Top 10 Things we ALWAYS & NEVER use! | RV Life

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hi and welcome to the channel today we have an exciting episode we're going to be talking about the top 10 things we always use and the top 10 things we never use exactly so you know what let's get started so we thought it'd be fun to kind of go over all of the things that we always use and all the things that we never use as we travel the entire United States over the past three years there's so many things that you think about when you first get started yeah and you're like I've got to have this I've got to have that you make spreadsheets of all the things that get mentioned all over the the websites and YouTube channels Instagram and all that you're like I love this yes and you look at it and you say you know what I'm gonna buy it it comes in and you never use it exactly or you find out you're camping somewhere and you say I didn't know I you would use this all the time exactly and that's what we're going to talk about today yes the only problem is because we structured this with always use and never use who's going to be the good cop and who's going to be the bad cop uh I'm definitely taking always use sorry Lee really where did the gray come from [Applause] all right number one on our list are command strips we use them for everything we used them to attach hooks um we also use them to put the remotes on the wall because sometimes it gets a little awkward you don't have a lot of surface area to put them so we just velcro them on the wall we use them obviously for pictures because you can't use nails so yeah so they are perfect for pictures all kinds of however you camp you'll figure out how to use them but trust me you'll definitely need them the gray come on so on the top of the list of things we never use the tripod now I know you guys are probably using a tripod right now but for the way we camp and all the states that we've been to and all the travels that we have done we have never not once used the tripod for stabilization why because in our rig we've been traveling with a fifth wheel 43 feet long it's too long to stabilize quickly and because it's not quick we don't ever do it I would have to have a tripod in the front stabilization in the back X chalks on the tires and even then the truth be told delivery truth be told I'm six foot two and anytime I go to the back of the rig Pam jumps about an inch in the front it's just the way things go so you know what everybody Camp's different everyone camps unique but for us the ease the quickness the ability to get it stabilized right when we get to Camp it's just not there so you know what this is going in the garbage back to things we always use leveling systems you definitely have to have some form we love the water scale or Lee calls it the box beam level it's a little complicated for me so I stick with water scale but there are so many different kinds there's a level made pro and other systems like it there's apps on your phone whatever it is you gotta have your rig as level as you can before you use the auto level if you have it so definitely one item you will use so let's get back to Lee with things we don't use thanks Pam continuing on with our list of things that we never use right there at the top next to tripod are these power stations the power stations are fantastic in theory they come with everything you've got your battery chargers you have your portable air compressors you have little LED lights that you can turn on and off you have AC ports USB ports and everything pulled into one nice little package that's durable and lasts long and you said you know what I need this we have been to 48 states over three years full-time use and have never used it one time we love it we love the idea of it and we actually think that you still need something like this but just know we haven't used it at all are we going to continue to carry it I don't know um probably just for insurance and emergency purposes because we're very big on that make sure you're always prepared always be prepared this is one of those instances we never use it but what I will not want to have it probably not another thing we always use are carpets indoor and outdoor carpets first of all yes you may be camping but you still want to have that cozy feeling inside your home so the carpets are great for keeping dirt outside and also you know in an RV if it's a little bit cooler the floors get cold so it definitely helps with that as well for the outdoor carpets definitely cozy feeling homey feeling and it also keeps the dirt from even coming inside so definitely recommend you need carpets all right the next thing we want to talk about is actually a little bit controversial and that's exactly why we're putting it on this video in fact some of the things we're going to be talking about are going to be controversial and we want to be able to have a good conversation with you guys on that and the next one that we have and one I know that all of you love the entire RV industry loves is RV snap pads we've never used them we have two RVs we've traveled three years full-time Across America 48 states and not once have we used RV snap pads now we are not saying that we'll never use it we're not saying that we're not going to go get some and put them on we're saying that you just don't need it as a day one item it's absolutely it makes life easier 100 we agree with a product but we just don't have it and we want to share that with you guys for the class C for class A's we absolutely say trying to go underneath these Rigs and put blocks underneath and trying to you know figure all that out it's just it's just a hassle so that's where they solve a huge problem and actually that's one of the things that we're going to be putting on the class C very soon but you know all transparency we haven't used them foreign next on a list of things we always use is the blower you will need it all the time if you're out west we get dirt devils you have sand all over your pad you just go out there you blow it all off um if it's cutting grass you know the RV park does a great job at Landscaping but a lot of times they don't get rid of the grass that got on your path so you need it for that you need it for spider webs leaves I mean we use it for so many different things and uh yeah this is definitely one thing that we use all the time almost daily that's a hundred percent right and you know the best part about using the blower is the fact that it's a DeWalt and it comes with all these additional accessories something else that we always use is the vacuum this vacuum is a wet and dry vac so one of the things that it does best is fills the need for it you know having to carry those big ones this we use primarily just for the vehicle just for Maximus it gets filthy and this thing right here it just fills the need instead of having to go through all the car washes and trying to find the free vacuums and all that this right here absolutely if you're