you have control of your water pressure and you also have a gauge so you can twist this knob right here on the outside and allow your pressure to go up and down so if you want 10 psi 20 psi 50 psi whatever you want you're the one making the determination so make sure you pick one of these up pressure filtration and having the right water hose that's all about water all right number five on our list is bug screens bug screens are absolutely a day one item because it's so easy to install and just leave it there and forget about it Bug Springs are going to cover all of the types of openings that you have on your rig and remember every RV is different but a lot of them are the same especially when it comes to water heaters and furnaces and a lot of these standard open items here you can see that on the water heater great for when you're doing your servicing but it also has this opening that you want to make sure that you put a cover on and protect because bugs are going to be crawling all over your rig no matter what part of the country you're in one of the highest maintenance costs in any RV is just Critters crawling into these pipes where you have all of your propane burning or whatever you have crawling into these pipes and building nests and that right there is an easy prevention so make sure you get something to cover each of these be on your way all right number six on our list is absolutely having a good pair of chalks from day one make sure you guys get a great set of chalks and remember the bigger the tire the bigger the chalk those are invaluable once you disconnect this right here these travel trailers they're going to move because not all RV park pads are Level you'll find that out as you go through so making sure you have a set of chalks because you need to make sure that you prevent the rig from moving forward and out so one's not going to work you need two for good safe operation good set of chalks make sure you guys pick those up so number seven on our list of top 10 things that you need on day one it's actually something that everybody puts off to day number two or day number 200 and that is a tire pressure monitor system or TPMS we cannot overstate again that a tire pressure monitor system from day one is your biggest asset and the reason for that is you you need to know what's happening with your tires so we just got on the road and tire pressure monitor system is going off right now we have a complete flat almost blowout it's absolutely zero PSI in that tire so I have no idea what's going on all right number eight on our list is the infamous poop hose or sewer hose as it's commonly called and I actually have a spare right here and don't worry guys this is absolutely new it's our spare yes you need one this right here represents pretty much every sewer hose out there there's a couple of common things and there's a couple of things that are different the common things are the fact that most of them are going to be bayonet style which kind of looks like this right here bayonet style the other type is threaded they also all are about a three inch diameter hose so that's where the common uh elements are the only difference after that is actually what it's made of so that comes in a host of different materials but it's still going to be a bayonet and three inch diameter one of the things that I would say never mix match your sewer hoses there's a very important part I'm going to show you exactly why this is a day one item best tip is just go to a box store and pick up a pack that has two of these and a 90 degree attachment for the actual dump tube at the RV parks that right there will get you started and then you can do whatever you want after that day two comes into all of the different uh ramps that you're gonna buy adapters that you're going to buy spare seals and all the things that only you know what you need for your rig but absolutely you're going to need something on day one also it's very important that everyone realize that the entire life of urvings is designed for one thing to not have a poopsie the poopsie is the one thing that everyone wants to avoid no one wants to have that Campfire story I feel in this video we've tried to show you guys not just what we think you need on day one but show you why you need it from experience in our travels and I need to show you exactly what a poopsie looks like so if you have a weak stomach or you have kids in the room go ahead and pause this video or fast forward because in about three seconds I'm going to show you exactly what happened to us take a look I was just about to have lunch that's close since we're already talking about poop um there's something behind me that you definitely have to have on your list before you go on your first trip and that is the uh uh what do you call them treatment tabs um they have all kinds of different ones I like the lavender ones I don't think it matters really much because it just goes in your tank but I just like the color of the package it makes no sense but that's me um we use the uh ones from TST a lot of times we've had great success with those so um but there are so many different kinds so whatever you like the best um uh just go ahead and get those but you do have to have those tabs all right number nine on our list is surge protection we highly advise everyone out there if you're buying a rig on day one get an EMS or a surge protector and you're probably asking yourself well what's the difference a surge protector is just that it's just going to protect when you have voltage spikes it'll also tell you if there's other things wrong but it's not going to do anything about it an electrical management system or EMS like this one right here from Progressive Industries this actually monitors a host of different things it'll monitor reverse polarity open neutrals open grounds voltage too high voltage too low all these things this is actively monitoring and if it runs into any of those issues it will not let any of the electricity pass through and that's very important and that's one of the things that we invested in is to make sure that we had it from day one this is one of the first things we bought we've used it for three years straight it is fantastic in fact there were five instances over the last three years where this right here when we plugged it into the post it immediately told us that we had reverse polarity and every one of those cases the rig before us during the summer months actually burnt the wiring in the post and the guy the technician that came out put in a new breaker but reversed the wires so these right here it didn't let anything pass through to affect our rig it was absolutely worth the money regardless whether it's a surge protector or a full EMS system make sure you guys have one of those because voltage does Spike you can't predict it but you want to make sure you stay safe out there and protect your investment side I always check if the power is on or off because I don't want to get electrocuted when I plug something in this was actually the first Park that had them all on so somebody didn't do their job just saying but yeah so uh and then I put the surge protector in just to make sure that the power is good before we plug in the rigs so let's go ahead and do that and it's heavy there we go and then we will turn it on the 50 amp and it will say 50 on there so you'll know which one is the right one so now it's going to tell us um if this power source is good to go and we're always waiting for the message e0 which we just got yes so now we got to turn it back off so we can plug the power plug in here and into the rig so let's go ahead and do that so we made it to number 10 on our list and it is actually the most important and it's something that a lot of people don't even think about every brand new rig by law is going to come with a fire extinguisher and that's a huge bonus the problem is there's only one even in our rig we have 43 feet of fifth wheel there's only one fire extinguisher the problem with that is if a fire starts God forbid anything happens to anyone on the road but if it does start it's going to go quick and you do not have time to do anything other than get out of the rig but if something happens and you need to put out that fire what you don't want is the only fire extinguisher you have to be in the front of the rig where the fire is so make sure you go to any Box Store go to anywhere and get a second fire extinguisher best advice for us if you have one in the front mounted then go put one in the back that right there is a huge safety tip be safe on the road inexpensive but invaluable so we hope that our list of day one items that you need when you start your RV Journey really helps they were quick they were easy and they're all Simple Solutions that you can do on day one before you ever move into your rig and most of them are so simple and inexpensive and they help you so much and that's why we said you know what we gotta share it with our viewers we love you guys and we hope you're going to have an amazing time RV and we know you will we'll see you on the road foreign [Music]
Views: 20,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, RV Living, RV Tour, RVing, RV, Travel Trailer, 5th Wheel, Jayco, Jayco RV, Motorhome, 377RLBH, Midbunk, adventure, How to RV, RV America, Travel Vlog, RV Newbies, RVing with Kids, RV Homeschool, NorthPoint, Top 10, rv newbie, top 10 day 1 items, new rv, rv fire, Class C RV, Class C Motorhome, Jayco Greyhawk 30z
Id: RTq_X1wHKtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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