traveling full-time grab one of those also we're not promoting DeWalt you can get any series out there Ryobi any of them one of the things we found was if we stick to the same brand all the batteries fit each other so we're not having multiple different things multiple different chargers for the batteries and all that kind of stuff so we just picked one brand the blower was great the vacuum was great so we just stayed with it and you know what it works now we're going to talk about awning straps I know you're probably sitting outside right now nice set of chairs awnings out and strap down secure we have never done that I know a lot of people that do it you can't drive through a park without seeing someone that does it but you know what we are so petrified from all the people and places that we've seen where awnings have just been ripped right off hanging on top of the rig you name it we've seen it and we're just like no so if you have any pointers tips or tricks please put in the comments below but for us we have never used any type of awning straps to secure the awning out while we're gone or even through windy weather if it's windy awnings are coming in so another thing we want to talk about are tank sensors fresh water tank sensors black tank sensors what you're going to find out real quick is when you buy a new rig they're going to work great for a short while and then they're going to stop working they're going to get clogged up they're going to get dirty there's going to be something wrong with it on our class C we had a broken wire we had to fix and it was always showing empty kind of like the fresh tank is here it's just showing empty that's just because when the wire popped off none of the rest of it worked we didn't know that trust me for a long time we had to go on there and try to figure that out the second is the black tank we just emptied it but right here it's showing full I can't explain it I don't know why it's like that on our fifth wheel it's the exact same thing we haven't used those tank sensors in years they haven't worked so we just ignore it you know your rig you know how long you can go with and without it and you just kind of you know do the balance so things we don't use next on the list are lights absolutely you need all types of Lights from just a regular flashlight to a headlamp to these blinking lights for the kids you know for safety reasons these are amazing yes when you go walking at night at a campground because remember these are not for the kids to see Vehicles these are for the vehicles to see the kids exactly and to have these be able to be rechargeable or little batteries in there or reusable not rechargeable but reusable yeah to have them like that to Blink to have a light on the end of it to hang around the neck yep fantastic exactly and you know what another big point is there's an LED light out there specifically for you yeah from emergency situations yeah to safety to just going out and trying to find out why something on your rig is broken at night because half the day is at night well I'm backing in if you get somewhere late you have the headlamp to help guide I mean it's so many different reasons we actually started to come to find doubt that we love these yeah you just go to Walmart buy you a couple of them solar lights put it around your rig especially your door yeah yeah shine all over the place it keeps the critters away it keeps the mood exactly where you want it to be I mean when you drive up at night the rigs lit up yeah you know what there's an LED light out there for you guys yeah definitely recommend it all right next on our list we're getting a little bit dirty it's right here poop hose wrenches I'm gonna tell you right now this is one of those things where you will absolutely need when you need it when it's cold when the poop hoses are Frozen together when it just gets a mess and you just can't get it disconnected these right here are invaluable with that said we've only used it one time in three years and the reason for that is we Chase 70 degrees if we are found anywhere near where it snows Pamela is already telling me we're heading south so you know what we definitely recommend having them we just never use them the next thing we want to talk about are things we always use is going to be TPMS in fact we won't travel now without having a TPMS and just to let you know we did travel for a while when we first started without having one and that's because we had one that didn't work and so we just kind of gave up on it but since then we got a new one we put it in and very shortly tires started having problems just as you guys have seen on some of our previous episodes tires are always a problem we have two RVs we have 18 tires between them and the 350 we have Tire issues one in five trips so you know what TPMS is definitely something you guys are going to need [Music] don't use apparently the gray and the Negative Nancy and all the bad vibes we had to bring some positive light into it yes but I'm gonna tell you she's definitely not gonna like our next topic and that is zero level chairs yes sadly I do agree with him on him you know what the camping image the just the feeling of going camping sitting out relaxing set up you've got your rig you've got your great location your favorite spot you got your drink in hand yeah you just want to sit down on a zero zero level chair kick up the feet and relax the reality and we're going to tell you from personal experience we carried one around for about a year before we got so mad and threw it away yeah it's just one of those things where we just never found a way to use it well the thing is do you sit on it and you basically just need to sleep in it or lay down on it and it's hard to sit in it because the back is so high so we are very social people so every time I know that every time we're at a campground and somebody walks by and wants to talk you don't want to be laying down talking so you gotta pop back up and you'll go down and you have dogs and you have kids and bugs yes and you're always emotion guys I want to be honest with you zero level chairs are great for the pool they're great for the home yeah but when you're traveling around America trying to carry one around pop it up all the time it's just cumbersome and really when you finally get to your location when you finally get set up you really just don't have the energy anymore to kind of do all that yeah so take that in mind I know there's probably a bunch of you right now that are on zero level chairs watching this video going what about me yeah we agree everyone camps different yeah but for us we don't need it we've never used it yeah all right the next item we definitely use every day is our black stone griddle we absolutely love that thing and if you think about it if you're going camping why do you want to be inside the kitchen when you can be outside and it also is always a problem with the space you have with your stove if you're already an rver you know that already if you're planning on being rver I'm sure you've toured a bunch of them already and you thought you know what this is really cute however yeah we need a little bit more so definitely think about the The Griddle type Grill it's also nice to have a charcoal but you can't make eggs on a charcoal and bacon is a little bit harder too so The Griddle is definitely the way to go all right this one I had to take over from Lee of things that we don't do or don't use and that's baking s'mores I know I'm a mom I hate to say this but yeah we did it maybe the first month or two but now that we've been into rving for three years barely ever oh kids don't even want it anymore first and started well Mom I don't really want to have the cracker and the chocolate anymore I just want to do the marshmallow I just want to roast it now we're to the point where they just grab the uncooked marshmallows out of the bag and eat them like that so yes that is definitely something we don't do all right another controversial topic and something I know that everyone in the RV industry absolutely loves and absolutely uses all the time yeah but something that we never use yep solar and generators exactly I know I can hear everyone's screaming at us right now they're like what are you talking about yeah we use our solar all the time we use our generator daily yeah we agree that if you camp that way yeah you will absolutely use it guys if you don't get solar packages installed and generators installed from the beginning yeah it's such a huge investment and is exactly why we don't have it on our fifth wheel is because after we bought it we didn't have the generator we didn't have a solar the the cost of doing it was just too much yeah so we've been to 48 states over three years and have never used it once that being said when we bought the class C it came with solar and Generator yeah and it has completely changed the way we camp we traveled 48 states with a fifth wheel we became uh accustomed to doing it one way we finally start traveling with a Class C and it completely changes the way we camp and now we've actually use the generator yeah and we've used the solar that's true we've used it and it's just amazing just to have it as a backup it's nice to know that if you you know get stopped some have a generator you can turn on the AC so it's just a nice thing to have but we have never used it on our fifth wheel on a fifth wheel we never used it and it's because we didn't get it from the beginning yeah yeah with the class C we've used it at a couple truck stops already there's nothing better than pulling in starting up the generator running the ACs so again the way you camp will determine whether you're going to use the solar and the generators or not yeah next is thermal Cubs there are so many different kinds it doesn't matter what you use we like to use Yeti the only thing I would say is that you get something with a lid that closes so the reason why we specifically like Yeti is because you can actually take the lid cap off it's a magnetic magnetic system so you can take them off put them back on close them wash them really good you can take the Rubber seal off and wash it really good especially if you don't have a dishwasher and they're just so versatile you know how it is you're camping it's beautiful at night but there's bugs always bugs so you want to be able to close the lid so you don't have any kind of surprise at the end I mean I guess a little protein is not so bad but we prefer to have clean water so yeah this is definitely one we use all the time yes the gray is here for a reason we have another controversial topic camping memberships we don't use them and we we need to talk about this for a minute yes one of the first camping memberships that we ever got was Thousand Trails and it came with the rig when we purchased it yeah one year it came with this rig when we purchased this one too yeah so for we've had a Thousand Trails twice already Yes for two different years and we've never used it yeah now I know there's probably half our viewers that have Thousand Trails memberships and you guys love it yes but we found it so hard to use yeah I don't know if we don't use them enough or we're not using them right or we just don't know how to use them yeah but we don't from trying to make the reservation to finding the right times or finding the right Campground in the network that was in our route and in the region yes and the region point I mean and there are so many details you have to I mean so many types of memberships and of course they give you the lowest one with uh with the RV when you purchase it so it never worked out that we could use it you know what there are so many more RV memberships that are out there I don't know what you guys use or don't use definitely put in the comments below we're just sharing some of the truth with you guys want to be transparent yeah but RV memberships we just don't use them no all right we're here at the end and the one thing that we use every single day yeah it's your phones yes guys your phone is the center of everything for most rigs coming out 2024 and Beyond they're all going to be centered around the apps that you use on your phone from running your slides to running your awnings to running your water heaters everything from your reservations that you use the planning that you use weather apps weather apps wind apps everything comes right to your phone hot spots hot spots you know if you need to watch a little Netflix or something you never know these right here are the singer of your entire world as you go full-time Across America I tell you what second to none your phone's Center of everything yes you know what we had a great time we hope you did too all the things that we always use and that we never use we hope it gives you guys some good Insight yeah and you know what we'll see you next time maybe that's why everyone's left I don't even know what else Blackstone okay all right one of the items we definitely use all the time all right no can you start I already did it's on nuke yes you could cook it on here but do you really want it inside your home when your space is so small it's just going to stink up the whole place all the fire alarms go off it's just not fun I'm just letting you know headlights flashlights these uh I don't even know what do you call these amazing blinking lights
Views: 70,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, RV Living, RV Tour, RVing, RV, Travel Trailer, 5th Wheel, Jayco, Jayco RV, Motorhome, 377RLBH, Midbunk, adventure, How to RV, RV America, Travel Vlog, RV Newbies, RVing with Kids, RV Homeschool, NorthPoint, top 10, top 10 things we always use, Top 10 things we never use, RV Fail, RV top 10, RV top 10 things we always use, RV top 10 things we never use, snap pads, rv tripod, rv essentials, rv newbie, day 1 rv items, must have rv accessories, must have rv items, camping
Id: -KEOYy2RBrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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